Pietro Mechetti




Pietro Mechetti (1777-1850)
cover 1846

The Mechetti company operated in Vienna from late 1798 - when Carlo Mechetti obtained an art dealer's license, appointing his nephew Pietro as assistant in the new enterprise. By the time Pietro was named a partner (1807, with the name Carlo Mechetti e Nipote) it was publishing music. With Carlo's death in 1810, the firm came under the sole ownership of Pietro, with the name amended to Pietro Mechetti qdm. Carlo. By the Napoleonic era Mechetti seems to have been issuing music only, and gained prominence in the following years with first editions of works by Chopin, Mendelssohn, Nicolai, Schumann, Schubert, and Johann Strauss Sr., successfully competing in the busy Vienna market with firms like Tobias Haslinger and Diabelli. Following Pietro's death in 1850, the firm was operated by his widow Therese until her death in 1855, after which the firm was sold to C.A. Spina.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Pietro Mechetti qm Carlo


  • 1153, Michaelsplatz

Plate Numbers

Dates in italics are estimated. Most plate numbers include the prefix: "P.M. No."

Plate Composer Work Year
0410 Giuliani Gran Pot-Pourri per due Chitarre 1816
2000 Limmer String Quartet No.1, Op.10 (parts) 1829
2029 Lachner Serenade for 4 Cellos, Op.29 (parts) 1829
2103 Thalberg Piano Concerto, Op.5 (2nd edition, pf.solo) 1839
2150 Limmer Cello Trio, Op.12 (parts) 1831
2450 Lanner Valse, Op.85 1834
2472 Proch Piano Trio, Op.27 (parts) 1834
2825 Lanner Hymens Feier-Klänge 1837
2996 Blumenthal Caprice for Viola, Op.79 1838
3132 Schumann Humoreske, Op.20 1839
3288 Schumann 4 Nachtstücke, Op.23 1840
3527 Spohr Symphony No.6, Op.116 (parts) 1842
3543 Nicolai La Settimana d’Amore. Die Liebeswoche. 1841
3546 Liszt Impromptu brillant sur des thèmes de Rossini et Spontini, S.150 1841
3596 Czerny Nocturne, Op.647 1843
3949 Henselt Frühlingslied, Op.15 (1st ed.) 1844
3971 Liszt Marche funèbre de Dom Sébastien de Donizetti, S.402 (first ed.) 1845
4032 Taubert Capriccio No.2, Op.66 1846
4158 Nicolai In assumptione beatae mariae virginis, Op.38 1846
4164 Liszt L'idée fixe, S.470a/1 1846
4166 Liszt Capriccio alla turca sur des motifs de Beethoven, S.388 1847
4206 Raff Am Rhein, Op.32 1847
4209 Czerny Sonata in the Style of Domenico Scarlatti, Op.788 1847
4255 Henselt Impromptu No.2, Op.17 1847
4259 Henselt Quatre Romances, Op.18 1848
4702 Dessauer Cello Sonata, Op.58 1853

All Plates

Authority control

  • VIAF Pietro Mechetti quondam Carlo (Firm)
  • VIAF Pietro Mechetti sel. Witwe (Firm)
  • VIAF Charles Mechetti et Neveu (Firm)