(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Finger, Gottfried.)
Gottfried Finger
(ca.1660 — by 31 August 1730)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Godfrey Finger, Bohumír Finger, Godefrido Finger, Godfrydo Finger, Godfry Finger
Name in Other Languages: ゴットフリート・フィンガー, Γκότφριντ Φίνγκερ, غوتفريد فينجر, Фингер, Готфрид, جوتفريد فينجر
Aliases: Godfrey Finger
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 47026430, LCCN: n81037469, ISNI: 0000000453023767, GND: 128911085, SUDOC: 156515709, BNF: 14804124b, BIBSYS: 6084794, MusicBrainz: f025bf52-9cfa-45f0-9f04-2c5ecd42e9df, NLA: 35600479, NKC: ola200203955, BNE: XX1629997, IATH: w64x7nrr
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Pages in category "Finger, Gottfried/Collections"
The following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total.