3 acts [more...]
- Act I.
- 1. Overture
- 2. Recitative (Samson): This day, a solemn feast to Dagon held
- Chorus of Philistines: Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!
- 3. Air (Philistine Woman): Ye men of Gaza, hither bring
- Chorus: Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!
- 4. Air (Philistine): Loud as the thunder's awful voice
- 5. Air (Philistine Woman): Then free from sorrow, free from thrall
- Chorus (reprise): Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!
- 6. Recitative (Samson): Why by an angel was my birth foretold
- Air (Samson): Torments, alas, are not confin'd
- 7. Recitative (Micah): Oh, change beyond report, thought, or belief!
- Air (Micah): Oh, mirror of our fickle state!
- 8. Recitative (Samson, Micah): Whom have I to complain of but myself
- Air (Samson): Total eclipse! No sun, no moon!
- 13. Accompagnato (Micah): Since light so necessary is to life
- 14. Chorus of Israelites: O first created beam!
- 15. Recitative (Samson, Micah, Manoah)
- Samson. Ye see, my friends
Micah. The wisest men have err'd, and been deceiv'd Samson. Oh that I had! Alas, fond wish, too late!
Micah. Here comes thy rev'rend sire, old Manoah Samson. Alas! Another grief that name awakes.
- Manoah. Brethren and men of Dan, say, where is my son?
Micah. As signal now in low dejected state
- 16. Accompagnato (Manoah): Oh, miserable change!
- 17. Recitative (Israelitish Man): Oh, ever failing trust
- 18. Air (Israelitish Man): God of our fathers, what is man?
- 19. Accompagnato (Manoah): The good we wish for, often proves our bane
- 20. Air (Manoah): Thy glorious deeds inspir'd my tongue
- 21. Recitative (Samson, Manoah)
- Samson: Justly these evils have befalI'n thy son
Manoah: Worse yet remains.
Samson: This have I done
- 22. Accompagnato (Samson): My griefs for this
- 23. Air (Samson): Why does the God of lsrael sleep?
- 24. Recitative (Micah): There lies our hope!
- 25. Chorus of Israelites: Then shall they know
- 26. Recitative (Manoah, Samson)
- Manoah. For thee, my dearest son
Samson. It should be so, to expiate my crime
Manoah. Be for thy fate contrite
Samson. Why should I live?
- 27. Accompagnato (Samson): My genial spirits droop
- 28. Recitative (Micah): Then long eternity
- 29. Air (Micah): Joys that are pure
- 30. Chorus of Israelites: Then round about the starry throne
- Act II.
- 31. Recitative (Manoah, Samson)
- Manoah. Despair not thus!
Samson. Where'er the liquid brook or fountain Manoah. Trust yet in God!
- 32. Air (Manoah): Just are the ways of God to man
- 33. Recitative (Samson, Micah)
- Samson. My evils hopeless are!
Micah. Relieve Thy champion
- 34. Air and Chorus (Micah, Israelites)
- Micah. Return, O God of hosts! Behold
- Israelites. To dust his glory they would tread,
- 35. Recitative (Samson, Micah, Dalila)
- Micah. But who is this, that so bedeck'd and gay
Samson. My wife, my traitress? Micah. She stands, and eyes thee fix'd Dalila. With doubtful feet, and wav'ring resolution Samson. Out, thou hyæna! Dalila. I would not lessen my offence, yet beg Samson. How cunningly the sorceress displays
- 36. Air (Philistine Woman / Dalila): With plaintive notes
- 37. Recitative (Dalila, Samson)
- Dalila. Alas! Th'event was worse than I foresaw
Samson. Did love constrain thee? No, 'twas raging lust!
- 38. Air (Samson): Your charms to ruin led the way
- 39. Recitative (Dalila): Forgive what's done
- 40. Air and Duet (Dalila, Philistine Woman)
- Dalila. My faith and truth, O Samson, prove,
- Philistine Woman. Her faith and truth
- 41a. Chorus of Virgins: Her faith and truth
- 42. Air (Dalila): To fleeting pleasures
- 41b. Chorus of Virgins: Her faith and truth
- Air (Dalila): How charming is domestic ease!
- 41c. Chorus of Virgins: Her faith and truth
- 43. Recitative (Samson, Dalila)
- Samson. Ne'er think of that!
Dalila. Let me approach, at least Samson. Not for thy life, lest fierce remembrance wake Dalila. Thou art more deaf to pray'rs
- 44. Duet (Dalila, Samson): Traitor to love! I'll sue no more
- 45. Recitative (Micah, Samson)
- Micah. She's gone!
Samson. So let her go!
