User talk:Horndude77

Hi there! I see you've uploaded the second movement of Bruckner's 4th onto IMSLP but haven't submitted it... so I wanted to say something just to prevent us both doing the same thing twice.

I've actually written a Variations project mass download program to mass download (massd.cpp) and convert (massc.cpp) Variations project scores, you can get the source here. If you use linux, it should be a piece of cake to compile with g++, but the program doesn't work on windows because it needs several programs that windows doesn't have (wget for massd.cpp and pdftk+imagemagick for massc.cpp). The arguments it needs are all related to the URL of the pictures, of which you will need to get the URL of one of them (shouldn't be too hard). I'm also saying this for everyone who cares to use this program to submit stuff to IMSLP :)

But anyway, on to the problem. I converted a few scores (two Bruckner symphonies, two Dvorak symphonies, and Debussy's La Mer), and realized that the quality is so bad that some parts of the score cannot be made out... so I decided not to use it, at least for now. On the other hand, I realized that besides orchestral scores, other scores should be fairly legible since the noteheads are larger, even scanned at that resolution... so it should suite IMSLP quite well :)

--Feldmahler 22:39, 19 June 2006 (CDT)


Moved from the Messiah discussion page

Is someone scanning on this? I found a 1912 schirmer edition at my parents house a couple of weeks ago and was thinking about scanning it. I don't want to duplicate work. Let me know. This leads me to another question: is there a page where people can post scores they own or scores they plan on scanning? It might not be a problem now that IMSLP is still relatively small, but as it grows this could help coordinate work. Horndude77 23:15, 7 December 2006 (EST)

That would indeed be a good idea. I would add it to one of the community pages or create a new one. But this page here isn't correct: the composer G.F. doesn't exist... --Peter 11:13, 8 December 2006 (EST)
I agree that it's a good idea... anyone care to start this off by creating a page and write something on it (i.e. what you are planning to scan)? :) Btw, I moved this to your talk page Horndude because I didn't want to delete this discussion along with the article itself. --Feldmahler 14:45, 8 December 2006 (EST)
I added something simple at Current events --Peter 18:58, 8 December 2006 (EST)
I think that's good enough. When I get started I'll add myself to that list. Thanks!

Kjerulf List

Sorry what is going on with the kjerulf list?--Abra 19:46, 29 July 2007 (EDT)

It looks like there are two. One is being maintained (List of compositions by Halfdan Kjerulf), and I marked the misspelled one to be deleted (List of compositions by Halfdan Kjrulf). Just minor cleanup. Horndude77 19:59, 29 July 2007 (EDT)

Thank you.I guess you are a clever hornplayer :)--Abra 20:01, 29 July 2007 (EDT)


Where shall the :List of compositions featuring Conducter,list be ?, -its not an instrument list- --Abra 15:32, 6 August 2007 (EDT)

I was thinking of parts of the orchestra when I was originally making the list. I was feeling a bit silly when I added conductor. I don't think there are any pieces that feature the conductor. Some may dispute this however :) Horndude77 21:38, 6 August 2007 (EDT)


Hello. First of all, congratulations for you exelect job on with the scores. Cloud you please tell-me how can I contact you email or sonething else. I've found some typeset mistakes in vilanelle, I would lite to tell you to correct. Thanks, Rmatosinhos 14:08, 8 October 2007 (EDT)

Thanks for taking a look. Unfortunately the typeset of the villanelle which is here is old and I've correct quite a few things. Even the copy on mutopia is somewhat old (I've fixed some missing flat signs and added some missing expressive text since). I need to put an updated version up. In any case this forum here is a fine way to let me know of problems. As a side note, editing in these discussion pages can take some getting used to. When you finish a post sign it with four tildes (~~~~). The wiki software will translate this to your user name and a timestamp. See Help:Tutorial/Talk pages for more information. Horndude77 22:31, 8 October 2007 (EDT)


