[show] Contents |
The table below gives the following information (where applicable):
There are over 1000 known compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach, which are listed here in the order of their numbers in the most recent BWV catalogue, including the spurious works in the BWV Anhang ("Appendix").
BWV | BC | Title | Forces | Key | Date | Genre | Notes |
— | Vocal Works |
1–224 | — | Cantatas |
1 | A173 | Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern | 3vv ch orch | F major | 1725 | Vocal | |
2 | A | 98Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein | 3vv ch orch | G minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
3 | A | 33Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid | 4vv ch orch | A major | 1725 | Vocal | |
4 | A | 54Christ lag in Todesbanden | 4vv ch orch | E minor | 1707–08?, rev. 1724–25 | Vocal | |
5 | A145 | Wo soll ich fliehen hin | 4vv ch orch | G minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
6 | A | 57Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden | 4vv ch orch | C minor | 1725 | Vocal | movt.III adapted in BWV 649 |
7 | A177 | Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam | 3vv ch orch | E minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
8 | A137 | Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben? | 4vv ch orch | E major | 1724, rev. 1744–47 | Vocal | |
9 | A107 | Es ist das Heil uns kommen her | 4vv ch orch | E major | 1732–35 | Vocal | |
10 | A175 | Meine Seel erhebt den Herren | 4vv ch orch | G minor | 1724 | Vocal | movt.V adapted in BWV 648 |
11 | D | 9Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen (Himmelfahrts-Oratorium) | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1735 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 233 |
12 | A | 68Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen | 3vv ch orch | F major | 1714 | Vocal | |
13 | A | 34Meine Seufzer, meine Tränen | 4vv ch orch | D minor | 1726 | Vocal | |
14 | A | 40Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1735 | Vocal | |
15 | V | 1Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Hölle lassen | 4vv ch orch | C major | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Ludwig Bach |
16 | A | 23Herr Gott, dich loben wir | 3vv ch orch | A minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
17 | A131 | Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich | 4vv ch orch | A major | 1726 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 236 |
18 | A | 44Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fällt | 3vv ch orch | G minor | 1713–14, rev. 1724 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 233 |
19 | A180 | Es erhub sich ein Streit | 3vv ch orch | C major | 1726 | Vocal | |
20 | A | 95O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort | 3vv ch orch | F major | 1724 | Vocal | |
21 | A | 99Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis | 3vv ch orch | C minor | 1714 | Vocal | |
22 | A | 48Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe | 3vv ch orch | G minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
23 | A | 47Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn | 3vv ch orch | C minor | 1723, rev. 1724 | Vocal | |
24 | A102 | Ein ungefärbt Gemüte | 4vv ch orch | F major | 1723 | Vocal | |
25 | A129 | Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe | 3vv ch orch | E minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
26 | A162 | Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig | 4vv ch orch | A minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
27 | A138 | Wer weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ende | 4vv ch orch | C minor | 1726 | Vocal | |
28 | A | 20Gottlob! nun geht das Jahr zu Ende | 4vv ch orch | A minor | 1725 | Vocal | theme used in BWV 231 |
29 | B | 8Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1731 | Vocal | Sinfonia (No. 1) based on the Prelude (No. 1) of the Violin Partita No. 3 BWV 1006. |
30 | A178 | Freue dich, erlöste Schar | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1738 | Vocal | |
30a | G31 | Angenehmes Wiederau | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1737 | Vocal | dramma per musica |
31 | A | 55Der Himmel lacht! die Erde jubiliert | 3vv ch orch | C major | 1715, rev. 1724 | Vocal | |
32 | A | 31Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen | 2vv ch orch | E minor | 1726 | Vocal | |
33 | A127 | Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ | 3vv ch orch | A minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
34 | A | 84O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1746–47 | Vocal | adapted from BWV 34a |
34a | B13 | O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe | 4vv ch (orch?) | D major | 1726 | Vocal | partly lost; rev. as BWV 34 |
35 | A125 | Geist und Seele wird verwirret | v orch | D minor | 1726 | Vocal | partly based on a lost oboe concerto (see BWV 1059R) |
36 | A | 3Schwingt freudig euch empor | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1725–30?, rev. 1731 | Vocal | based on BWV 36c |
36a | G12 | Steigt freudig in die Luft | 1726 | Vocal | based on BWV.36c; lost | ||
36b | G38 | Die Freude reget sich | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1735 | Vocal | incomplete |
36c | G35 | Schwingt freudig euch empor | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1725 | Vocal | rev. as BWV.36 |
37 | A | 75Wer da glaubet und getauft wird | 4vv ch orch | A major | 1724 | Vocal | incomplete |
38 | A152 | Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir | 4vv ch orch | E minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
39 | A | 96Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot | 3vv ch orch | G minor | 1726 | Vocal | |
40 | A | 12Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes | 3vv ch orch | F major | 1723 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 233 |
41 | A | 22Jesu, nun sei gepreiset | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1724 | Vocal | |
42 | A | 63Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1725 | Vocal | |
43 | A | 77Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1726 | Vocal | |
44 | A | 78Sie werden euch in den Bann tun | 4vv ch orch | G minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
45 | A113 | Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist | 4vv ch orch | E major | 1726 | Vocal | |
46 | A117 | Schauet doch und sehet | 3vv ch orch | D minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
47 | A141 | Wer sich selbst erhöhet | 2vv ch orch | G minor | 1726 | Vocal | |
48 | A144 | Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erlösen | 2vv ch orch | G minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
49 | A150 | Ich geh' und suche mit Verlangen | 2vv orch | E major | 1726 | Vocal | sinfonia based on a lost oboe concerto (see BWV 1053R) |
50 | A194 | Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft | 2ch orch | D major | 1723 | Vocal | incomplete |
51 | A134 | Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen | v tpt str bc | C major | 1730 | Vocal | |
52 | A160 | Falsche Welt, dir trau ich nicht | v ch orch | F major | 1726 | Vocal | |
53 | V | 2Schlage doch, gewünschte Stunde | v perc org str | E major | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Melchior Hoffmann |
54 | A | 51Widerstehe doch der Sünde | v str bc | E♭ major | 1714 | Vocal | partly rev. in BWV 247 |
55 | A157 | Ich armer Mensch, ich Sündenknecht | v ch orch | G minor | 1726 | Vocal | |
56 | A146 | Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen | v ch orch | G minor | 1726 | Vocal | |
57 | A | 14Selig ist der Mann | 2vv ch orch | G minor | 1726 | Vocal | |
58 | A | 26Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid | 2vv orch | C major | 1727, rev. 1733–34? | Vocal | |
59 | A | 82Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten | 2vv ch orch | C major | 1724 | Vocal | re-used in BWV 74 |
60 | A161 | O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort (Dialogue zwischen Furcht und Hoffnung) | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1723 | Vocal | |
61 | A | 1Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland | 3vv ch orch | A minor | 1714 | Vocal | |
62 | A | 2Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland | 4vv ch orch | B minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
63 | A | 8Christen, ätzet diesen Tag | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1714–15, rev. 1729? | Vocal | |
64 | A | 15Sehet, welch eine Liebe | 3vv ch orch | E minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
65 | A | 27Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen | 2vv ch orch | C major | 1724 | Vocal | |
66 | A | 56Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1724 | Vocal | based on BWV 66a |
66a | G | 04Der Himmel dacht auf Anhalts Ruhm und Glück | 2vv ch orch | 1718 | Vocal | lost; rev. as BWV 66 | |
67 | A | 62Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ | 3vv ch orch | A major | 1724 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 234 |
68 | A | 86Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt | 2vv ch orch | D minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
69 | B10 | Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1742–48 | Vocal | based on BWV 69a |
69a | A123 | Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1723 | Vocal | rev. as BWV 69 |
70 | A165 | Wachet, betet, seid bereit allezeit! | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1723 | Vocal | based on BWV 70a |
70a | A | 4Wachet, betet, seid bereit allezeit! | C major | 1716 | Vocal | text not lost, but music survives in a few individual parts; rev. as BWV 70 | |
71 | B | 1Gott ist mein König | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1708 | Vocal | |
72 | A | 37Alles nur nach Gottes Willen | 3vv ch orch | A minor | 1726 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 235 |
73 | A | 35Herr, wie du willt, so schick's mit mir | 3vv ch orch | G minor | 1724, rev. 1730–39? | Vocal | |
74 | A | 83Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1725 | Vocal | partly based on BWV 59 |
75 | A | 94Die Elenden sollen essen | 4vv ch orch | E minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
76/1 | A | 97Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1723 | Vocal | 1st version |
76/2 | A185 | Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1723 | Vocal | 2nd version; partly re-used in BWV 528 |
77 | A126 | Du sollt Gott, deinen Herren, lieben | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1723 | Vocal | |
78 | A130 | Jesu, der du meine Seele | 4vv ch orch | G minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
79 | A184 | Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1725 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 234, BWV 236 |
80 | A183 | Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1727–31, rev. 1744–47? | Vocal | based on BWV 80a, 80b; 1st version |
80a | A | 52Alles, was von Gott geboren | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1716 | Vocal | lost; rev. in BWV 80 |
80b | A183 | Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott | 1715 | Vocal | fragment only; rev. in BWV 80 | ||
81 | A | 39Jesus schläft, was soll ich hoffen? | 3vv ch orch | E minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
82 | A169 | Ich habe genug | v ob str bc | C minor | 1727 | Vocal | |
83 | A167 | Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde | 3vv ch orch | F major | 1724 | Vocal | |
84 | A | 43Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke | v ch orch | E minor | 1727 | Vocal | |
85 | A | 66Ich bin ein guter Hirt | 4vv ch orch | C minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
86 | A | 73Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch | 4vv ch orch | E major | 1724 | Vocal | |
87 | A | 74Bisher habt ihr nichts gebeten in meinem Namen | 3vv ch orch | D minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
88 | A105 | Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1726 | Vocal | |
89 | A155 | Was soll ich aus dir machen, Ephraim | 3vv ch orch | C minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
90 | A163 | Es reißet euch ein schrecklich Ende | 3vv ch orch | D minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
91 | A | 9Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ | 4vv ch orch | G major | 1724 | Vocal | |
92 | A | 42Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn | 4vv ch orch | B minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
93 | A104 | Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten | 4vv ch 2ob str bc | C minor | 1725 | Vocal | movt.IV adapted in BWV 647 |
94 | A115 | Was frag ich nach der Welt | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1724 | Vocal | |
95 | A136 | Christus, der ist mein Leben | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1723 | Vocal | |
96 | A142 | Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn | 4vv ch orch | F major | 1724 | Vocal | |
97 | A189 | In allen meinen Taten | 4vv ch orch | B♭ major | 1734 | Vocal | |
98 | A153 | Was Gott tut, das ist Wohlgethan | 4vv ch orch | B♭ major | 1726 | Vocal | |
99 | A133 | Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan | 4vv ch orch | G major | 1724 | Vocal | |
100 | A191 | Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan | 4vv ch orch | G major | 1732–35 | Vocal | |
101 | A118 | Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott | 4vv ch orch | D minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
102 | A119 | Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben | 3vv ch orch | G minor | 1726 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 233, BWV 235 |
103 | A | 69Ihr werdet weinen und heulen | 2vv ch orch | B minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
104 | A | 65Du Hirte Israel, höre | 2vv ch orch | G major | 1724 | Vocal | |
105 | A114 | Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht mit deinem Knecht | 4vv ch orch | G minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
106 | B18 | Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (Actus Tragicus) | 2vv ch orch | E♭ major | 1707–08? | Vocal | |
107 | A109 | Was willst du dich betrüben | 3vv ch orch | B minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
108 | A | 72Es ist euch gut, daß ich hingehe | 3vv ch orch | A major | 1725 | Vocal | |
109 | A151 | Ich glaube, lieber Herr | 2vv ch orch | D minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
110 | A | 10Unser Mund sei voll Lachens | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1725 | Vocal | |
111 | A | 36Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit | 4vv ch orch | A major | 1725 | Vocal | |
112 | A | 67Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt | 4vv ch orch | G major | 1731 | Vocal | |
113 | A122 | Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut | 4vv ch orch | B minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
114 | A139 | Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost | 4vv ch orch | G minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
115 | A156 | Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit | 4vv ch orch | G major | 1724 | Vocal | |
116 | A164 | Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu Christ | 4vv ch orch | A major | 1724 | Vocal | |
117 | A187 | Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1728–31? | Vocal | |
118 | B23 | O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht | ch orch | B♭ major | 1736–37, rev. 1746–47? | Vocal | |
119 | B | 3Preise, Jerusalem, den Herren | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1730 | Vocal | |
120 | B | 6Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille | 4vv ch orch | A major | 1728–29? | Vocal | re-used in BWV 120a, 120b |
120a | B15 | Herr Gott, Beherrscher aller Dinge | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1729? | Vocal | based on BWV 120; partly lost |
120b | B28 | Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille | 1730 | Vocal | lost | ||
121 | A | 13Christum wir sollen loben schon | 4vv ch orch | E minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
122 | A | 19Das neugeborne Kindelein | 4vv ch orch | G minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
123 | A | 28Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen | 3vv ch orch | B minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
124 | A | 30Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht | 4vv ch orch | E major | 1725 | Vocal | |
125 | A168 | Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin | 3vv ch orch | E minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
126 | A | 46Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort | 3vv ch orch | A minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
127 | A | 49Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott | 3vv ch orch | F major | 1725 | Vocal | |
128 | A | 76Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1725 | Vocal | |
129 | A | 93Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1726 | Vocal | |
130 | A179 | Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1724 | Vocal | |
131 | B25 | Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir | 4vv ch orch | G minor | 1707–08 | Vocal | |
131a | J62 | Fugue | org | G minor | — | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; arr. from the finale of BWV 131 |
132 | A | 6Bereitet die Wege, bereitet die Bahn | 4vv ch orch | A major | 1715 | Vocal | |
133 | A | 16Ich freue mich in dir | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1724 | Vocal | |
134 | A | 59Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß | 2vv ch orch | B♭ major | 1724 | Vocal | based on BWV 134a |
134a | G | 5Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht | 2vv ch orch | B♭ major | 1718 | Vocal | rev. as BWV 134 |
135 | A100 | Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder | 3vv ch orch | E minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
136 | A111 | Erforsche mich, Gott, und erfahre mein Herz | 3vv ch orch | A major | 1723 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 234 |
137 | A124 | Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1725 | Vocal | movt.II adapted in BWV 650 |
138 | A132 | Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz | 4vv ch orch | B minor | 1723 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 236 |
139 | A159 | Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott | 4vv ch orch | E major | 1724 | Vocal | |
140 | A166 | Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme | 3vv ch orch | E♭ major | 1731 | Vocal | movt.IV adapted in BWV 645 |
141 | V | 3Das ist je gewisslich wahr | 3vv ch orch | G major | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann |
142 | V | 4Uns ist ein Kind geboren | 3vv ch orch | A minor | — | Vocal | spurious; probably compoed by Johann Kuhnau |
143 | T | 1Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele | 3vv ch orch | B♭ major | 1708–14 | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain |
144 | A | 41Nimm, was dein ist, und gehe hin | 3vv ch orch | B minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
145 | A | 60Ich lebe, mein Herze, zu deinem Ergötzen | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1729 | Vocal | |
146 | A | 70Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal in das Reich Gottes eingehen | 4vv ch orch | D minor | 1726 | Vocal | partly based on a lost violin concerto (see BWV 1052R) |
147 | A174 | Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1723 | Vocal | based on BWV 147a |
147a | A | 7Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben | 1716 | Vocal | rext is not lost, but only the first four sheets of the musical score survives; rev. as BWV 147 | ||
148 | A140 | Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens | 2vv ch orch | D major | 1723 | Vocal | |
149 | A181 | Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1729 | Vocal | |
150 | B24 | Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich | 4vv ch orch | B minor | 1706 | Vocal | |
151 | A | 17Süsser Trost, mein Jesus kömmt | 4vv ch orch | G major | 1726, rev. 1727? | Vocal | |
