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Op. | Title | Instrumentation | Publisher | Date |
1 | Weihegesang nach dem VIII. Psalm „Gott unser Herrscher" | Choir, Solo, Organ and String Quintet | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1884 |
2 | Blätter und Blüthen. 9 Clavierstücke | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1875 |
3 | 3 Stücke für die Orgel | Organ | Leipzig: Fritsch | 1874 |
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5 | Fröhliche Weisen. Ländler u. Walzer f. Pfte. | Pianoforte | Stuttgart: Lichtenberg | 1885 |
6 | Album. 12 vierhändige Klavierstücke. 2 Hefte
Pianoforte | Zürich: Gassmann | 1883 |
7 | Studien über ein Originalthema für das Pfte. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1875 |
8 | 5 Scherzi für Pfte. | Pianoforte | Hamburg: Rahter | 1883 |
9 | 10 Grosse Etüden zum Vorstudium der modernen Clavierliteratur. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Eulenburg | 1875 |
10 | Skizzen. 9 Clavierstücke für das Pianoforte. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Eulenburg | 1875 |
11 | 15 Ländler vom Luzerner See, for Piano Duet. | Piano Duet | Wien: Bösendorfer | 1884 |
12 | Bilderbuch ohne Bilder. 10 Fantasien über Andersen’s gleichbenannte Dichtung (10 Abende) f. Pfte.
Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1875 |
13 | Mirza-Schaffy-Album. 13 Lieder des Mirza Schaffy In Musik gesetzt von Hans Huber. Op.13 (see RISM 402003453)
Voice and Pianoforte | Basel: Benno Schwabe, Verlagsbuchhandlung | 1882 |
14 | 3 Stücke im alten Styl für Pianoforte (Gavotte, Menuett, Bourrée). | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1876 |
15 | Romanzen-Cyclus nach Romanzen aus Heine’s Buch der Lieder, for Piano Duet. | Piano Duet | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1876 |
16 | Märchenerzählungen. Studies for Piano.
Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1877 |
17 | Phantasie in G minor for Piano and Violin. | Violin and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1877 |
18 | Violin Sonata No.1 (C minor). | Violin | Dresden: Ries | 1877 |
19 | Serenade in 6 movements in G for Piano. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1876 |
20 | Piano Trio No.1 in E♭ major. | Violin, Violoncello and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1877 |
21 | 3 Melodien | Voice | Leipzig: Kistner | 1876 |
22 | Nachtgesänge. Stücke f. Pfte. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1877 |
23 | Ballet-Musik zu Goethe's Walpurgisnacht | Piano Duet | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1878 (New edition, 1882.) |
24 | 5 Humoresken nach Dichtungen v. J.V. Scheffel.
Piano Duet | Leipzig: Kistner | 1877 |
25 | Frühlingsliebe. Lieder f. 1 Singst. mit Pianoforte.
Voice and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1877 |
26 | Gedenkblätter. Poesien f. Pfte. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1877 |
27 | Walzer f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn, V. u. Vcello. | Violin, Violoncello and Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1878 |
28 | Lieder-Cyclus nach Gedichten aus Heine’s Buch der Lieder f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn. | Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Kistner | 1877 |
29 | Sechs Lieder im Volkston f. Männerchor.
Male choir | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1878 |
30 | 2 Romanzen | Violoncello and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1877 |
31 | Sonata No.1 for 2 Pianos in 1 movement in B♭ major (See RISM 402003345.) |
2 Pianos | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1878. |
32 | 5 Peregrina-Lieder für 1 tiefe Stimme mit Pianoforte (see RISM 402003489 for links to RISM pages for each of the 5.)
Voice and Pianoforte | Mainz: Schott | 1878 |
33 | Cello Sonata No.1 (Also published the same year with an alternate violin part.) |
Violoncello and Pianoforte | Mainz: Schott | 1878 |
34 | 10 Albumblätter | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1878 |
35 | Stimmungen. Skizzen f. Pfte. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1878 |
36 | Piano Concerto No.1 | Pianoforte and orchestra | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1878 |
37 | Am Kamin. Kleine Erzählungen f. Pfte. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1878 |
38 | Lieder der Sehnsucht
Voice and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1878 |
39 | 4 Songs for Large Men's Chorus | Male choir | Leipzig, Winterthur: Rieter | 1878 |
40 | Violin Concerto No.1. (Concerto No.2 is in manuscript- see below.) |
Violin and Orchestra | Mainz: Schott | 1879 |
41 | Aus Goethe's west-östlichem Divan, Pieces for Piano Duet | Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Kistner | 1878 |
42 | Violin Sonata No.2 in B♭ | Violin and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1879 |
43 | Weihnachten. Album f. grosse Leute. 10 Stücke f. Pfte.
