La Marseillaise (Rouget de Lisle, Claude-Joseph)






For 4 Recorders (Mondrup)
Publisher Info. Christian Mondrup
Performers Christian Mondrup
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Sheet Music


Publisher. Info. Paris: l'Imprimerie du Département de la Guerre, 1792.
Misc. Notes Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musique (F-Pn): RISM A/I: R 2804
Marche des Marseillois, chantée sur différens théatres.
Publisher. Info. Paris: Frere, n.d.[1792].
Unidentified Publisher, n.d.(ca.1792).
Misc. Notes Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musique (F-Pn): VM7-17055, 17057
Chanson des Marseillois chantée sur l'emplacement de la Bastille
Displays significant rhythmic differences from the usual versions.
Publisher. Info. Paris: Bignon, n.d.[1792].
Misc. Notes Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musique (F-Pn): RISM A/I R 2880 (VM7-17058)
"On avera satisfaire les Amateurs, en leur donnant telle que l'Original a été Imprimé a Strasbourg."
Publisher. Info. Baltimore: George Willig, n.d.(ca.1853). Plate 1753.
Misc. Notes La Parisienne Marche Nationale Chantee au Theatre de l'Opera par Adolphe Nourrit
Editor Olivier Miquel
Publisher. Info. Olivier Miquel
Misc. Notes Score for voice and piano; transcription from 50 Chansons français.
B major
These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

For Voice, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra (Gossec)
Arranger François Joseph Gossec (1734–1829)
Copyist Unknown
Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.[second half of 19c].
Misc. Notes Part of Offrande à la liberté, RH 616 by Gossec
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For Voices and Orchestra (Rauchenecker)
See: La Marseillaise by Rauchenecker
For Wind Band (Gossec)
Arranger François Joseph Gossec (1734–1829)
Publisher. Info. Unidentified Publisher, n.d.(ca.1795).
Misc. Notes Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musique (F-Pn): RISM A/I: R 2840. C major. Parts for 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, bass drum, cymbals.
For Wind Band (Jancourt)
For Wind Band (Sellenick)
Arranger Adolphe Sellenick (1826–1893)
Publisher. Info. Paris: P. Goumas & Cie., n.d.[1879]. Plate P.G. & Cie.
Misc. Notes This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page.
B major
For Wind Band
Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.
Misc. Notes Parts for 2 Piccolos/Flutes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Bassoons, 2 Horns, Serpent, Contre Basse.
C major
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For Voice, Mixed Chorus and Piano
Arranger Anonymous
Language French, English
Publisher. Info. London: Musical Bouquet, No.186, n.d.[1849].
Misc. Notes 3 verses. English text incipit: Arise, arise, proud France's children
From uploader's collection. Cover illustration includes an engraving by the British illustrator Alfred Ashley of a riot during the 'February Revolution' of 1848.
G major (introduction in G minor)
For Voice, Mixed Chorus and Guitar (Meignen)
Arranger Leopold Meignen (1793–1873)
Language French, English
Publisher. Info. Philadelphia: A. Fiot, 1848.
Misc. Notes French text 6 verses, English text 4 verses. English text incipit: Ye sons of France awake to glory.
A major
For Voice, Male Chorus and Piano
Arranger Unknown
Language German
Translator Kathinka Zitz (1801–1877)
Publisher. Info. Mainz: Schott, n.d. Plate 9864.
For 3 Female Voices and Piano (Barnes)
Arranger Edward Shippen Barnes (1887–1958)
Language French, English
Translator Florence Attenborough (1867–1958), English text
Publisher. Info. New York: Schirmer, 1917. Plate 27470.
Misc. Notes 3 verses. English text incipit: Arise, ye children of the nation (G major)
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For 4 Recorders (Mondrup)
Editor Christian Mondrup
Publisher. Info. Christian Mondrup
Misc. Notes For SATB recorders (F major)
These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection, and are also included in the Mondrup Recorder Collection.
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For Horn, Trumpet and Euphonium (Messerschmidt)
Arranger Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt (b. 1944)
Publisher. Info. Hans Jorgen Messerschmidt, 2018.
