12 Ariette italiane (Righini, Vincenzo)

Sheet Music


Publisher. Info. Mainz: B. Schott, n.d.[1788]. Plate 92.
Publisher. Info. London: Longman & Broderip, n.d.
Misc. Notes P.21 missing from scan


Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.
Misc. Notes DK-Kk C II, 5 Tv.-Folio 1929-30.718
Javascript is required for this feature.
Language German
Publisher. Info. Mannheim: Johann Michael Gœtz, n.d.[ca.1795]. Plate 401.
Misc. Notes Lieder zum Singen beym Clavier in Musick gesetzt von Vincenzo Righini. Contains
  1. Sehnsucht. Als du sagtest: ich muss scheiden (F. L. W. Meyer) = No.11. Una breve lontananza
  2. Der Glückliche. Wer ist glücklicher als ich (Isaak Maus) = No.4. D'un visetto lusinghier
  3. Hebe. Pfui Kind rief! Muhme Silvia (L _ P) = No.5. Compagni amor lasciate
  4. Gluth und Nacht. Was ist Reichthum? was sind Ehren (F. L. W. Meyer) = No.1. Che ti giova
  5. Ergebung. Wann der Liebe Ruf ertönet (F. L. W. Meyer) = No.12. Venni, Amore (with variations)
  6. Abschieds Empfindung. Mich heute noch von dir zu trennen - not included in 12 Ariette

General Information

Work Title 12 Ariette italiane
Alternative. Title XII Ariette Italiane. XII Italian Ariettes with an Accompaniment for the Piano-Forte or Harp
Composer Righini, Vincenzo
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 12 ariettas
  1. Che ti giova, cara fille
  2. Lo splendor del primo sguardo
  3. Se tu m'ami, se sospiri
  4. D'un visetto lusinghier
  5. Compagni amor lasciate
  6. No, mia bella, il sol diletto. With a vocal variation for each verse. Included in the category Vocal Ornamentation.
  7. Affanoso mio pensier
  8. Beviam'o Dori, godiam
  9. Benche vita del desir
  10. Con dolce forza. See Es darf die Liebe for variations
  11. Una breve lontananza
  12. Venni Amore. With a variation for each verse. Included in the category Vocal Ornamentation.
First Publication. 1788
Language Italian
Dedication Federica di Prussia (Prinzessin Friederike von Preussen)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Classical
Piece Style Classical
Instrumentation voice, piano (or harp)