(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Pleyel, Ignaz .)
Ignaz Pleyel (18 June 1757 — 14 November 1831)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Ignaz Josef Pleyel, Ignace Joseph Pleyel, Joseph Pleyl, Franz Ignaz Pleyel
Name in Other Languages: 伊格纳茨·普莱耶尔 , 伊格納茨·普萊耶爾 , איגנץ פלייל , Ignace Joseph Pleyel , Игнац Плейель , [7 more... ] Ignace Pleyel , Ignaz Josef Pleyel , イグナツ・プライエル , Ignaz Joseph Pleyel , ايجناز پليل , Іґнац Плеєль , 이그나스 조셉 플레엘
Aliases: 普莱耶尔 , Ignaz pleyel , Игнац Йозеф Плейель , Игнац Иосиф Плейёль , Ignatz Pleyel , [6 more... ] イグナス・プレイエル , イグナツ・プレイエル , Pleyel , Ignatio Pleyl , Joseph Pleyel , Pleyel, Ignace Joseph
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 71657816 , LCCN : n79107743 , ISNI : 0000000109145079 , [12 more... ] GND : 118792555 , SUDOC : 080467334 , BNF : 14785643q , BIBSYS : 90275439 , MusicBrainz : 9b937242-0492-4056-b430-137eff78f194 , NLA : 36088485 , NDL : 01220418 , NKC : xx0023691 , ICCU : CUBV126461 , BNE : XX1186980 , CiNii : DA06839978 , IATH : w65t44wg
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Detailed biography: Wikipedia
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See also
Miscellaneous information
"B " numbers for works are cited from: Rita Benton, Ignace Pleyel: a thematic catalogue of his compositions (New York, 1977)
For his publishing house, see Pleyel
Father of Camille Pleyel (1788–1855)
Pages in category "Pleyel, Ignaz/Collections"
The following 92 pages are in this category, out of 92 total.
❉ – All (92) 𝐍 – Naxos (9) S – Scores (50) P – Parts (55) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (24) B – Books (1) 🔀 📻
A C D Divine Amusement (Curtis, Thomas) Duet Album (Various) 3 Duos for Flute and Violin, B.5408 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 Duos for Violin and Cello, B.501-506 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Duos for Violin and Viola, B.526-528 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Duos for Violin and Viola, B.529-531 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 Duos for Violin and Viola, B.544-549 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 Duos, B.507-512 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 Duos, B.574-579 (Pleyel, Ignaz)F G H I J K 3 Keyboard Trios, B.428-430 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 Keyboard Trios, B.431-436 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Keyboard Trios, B.437-439 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Keyboard Trios, B.440-442 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Keyboard Trios, B.443-445 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Keyboard Trios, B.446-448 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Keyboard Trios, B.465-467 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Keyboard Trios, B.468-470 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Keyboard Trios, B.471-473 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Keyboard Trios, B.474-476 (Pleyel, Ignaz) Kleine und leichte Übungsstücke im Klavierspielen (Various)M M cont. P Q R S Sammlung auserlesener Klavierstücke (Knecht, Justin Heinrich) 32 Scottish Folksongs, B.707-738 (Pleyel, Ignaz) Selection of Music for the Pedal Harp (Longman & Broderip) A Selection of the Most Favorite Songs, etc. (May, John Alexander) Sinfonie e suonate (Various) 60 Soft Voluntaries (Westrop, Thomas) 3 Sonatas (Pleyel, Ignaz) 4 Sonatinas and Rondos (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 Sonatinas (Pleyel, Ignaz) 12 Sonatinas (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Sonatinas, B.5923 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 Sonatinas, B.6011 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Quartets, B.301-306 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Quartets, B.307-312 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Quartets, B.313-318 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Quartets, B.319-324 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Quartets, B.325-330A (Pleyel, Ignaz) 12 String Quartets, B.331-342 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 String Quartets, B.343-345 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 String Quartets, B.346-347, 331 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Quartets, B.346-351 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Quartets, B.353-358 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Quartets, B.359-364 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 String Quartets, B.365-367 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 2 String Quartets, B.368-369 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 String Quintets, B.271-273 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 String Quintets, B.273, 276, 275 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 String Quintets, B.274-276 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 String Quintets, B.277-279 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 2 String Quintets, Op.6 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 String Trios, B.401-403 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Trios, B.404-409 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Trios, B.410-415 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 9 Symphonies (Pleyel, Ignaz)T V