152 | A | 18Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn | 2vv orch | 1714 | Vocal | ||
153 | A | 25Schau, lieber Gott, wie meine Feind | 3vv ch orch | A minor | 1723 | Vocal | |
154 | A | 29Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren | 3vv ch orch | B minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
155 | A | 32Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange | 4vv ch orch | D minor | 1716 | Vocal | |
156 | A | 38Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe | 3vv ch orch | F major | 1729 | Vocal | sinfonia based on BWV 1056 |
157 | A170 | Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn! | 2vv ch orch | B minor | 1728 | Vocal | based on BWV 157a |
157a | B20 | Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn! | 2vv ch orch | B minor | 1727 | Vocal | rev. as BWV 157 |
158 | A | 61Der Friede sei mit dir | v ch ob vn bc | D major | 1732–35 | Vocal | based on BWV 158a |
158a | A | 61Der Friede sei mit dir | v ch ob vn bc | D major | 1732–35 | Vocal | incomplete; rev. as BWV 158 |
159 | A | 50Sehet, wir geh'n hinauf gen Jerusalem | 3vv ch orch | C minor | 1729 | Vocal | |
160 | V | 5Ich weiss, dass mein Erlöser lebt | v bn vn bc | C major | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (TWV 1:877) |
161 | A135 | Komm, du süsse Todesstunde | 2vv ch orch | C major | 1715 | Vocal | |
162 | A | 90Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe | 4vv ch orch | A minor | 1716 | Vocal | incomplete |
163 | A158 | Nur jedem das Seine | 4vv ch orch | B minor | 1715 | Vocal | |
164 | A128 | Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet | 4vv ch orch | G minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
165 | A | 90O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad | 4vv ch orch | G major | 1715 | Vocal | |
166 | A | 71Wo gehest du hin | 3vv ch orch | B♭ major | 1724 | Vocal | incomplete |
167 | A176 | Ihr Menschen, rühmet Gottes Liebe | 4vv ch orch | G major | 1723 | Vocal | |
168 | A116 | Tue Rechnung! Donnerwort | 4vv ch orch | B minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
169 | A143 | Gott soll allein mein Herze haben | v ch orch | D major | 1726 | Vocal | partly based on a lost oboe concerto (see BWV 1053R) |
170 | A106 | Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust | v orch | D major | 1726 | Vocal | |
171 | A | 24Gott, wie dein Name, so ist auch dein Ruhm | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1728? | Vocal | |
172/1 | A | 81aErschallet, ihr Lieder | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1714 | Vocal | 1st version |
172/2 | A | 81bErschallet, ihr Lieder | 4vv ch orch | C major | 1731 | Vocal | 2nd version |
173 | A | 85Erhöhtes Fleisch und Blut | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1724 | Vocal | based on BWV 173a |
173a | G | 9Durchlauchtster Leopold | 2vv orch | D major | 1717–22? | Vocal | rev. as BWV 173 |
174 | A | 87Ich liebe den Höchsten von ganzem Gemüte | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1729 | Vocal | Sinfonia (No. 1) based on the 1st movt. of the Brandenburg Concerto No.3 BWV 1048. |
175 | A | 89Er rufet seinen Schafen mit Namen | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1725 | Vocal | |
176 | A | 92Es ist ein trotzig und verzagt Ding | 3vv ch orch | C minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
177 | A103 | Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ | 3vv ch orch | G minor | 1732 | Vocal | |
178 | A112 | Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält | 3vv ch orch | A minor | 1724 | Vocal | |
179 | A121 | Siehe zu, dass deine Gottesfurcht | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1723 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 234, BWV 236 |
180 | A149 | Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele | 4vv ch orch | F major | 1724 | Vocal | |
181/1 | A | 45Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister | 4vv ch orch | E minor | 1724, rev. 1743–46 | Vocal | |
182/1 | A | 53Himmelskönig, sei willkommen | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1714 | Vocal | 1st version |
182/2 | A172 | Himmelskönig, sei willkommen | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1728 | Vocal | 2nd version |
183 | A | 79Sie werden euch in den Bann tun | 4vv ch orch | A minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
184 | A | 88Erwünschtes Freudenlicht | 3vv ch orch | G major | 1724 | Vocal | based on BWV 184a |
184a | G | 8Cantata | G major | 1720 | Vocal | lost; possibly the same as BWV Anh.8; rev. as BWV 184 | |
185 | A101 | Barmherziges Herze der ewigen Liebe | 4vv ch orch | F♯ minor | 1715 | Vocal | |
186 | A108 | Ärgre dich, o Seele, nicht | 4vv ch orch | G minor | 1723 | Vocal | based on BWV 186a |
186a | A108 | Ärgre dich, o Seele, nicht | 1716 | Vocal | text not lost, but music survives in a few individual parts; rev. as BWV 186 | ||
187 | A110 | Es wartet alles auf dich | 3vv ch orch | G minor | 1726 | Vocal | parts re-used in BWV 235 |
188 | A154 | Ich habe meine Zuversicht | 4vv ch orch | D minor | 1728 | Vocal | sinfonia based on a lost violin concerto (see BWV 1052R) |
189 | V | 6Meine Seele rühmt und preist | v orch | B♭ major | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Melchior Hoffmann |
190 | A | 21Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1723 | Vocal | partly lost; rev. as BWV 190a |
190a | B27 | Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied | D major | 1730 | Vocal | lost | |
191 | E16 | Gloria in excelsis Deo | 2vv ch orch | D major | 1741–45 | Vocal | based on BWV 232/1 |
192 | A188 | Nun danket alle Gott | 2vv ch orch | G major | 1730 | Vocal | partly lost |
193 | B | 5Ihr Tore zu Zion | 2vv ch orch | D major | 1727 | Vocal | incomplete |
193a | G15 | Ihr Häuser des Himmels, ihr scheinenden Lichter | 1727 | Vocal | lost | ||
194 | A | 91Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest | 3vv ch orch | B♭ major | 1723 | Vocal | based on BWV 194a |
194a | G11 | Cantata [for the consecration of the organ at Störmthal] | 1723 | Vocal | lost; rev. as BWV 194 | ||
195 | B14 | Dem Gerechten muss das Licht | D major | 1727–31, rev. 1742, 1748–49 | Vocal | partly lost | |
196 | B11 | Der Herr denket an uns | 3vv ch orch | C major | 1707–08 | Vocal | |
197 | B16 | Gott ist unsre Zuversicht | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1736–37 | Vocal | partly based on BWV 197a |
197a | A | 11Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe | 2vv ch orch | D major | 1728 | Vocal | re-used in BWV 197; partly lost |
198 | G34 | Lass, Fürstin, lass noch einen Strahl (Trauer-Ode) | 4vv ch orch | B minor | 1727 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 244a, BWV 247 |
199 | A120 | Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut | v orch | C minor | 1714 | Vocal | |
200 | A192 | Bekennen will ich seinen Namen | v 2vn bc | E major | 1742–43 | Vocal | incomplete (aria only) |
201 | G46 | Geschwinde, ihr wirbelnden Winde (Der Streit zwischen Phoebus und Pan) | 6vv ch orch | D major | 1729? | Vocal | |
202 | G41 | Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten | v ob str bc | G major | 1730? | Vocal | |
203 | G51 | Amore traditore | v hpd | A minor | 1723? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain |
204 | G45 | Ich bin in mir vergnügt | v orch | B♭ major | 1726–27 | Vocal | |
205 | G36 | Zerreißet, zersprenget, zertrümmert die Gruft (Der zufriedengestellte Aeolus) | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1725 | Vocal | dramma per musica, for the birthday of Professor Augustus Friedrich Müller; parts re-used in BWV 205a |
205a | G20 | Blast Lärmen, ihr Feinde! verstärket die Macht | D major | 1731 | Vocal | incomplete | |
206/1 | G23 | Schleicht, spielende Wellen | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1736 | Vocal | 1st version |
206/2 | G26 | Schleicht, spielende Wellen | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1740 | Vocal | 2nd version |
207 | G37 | Vereinigte Zwietracht der wechselnden Saiten | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1726 | Vocal | |
207a | G22 | Auf, schmetternde Töne der muntern Trompeten | 4vv ch orch | D major | 1735 | Vocal | |
208/1 | G | 1Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd (Jagdkantate) | 4vv orch | F major | 1713 | Vocal | 1st version of BWV 208/2; partly re-used in BWV 208a, BWV Anh.193 |
208/2 | G | 3Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd (Jagdkantate) | 4vv orch | F major | 1716? | Vocal | 2nd version of BWV 208/1 |
208a | G26 | Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd (Frolockender Goetterstreit) | F major | 1740? | Vocal | cantata for the nameday of King August III; based on BWV 208; lost | |
209 | G50 | Non sa che sia dolore | v fl str bc | B minor | 1729? | Vocal | |
210 | G44 | O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit | v orch | A major | 1738–41? | Vocal | re-used in BWV 210? |
210a | G29 | O angenehme Melodei | A major | 1740 | Vocal | incomplete; based on BWV 210? | |
211 | G48 | Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht ("Kaffee-Kantate" / "Coffee Cantata") | 3vv orch | G major | 1732–34 | Vocal | |
212 | G32 | Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet ("Bauernkantate" / "Peasant Cantata") | 2vv orch | A major | 1742 | Vocal | |
213 | G18 | Laßt uns sorgen, laßt uns wachen ("Hercules auf dem Scheidewege") | 5vv ch orch | F major | 1733 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 248/1–5 |
214 | G19 | Tönet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten! | 4vv orch | D major | 1733 | Vocal | |
215 | G21 | Preise dein Glücke, gesegnetes Sachsen | 3vv ch orch | D major | 1734 | Vocal | partly re-used in BWV 248/1–5 |
216 | G43 | Vergnügte Pleissenstadt (Apollo et Mercurius) | 2vv (orch?) | C major | 1728 | Vocal | incomplete |
216a | G47 | Erwählte Pleissenstadt (Apollo et Mercurius) | 1728 | Vocal | lost | ||
217 | V | 7Gedenke, Herr, wie es uns gehet | 4vv ch orch | D minor | — | Vocal | spurious; probably composed by Johann Christoph Altnikol |
218 | V | 8Gott der Hoffnung erfülle euch | 4vv ch orch | D major | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (TWV 1:634) |
219 | V | 9Siehe, es hat überwunden | 3vv ch orch | D major | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (TWV 1:1328) |
220 | V10 | Lobt ihn mit Herz und Munde | 3vv ch orch | B minor | — | Vocal | spurious; composer unidentified |
221 | V11 | Wer sucht die Pracht, wer wünscht den Glanz | 2vv orch | B minor | — | Vocal | spurious; composer unidentified |
222 | V12 | Mein Odem ist schwach | 3vv ch org str | D major | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Ernst Bach |
223 | A186 | Meine Seele soll Gott loben | B♭ major | 1707–08? | Vocal | incomplete | |
224 | T | 2Reißt euch los, bekränkte Sinnen | D minor | 1724 | Vocal | incomplete; spurious; probably composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach | |
225–231 | — | Motets |
225 | C1 | Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied | 2ch | B♭ major | 1727 | Vocal | |
226 | C2 | Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf | 2ch orch | B♭ major | 1729 | Vocal | |
227 | C5 | Jesu, meine Freude | ch | E minor | 1723? | Vocal | |
228 | C4 | Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir | 2ch | A major | 1726 | Vocal | A major |
229 | C3 | Komm, Jesu, komm | 2ch | G minor | 1723–24? | Vocal | |
230 | C6 | Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden (Psalm 117) | ch bc | C major | ? | Vocal | |
231 | C7 | Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren | 2ch | C major | — | Vocal | based partly on BWV 28 and music by Georg Philipp Telemann; spurious; probably composed by Johann Gottlob Harrer |
232–243a | — | Masses and Magnificats |
232 | E | 1Mass | 5vv ch orch | B minor | 1747–49 | Vocal | assembled from previous compositions |
233 | E | 6Mass | 3vv ch orch | F major | 1738–39? | Vocal | based on BWV 233a, BWV 11, BWV 40, BWV 102, BWV Anh.18 |
233a | E | 7Kyrie ("Christe du Lamm Gottes") | ch bc | F major | 1708–17? | Vocal | rev. in BWV 233 |
234 | E | 3Mass | 3vv ch orch | A major | 1738–39? | Vocal | based on BWV 67, BWV 79, BWV 136, BWV 179 |
235 | E | 5Mass | 3vv ch orch | G minor | 1738–39? | Vocal | based on BWV 72, BWV 102, BWV 187 |
236 | E | 4Mass | 4vv ch orch | G major | 1738–39? | Vocal | based on BWV 17, BWV 79, BWV 138, BWV 179 |
237 | E10 | Sanctus | ch orch | C major | 1723 | Vocal | |
238 | E11 | Sanctus | ch orch | D major | 1723 | Vocal | |
239 | — | Sanctus | ch str bc | D minor | 1738–41? | Vocal | |
240 | — | Sanctus | ch orch | G major | 1742? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain |
241 | E17 | Sanctus | 2ch orch | D major | 1747–48 | Vocal | arr. of the Sanctus from the Missa superba by Johann Kasper Kerll |
242 | E | 8Christe eleison | 2vv ch orch | G minor | 1727–32 | Vocal | adapted from a Mass in C minor by Francesco Durante (see BWV Anh.26) |
243 | E14 | Magnificat | 5vv ch orch | D major | 1733 | Vocal | 2nd version of BWV 243a |
243a | E14 | Magnificat | 5vv ch orch | E♭ major | 1723 | Vocal | 1st version of BWV 243 |
244–249b | — | Passions and Oratorios |
244 | D | 3bMatthäuspassion (St. Matthew Passion) | vv 2ch 2orch | 1736–42 | Vocal | 2nd version of BWV 244b | |
244a | B22 | Klagt, Kinder, klagt es aller Welt | ? | 1729 | Vocal | see BWV 1143. Partly based on BWV 198, BWV 247, BWV 244b; lost | |
244b | D | 3aMatthäuspassion (St. Matthew Passion) | v 2ch 2orch | 1727 | Vocal | 1st version of BWV 244; text partly re-used in BWV 244a | |
245 | D | 2Johannespassion (St. John Passion) | 4vv ch orch | 1724, rev. 1725–49 | Vocal | ||
246 | D | 6Lukaspassion (St. Luke Passion) | 4vv ch orch | — | Vocal | spurious; probably composed by Johann Melchior Molter | |
247 | D | 4Markuspassion (St. Mark Passion) | 4vv ch orch | 1731 | Vocal | partly based on BWV 198, BWV 54; lost, but various modern reconstructions exist; partly rev. in BWV 248? | |
248 | D | 7Weihnachts-Oratorium (Christmas Oratorio): | 4vv ch orch | 1734 | Vocal | ||
248/1 | D | 7/1
4vv ch orch | 1734 | Vocal | partly based on BWV 213, BWV 215 | |
248/2 | D | 7/2
4vv ch orch | 1734 | Vocal | partly based on BWV 213, BWV 215 | |
248/3 | D | 7/3
4vv ch orch | 1734 | Vocal | partly based on BWV 213, BWV 215 | |
248/4 | D | 7/4
4vv ch orch | 1734 | Vocal | partly based on BWV 213, BWV 215 | |
248/5 | D | 7/5
4vv ch orch | 1734 | Vocal | partly based on BWV 213, BWV 215 | |
248/6 | D | 7/6
4vv ch orch | 1734 | Vocal | based on BWV 248a | |
248a | A190 | Cantata | ? | 1730–34? | Vocal | incomplete; rev. as BWV 248/6 | |
249/1 | D | 8aKommt, eilet und laufet | 4vv ch orch | 1725 | Vocal | cantata for Easter Sunday; based on BWV.249a; 1st version of BWV 249/2 | |
249/2 | D | 8bOster-Oratorium (Easter Oratorio) | 4vv ch orch | 1738 | Vocal | 2nd version of BWV 249/1 | |
249a | G | 2Entfliehet, verschwindet, entweichet, ihr Sorgen ("Schäferkantate" or "Shepherd Cantata") | 4vv orch | 1725 | Vocal | lost; rev. as BWV.249/1 | |
249b | G28 | Verjaget, zerstreuet, zerrütet, ihr Sterne ("Die Feier des Genius") |
? | 1726 | Vocal | lost | |
250–438 | — | Four-Part Chorales |
250 | B | 17/1Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan | ch orch | G major | 1730? | Vocal | |
251 | B | 17/2Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut | ch orch | G major | 1730? | Vocal | |
252 | B | 17/3Nun danket alle Gott | ch orch | G major | 1730? | Vocal | |
253 | F | 35.1Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
254 | F | 1.1Ach Gott, erhör mein Seufzen | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
255 | F | 2.1Ach Gott und Herr | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
256 | F212.3 | Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
257 | F212.1 | Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
258 | F212.2 | Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält | ch | B minor | ? | Vocal | |
259 | F | 5.1Ach, was soll ich Sünder machen | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
260 | F | 10.1Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
261 | F | 11.1Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ | ch | B minor | ? | Vocal | |
262 | F | 8.1Alle Menschen müssen sterben | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
263 | F | 12.1Alles ist an Gottes Segen | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
264 | F | 13.1Als der gütige Gott vollenden wollt sein Wort | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
265 | F | 14.1Als Jesus Christus in der Nacht | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
266 | F | 15.1Als vierzig Tag nach Ostern war | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
267 | F | 17.1a-cAn Wasserflüssen Babylon | ch | G/A♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
268 | F | 19.1Auf, auf, mein Herz, und du, mein ganzer Sinn | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
269 | F | 21.1Aus meines Herzens Grunde | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
270 | F | 92.1Befiehl du deine Wege (I) | ch | B minor | ? | Vocal | |
271 | F | 92.2Befiehl du deine Wege (II) | ch | B minor | ? | Vocal | |
272 | F136.2 | Befiehl du deine Wege (III) | ch | D minor | ? | Vocal | |
273 | F | 24.1Christ, der du bist der helle Tag | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
274 | F | 27.1Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
275 | F | 28.1Christe du Beistand deiner Kreuzgemeine | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
276 | F | 25.1Christ ist erstanden' | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
277 | F | 26.2Christ lag in Todes Banden (I) | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
278 | F | 26.1Christ lag in Todes Banden (II) | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
279 | A61/4 | Christ lag in Todes Banden (III) | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
280 | F | 65.1Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordankam | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
281 | F | 30.1Christus, der ist mein Leben (I) | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
282 | F | 30.2Christus, der ist mein Leben (II) | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
283 | F | 31.1Christus, der uns selig macht | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
284 | F | 32.1Christus ist erstanden, hat überwunden | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
285 | F | 34.1Da der Herr Christ zu Tischesass | ch | C minor | ? | Vocal | |
286 | F183.1 | Danket dem Herren, denn er istsehr freundlich | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
287 | F119.1 | Dank sei Gott in der Höhe | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
288 | F | 36.1Das alte Jahr vergangen ist (I) | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
289 | F | 36.2Das alte Jahr vergangen ist (II) | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
290 | F | 38.1Das walt mein Gott Vater und Gott Sohn | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
291 | F | 39.1Das walt mein Gott Vater und Gott Sohn und heilger Geist | ch | D minor | ? | Vocal | |
292 | F | 40.1Den Vater dort oben | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
293 | F | 42.1Der du bist drei in Einigkeit | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
294 | F | 43.1Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
295 | F178.1 | Des heilgen Geistes reiche Gnad | ch | D minor | ? | Vocal | |
296 | F | 44.1Die Nacht ist kommen | ch | G Mixolydian mode | ? | Vocal | |
297 | F161.1 | Die Sonn hat sich mit ihrem Glanz | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
298 | F | 46.1Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
299 | F | 47.1Dir, dir, Jehova, will ich singen | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
300 | F | 51.1Du grosser Schmerzensmann | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
301 | F | 50.1Du, o schönes Weltgebäude | ch | D minor | ? | Vocal | |
302 | F | 53.1a-bEin feste Burg ist unser Gott (I) | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
303 | F | 53.2Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (II) | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
304 | F | 54.1Eins ist Not! ach Herr, dies Eine | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
