List of works by Julius Klengel

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Category:Klengel, Julius.

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Works with Opus number

  • No.1 Serenade
  • No.2 Humoresque
  • Lied ohne Worte, Gavotte, Intermezzo, Wiegenlied, Barcarole, Scherzino
  • Song without Words, Gavotte, Lullaby, March
  • Op.34, String Quartet in A major (pub.1894/5)
  • Op.35, Two Piano Trios for Children (Kindertrios Nos.1 and 2)
  • No.1 C major, No.2 G major
  • No.1 in F major, No.2 in D major
  • No.1 E minor, No.2 G minor
  • Romanze, Alter Tanz., Wiegenlied, Mazurka, Gavotte, Savoyard
  • Op.45, Concerto for 2 Cellos
  • Op.46, Concertino No.3 in A minor for cello and piano
  • Op.47, 3 Cello Sonatinas (published 1911).
  • Op.48, Sonatina No.1 in C minor
  • Op.49, Andante & Rondo for Cello & Piano (pub.1919, Breitkopf u. Härtel)
  • Op.50, Reigen : acht Stücke im 3/4 Takt : für Violoncell und Klavierbegleitung (pub.1919)
  • Op.51, Andante Sostenuto for cello and orchestra
  • Op.52, 3rd Suite for Cello and Piano in D (pub.1919)
  • Op.53, Wiegenlied for Cello and Piano (pub.1919)
  • Op.54, Suite for cello and organ (©1924)
  • Op.55,
  • Op.56, Suite for Cello in D minor (Breitkopf, published 1923)
  • Op.57, Hymnus for 12 Cellos
  • Op.58, 6 Pieces for Cello and Piano (Breitkopf, p. 1923)
Barcarole, Gavotte, Andante serioso, Mazurka, Schlummerlied, Tarantelle
  • Op.59, Small Suite for 3 cellos (©1924)
  • Op.60, String Sextet (1924)
  • Op.61, Concerto for Violin and Cello and orchestra (©1926. Edited by and dedicated to Walther Davisson, violin.)
  • Op.62, 3 pieces for 2 cellos and piano (organ) (published 1931)
  • Op.63, Chaconne in G minor for cello solo (B&H 1931)
  • Op.64-
  • Op.65, Ein Musikantenleben - sechs Stücke für Violoncell und Klavier (pub. by Breitkopf und Härtel, 1934)
  • Book 1: Aus der Kinderzeit ; Jünglings- und- Mannesjahre ; Liebesträumen.
  • Book 2: Fröhliche Augenblicke ; Hartes Ringen ; Ausklang.

Works without Opus number

Arrangements by Julius Klengel

  • Klengel, Julius, u. Carl Reinecke, Lyrica.
Sammlung lyrischer Stücke klassischer, romantischer u. moderner Meister. Zum Concertvortrage f. Vcello m. Pfte bearb., m. Vortragszeichen u. Fingersatz versehen. Leipzig, Gebr. Reinecke. 1891-6.
1. Bach, Joh.Chr., Air–
2. Reinecke, Ave Maria.
3. Schumann, Schlummerlied.
4. Field, Cavatine.
5. Spohr, Andante.
8, Melodie / von Ant. Rubinstein.
10. Andante cantabile / von G. Tartini.
11. Tschaikowsky, P., Sehnsucht
12. Air / von Chr. Gluck.
13. Adagio / von Franz Schubert
14. Chant sans Paroles Op.2 No.3 Tchaikovsky (probably, 1894)
16. Am Meer / von Franz Schubert
19. Schumann, Rob., Abendlied.
20. Schumann, R– Blumenstück.
21. Chopin, Fr., Op. 9. No. 2. Nocturne.
22. Prume, Frç., La Mélancolie.
23. Tschaikowsky, P., Sehnsucht.
24. Schumann, Rob., Träumerei.
  • Vortrags-Album
  • MacDowell, Edward Alexander
- 4 Pieces from Woodland Sketches Op.51 (arranged for cello and piano by Julius Klengel)

Woodland Sketches, Op.51