Historical Publication Info
Music publishing house founded 1776 by engraver Johann Michael Götz (c.1735-1810) in Mannheim. Published a total of 652 works between 1776-1799. In 1799, Götz moved to Worms; in 1802 his Mannheim business was given to Josef Abelshauser who continued it for 2 further years. See Catalogue c.1802 uploaded at Publishers' Catalogues
- See: Scores published by Johann Michael Götz
Imprints, Agencies, Addresses
- Mannheim bey J. M. Götz
- Mannheim chez J. M. Götz
- Mannheim chez le Sr. Götz
- Mannheim im Musikverlag von Johann Michael Gœtz
- Mannheim et Munich chez le Sr. Götz
- Mannheim, Monaco [i.e. Munich] e Dusseldorff presso Götz
- München, Mannheim und Düsseldorf Im Musikverlage von J. M. Götz
- Manheim chez Gœtz et Compagnie
- Mannheim bey Götz und Compagnie
- Worms chez Jean Michel Götz
Plate Numbers
IMSLP Entries
| | Cambini, Giuseppe Maria | 6 String Quartets, T.43-49 | #108305 | | |
| | Endres, S. J. | 14 Variations on a Minuet by Dietz | #721389 | | |
| | Endres, S. J. | 40 Variations on a Theme | #721384 | | |
| | Endres, S. J. | Flute Sonata in D major | #721390 | | |
| | Holzbauer, Ignaz | Günther von Schwarzburg | #347389 | | |
| | Liber, Joseph Anton | 6 Keyboard Trios | #97624 | | |
| | Schleger, J. C. | Violin Concerto in A major | #470081 | | |
| | Schubaur, Johann Lukas | Die Dorfdeputirten | #734735 | | |
6 | 6 | Bauer, Joseph Anton | 3 Harpsichord Quartets, Op.2 | #94201 | | |
6 | 6 | Vanhal, Johann Baptist | 6 Harpsichord Trios, Op.1 | #107145 | | |
Authority control
External links
Deutsche Biographie