305 | F | 55.1Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
306 | F | 58.1Erstanden ist der heilge Christ | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
307 | F150.1 | Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
308 | F | 62.1Es spricht der unweisen Mundwohl | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
309 | F | 63.1Es stehn vor Gottes Throne | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
310 | F | 64.1Es wird schier der letzte Tagherkommen | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
311 | F | 66.2Es woll uns Gott genädig sein (I) | ch | B minor | ? | Vocal | |
312 | F | 66.1Es woll uns Gott genädig sein (II) | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
313 | F | 68.1Für Freuden lasst uns springen | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
314 | F | 69.1Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
315 | F | 70.1Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille (I) | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
316 | F | 71.1Gott, der du selber bist das Licht | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
317 | F | 72.1Gott, der Vater wohn uns bei | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
318 | F143.1a-b | Gottes Sohn ist kommen | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
319 | F | 74.1Gott hat das Evangeliums | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
320 | F | 75.1Gott lebet noch | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
321 | F | 77.1Gottlob, es geht nunmehr zu Ende | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
322 | F | 76.1Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
323 | F140.2 | Gott sei uns gnädig und barmherzig | ch | F♯ minor | ? | Vocal | |
324 | F140.1 | Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
325 | F | 79.1Heilig, heilig, heilig | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
326 | F105.1 | Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
327 | F105.2 | Für deinen Thron tret ich hiermit | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
328 | F | 83.1Herr Gott, dich loben wir | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
329 | F134.1 | Herr, ich denk an jene Zeit | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
330 | F | 84.2Herr, ich habe missgehandelt (I) | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
331 | F | 84.1a-bHerr, ich habe missgehandelt (II) | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
332 | F | 85.1Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu unswend | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
333 | F | 86.1Herr Jesu Christ, du hast bereit | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
334 | F202.1 | Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
335 | F170.1 | Herr Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
336 | F | 88.1Herr Jesu Christ, wahr Menschund Gott | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
337 | F | 89.1Herr, nun lass in Friede | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
338 | F | 90.1Herr, straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
339 | F | 23.1a-bHerr, wie du willst, so schicksmit mir | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
340 | F | 91.1Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
341 | F | 94.1aHeut ist, o Mensch, ein grosser Trauertag | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
342 | F | 95.1Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
343 | F | 96.1Hilf, Gott, dass mir gelinge | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
344 | F | 97.1Hilf, Herr Jesu, lass gelingen | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
345 | F | 99.1Ich bin ja, Herr, in deiner Macht | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
346 | F100.1 | Ich dank dir, Gott, für all Wohltat | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
347 | F101.2 | Ich dank dir, lieber Herre (I) | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
348 | F101.1 | Ich dank dir, lieber Herre (II) | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
349 | F | 4.1Ich dank dir schon durch deinen Sohn | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
350 | F139.1 | Ich dank dir, o Gott, in deinem Throne | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
351 | F102.1 | Ich hab mein Sach Gottheimgestellt | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
352 | F187.3 | Jesu, der du meine Seele (I) | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
353 | F187.1 | Jesu, der du meine Seele (II) | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
354 | F187.2 | Jesu, der du meine Seele (III) | ch | B♭ Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
355 | F112.1 | Jesu, der du selbsten wohl | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
356 | F113.1 | Jesu, du mein liebstes Leben | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
357 | F114.1 | Jesu, Jesu, du bist mein | ch | C Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
358 | F116.1 | Jesu, meine Freude | ch | D minor | ? | Vocal | |
359 | F206.1b | Jesu, meiner Seelen Wonne (I) | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
360 | F206.2 | Jesu, meiner Seelen Wonne (II) | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
361 | F117.1 | Jesu, meines Herzens Freud | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
362 | F118.1 | Jesu, nun sei gepreiset | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
363 | F121.1 | Jesus Christus, unser Heiland (I) | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
364 | F120.1 | Jesus Christus, unser Heiland (II) | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
365 | F123.1 | Jesus, meine Zuversicht | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
366 | F104.1 | Ihr Gestrin, ihr hohlen Lüfte | ch | D minor | ? | Vocal | |
367 | F107.1 | In allen meinen Taten | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
368 | F110.1 | In dulci jubilo | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
369 | F124.1 | Keinen hat Gott verlassen | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
370 | F125.1 | Komm, Gott Schöpfer, heiliger Geist | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
371 | F129.1 | Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
372 | F | 82.1Lass, o Herr, dein Ohr sichneigen | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
373 | F133.1 | Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
374 | F135.1 | Lobet den Herrn, denn er ist sehrfreundlich | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
375 | F127.1 | Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich (I) | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
376 | F128.1 | Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich (II) | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
377 | F137.1 | Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
378 | F138.1 | Mein augen schliess ich jetzt | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
379 | F122.1 | Meinem Jesum lass ich nicht, Jesus | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
380 | F141.1a-b | Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht | ch | E♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
381 | F142.1 | Meines Lebens letzte Zeit | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
382 | F144.1 | Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
383 | F145.1 | Mitten wir im Leben sind | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
384 | F146.1 | Nicht so traurig, nicht so sehr | ch | C minor | ? | Vocal | |
385 | F147.1 | Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
386 | F148.1 | Nun danket alle Gott | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
387 | F106.1 | Nun freut euch, Gottes Kinder all | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
388 | F149.1 | Nun freut euch, lieben Christeng mein | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
389 | F153.1 | Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (I) | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
390 | F153.2 | Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (II) | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
391 | F154.1 | Nun preiset alle Gottes Barmherzigkeit | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
392 | F166.9c | Nun ruhen alle Wälder | ch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
393 | F166.1a-b | O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben (I) | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
394 | F166.2 | O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben (II) | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
395 | F166.5c | O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben (III) | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
396 | F155.1 | Nun sich der Tag geendet hat | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
397 | F156.1 | O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
398 | F | 45.2bO Gott, du frommer Gott (II) | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
399 | F157.1 | O Gott, du frommer Gott (I) | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
400 | F160.1 | O Herzensangst, o Bangigkeit, und Zagen! | ch | E♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
401 | F162.1 | O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
402 | F | 61.1O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde gross | ch | E♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
403 | F163.1 | O Mensch, schau Jesum Christuman | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
404 | F165.1b | O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
405 | F167.1 | O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen (I) | ch | D minor | ? | Vocal | |
406 | F | 7.1O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen (II) | ch | D minor | ? | Vocal | |
407 | F168.1 | O wir armen Sünder | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
408 | F | 94.1bSchaut, ihr Sünder! | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
409 | F173.1 | Seelen-Bräutigam | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
410 | F174.1 | Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig | ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | |
411 | F175.1 | Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
412 | F177.1 | So giebst du nun, mein Jesu, gute Nacht | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
413 | F130.1 | Sollt ich meinem Gott nichtsingen | ch | D minor | ? | Vocal | |
414 | F | 35.2Uns ist ein Kindlein heut geborn | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
415 | F | 180.1Valet will ich dir geben | ch | D major | ? | Vocal | |
416 | F181.4a | Vater unser im Himmelreich | ch | D minor | ? | Vocal | |
417 | F185.1 | Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (I) | ch | B minor | ? | Vocal | |
418 | F185.2 | Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (II) | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
419 | F185.3 | Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (III) | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
420 | F189.2 | Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz (I) | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
421 | F189.1a-b | Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz (II) | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
422 | F190.1 | Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen | ch | G Mixolydian mode | ? | Vocal | |
423 | F191.1 | Was betrübst du dich, mein Herz | ch | G Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
424 | F192.1 | Was bist du doch, o Seele, sobetrübet | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
425 | F195.1 | Was willst du dich, o meine Seele | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
426 | F197.1 | Weltlich Ehr und zeitlich Gut | ch | C major | ? | Vocal | |
427 | F200.1 | Wenn ich in Angst und Not | ch | E♭ major | ? | Vocal | |
428 | F201.3 | Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist (I) | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
429 | F201.1 | Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist (II) | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
430 | F201.2 | Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist (III) | ch | A major | ? | Vocal | |
431 | F203.1 | Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein (I) | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
432 | F203.2 | Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein (II) | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
433 | F204.1 | Wer Gott vertraut, hat wohlgebaut | ch | G major | ? | Vocal | |
434 | F205.1 | Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten | ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | |
435 | F207.1 | Wie bist du, Seele, in mir so gar betrübt | ch | E minor | ? | Vocal | |
436 | F209.1 | Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern | ch | E major | ? | Vocal | |
437 | F211.1 | Wir glauben all an einen Gott | ch | D Dorian mode | ? | Vocal | |
438 | F213.1 | Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Gunst (I) | ch | F major | ? | Vocal | |
439–518 | — | Songs and Arias |
439 | F274 | Ach, daß nicht die letzte Stunde | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.831, p.564) | |
440 | F229 | Auf, auf! die rechte Zeit ist hier | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.171, p.114) | |
441 | F245 | Auf, auf! mein Herz, mit Freuden | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.320, p.215) | |
442 | F257 | Beglückter Stand getreuer Seelen | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.570, p.386) | |
443 | F265 | Beschränkt, ihr Weisen dieser Welt | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.689, p.473) | |
444 | F242 | Brich entzwei, mein armes Herze | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.303, p.203) | |
445 | F247 | Brunnquell aller Güter | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.355, p.236) | |
446 | F220 | Der lieben Sonne Licht und Pracht | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.39, p.24) | |
447 | F221 | Der Tag ist hin, die Sonne gehet nieder | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.40, p.25) | |
448 | F222 | Der Tag mit seinem Lichte | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.43, p.27) | |
449 | F249 | Dich bet ich an, mein höchster Gott | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.396, p.258) | |
450 | F235 | Die bittre Leidenszeit beginnet abermal | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.258, p.170) | |
451 | F219 | Die güldne Sonne | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.13, p.9) | |
452 | F250 | Dir, dir, Jehova, will ich singen | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.397, p.259) | |
453 | F225 | Eins ist Not! ach Herr, dies Eine | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.112, p.74) | |
454 | F230 | Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.187, p.125) | |
455 | F261 | Erwürgtes Lamm! das die verwahrten Siegel | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.580, p.396) | |
456 | F258 | Es glänzet der Christen inwendiges Leben | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.572, p.388) | |
457 | F275 | Es ist nun aus mit meinem Leben | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.847, p.574) | |
458 | F243 | Es ist vollbracht! Vergiß ja nicht dies Wort | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.306, p.206) | |
459 | F256 | Es kostet viel, ein Christ zu sein | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.522, p.351) | |
460 | F263 | Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.647, p.444) | |
461 | F255 | Gott lebet noch | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.488, p.325) | |
462 | F248 | Gott, wie groß ist deine Güte | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.360, p.240) | |
463 | F223 | Herr, nicht schicke deine Rache | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.78, p.48) | |
464 | F276 | Ich bin ja, Herr, in deiner Macht | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.861, p.584) | |
465 | F231 | Ich freue mich in dir | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.194, p.130) | |
466 | F264 | Ich halte treulich still | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.657, p.451) | |
467 | F269 | Ich laß dich nicht | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.734, p.502) | |
468 | F270 | Ich liebe Jesum alle Stund | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.737, p.505) | |
469 | F232 | Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.195, p.131) | |
470 | F271 | Jesu, Jesu, du bist mein | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.741, p.509) | |
471 | F228 | Jesu, deine Liebeswunden | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.139, p.91) | |
472 | F226 | Jesu, meines Glaubens Zier | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.119, p.79) | |
473 | F266 | Jesu, meines Herzens Freud | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.696, p.478) | |
474 | F251 | Jesus ist das schönste Licht | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.463, p.303) | |
475 | F246 | Jesus, unser Trost und Leben | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.333, p.222) | |
476 | F233 | Ihr Gestirn, ihr hohen Lüfte | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.197, p.133) | |
477 | F278 | Kein Stündlein geht dahin | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.869, p.591) | |
478 | F227 | Komm, süsser Tod | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.868, p.590) | |
479 | F235 | Kommt, Seelen, dieser Tag | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.936, p.638) | |
480 | F286 | Kommt wieder aus der finstern Gruft | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.938, p.640) | |
481 | F236 | Lasset uns mit Jesu ziehen | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.281, p.187) | |
482 | F252 | Liebes Herz, bedenke doch | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.467, p.306) | |
483 | F279 | Liebster Gott, wann werd ich sterben? | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.873, p.595) | |
484 | F280 | Liebster Herr Jesu, wo bleibst du so lange? | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.874, p.596) | |
485 | F272 | Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.761, p.521) | |
486 | F227 | Mein Jesu, dem die Seraphinen | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.121, p.81) | |
487 | F237 | Mein Jesu! was für Seelenweh | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.283, p.189) | |
488 | F281 | Meines Lebens letzte Zeit | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.881, p.601) | |
489 | F259 | Nicht so traurig, nicht so sehr | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.574, p.390) | |
490 | F267 | Nur mein Jesus ist mein Leben | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.700, p.481) | |
491 | F238 | O du Liebe meiner Liebe | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.284, p.190) | |
492 | F282 | O finstre Nacht, wann wirst du doch vergehen | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.891, p.608) | |
493 | F234 | O Jesulein süß, o Jesulein mild | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.203, p.136) | |
494 | F260 | O liebe Seele, zieh die Sinnen | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.575, p.392) | |
495 | F283 | O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.894, p.611) | |
496 | F253 | Seelenbräutigam, Jesu, Gottes Lamm | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.472, p.312) | |
497 | F268 | Seelenweide, mein Freude | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.710, p.488) | |
498 | F239 | Selig! wer an Jesum denkt | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.292, p.196) | |
499 | F240 | Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.293, p.197) | |
500 | F241 | So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.296, p.199) | |
500a | — | So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | alternative version of BWV 500 | |
501 | F244 | So gibst du nun, mein Jesu, gute Nacht | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.315, p.211) | |