Pianoforte | Mainz: Schott | 1879 |
44 | Liebeslieder f. 1 hohe Singst. m. Pfte.
Voice and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1878 |
45 | Aussöhnung. Aus Goethe’s Trilogie der Leidenschaft, f. Männerst., Soli u. Chor m. Orch., deutsch u. engl. Solost. (T., Bar.) | Voices and Orchestra | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1879 |
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47 | Zu Maler Nolten. (Ed. Mörike.) Sonate (Es) f. Pfte. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1879 |
47 | 10 Ländler vom Luzerner See for Piano Duet. | Pianoforte 4hands | Zürich: Hug & Co. | 1879 |
48 | 3 Stücke
Pianoforte | Stuttgart: Lichtenberg | 1879 |
49 | Drei Melodien f. Violine mit Pfte.
Violin and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1879 |
50 | Eine Lustspiel-Ouverture | Orchestra | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1879 |
51 | 5 Skizzen for Piano, 2 Books. | Pianoforte | Zürich: Hug & Co. | 1880 |
52 | 5 Quartette f. S., A., T. u. B. m. Pfte zu 4 Hdn
Voices and Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Kistner | 1879 |
53 | Stimmungen. Gedichte v. H. Leuthold f. 1 Singst. m. Pfte.
Voice and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1880 |
54 | Walzer f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn, V. u. Vcello. 2. Folge. | Violin, Violoncello and Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1882 |
55 | Serenade (E) f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn | Pianoforte 4hands | Dresden: Ries | 1879 |
56 | 12 Kinderlieder (nach Hoffmann v. Fallersleben) f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn.
Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Kistner | 1880 |
57 | Suite in 5 Movements for Piano Duet in C.
Piano Duet | Mainz: Schott | 1880 |
58 | 5 Gesänge f. 2 St. m. Pfte.
2 Voices and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1881 |
59 | Waltzes for Piano Four-Hands | Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Peters | 1880 |
60 | 4 Ländler zum Concertvortrage für Pianoforte.
Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1882 |
61 | Mädchenlieder f. 1 hohe St. m. Pfte. 2 Hefte.
Voice and Pianoforte | Zürich: Hug & Co. | 1881 |
62 | Italienisches Album. Phantasien f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn.
Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1881 |
63 | Symphony No.1 in D minor (Eine Tell-Symphonie) | Orchestra | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1881 |
64 | Improvisationen. Etüden über ein Originalthema f. 2 Pfte zu 4 Hdn. | Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1882 |
65 | Piano Trio No.2 in E | Violin, Violoncello and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1883 |
66 | Pandora v. Goethe f. gem. Chor, S.-Solo u. Orch. | Choir, Soprano and Orchestra | Leipzig: Siegel | 1883 |
67 | Violin Sonata No.3 (Hm.) f. Pfte u. V. | Violin and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Siegel | 1883 |
68 | Musik zu R. Kelterborn’s Märchen 'Florestan' f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn. | Pianoforte 4hands | Hamburg: Rahter | 1883 |
69 | Aus Goethe's west-östlichem Divan. Zehn Quartette f. S., A., T. u. B. m. vierhdgr Pftebgltg.
Choir and Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Kistner | 1883 |
70 | Miniaturen. Kleine Stücke f. Pfte.
Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1883 |
71 | Variationen über einen Walzer v. Johannes Brahms f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn | Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1884 |
72 | 7 Gesänge nach Volksliedern f. 1 Singst. m. Pfte. Ausgabe für S. (od. T.) – Ausg. f. A. (od. Bar.)
Voice and Pianoforte | Zürich: Gassmann | 1883 |
72 | Lenz- u. Liebeslieder. Ein Liederspiel f. gem. Chor, Solo u. Pfte zu 4 Hdn.
