Vom Ende

cover 1896





This firm in Cologne was a vigorous publisher of domestic music from 1895. It also had an address in Leipzig.
H. vom Ende of Cologne operated briefly for ten years from 1896, publishing mainly choral works by the founder. The catalog also included several musicological books such as Friedrich Wilhelm Franke’s Theorie und Praxis des harmonischen Tonsatzes(1898), Carl Witting’s Geschichte des Violinspiels, and Alessandro Casorti's Bogen-Technik für Violine. Ende issued several works by Gustav Jensen, who taught counterpoint in Cologne, including his symphony and his edition of Cherubini's Theorie des Kontrapunktes und der Fuge (1896).

The firm was bought by F.E.C. Leuckart in 1907.
Among their publications were several works by Ewald Straesser, for instance (his piano concerto Op.8, overture Op.4, and others, from 1895-96 or so.)


Imprints, Agencies, Addresses


  • Vom Ende
  • Heinrich vom Ende's Verlag


  • Cologne (Koln)

Plate Numbers

Vom Ende's plate numbers were issued in a regular chronological fashion. Plate numbers are in the format of v.E. ####. Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
001318 Jensen Symphony, Op.35 1896
001321 Klauwell 3 Klavierstücke für die linke Hand allein, Op.34 1896

Sources Consulted

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