- 46. Air (Micah): It is not virtue, valour, wit
- 47. Recitative (Samson): Favour'd of heaven is he
- 48. Chorus of Israelites: To man God's universal law
- 49. Recitative (Micah, Harapha, Samson)
- Micah. No words of peace
Harapha. I come not, Samson, to condole thy chance Samson. The way to know. were not to see Harapha. Ha! Dost thou then already single me? Samson. Boast not of what thou would'st have done Harapha. The honour certain to have won from thee
- 50. Air (Harapha): Honour and arms
- 51. Recitative (Samson): Put on your arms
- 52. Air (Samson): My strength is from the living God
- 53. Recitative (Harapha, Samson)
- Harapha.With thee, a man condemn'd
Samson. Cam'st thou for this, vain boaster? Harapha. O Dagon! Can I hear this insolence
- 54. Duet (Samson, Harapha): Go, baffled coward; Presume not on thy God
- 55. Recitative (Micah): Here lies the proof
- 56. Chorus of Israelites: Hear, Jacob's God, Jehovah, hear!
- 57. Recitative (Harapha): Dagon, arise, attend thy sacred feast!
- 58. Air (A Philistine): To song and dance we give the day
- 59. Chorus of Philistines: To song and dance we give the day
- 60. Chorus of Israelites and Philistines: Fix'd in his everlasting seat
- Act II.
- 61. Recitative (Micah, Samson, Harapha)
- Micah. More trouble is behind
Samson. I fear him not, nor all his giant brood Harapha. Samson, to thee our lords thus bid me say Samson. I am an Hebrew Harapha. This answer will offend Samson. Myself, my conscience and intemal peace! Harapha. My message, giv'n with speed
- 62. Air (Harapha): Presuming slave, to move their wrath!
- 63. Recitative (Micah, Samson)
- Micah. Reflect then. Samson
Samson. Shall I abuse this consecrated gift Micah. How thou wilt here come
- 64. Chorus of Israelites: With thunder arm'd, great God, arise!
- 65. Recitative (Samson, Micah, Harapha)
- Samson. Be of good courage
Micah. In time thou hast resolv'd Harapha. Samson, this second summons send our lords Samson. Vain were their art if tried Harapha. You thus may win the lords Samson. In nothing I'll comply that's scandalous Micah. So may'st thou act as serves His glory best Samson. Let but that spirit
- 66. Accompagnato (Samson): Then shall I make Jehovah's glory
- 67. Air (Samson): Thus when the sun from's wat'ry bed
- 68. Accompagnato (Micah): With might endu'd above the sons of men
- 69. Air and Chorus (Micah): The Holy One of Israel be thy guide
- 70. Recitative (Micah, Manoah)
- Micah. Old Manoah, with youthful steps
Manoah. I come, my brethren
- 71. Air (Philistine): Great Dagon has subdu'd our foe
- 72. Chorus of Philistines: Great Dagon has subdu'd our foe
- 73. Recitative (Manoah, Micah)
- Manoah. What noise of joy was that?
Micah. They shout and sing Manoah. Could my inheritance but ransom him Micah. Sons care to nurse
- 74. Air (Manoah): How willing my paternal love
- 75. Recitative (Micah, Manoah)
- Micah. Your hopes of his deliv'ry seem not vain
Manoah. I know your friendly minds
- 76. Chorus of Philistines: Hear us, our God! Oh, hear our cry!
- 77. Recitative (Micah, Manoah)
- Micah. Noise call you this?
Manoah. Ruin indeed! Micah. Thy son is rather slaying them
- 78. Recitative (Messenger, Micah, Manoah)
- Messenger. Where shall I run
Micah. The accident was loud Messenger. Let me recover breath Manoah. Tell us the sum (etc.)
- 79. Air and Chorus (Micah, Israelites): Ye sons of lsrael, now lament,
- 80. Recitative (Manoah): Proceed we hence to find his body
- 81. Symphony: Dead March
- 82. Recitative (Micah, Manoah)
- Micah. The body comes
Manoah. There shall all IsraeI's valiant youth resort
- 83. Air and Chorus (Manoah, Israelites): Glorious hero, may thy grave
- 84. Solo and Chorus (Israelite Woman, Virgins)
- Israelite Woman. The virgins too shall on their feastful days
- Virgins. Bring the laurels, bring the bays,
- 85. Recitative (Manoah, Micah)
- Manoah. Come, come! No time for lamentation now
Micah. Why should we weep or wail
- 86. Air (Israelite Woman): Let the bright seraphim
- 87. Chorus of Israelites: Let their celestial concerts all unite