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Pages in category "Scores published by E.C. Schirmer"
The following 124 pages are in this category, out of 124 total.
❉ – All (124) 🔊 – Recordings (33) 𝐍 – Naxos (63) S – Scores (87) P – Parts (46) V – Vocal Scores (33) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (114) L – Libretti (7) B – Books (1) O – Other (7) 🔀 📻
1 2 3 4 6 A Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis (Wilbye, John) Adoramus te Christe, IGP 240 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da) Adoramus te Christe, LV 885 (Lassus, Orlande de) Adoramus te Christe, PdPWV Mot192 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da) Adoramus te, Christe (Clemens non Papa, Jacobus) Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (Anonymous) Alleluia. In Resurrectione Tua Christe (Handl, Jacob) Amor vittorioso (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo) An Immorality (Copland, Aaron) April Is in My Mistress' Face (Morley, Thomas) At Father's Door (Folk Songs, Russian) Ave Maria (Arcadelt, Jacob) Ave verum corpus, NJE 21.2 (Josquin Desprez) Ave verum corpus, T 92 (Byrd, William) Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites (Weelkes, Thomas)B C D Dainty Fine Sweet Nymph (Morley, Thomas) Der Barbier von Bagdad (Cornelius, Peter) Der Thurm zu Babel, Op.80 (Rubinstein, Anton) Dido and Aeneas, Z.626 (Purcell, Henry) Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV 96 (Wagner, Richard) Diffusa est gratia (Nanino, Giovanni Bernardino) Dimmi, o bella (Italian Folk Music)E F G H I J J'entends le moulin (Folk Songs, French) Jephte (Carissimi, Giacomo) Jesu, dulcis memoria (Victoria, Tomás Luis de) Jesu, nun sei gepreiset, BWV 41 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Jubilate Deo omnis terra, Ch.136 (Gabrieli, Giovanni) Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63 (Handel, George Frideric)L M Magnus es tu Domine, NJE 21.6 (Josquin Desprez) Mass in A-flat major, D.678 (Schubert, Franz) Mass in B minor, BWV 232 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Mass in D major, P.46 (Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista) Matona mia cara, LV 663 (Lassus, Orlande de) Messiah, HWV 56 (Handel, George Frideric) Miserere (Allegri, Gregorio) Misericordias Domini, IFD 21 (Durante, Francesco) My Bonny Lass She Smileth (Morley, Thomas)N O O bone Iesu, PdPWV Dub035 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da) O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) O filii et filiae (Leisring, Volckmar) O là, o che bon eccho, LV 674 (Lassus, Orlande de) O Praise the Lord with One Consent, HWV 254 (Handel, George Frideric) O sacrum convivium (Viadana, Lodovico da) O vos omnes (Victoria, Tomás Luis de) Oh, Why Camest Thou Before Me (Welsh Folk Music) Ohimè se tanto amate, SV 85 (Monteverdi, Claudio)P R S T Tenebrae factae sunt (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da) Tertius Psalmus poenitentialis, LV 796 (Lassus, Orlande de) The Campbells Are Coming (Folk Songs, Scottish) The Foggy Dew (Irish Folk Music) The Galway Piper (Irish Folk Music) The Gondoliers (Sullivan, Arthur) The Headless Horseman (Moore, Douglas) The House on the Hill (Copland, Aaron) The Men of Harlech (Welsh Folk Music) The Mikado (Sullivan, Arthur) The Monks' March (Welsh Folk Music) The Yeomen of the Guard (Sullivan, Arthur) To All You Ladies Now on Land (Callcott, John Wall) Touro louro louro (Folk Songs, French) Tu mi vuoi tanto bene (Italian Folk Music) Turn Ye to Me (Folk Songs, Scottish)V W Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BuxWV 101 (Buxtehude, Dietrich) Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Was frag ich nach der Welt, BWV 94 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Weihnachtsoratorium, BWV 248 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal in das Reich Gottes eingehen, BWV 146 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)Y