(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Bononcini, Giovanni Maria.)
Giovanni Maria Bononcini
(by 23 September 1642 — 18 November 1678)
Name in Other Languages: Ioannes Maria Bononcini, ジョヴァンニ・マリア・ボノンチーニ, Джованни Мария Бонончини, جيوفانى ماريا بونونسينى, 乔瓦尼·马里亚·博农奇尼
Aliases: ジョヴァンニ・マリーア・ボノンチーニ, ジョバンニ・マリア・ボノンチーニ, ジョバンニ・マリーア・ボノンチーニ, Giovanni Bononcini, Бонончини Джованни Мария
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 89092372, LCCN: n86145420, ISNI: 0000000117739598, [10 more...]GND: 118661590, SUDOC: 079836178, BNF: 12569012q, BIBSYS: 2030156, MusicBrainz: a61f6064-ae77-48d4-a974-525e40da604c, NLA: 35692444, ICCU: SBLV168158, BNE: XX1736661, CiNii: DA03383981, IATH: w6w39kmf
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Pages in category "Bononcini, Giovanni Maria/Collections"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.
A- Arie, correnti, sarabande, gighe e allemande, Op.4 (Bononcini, Giovanni Maria)
- Ariette, Correnti, Gighe, Allemande e Sarabande (Bononcini, Giovanni Maria)
- Ayres in 3 Parts (Bononcini, Giovanni)
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