502 | F284 | So wünsch ich mir zu guter Letzt | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.901, p.617) | |
503 | F287 | Steh ich bei meinem Gott | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.945, p.646) | |
504 | F475 | Vergiß mein nicht, daß ich dein nicht vergesse | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.475, p.315) | |
505 | F262 | Vergiß mein nicht | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.627, p.430) | |
506 | F273 | Was bist du doch, o Seele, so betrübet | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.779, p.553) | |
507 | F224 | Wo ist mein Schäflein, das ich liebe | v bc | 1736 | Vocal | Schemelli's Gesang-Buch (No.108, p.69) | |
508 | — | Bist du bei mir | v bc | — | Vocal | composed by Stölzel possibly arr. by Bach | |
509 | — | Gedenke doch, mein Geist | v bc | 1725 | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
510 | — | Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille (II) | v bc | 1725 | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
511 | F214a | Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille | v bc | G minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
512 | F214b | Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille (II) | v bc | E minor | 1725 | Vocal | |
513 | F218 | O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort | v bc | 1725 | Vocal | ||
514 | F216 | Schaffs mit mir, Gott, nach deinem Willen | v bc | ? | Vocal | ||
515 | H | 2So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife | v bc | 1725 | Vocal | see also BWV 515a | |
515a | H | 2So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife | v bc | 1725 | Vocal | alternative version of BWV 515 | |
516 | F215 | Warum betrübst du dich | v bc | 1725 | Vocal | ||
517 | — | Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seelen | v bc | 1725 | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
518 | — | Willst du dein Herz mir schenken | v bc | 1725 | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
519–523 | — | Sacred Songs |
519 | — | Hier lieg’ ich nun | v bc | — | Vocal | spurious | |
520 | — | Das walt’ mein Gott | v bc | — | Vocal | spurious | |
521 | — | Gott mein Herz dir Dank zusendet | v bc | — | Vocal | spurious | |
522 | — | Meine Seele, laß es gehen | v bc | — | Vocal | spurious | |
523 | — | Ich gnüge mich an meinem Stande | v bc | — | Vocal | spurious | |
524 | — | Quodlibet |
524 | H | 1Quodlibet ("Was sind das für große Schlösser") | 4vv bc | 1708? | Vocal | incomplete | |
— | Organ Works |
525–530 | — | Sonatas |
525 | J | 1Organ Sonata No.1 | org | E♭ major | 1730? | Keyboard | |
526 | J | 2Organ Sonata No.2 | org | C minor | 1730? | Keyboard | |
527 | J | 3Organ Sonata No.3 | org | D minor | 1730? | Keyboard | 2nd movt. rev. in BWV 1044 |
528 | J | 4Organ Sonata No.4 | org | E minor | 1730? | Keyboard | partly based on BWV 76 |
529 | J | 5Organ Sonata No.5 | org | C major | 1730? | Keyboard | |
530 | J | 6Organ Sonata No.6 | org | G major | 1730? | Keyboard | |
531–582 | — | Preludes, Toccatas, Fugues, Fantasias, Passacaglias |
531 | J | 9Prelude and Fugue | org | C major | 1705? | Keyboard | |
532 | — | Prelude and Fugue | org | D major | 1708-12? | Keyboard | see also BWV 532a |
532a | J13 J54 J70 |
Fugue | org | D major | 1710? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 532 No.2 |
533 | J18 | Prelude and Fugue ("Cathedral") | org | E minor | 1705? | Keyboard | see also BWV 533a |
533a | J72 | Prelude and Fugue | org | E minor | 1705? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 533 |
534 | J20 | Prelude and Fugue | org | F minor | 1710? | Keyboard | |
535 | J23 | Prelude and Fugue | org | G minor | 1708–17? | Keyboard | see also BWV 535a |
535a | J23 | Prelude and Fugue | org | G minor | 1705? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 535; incomplete |
536 | J24 | Prelude and Fugue | org | A major | 1708–17? | Keyboard | see also BWV 536a |
536a | — | Prelude and Fugue | org | A major | ? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 536; Bach's authorship uncertain |
537 | J40 | Fantasia and Fugue | org | C minor | 1723? | Keyboard | |
538 | J38 | Toccata and Fugue (“Dorian”) | org | D minor | 1712–17 | Keyboard | |
539 | J15 J71 |
Prelude and Fugue | org | D minor | 1720? | Keyboard | Fugue based on part of BWV 1001 |
540 | J39 J55 J73 |
Toccata and Fugue | org | F major | 1713–31 | Keyboard | |
541 | J22 | Prelude and Fugue | org | G major | 1712?, rev. 1724–25 | Keyboard | |
542 | J42 J57 J67 |
Fantasia and Fugue (“Great”) | org | G minor | 1720–25? | Keyboard | |
543 | J42 | Prelude and Fugue | org | A minor | 1715? | Keyboard | Fugue based on part of BWV 944. Alternate Prelude to BWV 543a. |
543a | J42 | Prelude and Fugue | org | A minor | 1715? | Keyboard | Early Version of BWV 543. |
544 | J27 | Prelude and Fugue | org | B minor | 1727–31 | Keyboard | |
545 | J51 | Prelude and Fugue | org | C major | 1712–17? | Keyboard | see also BWV 545a, BWV 545b |
545a | — | Prelude and Fugue | org | C major | 1708? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 545 |
545b | — | Prelude, Trio and Fugue | org | B♭ major | ? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 545; Bach's authorship is uncertain; possibly composed by Johann Tobias Krebs |
546 | J12 J53 J69 |
Prelude and Fugue | org | C minor | 1723–29? | Keyboard | |
547 | J11 | Prelude and Fugue | org | C major | 1725? | Keyboard | |
548 | J19 | Prelude and Fugue | org | E minor | 1727–31 | Keyboard | |
549 | J14 | Prelude and Fugue ("Arnstadt") | org | C minor | 1723? | Keyboard | see also BWV 549a |
549a | J14 | Prelude and Fugue ("Arnstadt") | org | D Dorian mode | 1703–07 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 549 |
550 | J21 | Prelude and Fugue | org | G major | 1710? | Keyboard | |
551 | J25 | Prelude and Fugue | org | A minor | 1707? | Keyboard | |
552 | J16 | Prelude and Fugue ("St. Anne") | org | E♭ major | 1739? | Keyboard | |
553–560 | J27z | Kleine Präludien und Fugen (8): | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
553 | J28 | org | C major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
554 | J29 | org | D minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
555 | J30 | org | E minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
556 | J31 | org | F major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
557 | J32 | org | G major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
558 | J33 | org | G minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
559 | J34 | org | A minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
560 | J35 | org | B♭ major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
561 | — | Fantasia and Fugue | org | A minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composer unidentified |
562 | J41 J56 |
Fantasia and Fugue | org | C minor | 1730–45 | Keyboard | Fugue incomplete |
563 | J43 | Fantasia with Imitation | org | B minor | 1707 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
564 | J36 | Toccata, Adagio and Fugue | org | C major | 1712? | Keyboard | |
565 | J37 | Toccata and Fugue | org | D minor | 1708? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
566 | J17 | Toccata and Fugue | org | E major | 1708? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; 1st version of BWV 566a |
566a | J17 | Toccata and Fugue | org | C major | 1708? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; 2nd version of BWV 566 |
567 | — | Prelude | org | C major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Ludwig Krebs |
568 | J47 | Prelude | org | G major | 1705? | Keyboard | |
569 | J48 | Prelude | org | A minor | 1705? | Keyboard | |
570 | J49 | Fantasia | org | C major | 1705–08? | Keyboard | |
571 | J82 | Fantasia | org | G major | 1720? | Keyboard | |
572 | J83 | Fantasia ("Pièce d'orgue") | org | G major | 1712? | Keyboard | |
573 | J50 | Fantasia | org | C major | 1722? | Keyboard | incomplete |
574 | J63 | Fugue on a Theme by Giovanni Legrenzi (Fuge über ein Thema von Giovanni Legrenzi) | org | C minor | 1708? | Keyboard | see also BWV 574a, BWV 574b |
574a | — | Fugue on a Theme by Giovanni Legrenzi (Fuge über ein Thema von Giovanni Legrenzi) | org | C minor | 1708? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 574 |
574b | — | Fugue on a Theme by Giovanni Legrenzi (Fuge über ein Thema von Giovanni Legrenzi) | org | C minor | 1708? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 574 |
575 | J60 | Fugue | org | C minor | 1708–17 | Keyboard | |
576 | — | Fugue | org | G major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composer unidentified |
577 | J61 | Fugue | org | G major | ? | Keyboard | |
578 | J66 | Fugue ("Little") | org | G minor | 1707? | Keyboard | |
579 | J68 | Fugue on a Theme by Corelli (Fuge über ein Thema von Corelli) | org | B minor | 1710? | Keyboard | |
580 | J65 | Fugue | org | D major | — | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
581 | — | Fugue | org | G major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Gottfried August Homilius |
582 | J79 | Passacaglia | org | C minor | 1708–12? | Keyboard | |
583–586 | — | Trios |
583 | J | 8Trio | org | D minor | 1723–29? | Keyboard | |
584 | — | Trio | org | G minor | — | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
585 | — | Trio | org | C minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Friedrich Fasch |
586 | — | Trio | org | G major | — | Keyboard | spurious; based on music by Georg Philipp Telemann |
587–591 | — | Miscellaneous Pieces |
587 | — | Aria | org | F major | — | Keyboard | spurious; based on Les nations by François Couperin |
588 | J80 | Canzona | org | D minor | 1705? | Keyboard | |
589 | J64 | Alla breve | org | D major | 1709? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
590 | J81 | Pastorale | org | F major | after 1720 | Keyboard | incomplete |
591 | J78 | Kleines harmonisches Labyrinth | org | C major | 1714 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Johann David Heinichen |
592–597 | — | Concertos |
592 | J88 | Organ Concerto | org | G major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of a lost violin concerto by Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe-Weimar; arr. for hpd as BWV 592a |
592a | J92 | Harpsichord Concerto | hpd | G major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of BWV 592 |
593 | J86 | Organ Concerto | org | A minor | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Concerto for 2 Violins in A minor, RV 522, by Antonio Vivaldi |
594 | J84 | Organ Concerto | org | C major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Violin Concerto in D major, RV 208, by Antonio Vivaldi |
595 | J87 | Organ Concerto | org | C major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of No.4 of the 6 Violiin Concertos, Op.1, by Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe-Weimar; see also BWV 987 |
596 | J85 | Organ Concerto | org | D minor | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Concerto for 2 Violins and Cello in D minor, RV 565, by Antonio Vivaldi |
597 | — | Organ Concerto | org | E♭ major | — | Keyboard | arr. of a concerto by an unidentified composer; Bach's authorship uncertain |
598 | — | Pedal Exercises |
598 | — | Pedal-Exercitium | org | G minor | 1735? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possbily composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach |
599–765 | — | Chorale Preludes |
K | 27aDas Orgel-Büchlein ("Little Organ Book") | org | 1713–15 | Keyboard | |||
599 | K | 28org | A major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
600 | K | 29
org | F major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | |
601 | K | 30
org | A major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | |
602 | K | 31org | D minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
603 | K | 32org | G minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
604 | K | 33org | G major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
605 | K | 34org | G major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
606 | K | 35org | D major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
607 | K | 36org | G minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
608 | K | 37
org | A major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | |
609 | K | 38org | G major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
610 | K | 39org | C minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
611 | K | 40org | E minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
612 | K | 41
org | G minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | |
613 | K | 42org | B minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
614 | K | 43org | A minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
615 | K | 44org | G major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
616 | K | 45org | D minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
617 | K | 46org | A minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
618 | K | 47org | F major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
619 | K | 48org | F major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
620 | K | 49org | A minor | 1726 | Keyboard | ||
620a | — | org | A minor | 1714-16? | Keyboard | ||
621 | K | 50org | A minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
622 | K | 51org | E♭ major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
623 | K | 52org | G major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
624 | K | 53org | G minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
625 | K | 55org | D minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
626 | K | 56org | A minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
627 | K | 57org | D minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
628 | K | 58org | D major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
629 | K | 59org | D minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
630 | K | 60org | D minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
630a | — | org | D minor | 1718? | Keyboard | ||
631 | K | 61org | G major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
631a | — | org | G major | 1727–30 | Keyboard | ||
632 | K | 62org | F major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
633 | K | 63borg | A major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
634 | K | 63aorg | A major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
635 | K | 64org | C major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
636 | K | 65org | D minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
637 | K | 66org | A minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
637 | K144 | org | A minor | ? | Keyboard | ||
638 | K | 67org | D major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
638a | — | org | D major | 1710–14 | Keyboard | ||
639 | K | 68org | F minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
640 | K | 69org | E minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
641 | K | 70org | G major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
642 | K | 71org | A minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
643 | K | 72org | G major | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
644 | K | 73org | G minor | 1713–15 | Keyboard | ||
K | 21aChorale Preludes (6) ("Choräle von verschiedener Art" or "Schubler Chorales") | org | 1748–49 | Keyboard | |||
645 | K | 22org | E♭ major | 1748–49 | Keyboard | based on movt.IV of BWV 140 | |
646 | K | 23org | E minor | 1748–49 | Keyboard | ||
647 | K | 24org | C minor | 1748–49 | Keyboard | based on movt.IV of BWV 93 | |
648 | K | 25org | D minor | 1748–49 | Keyboard | based on movt.V of BWV 10 | |
649 | K | 26org | B♭ major | 1748–49 | Keyboard | based on movt.III of BWV 6 | |
650 | K | 27org | G major | 1748–49 | Keyboard | based on movt.II of BWV 137 | |
K | 73aChorale Preludes (18) ("Choräle von verschiedener Art" or "The Great Eighteen") | org | 1723? | Keyboard | |||
651 | K | 74org | F major | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
651a | — | org | F major | 1714? | Keyboard | ||
652 | K | 75org | G major | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
652a | — |
org | G major | 1718? | Keyboard | |
653 | K | 76org | G major | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
653a | — | org | G major | 1719? | Keyboard | ||
653b | — |
org | G major | 1723? | Keyboard | |
654 | K | 77org | E♭ major | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
654a | — | org | E♭ major | 1715? | Keyboard | ||
655 | K | 78org | G major | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
655a | — | org | G major | 1714? | Keyboard | ||
655b | — | org | G major | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
655c | — | org | G major | ? | Keyboard | ||
656 | K | 79org | A major | 1714? | Keyboard | ||
656a | — | org | A major | 1740? | Keyboard | ||
657 | K | 80org | G major | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
658 | K | 81org | F minor | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
658a | — | org | F minor | 1718? | Keyboard | ||
659 | K | 82org | G minor | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
659a | — | org | G minor | 1715? | Keyboard | ||
660 | K | 83org | G minor | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
660a | — | org | G minor | 1718? | Keyboard | ||
660b | — | org | G minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Johann Ludwig Krebs | |
661 | K | 84org | G minor | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
661a | — | org | G minor | 1715? | Keyboard | ||
662 | K | 85org | A major | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
662a | — | org | A major | ? | Keyboard | ||
663 | K | 86org | G major | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
663a | — | org | G major | ? | Keyboard | ||
664 | K | 87org | A major | 1746/47? | Keyboard | ||
664a | — | org | A major | ? | Keyboard | ||
664b | — | org | A major | ? | Keyboard | ||
665 | K | 88org | E minor | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
665a | — | org | E minor | 1740? | Keyboard | ||
666 | K | 89org | E minor | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
666a | — | org | E minor | 1740? | Keyboard | ||
667 | K | 90org | C major | 1723? | Keyboard | ||
667a | — | org | C major | 1749? | Keyboard | ||
667b | — | org | C major | 1718? | Keyboard | ||
668 | K | 91org | G major | 1723? | Keyboard | incomplete | |
668a | — | org | G major | 1750 | Keyboard | ||
K | 73aChorale Preludes ("Clavier-Übung III") | org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
669 | K | 1org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
670 | K | 2org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
671 | K | 3org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
672 | K | 4org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
673 | K | 5org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
674 | K | 6org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
675 | K | 7org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
676 | K | 8org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
676a | — | org | Keyboard | Variant. Bach's authorship of this work is doubtful | |||
677 | K | 9org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
678 | K | 10org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
679 | K | 11org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
680 | K | 12org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
681 | K | 13org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
682 | K | 14org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
683 | K | 15org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
683a | — | org | Keyboard | Variant. Bach's authorship of this work is doubtful | |||
684 | K | 16org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
685 | K | 17org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
686 | K | 18org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
687 | K | 19org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
688 | K | 20org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
689 | K | 21org | 1739 | Keyboard | |||
— | Chorale Preludes ("Kirnberger") | org | Keyboard | ||||