S, A and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Siegel | 1884 |
72 | Liederspiel f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn frei bearb. nach dem Liederspiel „Lenz- u. Liebeslieder“ | Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Siegel | ca. 1884 |
72 | Lenz- u. Liebeslieder. Ein Liederspiel f. gem. Chor, Solo u. Pfte zu 4 Hdn.
Choir, Voices, Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Siegel | 1883 |
72a | Sieben Gesänge nach Volksliedern f. S. (od. T.) m. Pfte. – f. A. (od. Bar.) m. Pfte.
Choir, Voices, Pianoforte 4hands | Zürich: Gassmann | 1884 |
73 | Ländliche Suite | Piano Duet | Berlin: Bote & Bock | 1884 |
74 | Pastorale. Ländliche Bilder f. Solo u. Chor m. Pfte zu 4 Hdn. | Choir, Voices, Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1885 |
75 | Ein Ballfest. Tänze u. Charakterstücke f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn.
Pianoforte 4hands | Breslau: Hainauer | 1884 |
76 | Im Winter. Suite f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn.
Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Forberg | 1884 |
77 | ||||
78 | Fantasiestücke f. Pfte u. V.
Violin and Pianoforte | Breslau: Hainauer | 1884 |
79 | Fünf Klavierstücke.
Pianoforte | Leipzig: Forberg | 1884 |
80 | Sieben zweistimm. Gesänge m. Pfte.
Voices and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Siegel | 1885 |
81 | 5 Elegien f. Pfte.
Pianoforte | Leipzig: Siegel | 1885 |
82 | Suite (G) f. Pfte u. V. (Praeludium. Gavotte. Arie. Scherzo. Finale.) | Violin and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Forberg | 1884 |
83 | Triophantasien f. Pfte, V. u. Vcello. | Violin, Violoncello and Pianoforte
Leipzig: Siegel | 1885 |
84 | Cello Sonata No.2. Pastoral-Sonate (A) f. Pfte u. Vcello | Violoncello and Pianoforte | Hamburg: Rahter | 1885 |
85 | Acht Klavierstücke. 2 Hefte.
Pianoforte | Leipzig: Forberg | 1885 |
86 | Sommernächte. Serenade f. gr. Orch. | Orchestra | Breslau: Hainauer | 1886 |
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88 | 9 Dreistimmige Frauenchöre m. Pfte.
Female choir, Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1886 |
89 | Suite for Cello and Piano (Dm.) (Praeludium. Menuett. Melodie. Intermezzo. Gavotte). | Violoncello and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1886 |
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91 | Meerfahrt: „Fernhin leuchtet das Meer“. Ode f. Männerchor, Solo u. Orch. | Male choir, Voice and Orchestra | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1886 |
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93 | Vier Gesänge f. gem. Chor m. Pfte.
Choir and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1886 |
94 | 9 Intermezzi for Piano (2 Hefte) | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Siegel | 1886 |
95 | Gita Gowinda. Eine Idylle in 5 Sätzen f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn. | Pianoforte 4hands | Berlin: Fürstner | 1887 |
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98 | 10 Fiedel-Lieder für 1 Singst. m. Pfte.
Voice and Pianoforte | Breslau: Hainauer | 1887 |
99 | 20 poetische Stücke f. V. u. Pfte. Ein Album f. die Jugend.
Violin and Pianoforte | Breslau: Hainauer | 1888. |
100 | Praeludien und Fugen in allen Tonarten f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn.
Violin and Pianoforte | Breslau: Hainauer | 1888. |
101 | Caenis. (Die Verwandlung) nach einer antiken Sage von J. V. Widmann gedichtet für Männerchor, Altsolo und Orchester | Male choir, Alto solo, Orchestra | ||
102 | Violin Sonata No.4 in G | Violin, Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1887/88 |
102(b) | 3 leichte Suiten for Piano Duett.
Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Siegel | 1889 |
103 | 9 Ländler f. V. u. Pfte. | Violin and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Forberg | 1888 |
104 | Balladen und Romanzen f. Pfte.
Pianoforte | Breslau: Hainauer | 1889 |
105 | Piano Trio No.3 (F major) f. Pfte, V. u. Vcello | Violin, Violoncello and Pianoforte | Breslau: Hainauer | 1890 |
106 | Hadlaub, Op.106 (nach Gottfried Keller). 10 Charakterstücke f. Pfte. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: A.P. Schmidt | 1891 |
107 | Piano Concerto No.2 in G | Pianoforte and Orchestra | Leipzig: A.P. Schmidt | 1892 |
108 | Kindergarten. Ein Album f. Pfte zu 4 Hdn. 2 Hefte.
