List of works by Robert Schumann

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List of Compositions by Opus Number

Works without Opus number published or prepared for publishing by Schumann

not to be confused with "Works without Opus number listed by Hofmann/Keil" (see below)

Works without Opus number by RSW

Robert-Schumann-Werkverzeichnis (= RSW) = Margit L. McCorkle (Hg.), Thematisch-Bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis, München 2003. The pieces found in Schumanns Estate (Fragments, Works Not Intended for Publications, Lost Works, Compositional Plans) are listed in RSW as Allgemeiner Anhang, General Appendix (= Anh.) with the categories (T = Takte = Bars):

Anh:A - Symphonie

  • Symphony in C minor (Fragments, Allegro 13T; 2. mov., 36T; 4. mov 68T, 1830) (Arrangement of RSW:Anh:E1) = RSW:Anh:A1
  • Symphony in G minor "Zwickau" (incomplete, 1832) = RSW:Anh:A3 = H/K WoO 29
  • Symphony in C minor (Fragment, Andante - Allegro agitato, 151T; Allegro con brio, 152T; Scherzo 161T; Adagio, 39T; Rondo 239T, 1841) = RSW:Anh:A6

Anh:B - Concerto

  • Piano Concerto in F major (unfinished, 343T, 1830) = RSW:Anh:B3
  • Piano Concerto in D minor (unfinished, 321T, 1839) = RSW:Anh:B5

Anh:C - Ouverture

  • Ouvertüre zu Heinrich von Kleists "Käthchen von Heilbronn", (just planned, 1841) = RSW:Anh:C1

Anh:D - Strings

  • Sketches for 2 String Quartets in E major and D major (Fragment, 20T, 1839) = RSW:Anh:D2

Anh:E - Strings and Piano

  • Andante und Variationen in B-flat major for 2 Pianos, 2 Violoncellos, and Horn (1843) (a version of Op.46) = RSW:op46:Anh = H/K WoO 10,1
  • Piano Quartet in C minor (1829) (see also RSW:Anh:A1) = RSW:Anh:E1 = H/K WoO 32
  • 5 Romanzen for Cello and Piano (destroyed by Clara Schumann (in 1893), 1853) = RSW:Anh:E7

Anh:F - Piano 2 Hands; Organ

  • Supplement to Fantasy Pieces Op.12 for Piano (1837) = RSW:op12:Anh = H/K WoO 28
  • Scherzo (rejected from Op.14) (1835-36) = RSW:op14:Anh:1 = H/K WoO 5,1
  • Presto passionato (original finale (presto) for Op.22) (1835) = RSW:op22:Anh = H/K WoO 5,2
  • Symphonic Etudes in Variation Form for Piano (posth.) (five supplementary variations to Op.13) = RSW:op22:Anh:1-5 = H/K WoO 6
  • Album für die Jugend for piano (1848) (additional pieces to Op.68) = RSW:op68:Anh:9,10,13,14 = H/K WoO 16 and Album für die Jugend for piano (1848) (additional pieces to Op.68) = RSW:op68:Anh:1,3,6,9,10,13,14,16-18,21,24,26,27 = H/K WoO 30
  • Romanze in F minor for Piano (Fragment, 113T, 1829) = RSW:Anh:F2
  • Variations in G on an original theme, "Mit Gott" for Piano (fragment, 1831-32) = RSW:Anh:F7
  • Introduction, Theme, and Sketches for 4 variations on a theme of Paganini’s “La Campanella” in B minor for Piano (1831-32) = RSW:Anh:F8
  • Exercise fantastique for Piano (lost, 1832) = RSW:Anh:F11
  • Etude fantastique for Piano (lost, 1830-32) = RSW:Anh:F12
  • (12) Burlesken (or Burlen and Papilloten) for Piano (Fragments, 1832) = RSW:Anh:F14
  • Fandango in F-sharp minor for Piano (1832) (material re-used in Op.11) = RSW:Anh:F15
  • Fantasie satyrique, after Henri Herz for Piano (Fragment, 6T, 1832) = RSW:Anh:F18
  • 8 Fugen und Kanons (1832-33) = RSW:Anh:F19
  • Variationen über den ‘Sehnsuchtswalzer’ von Franz Schubert in A-flat major for Piano (unfinished, 144T, 1831-34) (opening used in Op.9 No.1) = RSW:Anh:F24
  • (15) Etudes in Variation Form on a Theme by Beethoven (1833-35) = RSW:Anh:F25 = H/K WoO 31
  • Variations sur un nocturne de Chopin in G minor for Piano (incomplete, 97T, 1835-36) (on the nocturne Op.15 No.3) = RSW:Anh:F26
  • Sonata No.4 in F minor for Piano (1833-37) (unfinished) = RSW:Anh:F28
  • Theme in E-flat major for Piano ‘Geistervariationen’ (Incomplete, 171T, 1854) (the theme from WoO 24) = RSW:Anh:F39