690 | K127 | org | 1705? | Keyboard | |||
691 | K | 99org | 1720 | Keyboard | see also BWV 691 | ||
691a | — | org | 1749? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 691; Bach's authorship uncertain | ||
692 | — | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Gottfried Walther | ||
692a | — | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Gottfried Walther | ||
693 | — |
org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Gottfried Walther | |
694 | K139 | org | 1708? | Keyboard | |||
695 | K136 | org | 1708? | Keyboard | |||
695a | — | org | 1708 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | ||
696 | K142 | org | 1739–42 | Keyboard | |||
697 | K147 | org | 1739–42 | Keyboard | |||
698 | K149 | org | 1739–42 | Keyboard | |||
699 | K155 | org | 1739–42 | Keyboard | |||
700 | K156 | org | 1708? | Keyboard | |||
701 | K157 | org | 1739–42 | Keyboard | |||
702 | K143 | org | ? | Keyboard | |||
703 | K148 | org | 1739–42 | Keyboard | |||
704 | K153 | org | 1739–42 | Keyboard | |||
705 | — | org | D minor | 1708 | Keyboard | ||
706 | K116 | org | 1708–14 | Keyboard | |||
707 | K137 | org | ? | Keyboard | |||
708 | K158 | org | 1731? | Keyboard | |||
708a | — | org | 1731? | Keyboard | |||
709 | K150 | org | 1708–17 | Keyboard | |||
710 | — | org | 1708 | Keyboard | spurious; composer unidentfied | ||
711 | K140 | org | 1708–17 | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Nicolaus Vetter | ||
712 | K151 | org | ? | Keyboard | |||
713 | K138 | org | ? | Keyboard | |||
713a | — | org | ? | Keyboard | |||
— | Chorale Preludes | org | Various | Keyboard | |||
714 | K172 | Ach Gott und Herr ("per canonem") | org | 1715? | Keyboard | ||
715 | K128 | Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (VIII) | org | 1727? | Keyboard | ||
716 | K141 | Fuga super 'Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr' | org | — | Keyboard | ||
717 | K106 | Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (IX) | org | 1710–14 | Keyboard | ||
718 | K119 | Christ lag in Todesbanden (II) | org | 1712–13 | Keyboard | ||
719 | K | 34Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich (II) | org | 1710? | Keyboard | ||
720 | K103 | Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Michael Bach | |
721 | K107 | Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott | org | 1740? | Keyboard | ||
722 | K114 | Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (III) | org | ? | Keyboard | ||
722a | — | Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ | org | ? | Keyboard | ||
723 | — | Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Michael Bach | |
724 | K | 29Gott, durch deine Güte ("Gottes Sohn ist kommen") | org | 1705? | Keyboard | ||
725 | K | 99Herr Gott, dich loben wir | org | ? | Keyboard | ||
726 | K130 | Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu unswend (III) | org | 1726 | Keyboard | ||
727 | K109 | Herzlich tut mich verlangen | org | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
728 | K101 | Jesus, meine Zuversicht | org | 1722 | Keyboard | ||
729 | K115 | In dulci jubilo (II) | org | ? | Keyboard | ||
729a | — | In dulci jubilo (III) | org | 1730? | Keyboard | ||
730 | K133 | Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (IV) | org | ? | Keyboard | ||
731 | K134 | Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (V) | org | ? | Keyboard | ||
732 | K117 | Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich (II) | org | 1718? | Keyboard | ||
733 | K120 | Meine Seele erhebet den Herren (Fuga sopra il Magnificat) | org | ? | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Ludwig Krebs | |
734 | K125 | Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein (I) | org | ? | Keyboard | ||
734a | — | Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit (II) | org | 1715? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
735 | K104 | Fantasia super "Valet will ich dirgeben" | org | 1708–17? | Keyboard | ||
736 | K131 | Valet will ich dir geben | org | 1715? | Keyboard | ||
737 | K112 | Vater unser im Himmelreich (IV) | org | 1710? | Keyboard | ||
738 | K118 | Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (IV) | org | 1718? | Keyboard | ||
738a | — | Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (V) | org | 1718? | Keyboard | ||
739 | K | 97Wie schön leuchtet uns der Morgenstern (I) | org | 1705? | Keyboard | ||
740 | — | Wir glauben all an einen Gott (IV) | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Ludwig Krebs | |
741 | K135 | Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein | org | ? | Keyboard | ||
742 | K173 | Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder | org | 1733? | Keyboard | ||
743 | K121 | Ach, was ist doch unser Leben | org | 1740? | Keyboard | ||
744 | K122 | Auf meinen lieben Gott | org | — | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Johann Ludwig Krebs | |
745 | — | Aus der Tiefe rufe ich | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; probably composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach | |
746 | — | Christ ist erstanden (II) | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer | |
747 | K102 | Christus, der uns selig macht (III) | org | 1731–40? | Keyboard | ||
748 | — | Gott der Vater wohn uns bei | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Gottfried Walther; see also BWV 748a | |
748a | — | Gott der Vater wohn uns bei | org | — | Keyboard | variant of BWV 748; spurious; composed by Johann Gottfried Walther | |
749 | K195 | Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend (IV) | org | 1700? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain, possibly composed by Johann Christoph Bach or Georg Philipp Telemann | |
750 | K196 | Herr Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht | org | 1700? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
751 | — | In dulci jubilo (IV) | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Michael Bach | |
752 | — | Jesu, der du meine Seele | org | 1740? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
753 | K124 | Jesu, meine Freude (II) | org | 1723? | Keyboard | incomplete | |
754 | — | Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (VI) | org | 1740? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
755 | — | Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein (III) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
756 | K197 | Nun ruhen alle Wälder | org | 1700? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
757 | K126 | O Herre Gott, dein göttlich Wort (I) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
758 | K198 | O Vater, allmächtiger Gott | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
759 | — | Schmücke dich, o liebe SeeleI | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Gottfried August Homilius; see also BWV Anh.74 | |
760 | — | Vater unser im Himmelreich (VI) | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Georg Böhm | |
761 | — | Vater unser im Himmelreich (VII) | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Georg Böhm | |
762 | K113 | Vater unser im Himmelreich (V) | org | 1715? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
763 | — | Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (II) | org | 1737? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
764 | K | 98Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (III) | org | 1705? | Keyboard | incomplete | |
765 | K105 | Wir glauben all an einen Gott (II) | org | 1718 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
766–771 | — | Partitas and Chorale Variations |
766 | K | 94Christ, der du bist der helle Tag | org | 1700? | Keyboard | ||
767 | K | 95O Gott, du frommer Gott | org | ? | Keyboard | ||
768 | K | 96Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig | org | 1710? | Keyboard | ||
769 | — | Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (I) | org | 1747 | Keyboard | see also BWV 769a | |
769a | — | Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (I) | org | 1747 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 769 | |
770 | K | 93Ach, was soll ich Sünder machen | org | ? | Keyboard | ||
771 | — | Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr' | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Nicolaus Vetter | |
— | Other Keyboard Works |
772–786 | — | Inventions |
772–786 | — | Inventions (15): | kbd | C major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | |
772 | L | 27kbd | C major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | see also BWV 772a | |
772a | — | kbd | C major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 772; Bach's authorship uncertain | |
773 | L | 28kbd | C minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
774 | L | 29kbd | D major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
775 | L | 30kbd | D minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
776 | L | 31kbd | E♭ major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
777 | L | 32kbd | E major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
778 | L | 33kbd | E minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
779 | L | 34kbd | F major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
780 | L | 35kbd | F minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
781 | L | 36kbd | G major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
782 | L | 37kbd | G minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
783 | L | 38kbd | A major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
784 | L | 39kbd | A minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
785 | L | 40kbd | B♭ major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
786 | L | 41kbd | B minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
787–801 | — | Sinfonias |
787–801 | — | Sinfonias (15): | kbd | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
787 | L | 42kbd | C major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
788 | L | 43kbd | C minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
789 | L | 44kbd | D major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
790 | L | 45kbd | D minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
791 | L | 46kbd | E♭ major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
792 | L | 47kbd | E major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
793 | L | 48kbd | E minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
794 | L | 49kbd | F major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
795 | L | 50kbd | F minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
796 | L | 51kbd | G major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
797 | L | 52kbd | G minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
798 | L | 53kbd | A major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
799 | L | 54kbd | A minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
800 | L | 55kbd | B♭ major | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
801 | L | 56kbd | B minor | 1720–23 | Keyboard | ||
802–805 | — | Four Duettos from Clavier-Übung III |
802 | J | 74Duetto No.1 | kbd | E minor | 1739 | Keyboard | No.23 in Clavier-Übung III |
803 | J | 75Duetto No.2 | kbd | F major | 1739 | Keyboard | No.24 in Clavier-Übung III |
804 | J | 76Duetto No.3 | kbd | G major | 1739 | Keyboard | No.25 in Clavier-Übung III |
805 | J | 77Duetto No.4 | kbd | A minor | 1739 | Keyboard | No.26 in Clavier-Übung III |
806–811 | — | English Suites |
806 | L | 13English Suite No.1 | kbd | A major | 1720–22? | Keyboard | see also BWV 806a |
806a | L | 13English Suite No.1 | kbd | A major | 1714–17? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 806 |
807 | L | 14English Suite No.2 | kbd | A minor | 1720–22? | Keyboard | |
808 | L | 15English Suite No.3 | kbd | G minor | 1720–22? | Keyboard | |
809 | L | 16English Suite No.4 | kbd | F major | 1720–22? | Keyboard | |
810 | L | 17English Suite No.5 | kbd | E minor | 1720–22? | Keyboard | |
811 | L | 18English Suite No.6 | kbd | D minor | 1720–22? | Keyboard | |
812–817 | — | French Suites |
812 | L | 19French Suite No.1 | kbd | D minor | 1722–25? | Keyboard | |
813 | L | 20French Suite No.2 | kbd | C minor | 1722–25? | Keyboard | see also BWV 813a |
813a | L | 20French Suite No.2 | kbd | C minor | 1722–25? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 813 |
814 | L | 21French Suite No.3 | kbd | B minor | 1722–25? | Keyboard | see also BWV 814a |
814a | L | 21French Suite No.3 | kbd | B minor | 1722–25? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 814 |
815 | L | 22French Suite No.4 | kbd | E♭ major | 1722–25? | Keyboard | see also BWV 815a |
815a | L | 22French Suite No.4 | kbd | E♭ major | 1722–25? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 815 |
816 | L | 23French Suite No.5 | kbd | G major | 1722–25? | Keyboard | |
817 | L | 24French Suite No.6 | kbd | E major | 1722–25? | Keyboard | |
818–824 | — | Miscellaneous Suites |
818 | L | 25Suite | kbd | A minor | 1720–22? | Keyboard | see also BWV 818 |
818a | L | 25Suite | kbd | A minor | 1720–22? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 818 |
819 | L | 26Suite | kbd | E♭ major | 1725? | Keyboard | see also BWV 819 |
819a | L | 26Suite | kbd | E♭ major | 1725–28? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 819 |
820 | L173 | Overture | kbd | F major | 1705? | Keyboard | |
821 | L169 | Suite | kbd | B♭ major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
822 | L168 | Suite | kbd | G minor | 1705? | Keyboard | |
823 | L167 | Suite | kbd | F minor | 1715? | Keyboard | incomplete |
824 | — | Suite | kbd | A major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (TWV 32:14) |
825–830 | — | Partitas |
825 | L | 1Partita No.1 | kbd | B♭ major | 1726 | Keyboard | No.1 in Clavier-Übung I |
826 | L | 2Partita No.2 | kbd | C minor | 1727 | Keyboard | No.2 in Clavier-Übung I |
827 | L | 3Partita No.3 | kbd | A minor | 1725–27 | Keyboard | No.3 in Clavier-Übung I |
828 | L | 4Partita No.4 | kbd | D major | 1728 | Keyboard | No.4 in Clavier-Übung I |
829 | L | 5Partita No.5 | kbd | G major | 1730 | Keyboard | No.5 in Clavier-Übung I |
830 | L | 6Partita No.6 | kbd | E minor | 1725–30 | Keyboard | No.6 in Clavier-Übung I |
831–845 | — | Overtures and Suites |
831 | L | 8 Ouverture nach Französischer Art (Overture in the French Style) |
kbd | B minor | 1735 | Keyboard | 2nd version of BWV 831a; No.2 in Clavier-Übung II |
831a | L | 8 Ouverture nach Französischer Art (Overture in the French Style) |
kbd | C minor | 1733 | Keyboard | 1st version of BWV 831 |
832 | L174 | Suite | kbd | A major | 1708? | Keyboard | |
833 | L172 | Praeludium et Partita dei Tuono Terzo | kbd | F major | 1708–14? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Bernardo Pasquini |
834 | — | Allemande | kbd | C minor | — | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
835 | — | Allemande | kbd | A minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Philipp Kirnberger |
836 | A | 40Allemande | kbd | G minor | 1720–22 | Keyboard | composed with Wilhelm Friedemann Bach |
837 | A | 41Allemande | kbd | G minor | 1720–22 | Keyboard | composed with Wilhelm Friedemann Bach; incomplete |
838 | — | Allemande and Courante | kbd | A major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Christoph Graupner (GWV 849/2–3) |
839 | — | Sarabande | kbd | G minor | 1735? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
840 | — | Courante | kbd | G major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (TWV 32:13) |
841 | L176/1 | Minuet | kbd | G major | 1720 | Keyboard | Part of the 3 Minuets |
842 | L176/2 | Minuet | kbd | G minor | 1720 | Keyboard | Part of the 3 Minuets |
843 | L176/3 | Minuet | kbd | G major | 1720 | Keyboard | Part of the 3 Minuets |
844 | — | Scherzo | kbd | D minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach; see also BWV 844a |
844a | — | Scherzo | kbd | E minor | — | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 844; Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach |
845 | — | Gigue | kbd | F minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
846–920 | — | Preludes, Fugues, Fantasias, Toccatas |
846-869 | — | Das wohltemperierte Klavier I (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Part I) | kbd | 1722 | Keyboard | ||
846 | L | 80kbd | C major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 846a | |
846a | L | 80kbd | C major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 846 | |
847 | L | 81kbd | C minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 847a | |
847a | L | 81kbd | C minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 847 | |
848 | L | 82kbd | C♯ major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 848a | |
848a | L | 82kbd | C♯ major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 848 | |
849 | L | 83kbd | C♯ minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 849a | |
849a | L | 83kbd | C♯ minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 849 | |
850 | L | 84kbd | D major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 850a | |
850a | L | 84kbd | D major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 850 | |
851 | L | 85kbd | D minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 851a | |
851a | L | 85kbd | D minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 851 | |
852 | L | 86kbd | E♭ major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 852a | |
852a | L | 86kbd | E♭ major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 852 | |
853 | L | 87kbd | E♭ minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 853a | |
853a | L | 87kbd | E♭ minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 853 | |
854 | L | 88kbd | E major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 854a | |
854a | L | 88kbd | E major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 854 | |
855 | L | 89kbd | E minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 855a | |
855a | L | 89kbd | E minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 855 | |
856 | L | 90kbd | F major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 856a | |
856a | L | 90kbd | F major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 856 | |
857 | L | 91kbd | F minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 857a | |
857a | L | 91kbd | F minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 857 | |
858 | L | 92kbd | F♯ major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 858a | |
858a | L | 92kbd | F♯ major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 858 | |
859 | L | 93kbd | F♯ minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 859a | |
859a | L | 93kbd | F♯ minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 859 | |
860 | L | 94kbd | G major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 860a | |
860a | L | 94kbd | G major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 860 | |
861 | L | 95kbd | G minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 861a | |
861a | L | 95kbd | G minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 861 | |
862 | L | 96kbd | A♭ major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 862a | |
862a | L | 96kbd | A♭ major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 862 | |
863 | L | 97kbd | G♯ minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 863a | |
863a | L | 97kbd | G♯ minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 863 | |
864 | L | 98kbd | A major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 864a | |
864a | L | 98kbd | A major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 864 | |
865 | L | 99kbd | A minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 865a | |
865a | L | 99kbd | A minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 865 | |
866 | L100 | kbd | B♭ major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 866a | |
866a | L100 | kbd | B♭ major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 866 | |
867 | L101 | kbd | B♭ minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 867a | |
867a | L101 | kbd | B♭ minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 867 | |
868 | L102 | kbd | B major | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 868a | |
868a | L102 | kbd | B major | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 868 | |