Pianoforte 4hands | Leipzig: Siegel | 1892 |
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110 | Piano Quartet No.1 | Violin, Viola, Violoncello and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Hug & Co. | 1893 |
111 | Piano Quintet No.1 (G minor) f. Pfte, 2 V., Vla u. Vcello. | 2 Violins, Viola, Violoncello and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1896 |
112 | Violin Sonata No.5 (E major) f. V. u. Pfte. 6. | Violin and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1897 |
113 | Piano Concerto No.3 (D major) f. Pfte m. Orch. | Pianoforte and Orchestra | Leipzig: Kistner | 1899 |
114 | Cello Sonata No.3 (C sharp minor) f. Pfte u. Vcello. | Violoncello and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1900 |
115 | Symphony No.2 | Orchestra | Leipzig: Hug & Co. | 1901 |
116 | Violin Sonata No.6 Sonata appassionata | Violin and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1901 |
117 | Piano Quartet No.2 f. Pfte, V., Vla u. Vcello. | Violin, Viola, Violoncello and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Hug & Co. | n.d. |
118 | Symphony No. 3, 'Heroische' | Orchestra | Leipzig: Hug & Co. | 1908 |
119 | Violin Sonata No.7 (Sonata Grazioza) | Violin and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1903 |
120 | Piano Trio No.4 'Eine Bergnovelle' | Violin, Violoncello and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1903 |
121 | Sonata No.2 for 2 Pianos | Pianoforte 4 hands | Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel | 1905 |
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123 | Violin Sonata No.8 (Sonata Lirica) | Violin and Pianoforte | Berlin: Simrock | 1907 |
124 | 6 Oktavenetüden zum Konzertvortrag, for piano. | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Kistner | 1907 |
125 | Piano Quintet No.2 (Divertimento, in G major) | 2 Violins, Viola, Violoncello and Pianoforte | Berlin: Simrock | 1907 |
126 | Sonata Giocosa for 2 Pianos | 2 Pianofortes | Leipzig: Steingräber | 1908 |
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130 | Cello Sonata No.4 (in B♭ major) | Violoncello and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Hug & Co. | 1909 |
131 | 6 Kleine Konzertstücke | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Steingräber | 1911 |
132 | Violin Sonata No.9 (quasi Fantasia) in G minor | Violin and Pianoforte | Leipzig: Steingräber | 1915 |
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134 | Symphony No.6 in A major | Orchestra | Leipzig: F.E.C. Leuckart | 1911 |
135 | Sonata for Piano and 2 Violins | 2 Violins and Pianoforte | Leipzig: F.E.C. Leuckart | n.d.(1913) |
136 | Quintet for Piano and Winds | Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn and Pianoforte | Zürich: Hug & Co. | n.d.(ca. 1920) (composed 1914, premiered 19 June 1918) |
137 | Mass in B♭ (Missa in hon. St. Ursi : Patroni Ecclesiae Cathedralis Solodorensis ad IV voces mixtas cum organo) (autograph at Paul-Sacher-Stiftung) for 4 Voices, chorus, organ | 4 Voices, Chorus and Organ | Regensburg: Coppenrath | 1920 |
Title | Instrumentation | Publisher | Date |
Aus den Alpen: Episoden für das Pianoforte zu vier Händen. | Pianoforte 4hands | Berlin: Simrock | 1909 |
Der heilige Hain: Scenen für Chor, Soli und Orchester, Dichtung von M. Widmann | Choir, Soli and Orchestra | Leipzig: Hug | 1910 |
6 Impressionen
Pianoforte | Berlin: Simrock | 1909 |
Jugendalbum | Pianoforte | Leipzig: Hug & Co. | 1919 |
Mass in F for men's chorus and organ (Missa Festiva in honorem Beata Mariae Virginis (della Madonna del Sasso)) - (see RISM 402004514, RISM 402004076) | Male choir and organ | Basel | 1920 (finished July 1920, premiered 1921, published 2007) |