Anh:G - Piano 4 Hands

  • 8 Polonaises for Piano Duet (1828) = RSW:Anh:G1
  • Variations on a theme by Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia for Piano Duet (1828) (lost) = RSW:Anh:G2
  • Capriccio in B-flat major (Fragment 75T, 1830) = RSW:Anh:G3

Anh:H - Stage Works

  • Der Corsar (1844) (only one chorus and one aria exist, 95+11T) = RSW:Anh:H5
  • 48 Textes are faced or sketched by Schumann as a possible libretto for an opera (between 1831 and 1851).

Anh:I - Choir and Orchestra

  • "Tragödie" for Choir and Orchestra (1841) = RSW:op64:Anh
  • "Chor von Landleuten," Overture & Chorus for Choir and Orchestra (1822) = RSW:Anh:I9
  • Psalm 150 for Choir and Orchestra (1822) = RSW:Anh:I10

Anh:J - Male Choir

  • 2 Partsongs for Men's voices (1847) (supplement to Op.65) = RSW:op65:Anh:1-2
    • Kanon für Männerstimmen (Rückert) (1847) = RSW:op65:Anh:1 = H/K WoO 12
    • Kanon für Männerstimmen (Rückert) (1847) = RSW:op65:Anh:2 = H/K WoO 17

Anh:K - Female Choir

  • Liederheft (lost, 1840) = RSW:Anh:K1

Anh:L - Mixed Choir

  • Glocktürmers Töchterlein (1851)= RSW:Anh:L3

Anh:M - Solo Voice (and Piano)

  • Hirtenknaben-Gesang (1846) = RSW:op59:Anh = H/K WoO 18
  • Die Ammenuhr (1849) = RSW:op79:Anh:1
  • Der weisse Hirsch (1848) (sketches) = RSW:op79:Anh:2
  • Das Schwert (1849) = RSW:op79:Anh:3
  • Ein Gedanke (1840) = RSW:op127:Anh = H/K WoO 26,1
  • Verwandlung (1827) = RSW:Anh:M1,1
  • Lied für XXX (1827) = RSW:Anh:M1,2
  • 11 Songs (1827-28) = RSW:Anh:M2,1-11
  1. Die Weinende
  2. Kurzes Erwachen
  3. Gesanges Erwachen
  4. An Anna
  5. Sehnsucht
  6. Der Fischer
  7. An Anna
  8. Im Herbste
  9. Hirtenknabe
  10. Erinnerung
  11. Klage
    • 6 Jugendlieder for Voice and Piano (1827-28) = RSW:Anh:M2,1-5,10 = H/K WoO 21
    • Drei Jugendlieder for voice and piano (1827-28) = RSW:Anh:M2,7-9 = H/K WoO 10,2-4
    • Der Fischer/Jugendlied (1827-28) = RSW:Anh:M2,6 = H/K WoO 19
  • Die Wallfahrt nach Kevelaer (Fragment, 14T, 1840) = RSW:Anh:M3
  • Zwei Balladen for voice and piano (1840) = RSW:Anh:M4,1-2 = H/K WoO 11
  • Albumblatt 'Auf Wiedersehn' für Niels W. Gade for Voice and Piano (1844) = RSW:Anh:M6 = H/K WoO 8
  • Frühlingsgrüße (1851) = RSW:Anh:M11,1 = H/K WoO 26,2
  • Liedchen von Marie und Papa in F major for Two voices (1852) = RSW:Anh:M14 = H/K WoO 26,3
  • Die Orange und Myrte for Choir SATB and Piano (1853) = RSW:Anh:M15 = H/K WoO 26,4
  • Lieder [Placeholder for collection]

