User talk:KGill/archive4




Hi KGill, Thanks for the terrific job in uploading these. I wanted to give you a little heads-up about some items I noticed in the latest batch I uploaded to the FTP: They have a number of typesets included in among the scans of older printed editions. These should list Theo and Kitty Wyatt as typesetter and editor unless mentioned otherwise, and they should get the cc-by-nc-nd license as neither Theo or John Harding (who is taking over Merton's commercial operation once Theo turns 90 later this year) is very keen on the idea of the Ebay folks copying everything and selling the files. This only applies to typesets or new arrangements, of course. Regards, Carolus 01:51, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

Thank you :-) I'll keep that in mind. KGill talk email 12:29, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

From it.wikipedia

In order to add recordings to Harpsichord concertos on it.wikipedia, on it.wikipedia we thought to import on Wikimedia Commons those recordings. But I found some troubles: I hadn't been able to understand what kind of license these files have. Since i found those files on IMSLP, I contacted an admin, thinking "if the file is linked on IMSLP, maybe its admins can help me than me". Could you help me about the license of that files? --Nickanc 21:20, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

I'm not certain what kind of license those files have (the site doesn't say); it may well be that they are under copyright and can't be uploaded to Commons. The site we link to is that of the copyright owner, Radio Czech, so they have every right to allow free download from their site, but they may restrict copying the files to other sites (which is why the link here is just that - an external link). Of course, you can still ask them (their email I think is if you're really interested in uploading their recordings to Commons. KGill talk email 21:29, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
Thank you very much!--Nickanc 21:50, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

Tarnowski, "I Always Remember"

This is the same song that Tchaikovsky arranged for piano duet — see Versions of Works by Others (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich) — more accurately translated as "I Remember All" (Я помню все). The author was actually Elizaveta Petrovna Tarnovskaya (née Nashchokina), dates unknown, who wrote many popular songs in Russia during the 1860s. "I Remember All" was her Op.281, set to words by Aleksey Pleshcheyev. I guess the title and author's name got a little lost in translation when Breitkopf published the score 3 decades later — P.davydov 22:56, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

Amazing...thanks! I'll fix it :-) KGill talk email 23:05, 1 June 2010 (UTC)


While you're removing them, the FS category can go away too. Thanks-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 23:59, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

OK. Any particular reason you're getting rid of it? KGill talk email 23:59, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

I got rid of it a while ago, but forgot abuot the links. It would be nice to have, but we have so many complete works in fs that it would take forever to implement.-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 15:03, 3 June 2010 (UTC)

Composer's Name

Hi Kgill, May you explain me how to modify ? I want to add some informations (ex Lacroix surname) -Squin-

1. Go to a new category page in the form Last Name, First Name (e.g. Category:La Croix, François de)
2. Copy the entire contents of the original composer page to the new one, and save it
3. Move any pages contained in the old category to change the name in parentheses to the new one (e.g. the new page would be 'Orphée (La Croix, François de)' )
4. Redirect the old category page to the new one - i.e. change the content of Category:Lacroix to '#REDIRECT [[:Category:La Croix, François de]]'
Feel free to ask further questions if that doesn't make sense. KGill talk email 00:39, 4 June 2010 (UTC)

Done, Thanks -Squin- 07 June 2010


Is asking that we remove all projekt musik typesets (except Holst and the London Notebook), i.e. Beethoven sonatinas, Casanovas Sonata in F, Bach Orchestral Suite No.3, and Pachelbel Canon. Would you mind?-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 21:03, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

And the Mozart Church Sonatas? Philip Legge @ © talk 22:14, 6 June 2010 (UTC)
Probably those as well. Sure, I can do that. KGill talk email 00:32, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
OK, I think that's all of them. Just about all of his other uploads were either from BSB or splits of Reger and Mendelssohn. If I remember correctly, he had previously requested for all of his Mozart to be removed. KGill talk email 00:43, 7 June 2010 (UTC)

Thanks a ton. Cheers-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 16:20, 7 June 2010 (UTC)

Tagging books

Hello KGill,

when I want to add a file, I'm asked for the Genre. In the case of Leopold Mozart, Marpurg, Kittel etc. I klicked at 'Books'. Afterwards there doesn't appear any notice to that 'tagging'. Konrad Stein and me think that it could be useful. Kind regards, --Ralph Theo Misch 00:34, 13 June 2010 (UTC)

Actually, Davydov completely discontinued the old 'genres' a while ago (you might be the first person outside of the tagging team to notice ;-) ), so none of them apply anymore. At some point (probably in the very last phase of the project), the team will reevaluate the question of tagging literary works, but we're deliberately letting them sit for now. KGill talk email 00:39, 13 June 2010 (UTC)