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For Violin, Cello ad lib. and Piano (Dancla)
Arranger Charles Dancla (1817–1907)
Publisher. Info. Paris: Colombier, n.d.[1882]. Plate C. 3857.
Misc. Notes A major
For Voice and Keyboard or Cittern (Anon)
Arranger Unidentified
Language French
Publisher. Info. London: Preston, n.d.
Misc. Notes Marche des Marseillois Chantée sur differans Theatres à Paris.
Arrangement with repeated notes in drum-beat imitation, marked "Le general". Guittar here denotes the English guitar or cittern.
G major; cittern version in C major
For Voice and Keyboard
Language English (5 verses), French (6 verses)
Publisher. Info. Unidentified Publisher, n.d.(ca.1795).
Misc. Notes Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musique (F-Pn): RISM A/I: R 2838
Arrangement with repeated notes in drum-beat imitation, marked "Le general". Includes French melody-only version.
For Voice and Piano (Thiémé)
Arranger Angélique Thiémé (d. 1819)
Language French (6 verses)
Publisher. Info. Rouen: citoyen Thiémé, n.d.(ca.1800).
Misc. Notes 5 different piano accompaniments. Title: Himne des marseillois avec variations pour le forte piano servant d'accompagnement au chant des couplets, par la citoyenne Thiémé amateur
For Voice and Piano (Baker)
Arranger Thomas Baker
Engraver G. Kirk
Language French / English
Publisher. Info. New York: Horace Waters, 1855.
Misc. Notes As Sung by Mad.lle Rachel
English text incipit: Ye sons of France awake to glory
G major
For Voice and Piano (Blackmar)
Arranger A. E. Blackmar (1826–1888)
Language French (4 verses) / English (3 verses)
Publisher. Info. New Orleans: A.E. Blackmar & Bro., 1861. Plate Bl.30.
Misc. Notes The Southern Marseillaise. English text incipit: Sons of the South, awake to glory G major
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Arranger A. E. Blackmar (1826–1888)
Editor Fifth edition
Language French / English
Publisher. Info. Augusta: Blackmar & Bro., 1862.
Misc. Notes The Southern Marseillaise
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For Voice and Piano (Gagliano)
Arranger G. Gagliano
Publisher. Info. Paris: Choudens, n.d. Plate G. G. 627.
Misc. Notes From the uploader's family archives. Tattered copy.
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For Voice and Piano (Greenwald)
Arranger Martin Greenwald (fl. 1900-1938)
Language English / French (4 verses)
Publisher. Info. New York: Century Music Co., 1917. Plate 1886.
Misc. Notes English text incipit: Ye sons of France awake to glory, G major
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For Voice and Piano (Guèrin)
Arranger François Guèrin (fl. 1901)
Language English / French (5 verses)
Publisher. Info. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1901. Plate 4-73-63116-4.
Misc. Notes English text incipit: Ye sons of France awake to glory, G major
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For Voice and Piano (Langevin)
Editor Langevin, probably Gérard Langevin (fl.19th cent.)
Language French
Publisher. Info. Paris: Dupont Metzner, 1909. Plate 105.
Misc. Notes G major
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For Voice and Piano
Arranger unidentified
Engraver J. Slingland
Language English (2 verses)
Translator Maggie A. Doyle (fl. 1861), English text
Publisher. Info. Louisville: D.P. Faulds, 1861. Plate 1337-4.
Misc. Notes The Southern Marseillaise. English text incipit: Sons of the South, awake to glory
A major
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Arranger unidentified
Language English (4 verses and 3 verses) / French (4 verses)
Translator Mrs L. Fanshaw, English text
Publisher. Info. New Orleans: P.P. Werlein & Halsey, 1861. Plate 283.
Misc. Notes Southern Marseillaise. English text incipits: Ye sons of France, awake to glory; Soldiers rouse ye to the battle
G major
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Arranger unidentified
Language French (4 verses)
Publisher. Info. Rio de Janeiro: O Malho, No.624, 1914.
Misc. Notes B major
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Engraver Warsaw: J. F. Konarzewski i J. Mękarski
Language Polish
Publisher. Info. Warsaw: E. Wende i Sp., n.d.[1914]. Plate E W.
