The Most Popular Hymns (Various)

Sheet Music


Editor Gilbert Clifford Noble (1864–1936)
Publisher. Info. The Most Popular series
New York: Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, 1908.
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General Information

Work Title The Most Popular Hymns
Alternative. Title
Composer Various
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 128 hymns: [more...]
  1. Mason: Nearer My God to Thee (Bethany)
  2. Simeon B. Marsh: Jesus, Lover of My Soul
  3. Ewing: Jerusalem the Golden
  4. William Howard Doane: Tell Me the Old, Old Story
  5. Lowry: I Need Thee Every Hour
  6. William G. Fischer: I Love to Tell the Story
  7. Webbe: Come, Ye Disconsolate
  8. William Howard Doane: Every Day and Every Hour
  9. Stebbins: I've Found a Friend
  10. Converse: What a Friend We Have in Jesus
  11. Bradbury: He Leadeth Me
  12. John T. Grape: All to Chris I Owe
  13. Holden: All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
  14. Nägeli: How Gentle God's Commands
  15. Root: When He Cometh
  16. Anonymous: The Lord's Prayer
  17. Stanley: I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord
  18. Giardini: Come, Thou Almighty King
  19. Dykes: Holy, Holy, Holy
  20. Sankey: I am Praying For You
  21. Bliss: Almost Persuaded
  22. Hartsough: I Hear Thy Welcome Voice
  23. Mason: Joy to the World
  24. Sankey: Trusting Jesus, That is All
  25. William Howard Doane: Precious Name
  26. William Howard Doane: To The Work
  27. John Wyeth: Come, Thou Font of Every Blessing
  28. Silas J. Vail: Scatter Seeds of Kindness
  29. Anonymous: I'm a Pilgrim (set to "Italian air")
  30. John Hart Stockton: The Great Physician
  31. Perkins: Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By
  32. Knecht: O Jesus, Thou Art Standing
  33. Marcus M. Wells: Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide
  34. Anonymous (possibly W. Matthews): Blessed Savior, Thee I Love (set to "Madrid (Spanish)")
  35. McGranahan: My Redeemer
  36. Mason: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
  37. William G. Fischer: Whiter Than Snow
  38. Arne: Am I a Soldier of the Cross?
  39. Monk: Sun of My Soul
  40. Anonymous (arr. by Main, attributed spuriously to Mozart): Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
  41. Mason: My Soul, Be On Thy Guard
  42. Asa Hull: Remember Me (Alas! and did my Savior bleed?)
  43. Wilhelm: Jesus Shall Reign (to the tune of Die Wacht am Rhein)
  44. Russell: My Mother's Bible
  45. Lowry: Where is My Wandering Boy Tonight?
  46. Phillips: One Sweetly Solemn Thought
  47. Zundel: I Was a Wandering Sheep
  48. Sankey: The Ninety and Nine
  49. McGranahan: Are You Coming Home Tonight?
  50. Anonymous: The Evening Bell
  51. Palmer: Yield Not to Temptation
  52. William Howard Doane: Rescue the Perishing
  53. Bliss: Let the Lower Lights be Burning
  54. Bliss: Hold the Fort
  55. Root: Ring the Bells of Heaven
  56. Lewis Edson: Arise, My Soul, Arise
  57. Knapp: Blessed Assurance
  58. Rimbault: Oh, Happy Day, that Fixed My Choice
  59. Anonymous: There is a Happy Land
  60. Hastings: Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned
  61. Anonymous: I Think, When I Read that Sweet Story
  62. George A. Minor: Bringing In the Sheaves
  63. Bradbury: Even Me
  64. Webb: The Morning Light is Breaking
  65. Zundel: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
  66. Wade: How Firm a Foundation (to the tune of Adeste Fideles)
  67. Luther: A Mighty Fortress is Our God (Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott)
  68. John J. Husband: We Praise Thee, O God!
  69. Mason: The Heavens Declare the Glory
  70. Croft: O God, Our Help in Ages Past (St. Anne's)
  71. Venua: Before Jehovah's Awful Throne
  72. Anonymous: (arr. by Ravenscroft): O God! We Praise Thee
  73. Haydn: Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim
  74. Cutler: The Son of God Goes Forth to War
  75. Sullivan: Onward, Christian Soldiers
  76. Mason: From Greenland's Icy Mountains
  77. Weber: Softly Now the Light of Day (to a tune from Oberon)
  78. Bourgeois: Old Hundredth
  79. Carey: My Country, 'Tis of Thee! (to the tune of God Save the King)
  80. Anonymous: The Lord is My Shepherd (chant)
  81. Gottschalk: Holy Ghost, With Light Divine
  82. John Edgar Gould: Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me
  83. Dykes: Jesus! The Very Thought of Thee
  84. Hugh Wilson: There is a Fountain Filled With Blood
  85. Darius E. Jones: Saviour, Breathe an Evening Blessing
  86. Anonymous: Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing (to the tune of O Sanctissima)
  87. Haydn: Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (to the tune of Das Kaiserlied)
  88. Willis: It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
  89. Root: We Are Watching, We Are Waiting
  90. Gruber: Holy Night! Peaceful Night! (Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht)
  91. Faure: The Palms (Les rameaux)
  92. Handel: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (based on "Non vi piacque ingiusti dei" from Siroe, re di Persia)
  93. Root: My Days Are Gliding Swiftly By
  94. Mason: Work, for the Night is Coming
  95. Weber: My Jesus, As Thou Wilt (to a tune from Der Freischütz)
  96. Schumann: Jesus, the Very Thought is Sweet (based on Nachtstück No.4 from 4 Nachtstücke)
  97. Dykes: Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me
  98. Pleyel: Depth of Mercy, Can There Be
  99. Baker: Art Thou Weary?
  100. Woodbury: Jesus Calls Us, O'er the Tumult
  101. Hastings: On the Mountain's Top Appearing
  102. Mason: Father, Whate'er of Earthly Bliss
  103. Greatorex: Gloria Patri
  104. Bradbury: 'Tis Midnight; and On Olive's Brow
  105. Allen: Cross and Crown
  106. Tullius Clinton O'Kane: The Home Over There
  107. Joseph Perry Holbrook: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
  108. Kittredge: Give Me the Wings of Faith
  109. Mason: My Faith Looks Up to Thee
  110. Barnby: Now the Day is Over
  111. Sweney: Beulah Land
  112. Hastings: Rock of Ages
  113. William Howard Doane: Near the Cross
  114. Dykes: Lead, Kindly Light
  115. Bliss: Wonderful Words of Life
  116. Knapp: Nearer the Cross!
  117. Silas J. Vail: The Gate Ajar for Me
  118. Monk: Abide with Me
  119. Bradbury: Just As I Am
  120. Bliss: It Is Well With My Soul
  121. Webster: In the Sweet By and By
  122. Elihu S. Rice: Shall We Meet Beyond the River?
  123. Main: We Shall Meet Beyond the River
  124. Silas J. Vail: We Shall Sleep, But Not Forever
  125. Ithamar Conkey: God is Love, His Mercy Brightens
  126. Sullivan: The Homeland! O the Homeland!
  127. McDonald: In the Christian's Home in Glory
  128. William G. Tomer: God Be With You
First Publication. 1908
Librettist Various
Language English
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation voice, piano