I see. Thanks! - I'll tell Konrad. --Ralph Theo Misch 00:42, 13 June 2010 (UTC)

Jesús Ortega

Nice job catching that one. It's possibly free in the USA (only) - certainly not in Canada or anywhere else. Carolus 21:49, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

To Our Girls, JB 1:86 (Smetana, Bedřich)

That copyright notice looks like it could have been added after the fact. Also, do you know if it's been renewed? Maybe we should ask Carolus :D-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 23:43, 16 June 2010 (UTC)

No, I don't know if it's been renewed. Actually, for the last few minutes I've been searching ;-) I couldn't find it. KGill talk email 23:46, 16 June 2010 (UTC)

I normally prefer to err on the side of caution in these cases: I'll ask Carolus. Cheers, :)-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 23:52, 16 June 2010 (UTC)

I too am on the edge of my seat.--Ralph Theo Misch 23:57, 16 June 2010 (UTC)

You can get off the edge! Not only is the notice most likely added upon reprint, but no renewal was done. Most likely free in USA. Carolus 00:03, 17 June 2010 (UTC)

Thanks a lot!!--Ralph Theo Misch 00:05, 17 June 2010 (UTC)

Yay! More Smetana! Thanks, Carolus-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 00:08, 17 June 2010 (UTC)


No more uploads to be allowed form him pending resolution of extremely serious issue. Carolus 01:14, 17 June 2010 (UTC)

All right, but may I ask exactly what the serious issue is? (in private, of course) Thanks, KGill talk email 01:38, 17 June 2010 (UTC)

Check your e-mail shortly. Carolus 01:39, 17 June 2010 (UTC)


Hi KGill, I see the Sonata of Valentini is marked TB. It has been edited by A. Piatti who died in 1901. I havent found the publication date, but 'I assume' is not so late. The publisher does not indicate a clear (C) sign. Why is it TB. Thanks --Ctesibius 14:20, 22 June 2010 (UTC)

On closer examination, I think it's a reprint of Schott...unblocked. KGill talk email 14:34, 22 June 2010 (UTC)
Thanks, sounds reasonable. Do you know if there is a list of plate/years for IMC. Sometimes is very difficult to find the date. My impression is when the work is under (C) one finds plenty of details. When is not all is vague, see Ricordi for instance. --Ctesibius 16:20, 22 June 2010 (UTC)
I don't know of an actual list; I got the 1943 date from WorldCat, which is the only way I know of to find out when International actually published things (since they almost never put dates on their scores). Their catalogue is here, but it's not much help since it doesn't give dates. KGill talk email 16:25, 22 June 2010 (UTC)

Re: Grand Duo, Op.18 (Loewe, Carl)

Hi KGill, yes, it looked queer to me, too. --Ralph Theo Misch 16:38, 22 June 2010 (UTC)


Thanks for the Lachner (Ignaz&Franz) quartets :) Eric 20:31, 23 June 2010 (UTC)

You're welcome :-) Of course, I didn't do any of the scanning work, I just uploaded them - we should be most grateful to Theo Wyatt. KGill talk email 22:01, 23 June 2010 (UTC)

Flauta (the uploader)

I put the big red © on the talk page to (hopefully) elicit a response! Carolus 21:45, 26 June 2010 (UTC)

Let's hope...some people seem to think that if Beethoven and Brahms are public domain then, why, so must be Piazzolla, Berio, and Lutoslawski ;-) KGill talk email 21:51, 26 June 2010 (UTC)

Bach Cantatas

Don't worry too much about keeping these pages clean, as they're being deconstructed anyways (I'm about halfway done with 11-20, for instance).-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 20:37, 29 June 2010 (UTC)'s kind of a compulsion I guess ;-) KGill talk email 20:38, 29 June 2010 (UTC)

Of course, if you want to help split the cantatas, you're more than welcome ;) (I would recommend talking to P.Davydov if interested. He's going 220-down and I'm going 1-up, so maybe you could go 100-down?).-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 20:42, 29 June 2010 (UTC)

While I would love to help, I kind of have a fair amount to do at the moment (Wishlist links, 'Versions of Works by Others' pages), so I think I'll politely decline. How long is it taking you? I could pitch in after the Wishlist thing is finished. KGill talk email 20:46, 29 June 2010 (UTC)

It takes me about 5-10 minutes per cantata on average, depending on the amount I can copy from wiki, etc. That actually reminds me that I need to start working on this again :)-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 20:54, 29 June 2010 (UTC)

Wishlist linking !