Anh:N - Unknown Medium

  • Kanon über den Namen "BEZETH", (7+30T, 1844) = RSW:Anh:N6

Anh:O - Arrangements of Other Composers Works

  • J.S. Bach Johannespassion BWV245 (1848/1851), instrumentation for full orchestra, additions of Clarinets, Oboes and Trumpets = RSW:Anh:O1
  • Piano accompaniment to 6 violin sonatas by J.S. Bach (BWV 1001-1006) (1852-53) see WoO 8
  • Piano accompaniment to 6 violoncello sonatas by J.S. Bach (BWV 1007-1012) (lost, just Nr.3 remains, 1853) = RSW:Anh:O2
  • N. Burgmüller Symphonie Nr.2 op.11, Instrumentation of mov.3 and sketches for mov.4 (1851)= RSW:Anh:O3
  • G.C. (Georg Christoph) Grossheim Overture to the opera Titania, oder Liebe durch Zauberei (ca.1792?), piano reduction (1822) = RSW:Anh:O4
  • A. Henselt Klavierkonzert op.16, change of instrumentation (1845) = RSW:Anh:O5
  • J. Joachim Ouvertüre zu Heinrich IV, piano score (lost, 1855?) = RSW:Anh:O6
  • E. Müller Sechs Lieder, revised (lost, 1837) = RSW:Anh:O7
  • Piano accompaniments to Paganini's Violin Caprices (1853-55) = RSW:Anh:O8 = H/K WoO 25
  • Palestrina, Anerio, Vittoria Motetten, copies (1847-48) = RSW:Anh:O9
  • Clara Wieck [Clara Schumann] Klavierkonzert op.7, instrumentation of 3. mov. (1834) = RSW:Anh:O10

Anh:P - Studies of Others Composers Works

Arrangements, Copies and Analyses

  • J.S. Bach Die Kunst der Fuge BWV1080, Arrangement for Piano (1837) = RSW:Anh:P3
  • L.v. Beethoven String Quartet op.132, piano score of mov. 1+2 (unknown) = RSW:Anh:P10

Anh:Q - Schumanns Editions of Others Composers Works

Between 1838 and 1841 Schumann edited quarterly collection Sammlung von Musikstücken alter und neuer Zeit als Zulage zur Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik in 16 volumes containing 72 short compositions (26 Pianopieces, 25 Lieder, 18 choir pieces). 10 pieces are composed by himself, 62 from other composers.

Anh:R - Manuscript Collections (Studies and Scetches)

  • Studienbuch 1 (1830-32) = RSW:Anh:R1
  • Studienbuch 2 (1837c) = RSW:Anh:R2
  • Studienbuch 3 (1828 or 1831/32) = RSW:Anh:R3
  • Studienbuch 4 (1832) = RSW:Anh:R4
  • Studienbuch 5 (1830c) = RSW:Anh:R5
  • Klaviertechnische Studien/Kompositionsstudien (1830c) = RSW:Anh:R6
  • Incipits/Themenvergleich (1830c) = RSW:Anh:R7
  • Skizzenkonvolut 1 (1830-37) = RSW:Anh:R8
  • Skizzenkonvolut 2 (1830-45c) = RSW:Anh:R9
  • Fugenstudien ("Fugengeschichten") (1837-38) = RSW:Anh:R10
  • Brautbuch (1837-39) = RSW:Anh:R11
  • Liederbuch 1 (1840) = RSW:Anh:R12
  • Liederbuch 2 (1840) = RSW:Anh:R13
  • Liederbuch 3 (1840-47) = RSW:Anh:R14
  • Dresdner Skizzenheft (1845-49) = RSW:Anh:R15
  • Taschennotizbuch (1848-51) = RSW:Anh:R16
  • Die Lehre vom Contrapunct und der Fuge (1847-48) = RSW:Anh:R17
  • Choralsätze (1854-56) = RSW:Anh:R18

Works without Opus number listed by Hofmann/Keil (H/K)

published in 1982 this list became popular; it was intended to be chronological, but failed; Abbreviations see RSW.

