Hugo Ulrich
(26 November 1827 — 23 May 1872)
Name in Other Languages: Гуго Ульрих, هوجو ولريتش
Aliases: Ульрих Гуго
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 17491479, LCCN: n86099975, ISNI: 000000010875530X, [9 more...]GND: 117289604, SELIBR: 370260, SUDOC: 154803820, BNF: 14841314p, BIBSYS: 4011294, MusicBrainz: 75a47d30-dce3-43db-a8fd-09dada9558ed, NLA: 36180131, NKC: ola2007404819, BNE: XX4770213
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- According to Goetz’s French Wikipedia article, one of his (Goetz’s) teachers. (According to Alexander Campbell Mackenzie's Catalan Wikipedia article, one of his teachers, also.) Some sources have 23 March rather than 23 May 1872.
- Romana-Hamburg Page on Ulrich (with some brief sound samples of the Opus 9 Symphonie)