Christus factus est, WAB 10 (Bruckner, Anton)





Performer Pages Cantores Carmeli Linz (chorus)
Michael Stenov (director/organist)
Publisher Info. Michael Stenov
Misc. Notes Live recording from the Karmelitenkirche Linz 2019 - with organ accompaniment
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Sheet Music

Scores and Parts

Publisher. Info. Holograph manuscript, n.d.(ca.1873)..
Misc. Notes ca.300dpi color images. This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page. Composer's manuscript with autograph. Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Mus.Hs.44227. Contains comment by Bruckner with respect to the performance of Graduales ("better without violins") and penciled notes of Rudolf Weinwurm (1835-1911) concerning the provenance of the autograph. Scored for SSAATTBB, 2 violins, and 3 trombones. See also: Bruckner-online. Catalog entries claim a date of 1873 but no date appears to be visible on the score.
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Publisher. Info. Holograph manuscript, n.d.(ca.1873)..
Misc. Notes ca.300dpi color images. This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page. Source: Stift St. Florian, A-SF20-42.
Bar 22 to bar 51: score for additional string kwintet (2 Violas, 2 Cellos, 1 Bass).
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Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d. (copyists' manuscripts)
Misc. Notes ca.300dpi color images. This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page. Copyist manuscript from the Akademischen Gesangvereins Wien. Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Mus.Hs.33181. See also: Bruckner-online.
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Copyist K. Maaß
Publisher. Info. Manuscript, 1923. (Vöcklabruck, 23. 4. 1923)
Misc. Notes ca.300dpi color images. This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page. Copyist manuscript. Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Mus.Hs.33200. See also: Bruckner-online.
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Editor Hans Bauernfeind (1908–1985)
Leopold Nowak (1904–1991)
Publisher. Info. Neue Gesamtausgabe, Band XXI/XXI. Kleine Kirchenmusikwerke (pp.100-106)
Vienna: Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag, 1984.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

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4 more: Alto Trombone • Tenor Trombone • Bass Trombone • Violins I/II

Editor Alexander Reuter
Publisher. Info. Alexander Reuter
Misc. Notes Edited form manuscript stored at Austrian National Library under signatory A-Wn-Mus.Hs.44227.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

For Mixed Chorus
Arranger Composer?
Editor Ludwig Berberich (1882-1965), Preface
Publisher. Info. Vienna: Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag, 1934.
Misc. Notes ca.160dpi color images. Converted to Black and White, deskewed, and resample to 600 dpi. This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page. Title page mentions this being a Op.Post(humous) work. This was probably used before the WAB catalogue system for Bruckner was created. In this arrangement the violins are replaced by the alto voice (bars 1-14). See also: Bruckner-online.
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Sketches and Drafts

Publisher. Info. Holograph manuscript, n.d.[1879].
Misc. Notes ca.300dpi color images. This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page. Manuscript sketch by the composer. Source: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Mus.Hs.6021. See also: Bruckner-onlne.
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Free Recordings

General Information

Work Title Christus factus est (II)
Alternative. Title
Name Translations キリストは従順であられた; Christus factus est (Bruckner, 1873)
Name Aliases クリストゥス・ファクトゥス・エスト(キリストは従順であられた)
Authorities WorldCat; Wikipedia; VIAF: 292549009; BNF: 14805619c
Composer Bruckner, Anton
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. WAB 10
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IAB 17
Key D minor
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 1 gradual (Andante)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1873 or before
First Performance. 1873-12-08
First Publication. 1934
Copyright Information
In the USA this work is most likely in the public domain because no renewal was found after a thorough search of the Catalog of Copyright Entries and it was ineligible for "restoration" under GATT/TRIPS due to being in the public domain its home country on the relevant restoration date.
Librettist Phil 2, 8-9
Language Latin
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation Voices: mixed chorus (SSAATTBB)
3 trombones, 2 violins (or string quintet: 2 violins, viola, cello, bass) [ad lib]
External Links Wikipedia article

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  • Grove Music lists the instrumentation as "str 3tbn", and Bruckner-online as "Str. (Vl. I, Vl. II, Va., Vc., Kb.), Pos. (A-Pos., T-Pos., B-Pos.)". The Bruckner Gesamtausgabe lists indeed the instrumentation as a string quintet (2 violins, viola, cello and double bass) and 3 trombones, with Bruckner's annotation "Besser ohne Violinen". Ricardo Luna's recording follows the Bruckner Gesamtausgabe.
  • Sure but the original manuscript (Mus.Hs.44227) hosted on the Austrian National Library states the instrumentation he provided as being mixed chorus (SSAATTBB), 3 trombones and 2 violins. No mention of extra lower strings at all... remember the instrumentation provided in the General Information section has to be taken from what the manuscript states, thus being the original.
  • Bruckner-online claims manuscript A-SF20-42 string parts (for 2 violas, 2 cellos, and double bass) from the archive of St. Florian are in Bruckner's handwriting and are dated 1873 (although no date appears to be visible on the scanned images).

Motets by Anton Bruckner