(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Meignen, Leopold.)
Leopold Meignen
(1793 — 4 June 1873)
Name in Other Languages: Меньян, Леопольд
Aliases: Леопольд Меньян
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 52083643, LCCN: no94003120, ISNI: 000000004414930X, GND: 102498865, ICCU: MUSV043761
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Septimus Winner around 1853. Conductor in Napoleon's army, then founded an amateur orchestra in Philadelphia. (Also seems to have been a publisher, by himself and in conjunction with Fiot.) From "Philadelphia History, Volume 2": "When the Handel & Haydn Society gave its first concert in its new hall... Dr. Meignen was its leader." (This took place on December 30th 1856, the authors continue.)