User talk:Massenetique



Archive Pages for this page

actually, more and more many of us who use are now getting the URL (e.g. eoliansoundsforh00thom for the Thomas Eolian Sounds work, e.g.) and including that in the IArch|eoliansoundsforh00thom template in the scanner field, linking directly to the Internet Archive field where all that information you mentioned to user Ys is available- the publisher information etc. should still of course be on our page, but the source (Br University Utah etc.) is already on theirs. Good point re B&W pages though, which I need to do also. Eric 18:07, 1 September 2011 (UTC)


Thanks for grabbing that deletion. For some reason I thought Kreisler died in the 1940s and didn't realize my error until after it was too late. --Jemiller226 14:13, 7 September 2011 (UTC)

No worries, it's actually back up now as a US-only score! Massenetique talk email 15:34, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
Nice! Is there any way for the newbie to do that, or is it a librarian-only thing? Or another site entirely? Like I said, newbie.  :) --Jemiller226 20:13, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
It is another site, to be exact, and Jdeperi is in charge of granting admin. access. It's much more rudimentary than the main site, basically just a slew of directories to which you add the files, then generate the link to add to The add file form cannot be used for it tho, so you have to enter all the code directly to the work page. Might be something to take on once you get a little more experience -- if you want to read more about it, there's a post about the US server on the forums here. If you come across a US-only score, you can always add it as you would normally, but add the {{ToUSserver}} template to the Misc. Notes field, which will alert the copyright reviewer and add it to a list of files needing to be moved. Onward and upward, Massenetique talk email 21:47, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
The template is plenty for me for now. I'm currently just trying to get to a point where an admin doesn't have to follow behind me and clean up something on most of my contributions.  :) --Jemiller226 14:57, 9 September 2011 (UTC)
Don't worry, that's what we're here for :-) — P.davydov 20:06, 9 September 2011 (UTC)

Nur für Natur : Orchester parts

Dear Sir, I'm representing a philharmonic orchester and for our yearly newyearsconcert we are looking for a copy of the Walzer 'Nur für Natur' from the operette 'Der Lustige Krieg' that was written by Johann Strauss Junior in 1881. We could only find a version for piano and voices, but we are looking for the full version for orchester. If there is a possibility that you can help us whith this search , or even tell us where we can find it, we will be very greatfull to you. Of course all expensifs are repaid. Kindly regards,

Urbain Borremans (Belgium) mail : site :

Hello Urbain, I have responded to your query by email. Massenetique talk email 08:01, 13 September 2011 (UTC)

American in Paris

Hi, the full score was edited by Frank Campbell-Watson (d.1980) and had to be taken down. A few others have attempted to upload the exact same score as well, with the same results :-) Thanks, KGill talk email 23:27, 19 September 2011 (UTC)

Ah, ok. I was trying to go through some of the backed-up CR tags quickly - obviously didn't look at that one closely enough. Thanks for letting me know! Massenetique talk email 23:56, 19 September 2011 (UTC)

US Copyright renewals

Hi, Anything published 1964-1977 was automatically renewed. So, the fact that an author, the heirs, or a publisher didn't actually file one (plenty still did until 2005) has no bearing on the US copyright status. Anything published 1978 and later is life plus 70, and there's no special urtext provision, so the Salieri Requiem is considered protected for the editor's life plus 70 years until someone spends the 7 figures or so in legal fees to actually challenge the whole thing on the basis of lack of originality. (That's unlikely to happen anytime soon.) Carolus 06:49, 20 October 2011 (UTC)

Opera in Lodz

Have you noticed the opera collection at this address?

Regards WB

No, I hadn't seen this collection before. The problem from my standpoint is that they only offer very large (ie. 170MB for 100 pages of music) .djvu files for download. I installed a freeware program to convert these to pdf, but the resulting pdf was a staggering 820MB!! I don't have the money for good software, so maybe these should be left to someone else more experienced with the different file types and compression, etc. Good find though, they definitely have some decent scores in their digital collection. Thanks! Massenetique talk email 03:33, 12 December 2011 (UTC)
My approach to converting Djvu files to PDF has been so far to gather images by screenshots and go from there, but with files of any large number of pages that is going to take awhile and reduces the image quality rathermuch (though on the other other hand there is nothing wrong really with saving and uploading opera files on an Act-by-Act basis too where possible rather than always the whole thing :) ) Eric 11:09, 17 January 2012 (UTC)

Horn quintet- I mean, Horn string quintet :)

Thanks! Have been curious about that work (and have now removed it from the wishlist where I recall having put it :) ). Eric 11:06, 17 January 2012 (UTC)