Good job! :) --Funper 01:10, 30 June 2010 (UTC)

Thank you :-) KGill talk email 01:10, 30 June 2010 (UTC)

Congratulations on the spectacular finish :)-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 01:48, 1 July 2010 (UTC)

In Chechnya, Thirty Thousand and Still Counting (Dyson, Peter)

For something like this, it's probably best just to call it a "brass band." Cheers-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 19:44, 1 July 2010 (UTC)


Nice work! Between the two of us, we seem to have created the necessity to split the page :)-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 00:16, 2 July 2010 (UTC)

Thanks :-) I might add some more Latin Americans, but wasn't thinking of working on it regularly (just filling in a few obvious holes ;-) ) KGill talk email 01:05, 2 July 2010 (UTC)

Re: Missa Iste Confessor (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)

Hi KGill, I think it's similar to that matter. But to be sure I've made a scan of the first three pages. Regards from --Ralph Theo Misch 08:02, 2 July 2010 (UTC)

Thanks! There's no notice, so it should be free in the US. Carolus had already tagged it as 'checked', so no change needs to be made. Cheers, KGill talk email 13:40, 2 July 2010 (UTC)

Raff editions

KGill, Thanks for the feedback and the link. What convinced me that the Raff paraphrases I uploaded tonight were from Oper im Salon was that starting with op.35 and ending with op.65 no.2 the pagination started with page 3 and ended with page 143 with each opus falling into the correct order of the 12 volumes of Oper im Salon. Interestingly, the three Wagner paraphrases had two sets of page numbers - one apparently reflecting their publication as a set independent of Oper im Salon. I will certainly defer to your judgement as your knowledge of the subject far exceeds mine. Thanks again. Cypressdome.

That's interesting. Perhaps unfortunately, I was concentrating more on the plate numbers, which judging from our (highly incomplete) dated Schuberth listing agree with the Monatsbericht's dates which I selected. However, Schuberth might have reprinted and repaginated it in 1876 while keeping the original plate numbers. I'll see if I can look into it this evening when I have some time. Cheers, KGill talk email 20:03, 6 July 2010 (UTC)
OK, so it turned out I didn't really have much more time - but I still couldn't find an official record of an 1876 reprint. It was probably just a convenient binding together of all the volumes, and the earlier dates I found were when the individual pieces were separately published (so I'll keep them on the work pages). KGill talk email 01:51, 7 July 2010 (UTC)

Vivaldi's manuscripts

Vivaldi: dear KGill, why did you suppress the Vivaldi's Cimento Concertos, it is totally great to find the real Vivaldi manuscript of the D Minor one, it shows the earlier version, was it the same for the other items? DO YOU MIND TO PUT THEM BACK AGAIN? CORDIALLY, donantoniomartin.

I’m having difficulty understanding why some pages with CCARH parts were deleted, while others from the Opus 8 set survived (e.g., Opus 8 No. 5) – was this done solely to eradicate traces of a certain sockpuppet? If it was purely because of the submitter, then it possibly should be within the realm of reason for someone to post a question to CCARH to ask if they are in a position to grant permission for all of their Vivaldi parts to be hosted here. Otherwise, the tidy-up of CCARH parts was incomplete.
Donantoniomartin, I can’t see any evidence of more 18th century manuscripts for the Opus 8 set having been “suppressed” – what you see is all we’ve got. Regards, Philip Legge @ © talk 05:59, 7 July 2010 (UTC)

Dear Philip - is this your right name? - first of all, thank you for your so rapid answer. Second: I did not understand much what you say about the CCARH (what is it? and what do you mean as a sockpuppet?), but it is probably normal, I am new to the IMSLP - simply it was written that it was YOU to delete them, that's why I asked you. If the other parts were those in modern print - and below some copyright restrictions therefore - for me they do not bear any interest. But: even copyists' parts - as these of the E flat Major Concerto, which do not at all look as Vivaldi's manuscript - ARE interesting, without mentioning the D minor first movement of his own hand- it is a REAL TREASURE, for very many reasons (I shall tell you some of them if I know you personally one day). So: 1) if all of his manuscripts or even the epoque copies that were there do remain, I'm happy. 2) if you have an idea where I could find the rest of the Cimento in manuscript or copies of the time, please tell me where! With my heartly best regards, Anton.

Hi Don, I think there's a bit of confusion - Philip is in fact another user. A while ago I deleted some baroque-period files because they were uploaded by an illegal account. Some of these were typeset by CCARH; they have not in fact given permission for users other than themselves to upload their typesets here (if I recall correctly), so they were subject to deletion anyway. There were not many others, and they were not scanned by the illegal user - you can get them from SLUB Dresden. I realize that this probably seems unsatisfactory, but it was in accordance with our policy, and the SLUB files at least can be uploaded by any other user. Thanks, KGill talk email 19:45, 7 July 2010 (UTC)