869 | L103 | kbd | B minor | 1722 | Keyboard | see also BWV 869a | |
869a | L103 | kbd | B minor | 1722 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 869 | |
870-893 | — | Das wohltemperierte Klavier II (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Part II) | kbd | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
870 | L104 | kbd | C major | 1740 | Keyboard | see also BWV 870a, 870b | |
870a | L104 | kbd | C major | 1740 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 870 | |
870b | L104 | kbd | C major | 1740 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 870 | |
871 | L105 | kbd | C minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
872 | L106 | kbd | C♯ major | 1740 | Keyboard | see also BWV 872a | |
872a | L106 | kbd | C major | 1740 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 872 | |
873 | L107 | kbd | C♯ minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
874 | L108 | kbd | D major | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
875 | L109 | kbd | D minor | 1740 | Keyboard | see also BWV 875a | |
875a | L109 | kbd | D minor | 1740 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 875 | |
876 | L110 | kbd | E♭ major | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
877 | L111 | kbd | D♯ minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
878 | L112 | kbd | E major | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
879 | L113 | kbd | E minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
880 | L114 | kbd | F major | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
881 | L115 | kbd | F minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
882 | L116 | kbd | F♯ major | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
883 | L117 | kbd | F♯ minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
884 | L118 | kbd | G major | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
885 | L119 | kbd | G minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
886 | L120 | kbd | A♭ major | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
887 | L121 | kbd | G♯ minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
888 | L122 | kbd | A major | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
889 | L123 | kbd | A minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
890 | L124 | kbd | B♭ major | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
891 | L125 | kbd | B♭ minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
892 | L126 | kbd | B major | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
893 | L127 | kbd | B minor | 1740 | Keyboard | ||
894 | L130 | Prelude and Fugue | kbd | A minor | 1715–25 | Keyboard | rev. in BWV 1044 |
895 | L129 | Prelude and Fugue | kbd | A minor | 1709 | Keyboard | |
896 | L128 | Prelude and Fugue | kbd | A minor | 1710? | Keyboard | |
897 | — | Prelude and Fugue | kbd | A minor | — | Keyboard | prelude composed by Cornelius Heinrich Dretzel; composer of fugue uncertain |
898 | — | Prelude and Fugue (on the name of "B-A-C-H") | kbd | B♭ major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Johann Christian Kittel |
899 | — | Prelude and Fughetta | kbd | D minor | 1725–26? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
900 | L | 77Prelude and Fughetta | kbd | E minor | 1725–26? | Keyboard | |
901 | L | 78Prelude and Fughetta | kbd | F major | 1730? | Keyboard | |
902 | L | 79Prelude and Fughetta | kbd | G major | 1730? | Keyboard | see also BWV 902/1a |
902/1a | — | Prelude | kbd | G major | 1730? | Keyboard | alternative version of prelude from BWV 902 |
903 | L134 | Chromatic Fantasia | kbd | D minor | 1723? | Keyboard | see also BWV 903a |
903a | — | Fantasia | kbd | D minor | 1723? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 903 |
904 | L136 | Fantasia and Fugue | kbd | A minor | 1725? | Keyboard | |
905 | — | Fantasia and Fugue | kbd | D minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
906 | L133 L138 |
Fantasia and Fugue | kbd | C minor | 1704? | Keyboard | fugue incompete |
907 | — | Fantasia and Fughetta | kbd | B♭ major | ? | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Gottfried Kirchhoff |
908 | — | Fantasia and Fughetta | kbd | D major | ? | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Gottfried Kirchhoff |
909 | — | Concerto and Fugue | kbd | C minor | 1703 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
910 | L146 | Toccata | kbd | F♯ minor | 1712 | Keyboard | |
911 | L142 | Toccata | kbd | C minor | 1714? | Keyboard | |
912 | L143 | Toccata | kbd | D major | 1710? | Keyboard | see also BWV 912a |
912a | L143 | Toccata | kbd | D major | 1710? | Keyboard | early version of the Adagio from BWV 912 |
913 | L144 | Toccata | kbd | D minor | 1708? | Keyboard | see also BWV 913a |
913a | L144 | Toccata | kbd | D minor | 1708? | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 913 |
914 | L145 L163 |
Toccata | kbd | E minor | 1710 | Keyboard | |
915 | L148 | Toccata | kbd | G minor | 1710 | Keyboard | |
916 | L147 | Toccata | kbd | G major | 1714? | Keyboard | |
917 | L140 | Fantasia | kbd | G minor | 1710? | Keyboard | |
918 | L139 | Fantasia (Fantasia über ein rondo) | kbd | C minor | 1740? | Keyboard | |
919 | — | Fantasia | kbd | C minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; by Johann Bernhard Bach |
920 | — | Fantasia | kbd | G minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
921–943 | — | Preludes |
921 | J44 J52 |
Prelude (Fantasia) | kbd | C minor | 1713 | Keyboard | |
922 | L141 | Prelude (Fantasia) | kbd | A minor | 1710–14? | Keyboard | |
923 | L131 | Prelude | kbd | B minor | — | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Wilhelm Heironymous Pachelbel; see also BWV 923a |
923a | L131 | Prelude | kbd | A minor | — | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 923; Bach's authorship uncertain |
924–932 | — | Kleine Präluden (9): | kbd | 1720 | Keyboard | ||
924 | L | 57Prelude | kbd | C major | 1720 | Keyboard | see also BWV 924a |
924a | L | 57Prelude | kbd | C major | 1720 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 924; Bach's authorship uncertain |
925 | — | Prelude | kbd | D major | 1720 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach |
926 | L | 58Prelude | kbd | D minor | 1720 | Keyboard | |
927 | L | 59Prelude | kbd | F major | 1720 | Keyboard | |
928 | L | 60Prelude | kbd | F major | 1720 | Keyboard | |
929 | L | 61Prelude | kbd | G minor | 1720 | Keyboard | |
930 | L | 62Prelude | kbd | G minor | 1720 | Keyboard | |
931 | — | Prelude | kbd | A minor | 1720 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach |
932 | L | 63Prelude | kbd | E minor | 1720 | Keyboard | incomplete; Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach |
933–938 | — | Kleine Präluden (6): | kbd | 1717 | Keyboard | ||
933 | L | 64Prelude | kbd | C major | 1717 | Keyboard | |
934 | L | 65Prelude | kbd | C minor | 1717 | Keyboard | |
935 | L | 66Prelude | kbd | D minor | 1717 | Keyboard | |
936 | L | 67Prelude | kbd | D major | 1717 | Keyboard | |
937 | L | 68Prelude | kbd | E major | 1717 | Keyboard | |
938 | L | 69Prelude | kbd | E minor | 1717 | Keyboard | |
939–943 | — | Kleine Präluden (5): | kbd | 1717 | Keyboard | ||
939 | L | 70Prelude | kbd | C major | 1717 | Keyboard | |
940 | L | 71Prelude | kbd | D major | 1717 | Keyboard | |
941 | L | 72Prelude | kbd | E minor | 1717 | Keyboard | |
942 | L | 73Prelude | kbd | A minor | 1717? | Keyboard | |
943 | L | 74Prelude | kbd | C major | 1703–07 | Keyboard | |
944–962 | — | Fugues and Fughettas |
944 | L135 | Fantasia and Fugue | kbd | A minor | 1714? | Keyboard | Fugue rev. in BWV 543 |
945 | — | Fugue | kbd | E minor | 1695–1700? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain (possibly composed by Christoph Graupner |
946 | L160 | Fugue | kbd | C major | 1708? | Keyboard | on a theme by Tomaso Albinoni |
947 | L157 | Fugue | kbd | A minor | ? | Keyboard | |
948 | L151 | Fugue | kbd | D minor | 1727? | Keyboard | |
949 | L154 | Fugue | kbd | A major | 1715? | Keyboard | |
950 | L161 | Fugue | kbd | A major | 1710 | Keyboard | on a theme by Tomaso Albinoni |
951 | L162 | Fugue | kbd | B minor | 1712 | Keyboard | on a theme by Tomaso Albinoni; see also BWV 951a |
951a | — | Fugue | kbd | B minor | 1712 | Keyboard | alternative version of BWV 951 |
952 | L150 | Fugue | kbd | C major | ? | Keyboard | |
953 | L149 | Fugue | kbd | C major | 1723? | Keyboard | |
954 | L163 | Fugue | kbd | B♭ major | 1730? | Keyboard | on a theme by Johann Adam Reincken |
955 | — | Fugue | kbd | B♭ major | ? | Keyboard | previously thought to have been arr. from a work by Johann Christoph Erselius; see also BWV 955a |
955a | — | Fugue | kbd | B♭ major | ? | Keyboard | early variant of BWV 955 |
956 | L152 | Fugue | kbd | E minor | ? | Keyboard | |
957 | K191 | Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt | org | G major | 1705? | Keyboard | previously believed to be a fugue hpd |
958 | L155 | Fugue | kbd | A minor | ? | Keyboard | |
959 | L156 | Fugue | kbd | A minor | ? | Keyboard | |
960 | — | Fugue | kbd | E minor | ? | Keyboard | incomplete; Bach's authorship uncertain |
961 | L158 | Fughetta | kbd | C minor | 1712? | Keyboard | |
962 | — | Fugue | kbd | E minor | 1783 | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Georg Albrechtsberger |
963–970 | — | Sonatas and Sonata Movements |
963 | L182 | Sonata | kbd | D major | 1704? | Keyboard | |
964 | L184 | Sonata | kbd | D minor | ? | Keyboard | arr. of BWV 1003 |
965 | L187 | Sonata | kbd | A minor | 1705? | Keyboard | arr. of the Sonata No.1 from Hortus Musicus by Johann Adam Reincken |
966 | L186 | Sonata | kbd | C major | 1705? | Keyboard | arr. of the Sonata No.3 from Hortus Musicus by Johann Adam Reincken |
967 | L183 | Sonata | kbd | A minor | 1705? | Keyboard | arr. of an unidentified work by an unknown composer |
968 | L185 | Adagio | kbd | G major | 1720? | Keyboard | arr. of the 1st movt. of BWV 1005 |
969 | — | Andante | kbd | G minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
971–987 | — | Concertos |
970 | — | Presto | kbd | D minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (F.25/2) |
971 | L | 7Italienisches Konzert (Italian Concerto) | kbd | F major | 1735 | Keyboard | No.1 in Clavier-Übung II |
972–987 | — | Konzerte nach verschiedenen Meistem (Concertos by Various Maestros) (16): | kbd | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arrs. of works by other composers | |
972 | L189 | kbd | D major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | Revised version, arr. of the Violin Concerto in D major, RV 230, by Antonio Vivaldi | |
972a | — | kbd | D major | 1711 | Keyboard | Early version, arr. of the Violin Concerto in D major, RV 230, by Antonio Vivaldi | |
973 | L191 | kbd | G major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Violin Concerto in G major, RV 299, by Antonio Vivaldi | |
974 | L194 | kbd | D minor | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Oboe Concerto in D minor by Alessandro Marcello | |
975 | L193 | kbd | G minor | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Violin Concerto in G minor, RV 316, by Antonio Vivaldi | |
976 | L188 | kbd | C major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Violin Concerto in E major, RV 265, by Antonio Vivaldi | |
977 | L202 | kbd | C major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | source unidentified | |
978 | L190 | kbd | F major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Violin Concerto in G major, RV 310, by Antonio Vivaldi | |
979 | L196 | kbd | B minor | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of a Violin Concerto in D minor by Giuseppe Torelli | |
980 | L192 | kbd | G major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Violin Concerto in B♭ minor, RV 381, by Antonio Vivaldi | |
981 | L195 | kbd | C minor | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Violin Concerto in C minor, Op.1 No.2, by Benedetto Marcello | |
982 | L200 | kbd | B♭ major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of No.1 of the 6 Violin Concertos, Op.1, by Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe-Weimar | |
983 | L204 | kbd | G minor | 1713–14 | Keyboard | source unidentified | |
984 | L197 | kbd | C major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of a lost concerto by Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe-Weimar | |
985 | L201 | kbd | G minor | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of the Violin Concerto in G minor, TWV 51:g21, by Georg Philipp Telemann | |
986 | L203 | kbd | G major | 1713–14 | Keyboard | source unidentified | |
987 | L198 | kbd | D minor | 1713–14 | Keyboard | arr. of No.4 of the 6 Violin Concertos, Op.1, by Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe-Weimar; see also BWV 595 | |
988–994 | — | Variations and Miscellaneous Pieces |
988 | L | 9Goldberg-Variationen (Goldberg Variations) | kbd | G major | 1741–42 | Keyboard | published in Clavier-Übung IV |
989 | L179 | Aria variata ("alla maniera italiana") | kbd | A minor | 1714? | Keyboard | |
990 | — | Sarabande con partite | kbd | C major | ? | Keyboard | |
991 | — | Air with Variations | kbd | C minor | 1722 | Keyboard | incomplete |
992 | L181 | Capriccio ("sopra la lotananza delsuo fratello dilettissimo") | kbd | B♭ major | 1704? | Keyboard | |
993 | L180 | Capriccio ("in honorem Johann Christoph Bachii") | kbd | E major | 1721? | Keyboard | |
994 | Q1 | Applicatio | kbd | C major | 1720–21 | Keyboard | |
— | Chamber Works |
995–1013 | — | For Solo Instruments |
995 | — | Suite | lute | G minor | 1727–31? | Chamber | arr. of BWV 1011 |
996 | L166 | Suite | lute/hpd | E minor | 1712–17? | Chamber | |
997 | L170 | Suite | lute/hpd | C minor | 1740? | Chamber | |
998 | L132 | Prelude, Fugue and Allegro | lute/kbd | E♭ major | 1740–45? | Chamber | |
999 | L175 | Prelude | lute | C minor | 1725? | Chamber | |
1000 | — | Fugue | lute | G minor | 1720? | Chamber | arr. of 2nd movt. from BWV 1001 |
1001-1006 | — | Violin Sonatas and Partitas (6): | vn | 1720 | Chamber | (link to complete collections of all 6 sonatas and partitas) | |
1001 | — | Violin Sonata No.1 | vn | G minor | 1720 | Chamber | partly rev. in BWV 539; 2nd movt. arr. for lute as BWV 1000 |
1002 | — | Violin Partita No.1 | vn | B minor | 1720 | Chamber | |
1003 | — | Violin Sonata No.2 | vn | A minor | 1720 | Chamber | arr. for kbd as BWV 964 |
1004 | — | Violin Partita No.2 | vn | D minor | 1720 | Chamber | |
1005 | — | Violin Sonata No.3 | vn | C major | 1720 | Chamber | 1st movt. arr. for kbd as BWV 968 |
1006 | — | Violin Partita No.3 | vn | E major | 1720 | Chamber | arr. for lute as BWV 1006a; 1st movt. arr. for org orch as Sinfonia of BWV 29 |
1006a | L171 | Suite | lute | E major | 1736–37 | Chamber | arr. of BWV 1006 |
1007-1012 | — | Cello Suites (6): | vc | 1720 | Chamber | (link to complete collections of all 6 suites) | |
1007 | — | Cello Suite No.1 | vc | G major | 1720 | Chamber | |
1008 | — | Cello Suite No.2 | vc | D minor | 1720 | Chamber | |
1009 | — | Cello Suite No.3 | vc | C major | 1720 | Chamber | |
1010 | — | Cello Suite No.4 | vc | E♭ major | 1720 | Chamber | |
1011 | — | Cello Suite No.5 | vc | C minor | 1720 | Chamber | arr. for lute as BWV 995 |
1012 | — | Cello Suite No.6 | vc | D major | 1720 | Chamber | |
1013 | — | Partita | fl | A minor | 1722–23 | Chamber | |
1014–1040 | — | For Two or More Instruments |
1014–1019 | — | Violin Sonatas (6): | vn kbd | 1720 | Chamber | ||
1014 | — | vn kbd | B minor | 1720 | Chamber | ||
1015 | — | vn kbd | A major | 1720 | Chamber | ||
1016 | — | vn kbd | E major | 1720 | Chamber | ||
1017 | — | vn kbd | C minor | 1720 | Chamber | ||
1018 | — | vn kbd | F minor | 1720 | Chamber | see also BWV 1018a | |
1018a | — | vn kbd | F minor | 1720 | Chamber | alternative version of BWV 1018, 3rd movt. | |
1019 | — | vn kbd | G major | 1720 | Chamber | see also BWV 1019a | |
1019a | — | vn kbd | G major | 1720 | Chamber | alternative version of BWV 1019 | |
1020 | — | Violin Sonata | vn/fl kbd | G minor | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H.542.5) |
1021 | — | Violin Sonata | vn bc | G major | 1730–34? | Chamber | shares the bc part with BWV 1022 and BWV 1038 |
1022 | — | Violin Sonata | vn kbd | F major | ? | Chamber | arr. of BWV 1038; Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach |
1023 | — | Violin Sonata | vn bc | E minor | 1714–17? | Chamber | |
1024 | — | Violin Sonata | vn bc | C minor | ? | Chamber | |
1025 | — | Suite | vn kbd | A major | 1740 | Chamber | arr. of the Lute Sonata in A major, SC 47, by Silvius Leopold Weiss |
1026 | — | Fugue | vn bc | G minor | before 1712 | Chamber | |
1027–1029 | — | Sonatas for Viola da Gamba and Harpsichord (3): | viol hpd | ? | Chamber | ||
1027 | — | viol hpd | G major | ? | Chamber | arr. of BWV 1039; see also BWV 1027a | |
1027a | — | Trios (3) | org | G major | ? | Keyboard | arrs. of movts. 1, 2 and 4 from BWV 1027a; Bach's authorship uncertain |
1028 | — | viol hpd | D major | ? | Chamber | ||
1029 | — | viol hpd | G minor | ? | Chamber | ||
1030 | — | Flute Sonata | fl hpd | B minor | 1736–37 | Chamber | |
1030b | — | Oboe Sonata | ob hpd | G minor | ? | Chamber | |
1031 | — | Flute Sonata | fl hpd | E♭ major | 1730–34? | Chamber | |
1032 | — | Flute Sonata | fl hpd | A major | 1736? | Chamber | |
1033 | — | Flute Sonata | fl bc | C major | 1736 | Chamber | |
1034 | — | Flute Sonata | fl bc | E minor | 1724 | Chamber | |
1035 | — | Flute Sonata | fl bc | E major | 1741 | Chamber | |
1036 | — | Trio Sonata | 2vn bc | D minor | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Wq.145, H.569) |
1037 | — | Trio Sonata | 2vn bc | C major | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Johann Gottlieb Goldberg |
1038 | — | Trio Sonata | fl vn bc | G major | ? | Chamber | bc part virtually identical to that of BWV 1021; Bach's authorship for upper two voices uncertain; possibly composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H.590.5); arr. for vn hpd as BWV 1022 |
1039 | — | Trio Sonata | 2fl bc | G major | 1736–41? | Chamber | arr. for viol hpd as BWV 1027 |
1040 | — | Trio Sonata | ob vn bc | F major | 1713–16? | Chamber | |
— | Orchestral Works |
1041–1065 | — | Concertos |
1041 | — | Violin Concerto | vn str bc | A minor | ? | Orchestral | arr. for hpd str bc as BWV 1058 |
1042 | — | Violin Concerto | vn str bc | E major | 1720? | Orchestral | arr. for hpd str bc as BWV 1054 |
1043 | — | Concerto for 2 Violins ("Double Concerto") | 2vn bc str | D minor | 1718–20? | Orchestral | arr. for hpd str bc as BWV 1062 |
1044 | — | Concerto for Flute, Violin and Harpsichord ("Triple Concerto") | fl hpd vn str bc | A minor | 1738–40? | Orchestral | movts. based on BWV 894/1, 527/2, 894/3 respectively |
1045 | A193 | Sinfonia | vn orch | D major | 1743–46? | Orchestral | from a lost cantata; Bach's authorship uncertain |
1046 | — | Brandenburg Concerto No.1 | orch | F major | 1721 | Orchestral | 2nd version of BWV 1046 |
1046a (1071) |
— | Sinfonia | orch | F major | 1718 | Orchestral | 1st version of BWV 1046 |
1047 | — | Brandenburg Concerto No.2 | orch | F major | 1718 | Orchestral | |
1048 | — | Brandenburg Concerto No.3 | hpd str | G major | 1718 | Orchestral | 1st movt. arr. for orch as Sinfonia of BWV 174 |
1049 | — | Brandenburg Concerto No.4 | orch | G major | 1719–20 | Orchestral | arr. for 2rec hpd str bc as BWV 1057 |
1050 | — | Brandenburg Concerto No.5 | orch | D major | 1720–21 | Orchestral | see also BWV 1050a |
1050a | — | Brandenburg Concerto No.5 | orch | D major | 1719? | Orchestral | early version of BWV 1050 |
1051 | — | Brandenburg Concerto No.6 | hpd str | B♭ major | 1718 | Orchestral | |
1052 | — | Harpsichord Concerto No.1 | hpd str bc | D minor | 1738 | Orchestral | arr. of a lost Violin Concerto (see BWV 1052R); partly re-used in BWV 146, BWV 188; see also BWV 1052a |
1052a | — | Harpsichord Concerto No.1 | hpd str bc | D minor | 1734 | Orchestral | earlier version of BWV 1052; possibly an arr. by C. P. E. Bach |
1052R | — | Violin Concerto | vn str bc | D minor | 1730–34? | Orchestral | lost, but reconstructed from BWV 146, 188, 1052a and 1052 |
1053 | — | Harpsichord Concerto No.2 | hpd str bc | E major | 1738 | Orchestral | arr. of a lost Oboe Concerto (see BWV 1053R); partly re-used in BWV 49, BWV 169 |