La Reine de Saba

Re: La reine de Saba (Gounod, Charles). You say that the original version was in five acts. However, Pitou 1990 (ISBN 9780686460367), p. 1090, says it was originally billed as an opera in four acts. Also, the Paris Opera archivist Théodore de Lajarte 1878, vol. 2, p. 233, seems to say that the Paris Opera scores and parts are in four acts. Also, Gustave Chouquet 1873, p. 420, says it was in four acts. This information would seem to suggest that the revision may have been in five acts. I'm curious what your information is based on. Thanks for help. --Robert.Allen 21:28, 3 February 2012 (UTC)

I started reading in Huebner's book on Gounod's operas after posting the above. Although Gounod, Barbier, and Carré had written a 5-act opera, it was much too long to be performed, and it looks as though during the rehearsal period it was may have been cut to four acts. Huebner says that the first edition of the P-V score (plate no. AC 880, with the last page numbered 298) included a scene as an appendix (Huebner 1990, p. 199). The file #70754 includes the "first tableau of the second act" (which was cut at the premiere due to the length of the ballet), as an appendix, which ends on p. 298 and may be what Huebner is referring to. The second edition was 254 pages, which apparently we do not have at IMSLP. The other two files at IMSLP appear to be a later 4-act edition (with "Faiblesse de la race humaine" opening Act 2 which goes on to the scene from the appendix. The original tableau 2 of Act 2 is then the first tableau of Act 3. (I have not found that Huebner discusses this edition.) Anyway, I'm still reading in Huebner's book, trying to sort out as much as I can. --Robert.Allen 00:40, 4 February 2012 (UTC)
My information comes from the online version of the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians -- here is the text
Title: La reine de Saba
Genre, acts: opéra, 5
Libretto: Barbier and Carré, after G. de Nerval: Le voyage en Orient
Premiere: Opéra, 28 Feb 1862
Dates of composition, publication details, remarks: 1861–2; vs (1862) [earliest issue in 5 acts, several later, with changes, in 4], new edn by H. Busser (c1900); fs (1890s)

It seems that while the original 5-act version may not have been performed intact, it still constitutes the original version and if Grove is to be believed (which is reasonable), was indeed published in 1862. I just took a look at and there are numerous libraries (although not all that many) which have in their collections the original 1862 5-act first edition. One of these libraries is close to me in Berkeley and the next time I am able to visit their library, I will check it out. Massenetique talk email 02:04, 4 February 2012 (UTC)
Thanks for checking. It sounds like a 5-act p-v score has turned up that was published even earlier, before the one Huebner calls the "first edition" in his 1990 book (which I think corresponds to file #70754). Unfortunately it seems that New Grove Online does not give enough details to know exactly where this 5-act early edition might be located. (Actually Huebner gives a 5-act synopsis in his 1990 book, but I haven't run across where he explains why he wrote it in 5-acts.) A 5-act libretto was published in 1876 by Calmann Lévy 56 pages. Perhaps it corresponds to Barbier and Carré's original libretto that Gounod set? Pitou's 4-act synopsis was published in 1990 and may be from a 4-act 1862 libretto; BnF has one of 49 pages. (He probably did not know about an earlier 5-act p-v score.) BnF lists a different Choudens 4-act p-v score which they date to 1862 230 pages. Also, if you have time, please take a look at these: [1] [2] (altho these notices are apparently based on Wild's 1987 book, so they are probably not helpful in this regard). Thanks for helping out with this! --Robert.Allen 09:12, 4 February 2012 (UTC)

Gounod Romeo and Juliet

Dear Friend,

I looking for the complete score of this piece. I've downloaded your scores, and the one what I like so much is not complete. One page is missing, and it's a very important page for me: the aria first page. Do you have this page maybe? Please be so kind and send me if you have it! Many thanks!!! Medoro from Hungary This is your file: Language: French / English Translator: Theodore Baker (1851-1934), English text Publisher Info.: New York: G. Schirmer, 1897. Plate 13203. Reprinted: New York: G. Schirmer, 1925.

Don Quichotte and Help


I'm in process of scanning and uploading the orchestra parts for Massenet's Don Quichotte. I'm not sure how to add parts to my pre-existing edition under the "Parts" tab. I've been doing the parts in batches of five or so, but if it's easier just to wait until I'm done with the rest, I can. (I have 5 uploaded already, just not sure how to add parts without it going under a new edition).

Sophie Lucile Larmande-Des Argus

While I was looking for harp music, I saw that you have already uploaded quite a lot of her work and I noticed that you got them from the internet archive.

I also got quite a lot of harp music from the internet archive. Since most of the harp music I uploaded come from the International Harp Archive at Brigham Young Uni, Cypressdome has kindly created a template for the scores that come from the the International Harp Archive. Because I saw that you have got the score from the same source, I have added the template that the scores are from the the International Harp Archive. As a courtesy I just want to tell you that I have added the template to your upload of Sophie Lucile Larmande-Des Argus' harp music and I am sure that you would approve..