F.E.C. Leuckart

Early Leuckart (Constantin Sander) of Breslau cover 1839
Leuckart (Constantin Sander) cover 1873
Leuckart (Constantin Sander) 1873
Leuckart (Constantin Sander) 1891
cover 1891
cover 1919
Alte Musik series cover 1980s




F.E.C. Leuckart is the longest-lasting of a succession of publishers in Breslau (now Wrocław, Poland), in Silesia, the eastern part of the German Empire (1870-1918). Its local competitor in the 19th century was Julius Hainauer.

Leuckart was founded in 1782 by Franz Ernst Christoph Leuckart (1748-1817). After Leuckart's death in 1817, his widow continued running the business, followed by their two children Carl August Ferdinand and Auguste Henriette. They were being supported by the latter's husband Johann Carl Wilhelm Sander (1786-1859). This was the beginning of a 150-year connection of the Sander family with the company. Johann Carl Wilhelm Sander's son Constantin Sander (1826-1905) continued the business, and his name appeared on scores until the 1890s. Throughout the 19th century production was vigorous; HMB notes 3217 items between 1829 and 1900. During the Breslau years the catalog contained both church music(Hahn) and dances (Lanner), piano pieces (Spindler), violin pieces (Schoen) and songs (Abt, Gumbert, Genee).

The company moved to Leipzig in 1870. Publication of songs (Jael, Franz), piano pieces (Jadassohn, Bendix, Wilm, Hiller) and violin pieces (Schoen, Dont, Becker, Michaelis, F. Ries, Sauret, Saran) continued. In the 20th century members of the Sander family continued to manage the company. 1907 saw the acquisition of H. vom Ende's publishing company (of Trier). In 1941, under the Nazi Aryanisation policy, the firm took over Eulenburg. Horst Sander died in captivity in 1945, and his family moved to Munich that year.

After the second world war the company was reconstructed in Munich, known as F. E. C. Leuckart, Munich. From 1948 Erich Sander was the owner From 1956 it was known as Kommanditgesellschaft (limited partnership) F. E. C. Leuckart, with Alma Maria Sander as Kommanditistin. In 1978 Alma Maria Sander left the company and Erich Sander continued as sole owner. Marco Sander managed the firm from 1983, and in 1988 it became an offene Handelsgesellschaft led by Vera Sander und Marco Sander. It is now part of the Thomi-Berg publishing group, which includes F.E.C. Leuckart, Elisabeth Thomi-Berg and Chr. Fr. Vieweg. Its best-known series is Alte Musik (1924-present).

One other firm of the same name was active in Leipzig: F. E. C. Leuckart Sortiment, not a publisher but a retail music store. This was owned by Martin Adolph Constantin Wilhelm Sander from 1890, with the legal name F. E. C. Leuckart Sortiment (Martin Sander). After 1930 Alma Maria née Schwarting became the owner and the manager was Horst Sander, with the firm named F. E. C. Leuckart, Musik-Sortiment, Jost & Sander. Horst and Erich Sander were the owners from 1948 to 1956, but Kurt Bruckner took over in 1956 and Annemarie Töpfer in 1967. The firm ceased operation in 1994.

Note that F.E.C. Leuckart can also be confused with Luckhardt, a smaller publisher in Kassel.

