Carl Grüninger

Book title page 1892
Score cover 1915




Carl Grüninger Ltd. operated in Stuttgart from 1867 as a general book publisher. From 1888 to 1929 it published the Neue Musik-Zeitung, which previously had been published by P.J. Tonger of Cologne, from 1880 to 1887. Some of Grüninger's books were on musical topics, such as Rudolf Louis' and Ludwig Thuille's Harmonielehre (1910) and some music history texts.

Among the music scores in its catalog were many easy piano works for domestic use, by composers such as Emil Breslaur, Aloys Hennes, R. Kerner, H. A Schefer, Johannes Feyhl and Karl Richard, some songs such as Die Jahreszeiten in Liedern, Op. 23, by Eduard Rohde, and some other works such as Hermann Grabner's Konzert im alten Stil, Op.1, for 3 violins (1915). The last musical item was a book issued in 1928.

In 1897 Ernst Klett and his brother-in-law, Julius Hartmann, took over the firm, and it has remained in the Klett family to the present day. Now known as Ernst Klett AG, it has grown into a holding company with interests in educational businesses of all kinds, from textbook publishing to kindergarten management and educational software.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Carl Grüninger
  • Ernst Klett Carl Grüninger Nachf.
  • Ernst Klett u. Julius Hartmann


  • Stuttgart

Plate Numbers

  • For music that was included as supplements to the Neue Musik-Zeitung Grüninger used plate numbers in the format of either C.G. ## (in which the number corresponded to the last two digits of the year of publication) or N.M.-Z. ####.
 / 50  
Plate #Full PlateComposerWorkIMSLP #Full YearYear
88C.G. 88Abesser, EdmundPolonaise#9467418881888
88C.G. 88-89Abt, Franz4 Lieder, Op.615#27148918881888
88C.G. 88Behr, FranzFrühlingsgruss#9467918881888
88C.G. 88Boie, JohnMöcht' so gerne zieh'n#67418518881888
88C.G. 88Bronsart, IngeborgBlumengruss#59427418881888
88C.G. 88, 3Böhme, Franz MagnusUm Mitternacht#59803218881888
88C.G. 88Böttger, GustavWenn der Herr ein Kreuze schickt, Op.42#67420418881888
88C.G. 88, 3Fabian, J.Bilder aus schöner Zeit, Op.7#9638018881888
88C.G. 88Gretscher, ConradVertrauen#67419918881888
88C.G. 88.6Kirchner, Theodor12 Gedenkblätter, Op.82#9713818881888
Total: 495 items

Sources Consulted