The Division Violin (Playford, John)



Performances [show]

Sheet Music



Editor 2nd edition
Publisher. Info. London: John Playford, 1685.
Editor 3rd edition
Publisher. Info. London: Henry Playford, 1688.
Misc. Notes Many of the titles at the top of pages have been cropped off in this edition, presumably due to later re-binding. Refer to 2nd edition above for illegible titles. There appears to be little difference between 2nd and 3rd editions.
Editor 6th edition
Publisher. Info. London: John Walsh, n.d.(1705)
Misc. Notes Title: The First Part of the Division Violin.
Issued 1705, according to the National Library of Scotland.
#96721 - Title-page too dark to read, so not included here. Last page of music missing.
Publisher. Info. London: Daniel Wright, D. Wright junior, Thomas Wright, n.d.
Misc. Notes This could be a different collection under the same name
The First & Second Division Violin; Containing, A Collection of Divisions Upon Several Excellent Grounds, For the Violin. Corrected & enlarged with Additions of the newest Divisions upon Grounds by ye most Eminent Masters.


Editor Fynn Titford-Mock
Publisher. Info. Norwich: Fynn Titford-Mock, 2012.
Misc. Notes Written for violin tuned (scordatura) to AEac. Including sounding-pitch version for violin in standard tuning. The ground bass does not appear to fit the last couple of strains very well.
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Editor Allen Garvin
Publisher. Info. Dallas: Hawthorne Early Music, 2013.
Misc. Notes This is another name for the Folia ground.
See List of compositions with the theme "La Folia"
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

For 2 Guitars (Marieh)
Arranger Marieh Marieh
Publisher. Info. Marieh
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General Information

Work Title The Division Violin
Alternative. Title The Division Violin: Containing A Collection of Divisions upon several Grounds for the Treble-Violin. being the first Musick of this kind made publick.
Composer Playford, John
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
First Publication. 1684
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation violin(s), continuo
Related Works See also The Division Flute for many of the same pieces in slightly different versions.
Extra Information Contents differ slightly between the editions on this page.