1053R | — | Oboe Concerto | ob/oda str bc | F major | 1730–38? | Orchestral | lost, but reconstructed from BWV 49, 169 and 1053. Also has been reconstructed for Oboe d'amore. |
1054 | — | Harpsichord Concerto No.3 | hpd str bc | D major | 1738 | Orchestral | arr. of BWV 1042 |
1055 | — | Harpsichord Concerto No.4 | hpd str bc | A major | 1738 | Orchestral | arr. of a lost concerto for oboe d'amore (see BWV 1055R) |
1055R | — | Oboe d'amore Concerto | oda str bc | A major | 1730–38? | Orchestral | lost, but reconstructed from BWV 1055 |
1056 | — | Harpsichord Concerto No.5 | hpd str bc | F minor | 1738 | Orchestral | arr. of a lost violin concerto; partly re-used in BWV 156 |
1056R | — | Violin Concerto | vn str bc | G minor | 1730–38? | Orchestral | lost, but reconstructed from BWV 1056 |
1057 | — | Harpsichord Concerto No.6 | 2rec hpd str bc | F major | 1738 | Orchestral | arr. of BWV 1049 |
1058 | — | Harpsichord Concerto No.7 | hpd str bc | G minor | 1738 | Orchestral | arr. of BWV 1041 |
1059 | — | Harpsichord Concerto No.8 | hpd ob str bc | D minor | ? | Orchestral | arr. of a lost oboe concerto (see BWV 1059R); incomplete; partly rev. as BWV 35 |
1059R | — | Oboe Concerto | ob str bc | D minor | ? | Orchestral | lost, but reconstructed from BWV 35, 156, and 1059 |
1060 | — | Concerto for 2 Harpsichords | 2hpd str bc | C minor | 1730–45? | Orchestral | arr. of a lost concerto for oboe and violin (see BWV 1060R) |
1060R | — | Concerto for Oboe and Violin | ob vn str bc | C minor | 1719? | Orchestral | lost, but reconstructed from BWV 1060 |
1061 | — | Concerto for 2 Harpsichords | 2hpd str bc | C major | 1733–34 | Orchestral | 2nd version of BWV 1061a |
1061a | — | Concerto for 2 Harpsichords | 2hpd | C major | 1732–33 | Orchestral | 1st version of BWV 1061 |
1062 | — | Concerto for 2 Harpsichords | 2hpd str bc | C minor | 1736 | Orchestral | arr. of BWV 1043 |
1063 | — | Concerto for 3 Harpsichords | 3hpd str bc | D minor | 1735–45? | Orchestral | |
1064 | — | Concerto for 3 Harpsichords | 3hpd str bc | C major | 1735–45? | Orchestral | arr. of a lost concerto for 3vn (see BWV 1064R) |
1064R | — | Concerto for 3 Violins | 3vn str bc | D major | ? | Orchestral | lost, but reconstructed from BWV 1064 |
1065 | — | Concerto for 4 Harpsichords | 4hpd str bc | A minor | 1730? | Orchestral | arr. of the Concerto for 4 Violins and Cello in B minor, RV 580, by Antonio Vivaldi |
1066–1070 | — | Overtures and Suites |
1066 | — | Orchestral Suite No.1 (Overture) | orch | C major | 1718? | Orchestral | |
1067 | — | Orchestral Suite No.2 (Overture) | orch | B minor | 1738–39 | Orchestral | |
1068 | — | Orchestral Suite No.3 (Overture) | orch | D major | 1731 | Orchestral | |
1069 | — | Orchestral Suite No.4 (Overture) | orch | D major | 1725 | Orchestral | |
1070 | — | Overture ("Orchestral Suite No.5") | orch | G minor | ? | Orchestral | Bach's authorship uncertain |
1071 | — | Sinfonia | orch | F major | — | — | see BWV 1046a |
1072–1078 | — | Canons |
1072 | — | Canon ("Canon trias harmonica") | 8vv | D major | ? | Chamber | |
1073 | — | Canon ("Canon a 4 perpetuus") | 4open | A minor | 1713 | Chamber | |
1074 | — | Canon ("Canon a 4") | 4open | A minor | 1727 | Chamber | |
1075 | — | Canon ("Canon a 2 perpetuus") | 2open | D major | 1734 | Chamber | |
1076 | — | Canon ("Canon triplex a 6") | 4open | G major | 1746 | Chamber | |
1077 | — | Canon ("Canone doppio sopr' il soggetto") | 3open | G major | 1747 | Chamber | |
1078 | — | Canon ("Canon super fa miá 7 post tempus musicum") | 7open | F major | 1749 | Chamber | |
1079–1080 | — | Late Contrapuntal Works |
1079 | — | Musikalisches Opfer ("Musical Offering") | fl hpd 2vn | 1747 | Chamber | ||
1080 | — | Die Kunst der Fuge ("The Art of the Fugue") | kbd | D minor | 1748–49 | Keyboard | incomplete |
1081–1177 | — | More Recent BWV Additions |
1081 | — | Credo in unum Deum | ch bc | F major | ? | Vocal | chorale for a Missa brevis by Giovanni Battista Bassani |
1082 | E15 | Suscepit Israel puerum suum | ch str bc | E minor | 1740–42 | Vocal | arr. of the 3rd movt. of the Magnificat in C major by Antonio Caldara |
1083 | — | Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden (Psalm 51) | 2vv str bc | 1745–47 | Vocal | adaptation of the Stabat Mater by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi | |
1084 | D | 5O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn | ch vn 2va bc | D minor | 1726 | Vocal | |
1085 | K110 | O Lamm Gottes unschuldig (IV) | org | F major | 1715–18? | Keyboard | |
1086 | — | Canon ("Concordia discors") | 2open | D major | 1750? | Chamber | |
1087 | — | Canons (14) | 6open | G major | 1747–48 | Chamber | based on the theme of BWV 988 |
1088 | D10 | So heb ich denn mein Auge sehnlich auf | v 2bn/2vc bc | G minor/ E♭ major | ? | Vocal | intended for the Passions-Pasticcio by Karl Heinrich Graun; Bach's authorship uncertain |
1089 | F109.1 | Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund | ch | ? | Vocal | ||
1090–1120 | — | Chorale Preludes ("Neumeister Chorales") (31): | org | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1090 | K161 |
org | G minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | |
1091 | K162 | org | D minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1092 | K163 | org | A minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1093 | K164 | org | G minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1094 | K165 | org | G minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1095 | K166 | org | F major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1096 | K167 | org | A minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | also attributed to Johann Pachelbel | |
1097 | K168 | org | D major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1098 | K169 | org | D minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1099 | K170 | org | G major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1100 | K171 | org | C major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1101 | K174 | org | D minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1102 | K175 | org | B♭ major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1103 | K176 | org | G minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1104 | K177 | org | E minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1105 | K178 |
org | D minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | |
1106 | K179 | org | G major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1107 | K180 | org | D major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1108 | K181 | org | E minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1109 | K182 | org | D minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1110 | K183 | org | B♭ major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1111 | K184 | org | G major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1112 | K185 | org | F major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1113 | K186 | org | B minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1114 | K187 | org | F minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1115 | K188 | org | C major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1116 | K189 | org | G major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1117 | K190 | org | B♭ major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1118 | K192 | org | G major | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1119 | K193 | org | D minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1120 | K194 | org | E minor | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1121 | — | Fantasia | org | C minor | 1706–10 | Keyboard | formerly BWV Anh.205 |
1122–1126 | — | Chorale Preludes (5): | org | 1703–07? | Keyboard | ||
1122 | — | org | ? | Keyboard | |||
1123 | — | org | ? | Keyboard | |||
1124 | — | org | ? | Keyboard | |||
1125 | — |
org | ? | Keyboard | ||
1126 | — | org | ? | Keyboard | |||
1127 | — | Alles mit Gott, nichts ohn' ihn | v bc | 1713 | Vocal | ||
1128 | — | Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält | org | B♭ major | ? | Keyboard | formerly BWV Anh.71 |
1129 | — | Theoretische Aufzeichnungen zum fünfstimmigen Satz | text | Text | Regula Joh. Seb. Bachii | ||
1130 | — | Theoretische Aufzeichnungen zum Kontrapunkt | text | 1742-43 | Text | Canones aliquot per Josephum Zarlinum | |
1131 | — | Regeln zum Gebrauch von Synkopen im doppelten Kontrapunkt | text | 1743-46 | Text | ||
1132 | — | Kontrapunktstudien | — | 1743-46 | — | ||
1133 | — | Einige höchst nöthige Regeln vom General Basso | text | 1740-45 | Text | Basso continuo rules (Generalbassregeln I) | |
1134 | — | Vorschriften und Grundsätze zum vierstimmigen Spielen des General-Bass oder Accompagnement | text | 1738? | Text | Basso continuo rules (Generalbassregeln II) | |
1135 | — | Siehe, eine Jungfrau ist schwanger | ? | 1724 | Vocal | formerly BWV Anh.199. Cantata for the Feast of the Annunciation; lost | |
1136 | — | Liebster Gott, vergisst du mich | ? | 1714-17 | Vocal | formerly BWV Anh.209. | |
1137 | B | 2Zweite Kantate zur Mühlhäuser Ratswahl | ? | 1709 | Vocal | formerly BWV Anh.192. 2nd Cantata for the inauguration of Mühlhausen town council; lost | |
1138 | — | Dritte Kantate zur Mühlhäuser Ratswahl | ? | 1710 | Vocal | 3rd Cantata for the inauguration of Mühlhausen town council; lost | |
1139 | B | 4aWünschet Jerusalem Glück | ? | 1725 | Vocal | formerly BWV Anh.192. Cantata for the inauguration of Leipzig town council; 1st version of BWV 1139a; music lost | |
1139a | B29 | Wünschet Jerusalem Glück | ? | 1730 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.4a. Cantata for the 3rd day of the 200th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession; 2nd version of BWV 1139; music lost | |
1140 | B | 7Gott, gib dein Gerichte dem Könige | ? | 1730 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.3. Cantata for the inauguration of Leipzig town council; music lost | |
1141 | B | 9Herrscher des Himmels, König der Ehren | ? | 1740 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.193. cantata for the inauguration of Leipzig town council; last chorus based on BWV 208, otherwise lost | |
1142 | B19 | Was ist, das wir Leben nennen | ? | 1716 | Vocal | cantata for the memorial service for Prince Johann Ernst of Saxe-Weimar, otherwise lost | |
1143 | B22 | Klagt, Kinder, klagt es aller Welt | ? | 1729 | Vocal | see BWV 244a. Partly based on BWV 198, BWV 247, BWV 244b; lost | |
1144 | B12 | Sein Segen fliesst daher wie ein Strom | ? | 1725 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.14. Wedding cantata for Christoph Friedrich Lösner and Johanna Elisabetha Scherling; music lost | |
1145 | — | Der Herr ist freundlich dem, der auf ihn harret | ? | 1729 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.211. Cantata for the wedding of the lawyer and university professor Johann Friedrich Höckner with Jacobina Agnetha Bartholomäus, otherwise music lost | |
1146 | — | Vergnügende Flammen, verdoppelt die Macht | ? | 1729 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.212. Cantata for the wedding of the merchant Christoph Georg Winckler with Caroline Wilhelmine Jöcher, otherwise music lost | |
1147 | B30 | Lobet der Herrn, alle seine Heerscharen | ? | 1718 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.5. Cantata for the birthday of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cöthen; music lost | |
1148 | B32 | Siehe, der Hüter Israel | 4vv orch | 1724? | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.15. Cantata for a degree ceremony at Leipzig University; fragment only | |
1149 | D10/3 | Der Gerechte kömmt um | 5vv orch | Vocal | arrangement of the motet "Tristis est anima mea" probably by Johann Kuhnau | ||
1150 | — | Ihr wallenden Wolken | bass orch | 1721-22 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.197. Cantata as a tribute music in honor of the princely house of Anhalt-Köthen or was for New Year's Day; lost | |
1151 | G | 6Dich loben die lieblichen Strahlen | ? | 1719 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.6. Cantata for New Year's Day; music lost | |
1152 | G10 | Cantata (Glückwunschkantate zum Neujahrstag) | ? | 1722 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.8. Cantata for New Year's Day; lost; possibly the same as BWV 184a | |
1153 | G | 7Heut ist gewiss ein guter Tag | ? | 1720 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.7. Cantata for the birthday of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cöthen; music lost | |
1154 | — | O vergnügte Stunden | ? | 1722 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.194. Cantata for the birthday of Johann August of Anhalt-Zerbst; lost | |
1155 | G33 | Lateinische Ode | ? | 1723 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.20. Cantata (ode) for the birthday of Duke Friedrich II of Saxe-Gotha; music lost | |
1156 | G14 | Entfernet euch, ihr heitern Sterne | ? | 1727 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.9. Cantata for birthday of King August III; music lost | |
1157 | G16 | Es lebe der König, der Vater im Lande | ? | 1732 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.11. Cantata for the nameday of King August II of Poland; music lost | |
1158 | G17 | Frohes Volk, vergnügte Sachsen | ? | 1733 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.12. Cantata for the nameday of King August III of Poland; based on BWV Anh.18; music lost | |
1159 | G25 | Glückwunschkantate / Serenade | ? | 1739 | Vocal | cantata for the birthday of King August III of Poland; libretto and music lost | |
1160 | G30 | So kämpfet nur, ihr muntern Töne | ? | 1731 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.10. Cantata for the birthday of Joachim Friedrich Reichsgraf von Flemming; music lost | |
1161 | G24 | Willkommen! Ihr herrschenden Götter | ? | 1738 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.13. Cantata for the wedding of Prince Carl IV and Princess Maria Amalia; music lost | |
1162 | G39 | Froher Tag, verlangte Stunden | ? | 1732 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.18. Cantata for occasion of the rededication of the rebuilt St. Thomas School; music lost; rev. as BWV Anh.12 | |
1163 | G42 | Auf, süß entzückende Gewalt | 4vv ch orch? | 1725 | Vocal | formally BWV Anh.196. Cantata on the occasion of the wedding of Peter Hohman the Younger; music lost | |
1164 | — | Aria | ? | 1731-32 | Vocal | music lost | |
1165 | C9 | Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn | 2ch | 1713? | Vocal | formerly BWV Anh.159. Attributed to Johann Christoph Bach | |
1166 | — | Markus-Passion Pasticcio | 4vv ch orch | 1713? | Vocal | ||
1167 | D10 | Beiträge zur Passionsmusik "Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt (Pasticcio-Bearbeitung) von Carl Heinrich Graun's „Kleiner Passion“ (GraunWV B:VII:4) mit Sätzen von Johann Sebastian Bach und Georg Philipp Telemann | 5vv orch | 1735-50 | Vocal | is based on Karl Heinrich Graun's Passion cantata "Ein Lämmlein geht und tragen die Schuld" (so-called "Kleine Passion" (GraunWV B:VII:4), Braunschweig before 1735) with Georg Philipp Telemann's opening chorus, "Wer ist der, so von Edom kömmt" TVWV 1:1585 (from the Palmarum cantata of the French vintage), and the following chorale movement for "Christus, der uns selig macht" (from D to E transposed final chorale of the same cantata); the following movements (3rd–18th) are all by Graun. | |
1168 | — | Concerto | org | F major | — | Keyboard | formally BWV Anh.213. Arrangement of a concerto by Georg Philipp Telemann |
1169 | K | 54O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid | org | 1713–15 | Keyboard | formally BWV Anh.200. Incomplete | |
1170 | — | Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn (II) | org | 1714–17 | Keyboard | formally BWV Anh.55. Bach's authorship uncertain | |
1171 | — | Auf meinen lieben Gott | org | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | ||
1172 | — | Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn | org | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | ||
1173 | — | Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ | org | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | ||
1174 | — | Komm, heiliger Geist, erfüll die Herzen | org | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | ||
1175 | — | Es ist das Heil uns kommen her | org | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | ||
1176 | — | Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn | org | F major | 1718? | Keyboard | see BWV Anh.77. Bach's authorship uncertain |
1177 | — | March | orch | D major | 1726 | Orchestral | |
— | Fragmentary, Lost, Doubtful, and Spurious Works |
Anh. | 1— | Gesegnet ist die Zuversicht | vv 2fl str bc | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (TWV 1:617) | |
Anh. | 2A147 | Cantata | 4vv ch str bc | 1729 | Vocal | cantata for the 19th Sunday after Trinity; fragment only | |
Anh. | 3B | 7Gott, gib dein Gerichte dem Könige | ? | 1730 | Vocal | see BWV 1140. Cantata for the inauguration of Leipzig town council; music lost | |
Anh. | 4B | 4aWünschet Jerusalem Glück | ? | 1725 | Vocal | see BWV 1139. Cantata for the inauguration of Leipzig town council; 1st version of BWV Anh.4a; music lost | |
Anh. | 4aB29 | Wünschet Jerusalem Glück | ? | 1730 | Vocal | see BWV 1139a. Cantata for the 3rd day of the 200th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession; 2nd version of BWV Anh.4; music lost | |
Anh. | 5B30 | Lobet der Herrn, alle seine Heerscharen | ? | 1718 | Vocal | see BWV 1147. Cantata for the birthday of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cöthen; music lost | |
Anh. | 6G | 6Dich loben die lieblichen Strahlen | ? | 1719 | Vocal | see BWV 1151. Cantata for New Year's Day; music lost | |
Anh. | 7G | 7Heut ist gewiss ein guter Tag | ? | 1720 | Vocal | see BWV 1153. Cantata for the birthday of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cöthen; music lost | |
Anh. | 8G10 | Cantata (Glückwunschkantate zum Neujahrstag) | ? | 1722 | Vocal | see BWV 1152. Cantata for New Year's Day; lost; possibly the same as BWV 184a | |
Anh. | 9G14 | Entfernet euch, ihr heitern Sterne | ? | 1727 | Vocal | see BWV 1156. Cantata for birthday of King August III; music lost | |
Anh. | 10G30 | So kämpfet nur, ihr muntern Töne | ? | 1731 | Vocal | see BWV 1160. Cantata for the birthday of Joachim Friedrich Reichsgraf von Flemming; music lost | |
Anh. | 11G16 | Es lebe der König, der Vater im Lande | ? | 1732 | Vocal | see BWV 1157. Cantata for the nameday of King August II of Poland; music lost | |
Anh. | 12G17 | Frohes Volk, vergnügte Sachsen | ? | 1733 | Vocal | see BWV 1158. Cantata for the nameday of King August III of Poland; based on BWV Anh.18; music lost | |
Anh. | 13G24 | Willkommen! Ihr herrschenden Götter | ? | 1738 | Vocal | see BWV 1161. Cantata for the wedding of Prince Carl IV and Princess Maria Amalia; music lost | |
Anh. | 14B12 | Sein Segen fliesst daher wie ein Strom | ? | 1725 | Vocal | see BWV 1144. Wedding cantata for Christoph Friedrich Lösner and Johanna Elisabetha Scherling; music lost | |
Anh. | 15B32 | Siehe, der Hüter Israel | 4vv orch | 1724? | Vocal | see BWV 1148. Cantata for a degree ceremony at Leipzig University; fragment only | |
Anh. | 16— | Schließt die Gruft! Ihr Trauerglocken | ? | 1735 | Vocal | funeral cantata; music lost | |
Anh. | 17— | Mein Gott, nimm die gerechte Seele | 4vv orch | ? | Vocal | funeral cantata; fragments only | |
Anh. | 18G39 | Froher Tag, verlangte Stunden | ? | 1732 | Vocal | see BWV 1162. Cantata for occasion of the rededication of the rebuilt St. Thomas School; music lost; rev. as BWV Anh.12 | |
Anh. | 19G40 | Thomana saß annoch betrübt | ? | 1734 | Vocal | cantata for the Thomasschule in Leipzig; music lost | |
Anh. | 20G33 | Lateinische Ode | ? | 1723 | Vocal | see BWV 1155. Cantata (ode) for the birthday of Duke Friedrich II of Saxe-Gotha; music lost | |
Anh. | 21— | Magnificat ("Kleine Magnificat") | v fl str bc | A minor | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Melchior Hoffmann |
Anh. | 22— | Concerto for Oboe and Violin | ob vb orch | ? | Orchestral | lost, only the theme remains | |
Anh. | 23— | Concerto | str bc | E minor | — | Orchestral | bc part only; spurious; composed by Tomaso Albinoni |