Missa festiva in Es : (Kleine Einsiedler-Messe) : für Soli, Chor, Orchester und Orgel | Voices, Choir, Orchestra and Organ | Einsiedeln: Ochsner. Autograph @ CH-E 756. | 1921 |
Opera: Weltfrühling, libretto by Rudolf Wackernagel, composed 1892, published and premiered 18 March 1894, Basel | Leipzig: Hug | 1892 | |
Opera: Kudrun, libretto by Stephan Born, premiered 29 January 1896, Basel | 1895 (publication date) | ||
Opera: Der Simplicius, libretto by Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1899/1912/1915), premiered 22 February 1912, Basel | |||
Opera: Frutta di Mare, 3 acts, libretto by Fritz Karmin, published by Hug in 1913, premiered 24 November 1918, Basel | |||
Opera: Die schöne Bellinda (score completed January 1916), libretto by Gian Bundi, premiered 2 April 1916, Bern | Voices, chorus, orchestra | Leipzig / Zürich: Hug & Co. | 1915-16 (published 1916-17 or so. Score completed 1916 January. Further info @ RISM.) |
Piano Concerto No.4 | Pianoforte | Leipzig / Zürich: Hug & Co. | 1911 (sketches date 3 October 1910. Premiered 7 January 1912.) |
4 Psalm Fantasies for Organ. Also known as Phantasie nach Worten der heiligen Schrift | Organ | Leipzig: Rieter-Biedermann | 1882 |
Römischer Carneval | Orchestra | Leipzig: Kistner | 1879 (publication date). (Premiered 26 April 1881. Orchestration of Op.24 No.3.) |
9 romantische Stücke für Violine und Pianoforte | Violin and Pianoforte | Mainz: Schott | 1888 |
Romantische Symphonie (Geiger von Gmund / Symphony No.5) | Orchestra | Unpublished | 1906 ca. |
Serenade No.2 for Orchestra in G major "Winternächte" | Orchestra | 1896 (composed 1895, premiered 3 March 1896 by Hegar, Tonhallegesellschaft) | |
Sextett | Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon, Piano | Zurich: Hug & Co. | 1898. Premiered 11 June 1900, Basel. Published 1924. Sometimes given Op.114 (as is the 3rd cello sonata.) |
String Quartet in F major (see RISM 402004865.) | Strings | 1896. (premiered 1923). Orchestrated as 8th Symphony (except for a different ending.) | |
Symphony "No.2" in A major (complete, written between op.63 "no.1" and op.115 "no.2", but dismissed by the composer) | Orchestra | 1889 | |
Symphony No.4 'Akademische' ("Concerto Grosso") (two versions, 1909/1918. Premiered 1919-2-3) (see RISM 402004520) | String orchestra | Basel: Max Pohl-Wohnlich | 1909 ca. (publication) (MPH Preface to violin concerto gives "unpublished" for this, symphony 5, symphony 8, cello concerto but is mistaken at least for symphony 4; no.6 seems to have been published by Leuckart). |
Symphony No.7 'Schweizerische' | Orchestra | Zürich: Hug & Co. | 1922 |
Symphony No.8 in F (1920) (but see below) | 1920. Unpublished. Almost entirely an orchestration of his String Quartet, and in this form premiered (1921) earlier than that work (1923). | ||
Violin Concerto No. 2 (1886, in D minor. In manuscript, its first movement something like an orchestration of his Sonate pathetique (the early 1880s first version of the first movement of the Sonata No.6)) | Violin and Orchestra | 1886 (first published 2013. see Preface to the new Musikproduktion Höflich Edition) | |
Weissagung und Erfüllung : Oratorium nach Worten der Hlg. Schrift [sic] : für grossen Chor, 4 Solostimmen, Knabenchor, Orchester und Orgel (Oratorio in one part, nine composite numbers) | Choir, 4 Voices, Children choir, Orchestra and Organ | 1913 | |
Piano Trio in G minor | Violin, Cello, Piano | See CH-Bu Kr I 566 | ?- Date unknown - Leipzig years, according to Refardt |
Carnevalsscenen | Leipzig: Hug & Co. | 1896 | |
Der Basler Bund 1501, Festspiel zur Gedenkfeier 1901 von Rudolf Wackernagel, Musik von Hans Huber, ??: Otto Eppens | actors, several choirs | Hug (115 page reduction.) See WorldCat, CH-Bu kr I 585 [score 1, ouvertures and act 1] | 1901 (publication date) |