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For Voice and Guitar (Damas)
Arranger Tomás Damas (1825–1890)
Language French (3 verses)
Publisher. Info. Madrid: Antonio Romero, n.d.[1872]. Plate A.R. 1711.
Misc. Notes Biblioteca Nacional de España, MP/1294/44
A major.
For Keyboard or Cittern or Flute (Watlen)
Arranger John Watlen
Publisher. Info. Edinburgh: J. Watlen, [1792].
Misc. Notes Marche des Marseillois 1792 Chanté Dans toute la France au lieu Du Te Deum.
Guitar here most likely refers to the English guitar/cittern.
Also includes Miss Elphinston's Strathspey.
G major; cittern or flute in C major
For Flute
Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.(ca.1792).
Misc. Notes National Library of Spain (E-Mn): MP/3183/8
D major
For Guitar (Blumer)
Arranger A. A. Blumer
Publisher. Info. Cincinnati: A. A. Blumer, 1854.
Misc. Notes D major
Arranger A. A. Blumer
Editor Stefan Apke
Publisher. Info. Vlotho: Stefan Apke, 2016
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For Guitar (Braun)
Arranger Max Braun (fl.1860)
Publisher. Info. Brooklyn: P. K. Weizel, 1854.
Arranger Max Braun (fl.1860)
Editor Stefan Apke
Publisher. Info. Vlotho: Stefan Apke, 2016
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For Guitar (Cimadevilla)
Arranger Francisco Cimadevilla (1861–1931)
Publisher. Info. Madrid: Faustino Fuentes, n.d.[1919]. Plate 1887.
Misc. Notes excerpt from 'España; Nuevo Método'
Arranger Francisco Cimadevilla (1861–1931)
Editor Stefan Apke (b. 1963)
Publisher. Info. Vlotho: Stefan Apke, 2024.
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For Guitar (Ferrer)


See: Compositions and Arrangements for the Guitar
For Keyboard or Cittern
Publisher. Info. London: Preston, n.d.
Misc. Notes Marche des Marseillois, for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord.
Arrangement with repeated notes in drum-beat imitation, marked "Le general".
Guittar here implies the English guitar (cittern)
G major; cittern in C major
For Piano (Furundarena)
Arranger Fabián de Furundarena (1862–1928)
Publisher. Info. Madrid: Unión Musical Española, 1916. Plate 43134.
For Piano (Krogulski)
Arranger Józef Władysław Krogulski (1843–1934)*
Publisher. Info. Warsaw: Gebethner and Wolff, n.d.(1913). Plate G. 5948 W.
Misc. Notes *Filename here has dates wrong. This arrangement is likely by the son of the half-brother of the better-known J.W. Krogulski (1815-1842). Although this arrangement is not intended to be sung, the text is appended, with a Polish translation.
For Piano (Mack)
Arranger Edward Mack (1826–1882)
Publisher. Info. New York: Gordon, 1860. Plate 125.
Misc. Notes The cover sheet spells "Marseilles" correctly; the first page of the music spells it "Marselles".
Arranger Edward Mack (1826–1882)
Editor Robert A. Hudson (b. 1948)
Publisher. Info. Robert A. Hudson, 2021.
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For Piano
Publisher. Info. Madrid: Pablo Martín, n.d.[1875]. Plate C.M. 1237.
Misc. Notes Extracted from MP/1958(20)
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Arranger Unknown
Publisher. Info. Mannheim: Ch. Ferd. Heckel, n.d. Plate 311.