Anh. | 24— | Mass | ch str bc | A minor | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Christoph Pez |
Anh. | 25— | Mass | ch orch | C major | ? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 26— | Mass | ch orch | C minor | 1727–32 | Vocal | spurious; composed by Francesco Durante, but Christe eleison adapted by Bach as BWV 242 |
Anh. | 27— | Sanctus | ch orch | F major | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Ludwig Krebs) |
Anh. | 28— | Sanctus | ch orch | B♭ major | ? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 29— | Mass | ? | C minor | ? | Vocal | bass part only; Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 30— | Magnificat | 2ch orch | C major | ? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Antonio Lotti |
Anh. | 31— | Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir | ch 2tpt | D major | ? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 32–39— | Geistliche Oden und ein Gedicht (7): | v bc | 1704? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 32— |
v bc | 1704? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 33— |
v bc | 1704? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 34— |
v bc | 1704? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 35— |
v bc | 1704? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 36— |
v bc | 1704? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 37— |
v bc | 1704? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 38— |
v bc | 1704? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 39— |
v bc | 1704? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 40— | Ich bin nun wie ich bin | kbd (or voice, keyboard) | 1734? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 41— | Dir zu Liebe, wertes Herze | kbd (or voice, keyboard) | 1734? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 42— | Fugue | org | F major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 43— | Fugue | org | B minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Wq.233, H.776) |
Anh. | 44— | Fugue | org | G major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Peter Kellner or Johann Christoph Kellner |
Anh. | 45— | Fugue (on "B-A-C-H") | org | B♭ major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Justin Heinrich Knecht |
Anh. | 46— | Trio | org | C minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Tobias Krebs |
Anh. | 47— | Herzlich tut mich verlangen | org | A minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Peter Kellner |
Anh. | 48— | Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr | org | G major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 49— | Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Johann Gottfried Walther | |
Anh. | 50— | Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort (II) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 51— | Erstanden ist der heil'ge Christ (II) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 52— | Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 53— | Schlage doch, gewünschte Stunde | v bells str bc | ? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Melchior Hoffmann | |
Anh. | 54— | Helft mir Gott's Güte preisen (II) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 55— | Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn (II) | org | 1714–17 | Keyboard | see BWV 1170. Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 56— | Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann | |
Anh. | 57— | Jesu Leiden, Pein und Tod | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Caspar Vogler | |
Anh. | 58— | Jesu, meine Freude (IV) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 59— | Jesu, meine Freude (V) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 60— | Nun lob' meine Seele | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Gottfried Walther | |
Anh. | 61— | O Mensch bewein dein' Sünde groß | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Pachelbel | |
Anh. | 62a— | Sei Lob und Ehr mit hohem Preis (I) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 62b— | Sei Lob und Ehr mit hohem Preis (II) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 63— | Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (VI) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 64— | Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (VII) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 65— | Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (VIII) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 66— | Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme | tpt org | ? | Chamber | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 67— | Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (II) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 68— | Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten (VI) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 69— | Wir glauben all an einen Gott (V) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 70— | Wir glauben all an einen Gott (VI) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 71— | Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält | org | ? | Keyboard | see BWV 1128 | |
Anh. | 72— | Canon | org | G minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 73— | Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (III) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach | |
Anh. | 74— | Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (III) | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Gottfried August Homilius; see also BWV 759 | |
Anh. | 75— | Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn (III) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 76— | Jesu, meine Freude (VI) | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 77— | Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn | org | F major | 1718? | Keyboard | see BWV 1176. Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 78— | Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 79— | Befiehl du deine Wege | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 80— | Suite | kbd | F major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 81— | Gigue | kbd | ? | Keyboard | incomplete; Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh. | 82— | Chaconne | kbd | B♭ major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Bernhard Bach |
Anh. | 83— | Chaconne | kbd | A major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Bernhard Bach |
Anh. | 84— | Chaconne | kbd | G major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Bernhard Bach |
Anh. | 85— | Toccata and Fugue | kbd | F minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 86— | Fantasia | kbd | C minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 87— | Fantasia | kbd | C major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 88— | Fugue | kbd | C major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Christoph Kellner |
Anh. | 89— | Fugue | kbd | C major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 90— | Fugue | kbd | C major | ? | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Philipp Kirnberger; formerly attributed to Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach as H.388 |
Anh. | 91— | Fugue | kbd | G major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 92— | Fugue | kbd | G major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 93— | Fugue | kbd | E minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 94— | Fugue | kbd | E minor | ? | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Philipp Kirnberger |
Anh. | 95— | Fugue | kbd | E minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 96— | Fugue | kbd | D major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh. | 97— | Fugue | kbd | F♯ major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Ludwig Krebs |
Anh. | 98— | Fugue | kbd | D minor | ? | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H.373.5) |
Anh. | 99— | Fugue | kbd | D minor | ? | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H.373.5) |
Anh.100 | — | Fugue | kbd | D minor | ? | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H.373.5) |
Anh.101 | — | Fugue | kbd | G minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.102 | — | Fugue | kbd | G♭ major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.103 | — | Fugue | kbd | A minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by George Frideric Handel |
Anh.104 | — | Fugue | kbd | C minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by George Frideric Handel |
Anh.105 | — | Fugue | kbd | B♭ major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by George Frideric Handel |
Anh.106 | — | Fugue | kbd | G minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by George Frideric Handel |
Anh.107 | — | Fugue (on the theme "B-A-C-H") | kbd | C major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Georg Andreas Sorge |
Anh.108 | — | Fugue (on the theme "B-A-C-H") | kbd | C major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Georg Andreas Sorge or Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach |
Anh.109 | — | Fugue (on the theme "B-A-C-H") | kbd | G minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.110 | — | Fugue (on the theme "B-A-C-H") | kbd | C minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; probably composed by Georg Andreas Sorge |
Anh.111 | — | Largo and Allegro | kbd | G major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.112 | — | Prelude (Grave) | kbd | E minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Philipp Kirnberger |
Anh.112a | — | Notebook II for Anna Magdalena Bach (20): | kbd | 1725 | Keyboard | 20 doubtful or spurious piees | |
Anh.113 | — | Minuet | kbd | F major | 1725 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.114 | — | Minuet | kbd | G major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Christian Pezold |
Anh.115 | — | Minuet | kbd | G minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Christian Pezold |
Anh.116 | — | Minuet | kbd | G major | 1725 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.117a | — | Polonaise | kbd | F major | 1725 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; see also BWV Anh.117b; Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.117b | — | Polonaise | kbd | F major | 1725 | Keyboard | alternate version of BWV Anh.117a; Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.118 | — | Minuet | kbd | B♭ major | 1725 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.119 | — | Polonaise | kbd | G minor | 1725 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach |
Anh.120 | — | Minuet | kbd | A minor | 1725 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.121 | — | Minuet | kbd | C minor | 1725 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.122 | — | March | kbd | D major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H.1/1) |
Anh.123 | — | Polonaise | kbd | G minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H.1/2) |
Anh.124 | — | March | kbd | G major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H.1/3) |
Anh.125 | — | Polonaise | kbd | G minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H.1/4) |
Anh.126 | — | Musette | kbd | D major | 1725 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.127 | — | March | kbd | E♭ major | 1725 | Keyboard | spurious |
Anh.128 | — | Polonaise | kbd | D minor | 1725 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.129 | — | Harpsichord Sonata | hpd | E♭ major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Wq.65/7, H.16) |
Anh.130 | — | Polonaise | kbd | G major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Adolph Hasse |
Anh.131 | — | March | kbd | F major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Christian Bach (W.A22); incomplete |
Anh.132 | — | Minuet | kbd | D minor | 1725 | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.133–150 | — | Pieces for a Musical Clock (18) | morg | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (F.207) | |
Anh.151 | — | Concerto | kbd | C major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.152 | — | Concerto | kbd | G major | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.153 | — | Violin Sonata | vn bc | A major | ? | Chamber | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.154 | — | Violin Sonata | vn kbd | E♭ major | ? | Chamber | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.155 | — | Concerto | str bc kbd | A major | ? | Orchestral | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.156 | — | Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn | ch str bc | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (TWV 1:732) | |
Anh.157 | — | Ich habe Lust zu scheiden | ch orch | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (TWV 1:836) | |
Anh.158 | — | Andrò dall' colle aI Prato | v fl str bc | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Christian Bach (part of the operaOrione, ossia Diana vendicata, W.G4) | |
Anh.159 | C9 | Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn | 2ch | 1713? | Vocal | see BWV 1165. Formerly attributed to Johann Christoph Bach | |
Anh.160 | C7 | Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt | 2ch | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (TWV 8:10) | |
Anh.161 | — | Kündlich groß ist das gottselige Geheimnis | 2ch (strings, continuo?) | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Karl Heinrich Graun (GraunWV 10) | |
Anh.162 | — | Lob und Ehre und Weisheit und Dank | 2ch | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Georg Gottfried Wagner | |
Anh.163 | — | Merk auf, mein Herz und sieh dorthin | 2ch | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Christoph Bach | |
Anh.164 | — | Nun danket alle Gott | ch | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Christoph Altnikol | |
Anh.165 | — | Unser Wandel ist im Himmel | ch | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Ernst Bach | |
Anh.166 | — | Mass | ch str bc | E minor | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Ludwig Bach |
Anh.167 | — | Mass | 4vv ch orch | G major | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Ludwig Bach or Antonio Lotti |
Anh.168 | — | Kyrie | 4vv str | G minor | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (F.100) |
Anh.169 | — | Erbauliche Gedanken auf den Gruenen Donnerstag und Charfreitag ueber den Leidenden Jesum | ? | 1725? | Vocal | music lost; probably never composed | |
Anh.170 | A138 | Welt ade, ich bin dein müde | ch | — | Vocal | spurious; composed by Johann Rosenmüller | |
Anh.171 | — | Christ lag in Todesbanden | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Pachelbel | |
Anh.172 | — | Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend | org | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Ludwig Krebs | |
Anh.173–176 | — | Inventions (4) | vn bc | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Francesco Antonio Bonporti (Nos.2, 5, 6, 7 from Op.10) | |
Anh.173 | — | vn bc | B minor | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Francesco Antonio Bonporti (No.2 from Op.10) | |
Anh.174 | — | vn bc | B♭ major | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Francesco Antonio Bonporti (No.5 from Op.10) | |
Anh.175 | — | vn bc | C minor | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Francesco Antonio Bonporti (No.6 from Op.10) | |
Anh.176 | — | vn bc | D major | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Francesco Antonio Bonporti (No.7 from Op.10) | |
Anh.177 | — | Prelude and Fugue | kbd | E♭ major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Christoph Bach |
Anh.178 | — | Toccata quasi Fantasia con Fuge | org | A major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composer uncertain |
Anh.179 | — | Fantasia durch alle Tonarten gehend | kbd | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann David Heinichen | |
Anh.180 | — | Fugue | kbd | D minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Peter Kellner |
Anh.181 | — | Fugue | kbd | A minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Johann Ludwig Krebs |
Anh.182 | — | Passacaglia | kbd | D minor | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Christian Friedrich Witt |
Anh.183 | — | Rondo | kbd | B♭ major | — | Keyboard | in Notebook II for Anna Magdalena Bach; spurious; composed by François Couperin |
Anh.184 | — | Violin Sonata | vn bc | A minor | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Carlo Zuccari (Op.1 No.10) |
Anh.185 | — | Sonata for 2 Violins | 2vn bc | D major | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (H.585) |
Anh.186 | — | Sonata for 2 Violins | 2vn bc | F major | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Wq.154, H.576) |
Anh.187 | — | Trio | fl bn vn | F major | — | Chamber | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Wq.159, H.587) |
Anh.188 | — | Sonata (Concerto) | 2hpd | F major | — | Keyboard | spurious; composed by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (F.10) |
Anh.189 | — | Harpsichord Concerto | hpd str bc | A minor | — | Orchestral | spurious; composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Wq.1, H.403) |
Anh.190 | — | Ich bin ein Pilgrim auf der Welt | ? | 1729 | Vocal | cantata for Easter Monday; fragment only | |
Anh.191 | — | Leb ich oder leb ich icht | ? | 1715? | Vocal | lost | |
Anh.192 | B | 2Cantata | ? | 1709 | Vocal | see BWV 1137. cantata for the inauguration of Mühlhausen town council; lost | |
Anh.193 | B | 9Herrscher des Himmels, König der Ehren | ? | 1740 | Vocal | see BWV 1141. Cantata for the inauguration of Leipzig town council; last chorus based on BWV 208, otherwise lost | |
Anh.194 | — | O vergnügte Stunden | ? | 1722 | Vocal | see BWV 1154. Cantata for the birthday of Johann August of Anhalt-Zerbst; lost | |
Anh.195 | — | Murmelt nur, ihr heitern Bäche | ? | 1723 | Vocal | cantata for Johann Florens Rivinus; lost | |
Anh.196 | G42 | Auf, süß entzückende Gewalt | 4vv ch orch? | 1725 | Vocal | see BWV 1163. Cantata on the occasion of the wedding of Peter Hohman the Younger; lost | |
Anh.197 | — | Ihr wallenden Wolken | bass orch | 1721-22 | Vocal | see BWV 1150. Cantata as a tribute music in honor of the princely house of Anhalt-Köthen or was for New Year's Day; lost | |
Anh.198 | — | Sinfonia | ch orch | ? | Vocal | cantata for the Feast of St. Michael; fragment only | |
Anh.199 | — | Siehe, eine Jungfrau ist schwanger | ? | 1724 | Vocal | see BWV 1135. cantata for the Feast of the Annunciation; lost | |
Anh.200 | K | 54O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid | org | 1713–15 | Keyboard | see BWV 1169. Incomplete | |
Anh.201–204 | — | Chorales (4): | ch | ? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh.201 | — |
ch | G minor | ? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.202 | — |
ch | F major | ? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.203 | — |
ch | A minor | ? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.204 | — |
ch | B minor | ? | Vocal | Bach's authorship uncertain |
Anh.205 | — | Fantasia | org | C minor | 1706–10 | Keyboard | see BWV 1121. |
Anh.206 | — | Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade | org | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain | |
Anh.207 | — | Fugue | kbd | E minor | ? | Keyboard | Bach's authorship uncertain; possibly composed by Johann Peter Kellner |
Anh.208 | — | Fugue | kbd | E♭ minor | — | Keyboard | Johann Ernst Eberlin |
Anh.209 | — | Liebster Gott, vergisst du mich | ? | 1714-17 | Vocal | see BWV 1136. | |
Anh.210 | — | Wo sind meine Wunderwerke | ? | 1734 | Vocal | probably never composed. Music for the farewell party for the Thomasschule rector Johann Matthias Gesner, otherwise music lost. | |
Anh.211 | — | Der Herr ist freundlich dem, der auf ihn harret | ? | 1729 | Vocal | see BWV 1145. Cantata for the wedding of the lawyer and university professor Johann Friedrich Höckner with Jacobina Agnetha Bartholomäus, otherwise music lost | |
Anh.212 | — | Vergnügende Flammen, verdoppelt die Macht | ? | 1729 | Vocal | see BWV 1146. Cantata for the wedding of the merchant Christoph Georg Winckler with Caroline Wilhelmine Jöcher, otherwise music lost | |
Anh.213 | — | Concerto | org | F major | — | Keyboard | see BWV 1168. Arrangement of a concerto by Georg Philipp Telemann |