The list below includes all pages in which there are items published by Götz . Scores in this category have been designated as such via use of the template P and the identification of the publisher as Götz .
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Pages in category "Scores published by Götz"
The following 64 pages are in this category, out of 64 total.
❉ – All (64) 🔊 – Recordings (3) 𝐍 – Naxos (14) S – Scores (34) P – Parts (35) V – Vocal Scores (6) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (13) O – Other (2) 🔀 📻
1 12 Ariette italiane (Righini, Vincenzo) 12 Canzonette Italiane (Martín y Soler, Vicente) 12 Deutsche Tänze, Teil 1 (Rumling, Sigismund von) 12 Lieder, StWV 53 (Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver) 12 Ländler, Op.49 (Call, Leonhard von) 12 Waltzes (Woelfl, Joseph) 14 Variations on a Minuet by Dietz (Endres, S. J.)2 3 3 Concertante Flute Quartets, GUN 23 (Wendling, Johann Baptist) 3 Harpsichord Quartets, Op.2 (Bauer, Joseph Anton) 3 Harpsichord Trios, StWV 170 (Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver) 3 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.2 (Dalberg, Johann Friedrich Hugo von) 3 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.5 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus) 3 Keyboard Trios, B.468-470 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 3 Keyboard Trios, Op.1 (Todt, Johann Christoph) 3 Keyboard Trios, P.IX:34-36 (Kozeluch, Leopold) 3 Quartets, Op.1 (Gitter, Joseph) 3 Sonatas, Op.1 (Dreyer, Johann Melchior) 3 String Trios, Op.2 (Cambini, Giuseppe Maria) 36 Caprices for Violin, Op.3 (Fiorillo, Federigo)4 5 6 6 Duos, Op.4 (Lebrun, Ludwig August) 6 Flute Duets, Op.20 (Hoffmeister, Franz Anton) 6 Harpsichord Trios, Op.1 (Vanhal, Johann Baptist) 6 Keyboard Trios (Liber, Joseph Anton) 6 Quartets, Op.1 (Schmittbaur, Joseph Aloys) 6 String Quartets, B.307-312 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 String Quartets, T.43-49 (Cambini, Giuseppe Maria) 6 String Quartets, T.85-90 (Cambini, Giuseppe Maria) 6 String Trios, Op.3 (Cannabich, Christian) 6 Trios for 2 Violins and Viola, Op.30 (Cambini, Giuseppe Maria) 6 Violin Duos, B.513-518 (Pleyel, Ignaz) 6 Violin Sonatas, Op.2 (Lebrun, Franziska)9 9 cont. A B D F G H K L M N O P R S V