  • H/K WoO 1, Der deutsche Rhein (Patriotisches Lied) (1840) = WoO 5
  • H/K WoO 2, Piano accompaniment to 6 violin sonatas by J.S. Bach (BWV 1001-1006) (1852-53) = WoO 8
  • H/K WoO 3, Szenen aus Goethes Faust (1844-53) = WoO 3
  • H/K WoO 4, An Alexis (Canon on F.H. Himmel's "An Alexis send' ich dich" for piano in A flat major) (1832-33) = RSW:Anh:F19,8
  • H/K WoO 5,1, Scherzo (rejected from Op.14) (1835-36) = RSW:op14:Anh:1
  • H/K WoO 5,2, Presto passionato (original finale (presto) for Op.22) (1835) = RSW:op22:Anh
  • H/K WoO 6, Symphonic Etudes in Variation Form for Piano (posth.) (five supplementary variations to Op.13) = RSW:op22:Anh:1-5
  • H/K WoO 7, Soldatenlied (1844) = WoO 6
  • H/K WoO 8, Albumblatt 'Auf Wiedersehn' für Niels W. Gade for Voice and Piano (1844) = RSW:Anh:M6
  • H/K WoO 9, Sommerruh for two voices and Piano (1849) = WoO 7
  • H/K WoO 10,1, Andante and Variations in B-flat major for 2 Pianos, 2 Violincellos, and Horn (1843) (a version of Op.46) = RSW:op46:Anh
  • H/K WoO 10,2-4, Drei Jugendlieder for voice and piano (1827-28) = RSW:Anh:M2,7-9
  • H/K WoO 11, Zwei Balladen for voice and piano (1840) = RSW:Anh: = RSW:Anh:M4,1-2
  • H/K WoO 12, Kanon für Männerstimmen (Rückert) (1847) = RSW:op65:Anh:1
  • H/K WoO 13-15, Drei Freiheitsgesänge, part songs for male voices (1848) = WoO 4
  • H/K WoO 16, Album für die Jugend for piano (1848?) (additional pieces to Op.68) = RSW:op68:Anh:9,10,13,14
  • H/K WoO 17, Kanon für Männerstimmen (Rückert) (1847) = RSW:op65:Anh:2
  • H/K WoO 18, Hirtenknaben-Gesang (1846) = RSW:op59:Anh
  • H/K WoO 19, Der Fischer/Jugendlied (1827-28) = RSW:Anh:M2,6
  • H/K WoO 20, 8 Polonaises for Piano Duet (1828) = RSW:Anh:G1
  • H/K WoO 21, 6 Jugendlieder for Voice and Piano (1827-28) = RSW:Anh:M2,1-5,10
  • H/K WoO 22, "FAE" Sonata for Violin and Piano (1853) (1st movt. was by Dietrich, and 3rd movt. by Brahms; Schumann wrote movt. 2 and 4 which became part of his Violin Sonata No.3) = WoO 2
  • H/K WoO 23, Violin Concerto in D minor (1853) = WoO 1
  • H/K WoO 24, Variations in E-flat on an Original Theme 'Geistervariationen' (1854) for piano = RSW:Anh:F39
  • H/K WoO 25, Piano accompaniments to Paganini's Violin Caprices (1853-55) = RSW:Anh:O8
  • H/K WoO 26,1, 'Ein Gedanke' for voice and piano (1850) = RSW:op127:Anh
  • H/K WoO 26,2, 'Frühlingsgrüße' for voice and piano (1851) = RSW:Anh:M11,1
  • H/K WoO 26,3, 'Liedchen von Marie und Papa' (1852) for two Voices = RSW:Anh:M14
  • H/K WoO 26,4, Bei Schenkung eines Flügels 'Die Orange und Myrthe hier' for 4 voices and Piano (1853) = RSW:Anh:M15
  • H/K WoO 27, Violin Sonata No.3 in A minor (1853) = WoO 2
  • H/K WoO 28, Supplement to Fantasy Pieces Op.12 for Piano (1837) = RSW:op12:Anh
  • H/K WoO 29, Symphony in G minor "Zwickau" (1832) (incomplete) = RSW:Anh:A3
  • H/K WoO 30, Album für die Jugend for piano (1848) (additional pieces to Op.68) = RSW:op68:Anh:1,3,6,9,10,13,14,16-18,21,24,26,27
  • H/K WoO 31, Etudes in Variation Form on a Theme by Beethoven (1833-35) = RSW:Anh:F25
  • H/K WoO 32, Piano Quartet in C minor (1829) = RSW:Anh:E1