Plate Numbers

Plate Edition Composer Work Year
122 Spohr Double Quartet No.4, Op.136 1849
1076 Bargiel Piano Trio No.1, Op.6 1856
1268 Ulrich Fest-Ouvertüre, Op.15 (f.s.) 1859
1284 Beethoven Piano Concerto No.4, Op.58 (Bülow cadenzas) 1859
1315 Hiller Piano Sonata No.3, Op.78 1859
1368 Bargiel Piano Trio No.2, Op.20 1860
1377 Bülow Mazurka-Fantaisie, Op.13 1860
1631 Hiller Die Nacht, Op.99 (vocal score) 1862
1655 Kania Romance styrienne, Op.24 1862
1672 Hiller Die Nacht, Op.99 (full score) 1863
2359 Hiller Modern Suite, Op.144 1872
2433 Saran Fantasie in Form einer Sonate, Op.5 1873
2483 Verhey 4 Characteristic Pieces, Op.3 1873
2577 Brüll Piano Trio, Op.14 1876
2633 Leschetizky 2 Piano Pieces, Op.35 1876
3056 Saran Fantasie in Form einer Sonate, Op.5 (arr. piano 4 hands) 1876
3094-97 Dont Gradus ad Parnassum, Op.52 (Books 1-4) 1877
3112 Nápravník Piano Trio, Op.24 1877
3123-24 Dont Gradus ad Parnassum, Op.52 (Books 5-6) 1877
3804 Sjögren Paa Vandring, Op.15 1885
3982 Wilm Variations for 2 Pianos, Op.64 1887
4043a&b Brambach Acht Vortragsstücke für Pianoforte 1888
4044 Brambach Vier charakteristische Stücke für Pianoforte 1888
4077 Wilm Waltz for 2 Pianos, Op.72 1888
4299 Rheinberger Suite for Violin and Organ, Op.166 1891
4309 Renner 12 Tonstücke verschiedenen Charakters, Op.19 1891
4585 Köhler 33 Organ Compositions (collection) 1893
4677 Frühling Piano Quintet, Op.30 1894
5066 Hägg Piano Trio, Op.15 1897
5176 Sternberg Piano Trio No.2, Op.79 1898
5203 Strauss Ein Heldenleben, Op.40 (arr. for piano 4-hands) 1899
5211 Rheinberger Piano Trio No.4, Op.191 1899
5491 Gulbins 36 Short Choral Preludes, Op.16 1901
5514 Gulbins Organ Sonata No.3, Op.19 1901
5604 Strauss Ein Heldenleben, Op.40 (arr. for piano solo) 1903
5648 Schumann Totenklage, Op.33 1903
5978 Schumann Organ Sonata No.3, Op.29 1906
5979 Hartmann Andante in C major 1906
6014 Bischoff Symphony No.1, Op.16 (full score) 1906
6094 Bonvin Andante cantabile, Op.77 (arr. for org. as op.77a) 1907
6249 Schumann Ruth, Op.50 (vocal score) 1908
6378 Wick 3 Tonstücke, Op.1 1909
6529 Schumann Organ Sonata No.5, Op.40 1910
6607 Delius A Dance Rhapsody No.1 1910
6613 Führich, Karl Frühlingsstürme, Op.70 (pts) 1910
6682 Kronke 4 Deutsche Tänze, Op.65 1911
6886 Lubrich Jr. 3 Stimmungsbilder, Op.24 1912
6951 Ashton Toccata brillante, Op.144 1912
6972 Hausegger Natur Symphonie (f.s.) 1912
7112 Hasse Suite, Op.10 1913
7137 Weismann Violin Concerto No.1, Op.36 (arr.vn/pf) 1913
7147–48 Krause Miniaturen, Op.13 1913
7332 Heidrich Suite for 2 Pianos, Op.58 (ed.Buchmayer) 1914
7541 Schumann Durch Dur und Moll, Op.61 (Book II) 1916
7675 Niemann Der Kuckuck, Op.38 1917
7709 Büttner String Quartet in G minor (score) 1917
7925 Juon Litaniae, Op.70 (score&parts) 1920
8101 Emborg Quartet No.4 "Oktober", Op.42 (score)
8283 Schelling Impressions from an Artist's Life (full score) 1924
8284 Schelling Violin Concerto (full score) 1924
8444 Trapp, Max Violin Concerto, Op.21 (sc & vn/pf red.) 1926
8682 Schmidt String Quartet in A major (score) 1927
8744 Niemann Brazilian Rhapsodies, Op.110 1926
9099 Trunk Piano Quintet, Op.10 (sc&pts) 1930
9160 Trunk Weihnachtslieder, Op.61 (high voice) 1930
9209 Dopper Symphony No.7 Zuiderzee (f.s.?) 1932
9238 Trapp, Max Sonatina, Op.25 1932
9242 1782? Trunk 7 Lieder, Op.45 1933
9261 Trunk Lieder der Arbeit, Op.66 (no.3) 1934
9343 Trapp, Max Cello Concerto, Op.34 (vc/pf) 1937
9361 Trapp, Max 4 Klavierstücke, Op.35 1938
9384 Trapp, Max Concerto for Orchestra No.2, Op.36 (sc) 1939
9396 Trapp, Max Violin Sonata, Op.37 (sc, pt) 1940
9400 Hessenberg Piano Concerto, Op.21 (arr. for 2pf) 1940
9412 Trunk Divertimento, Op.75 (f.s.) 1942
9420 Höller, Karl Violin Sonata, Op.30 (sc&pt) 1942
10172 Trunk String Quartet, Op.80 (pocket-sc.) 1958


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VIAF (Musikverlag F.E.C. Leuckart)