General Information

Work Title La Marseillaise
Alternative. Title Chant de guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin (original title)
Name Translations 馬賽曲; Marseillesa; hymn Francji; La Marsellesa; Marseillaise; [44 more...]Marseljees; লা মার্সেইয়েজ; Η Μασσαλιώτιδα; لامارسييز; Marseljäsen; Marseljezo; Марсельеза; Марсељеза; Marseljeesi; Марсельєза; Marseillaisen; Marseljeza; Marselyeza; 'A Marsegliese; Ła Marsejese; המנון צרפת; 프랑스의 국가; Marseljēza; La Marsigliese; ラ・マルセイエーズ; Marseillaisa; Մարսելյոզ; ลามาร์แซแยซ; Marsejeza; Марсилеза; سرود ملی فرانسه; მარსელიეზა; Francouzská hymna; 马赛曲; Prancūzijos himnas; ਲਾ ਮਾਰਸੇਯੈਜ਼; "La Marseillaise"; «Марсельеза»; லா மார்சில்லாஸ்; ലാ മാർസെയ്യെസ്; ߡߊ߬ߙߑߛߊ߬ߦߌ߬ߞߊ; Марселеза; Մարսէյէզ; Марсэльеза; Li Marseyesse (ime); လာ မာဆေလျဲဇ်; لامارسێلایز; Hymn Francyje; ລາ ມາຣເຊເຢສ
Name Aliases 萊茵守軍戰曲; 法國國歌; 法国国歌; 馬賽進行曲; Marsylianka; [91 more...]Marsz marsylijski‏; Himno nacional francés; Hymne national de la République française; Himno Nacional; Hymne national de la Republique francaise; Himno Nacional frances; Himno de Francia; Hymne national de la Republique française; Marsellesa; Hymne national de la République francaise; La Marselhesa; Prantsusmaa riigihümn; لا مارسيلايز; أغنية مارسيليا; نشيد فرنسا الوطني; Frankrikes nationalsång; Franska nationalsången; Volkslied van Frankrijk; Hino nacional da França; Marselhesa; Hino da França; A marselhesa; hino nacional francês; La Marseljezo; Marsejlezo; Nacia himno de Francio; Химна републике Француске; Химна Француске; Fransa Ulusal Marşı; La Marsellaise; Aatteen puolesta; Marseillesen; Allons, enfants de la patrie; Himna Francuske; Fransa himni; Fransa dövlət himni; Frankrigs nationalsang; המארסיז; המרסייז; מרסייז; המארסייז; המארסיליז; מארסייז; לה מרסייז; Allons enfants de la Patrie; Chant de Guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin; hymne national français; hymne national de la France; hymne national de la République française; 마요트의 국가; 마르세유의 노래; 라마르세예즈; 라 마르세예즈; 생마르텡의 국가; 마르세유 행진곡; Inno nazionale francese; Marsigliese; A Marsellesa; Nationalhymne von Frankreich; Nationalhymne Frankreichs; Nationalhymne der Französischen Republik; ラ・マルセイユーズ; フランス国歌; フランスの国歌; Quốc ca Pháp; Francúzska hymna; Մարսելիեզ; Մարսելյեզ; Մարսելիոզ; เพลงชาติฝรั่งเศส; ลามาร์แซแยส; Imnul Frantei; Marseieza; Марсилезата; Химн на Франция; سرود مارسییز; مارسییز; مارسیز; سرود مارسِی; საფრანგეთის ჰიმნი; Franciaország himnusza; A Marselhesa; Frankrikes nasjonalsang; Марселька; French national anthem; The Marseillaise; National anthem of France; national anthem of France; ߝߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ߛߌ߫ ߞߎ߲߬ߘߐ߲ߞߟߌ; гімн Францыі; Lagu Kebangsaan Prancis
Authorities WorldCat; Wikipedia; VIAF: 185891630; LCCN: n81039802; GND: 300132956; [4 more...]SUDOC: 02731202X; BNF: 119381658; NKC: aun2009543723; BNE: XX3063403
Composer Rouget de Lisle, Claude-Joseph
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. ICR 2
Key C major
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 1 song
[March tempo] (40 bars, approx.)
Text Incipit Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé !
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1792 (24 or 25 April) in Strasbourg
First Performance. 1792-04-25 in Strasbourg
First Publication. 1792 (May) - Strasbourg: Ph. J. Dannbach
Librettist Composer
Language French
Dedication Nicolas Luckner (1722-1794)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Classical
Piece Style Classical
Instrumentation voices
Related Works Pieces based on La Marseillaise
External Links Wikipedia article
Extra Locations 50 Chants français (p.82)
Musique de la révolution française (recording)
Extra Information Since, according to the Wikipedia article, it was written for troops, and in fact the first couple of performances were by troops, the original had no accompaniment, so it is tagged for voices only.