Breitkopf & Härtels Kammermusik-Bibliothek

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This is an individual page listed the publication(s) under the name of Breitkopf & Härtels Kammermusik-Bibliothek, one of the Bibliotheke serie(s) under Breitkopf & Härtel's. This series has a full name as: Breitkopf & Härtels Bibliotheken für den Koncertgebrauch. Kammermusik. It contained 2,300+ items, divided into many "groups" (Gruppen):

  1. String Sextets Septets and Octets
  2. String Quintets
  3. String Quartets
  4. String Trios
  • Septets and Sextets with Piano
  • Piano Quintets
  • Piano Quartets
  • Piano Trios
  • Trios for 2 Violins and PIano
  • Quartets for Piano 4-hands, Violin and Cello
  • Quartets for Organ two Violins and Bass
  • Works for Wind Instruments
Kammermusik-Bibliothek garland cover (1910)
Kammermusik-Bibliothek list
Kammermusik-Bibliothek list
Kammermusik-Bibliothek list
Kammermusik-Bibliothek list




  • Breitkopf & Härtel



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