(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Klengel, Julius.)
Julius Klengel
(24 September 1859 — 27 October 1933)
Name in Other Languages: چوليوس كلينجيل, یولیوس کلنقل, یولیوس کلنگل, יוליוס קלנגל, ユリウス・クレンゲル, [2 more...]Юлиус Кленгель, 朱利叶斯·克伦格尔
Aliases: 克伦格尔, Кленгель Юлиус, Klengel
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 42027926, LCCN: n82085725, ISNI: 0000000108919335, [10 more...]GND: 116230797, SUDOC: 158053842, BNF: 13927070d, BIBSYS: 3086942, MusicBrainz: 8ff57118-8419-45b6-b063-7c35e012638c, NLA: 35808125, NKC: xx0023131, BNE: XX5053195, CiNii: DA09643826, IATH: w64t6wbv
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Pages in category "Klengel, Julius/Arranger"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.
AC- Cello Concerto No.1, Op.5 (Davydov, Karl)
- Cello Concerto No.2 in D major, Hob.VIIb:2 (Haydn, Joseph)
- Cello Concerto No.9, Op.56 (Romberg, Bernhard)
- Cello Concerto, Op.33 (Volkmann, Robert)
- Children's Album, Op.39 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)
- Clarinet Quintet in A major, K.581 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
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