August Cranz




The company was founded in 1814 in Hamburg. Th founder's son Alwin Cranz took over in 1857.

The company bought publisher Friedrich Schreiber in 1879 after a fusion in 1876 - becoming the main publisher of the Strauß family. The Schreiber purchase included the older Viennese catalogues of Diabelli & Cappi, C.A. Spina, and Pietro Mechetti.

Cranz took over the Hamburg publisher Boehme in 1886, thereby acquiring a large catalog, built up since 1795, and a 300,000 volume lending library. Offices were opened in Brussels (1883) and in London (1890). In 1897 the headquarters were moved to Leipzig, the same year in which August Alwin Cranz (Hamburg 1834 - Vevey 1923) took over his father's company. Famous names of the house include Johann Strauss II, Josef Strauss, Clara Schumann, Max Bruch.

Alwin Cranz's son Oskar Cranz took over in 1896. In 1921 the firm became a Gmbh (limited company) From 1931 Arthur Kirchner and Alwin Henry Cranz were joint managers. In 1937 Arthur Kirchner left and was replaced by Oscar Konrad Stölzel.

In 1949 the company moved to Wiesbaden in Hessen. It was finally sold to Schott in 1992 who still use the Cranz imprint, especially for Strauss family works.

Cranz of Hamburg cover 1868
typical cover 1884
Cranz Brussels cover 1894
typical cover (1922)

Editions and Series

  • Odeon - series for small orchestra (over 1500 titles)

Imprints, Agencies, Addresses

  • Hamburg: Aug. Cranz (1814-1897)
  • Bremen: Aug. Cranz (ca.1865-1888)
  • Vienna: A. Cranz (1879-19??)
  • Brussels: A. Cranz (1883-????)
  • London: Cranz & Co., Ltd. (1890-????)
  • Leipzig: Aug. Cranz (1897-1952)
  • Mainz: Musikverlag Cranz (after 1950)
  • Wiesbaden: Aug. Cranz KG (1949-????)

Plate Numbers

Note: Cranz imprints with plate numbers bearing prefixes of C.S. or F.S. are reissues of items originally published by C.A. Spina (1852-1876) and their successor Friedrich Schreiber (1876-1879). The Diabelli-Spina-Schreiber catalogue was more than 22,000 titles when absorbed by Cranz in 1879. Cranz also employed the prefix A.C. or C. Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
00051 Reinthaler Bremisches Choralbuch 1862
00066 Terschak 6 Lieder ohne Worte, Op.64 (cello version) 1863
000149 Hiller Weine nicht!, Op.72 1864
00200 Meinardus König Salomo, Op.25 (vocal score) 1865
00600-02 Brahms 3 Songs, Op.42 (score) 1872
00663 Gernsheim 6 Lieder, Op.14 1873
03000 Dietrich Piano Trio No.2, Op.14 (sc&pts) 1862/3?
03015 Berens Gesellschaftsquartett No.3, Op.72 1863
04028 Kayser 4 Violin Sonatas, Op.33 (nos.1 and 2) 1868
05316 Reinecke Piano Quintet, Op.83 (score and parts) 1866
11825 Leschetizky 2 Pieces for Piano, Op.2 1880
22076 Rubinstein Piano Concerto No.2, Op.35 1875
25369 Busoni Praeludium und Doppelfuge zum Choral, Op.7 1880
25677 Oelschlegel Harfen-Serenade (score&pts) 1883
27598 Millöcker Die sieben Schwaben (pf.solo) 1888
27922 Schütt Concert Paraphrases on J. Strauss's Waltz Motifs (Paraphrase on the 'Kiss Waltz') 1895
27955 Schütt Concert Paraphrases on J. Strauss's Waltz Motifs (Paraphrase on 'Tales from the Vienna Woods') 1900
35095 Popp Walzer-Rondo, Op.283 1878
35533 Pabst, L. Kompositionen f. Pfte. (Opp.21–25. 35533 = Op.24) 1882
35744, 35748-49, 35753 Ritter 24 Aquarellen, Op.66 (nos. 13, 17-18, 22. co-published in US & Europe) 1882
36705 Zarębski Barcarolle, Op.31 1886
37290-97 Urspruch 8 Lieder, Op.23 1888
38509 Fischhof Poème d'Amour, Op.47 1894
39506 Marcello Oboe Concerto in D minor (Zellner violin/pno arr.) 1896
39835 Wachs Cœur léger 1899
40150 Nölck 10 Etudes in First Position, Op.24 (no.7) 1900
40942 Schütt Concert Paraphrases on J.Strauss' waltz motives (Paraphrase on 'The Blue Danube') 1904
40987 Schulz-Evler Arabesken über 'An der Schönen Blauen Donau' von Johann Strauss 1904
41524 Schütt Concert Paraphrases on J.Strauss' waltz motives (Paraphrase on 'Wine, Wife and Song') 1905
41526 Schütt Concert Paraphrases on J.Strauss' waltz motives (Paraphrase on 'Vienna Blood') 1905
41527 Schütt Concert Paraphrases on J.Strauss' waltz motives (Paraphrase on 'Voices of Spring') 1905
42052 Ernst 6 Études à Plusieurs Parties (Schäfer edition) 1909
42334 Schütt Concert Paraphrases on J.Strauss' waltz motives (Paraphrase on 'Voices of Spring') 1910
42616 Eilenberg Marsch der Bersaglieri, Op.99 (arr. salon orch.) 1909/10
43087 Strauss Jr. Frühlingsstimmen, Op.410 (arr. 2 pianos by Louis Rée) 1912
43168 Godowsky Symphonische Metamorphosen Johann Strauss’scher Themen (no.1- Künstlerleben) 1912
43169 Godowsky Symphonische Metamorphosen Johann Strauss’scher Themen (no.2- Die Fledermaus) 1912*
43170 Godowsky Symphonische Metamorphosen Johann Strauss’scher Themen (no.3- Wein, Weib und Gesang) 1912
44847 Schütt Concert-Paraphrasen uber Strauss'sche Walzer, Band IV
45073 Gade Hamlet, Op.37 (full score with piano transcription) 1915
45168 Schubert Symphony No.8, D.759 (full score with piano transcription) 1915
45601 Sinding 5 Compositions, Op.128a 1926
47301 Brian Symphony No.1 (f.s. pub. as No.2) 1932
47489 Vreuls Un Songe d’une nuit d’été 1933

* The 1965 copyright claim is a scarecrow notice.

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