Hi - Just wanted to thank you for the Danzi Op.28 sonata. Physicist 08:45, 29 July 2008 (EDT)

No problem and welcome back. Horndude77 10:07, 29 July 2008 (EDT)

The Children Sing

Hi, Have you checked the renewal status of this? It has a valid 1951 notice but would be free if no renewal was filed. Thanks, Carolus 18:13, 23 August 2008 (EDT)

I did my best with the web search to find it. It doesn't seem to be there. If there's anything else you'd like me to check let me know. Horndude77 23:01, 23 August 2008 (EDT)

Thanks, If you can't find it there, they probably didn't renew it. I'll tag accordingly. Carolus 01:10, 24 August 2008 (EDT)

Brahms: Horn Trio

Hi, Should I delete the old, 200 dpi files since you've put up nice high-resolution ones? I don't see any particular need for them, but just wanted to ask before I blasted them. Thanks, Carolus 23:55, 28 August 2008 (EDT)

Yeah, I think the low resolution ones should be deleted too. There's not much use for them anymore. The higher resolution ones also have some publisher information with them. Thanks. Horndude77 08:53, 29 August 2008 (EDT)


Hi Horndude, since you've been working on some image processing for IMSLP already, I would like to ask if you have any suggestions to improve this. You can find some output samples on the FTP server (general uploads, "Munich Digitization Centre"). I'm not a programmer (which is also why the code is in PHP and rather messy...), but if you can suggest any tools that could be integrated into the processing to improve the final output (deskew, despeckle, whatever...), I'd be glad to hear about it. (You can also have my code, but you wouldn't like it... ;)). --Leonard Vertighel 04:08, 20 January 2009 (EST)

Which ftp server is this on? I can't see the area you pointed to. Perhaps I don't have the same permissions as you on the imslp's ftp server. I'd like to take a look. So the 'BSB' logo can be removed easily enough (even just cropping it out would work). Most of the scans that I've looked at seem pretty clean so converting to monochrome should work acceptably in most cases I'd guess too. Thanks. Horndude77 22:40, 20 January 2009 (EST)


Hi Horndude, I've been toying a little more with OM logo removal. Unfortunately I don't have the time now to write a proper program (not to mention my lack of programming skills), but I thought I should share some ideas.

  • Color logos: These are ugly to match due to variations in dithering etc. Here is a strategy which appears to eliminate them without any actual matching:
    1. Threshold each channel separately at 50%, then OR the three channels to one 1-bit image (image "A"). Some of the logos are removed completely in this step.
    2. To get rid of the black center square of the remaining logos, one possibility is this: Threshold and invert the saturation channel of the original image, in other words: if Red != Green or Red != Blue, the pixel becomes black, otherwise white. Now flood fill with black at a point away from the logo. In the case of the rectangular logos, you should be left with a white rectangle that corresponds to the black rectangle of the logo, and black everywhere else. Now OR this image with image "A" and the color logos should be gone.
  • Monochrome logos: Matching seems to work reasonably well with those. Sometimes however the logo may overlap some other part of the page, in which case it seems to be XOR'd. Sometimes it may also be chopped off at the top and/or the side.
    1. Matching: use only the center part of the logo (e.g. you could chop off 25% on each side and use the rest for matching). In this way, a slight overlap won't make the matching fail. Allow for positions which would put part of the complete logo beyond the page border. This still won't get every logo, so you may want to log failed matchings for manual cleanup. (You could also cut the logo into, say, 4 segments and see if any one matches, but that may be overkill.)
    2. Removal: XOR with an image of the complete logo at the right position. This should both remove the logo and restore any elements that were overlapped by the logo.

Clearly these ideas use some specific features of the OM logos, so they won't work in general with other types of logos. On the other hand, the OM scores are a lot, so it may be worthwhile to deal with them separately, at least as long as we don't have a reliable general method. Hope this helps - maybe you have already thought of these things yourself. --Leonard Vertighel 03:37, 4 February 2009 (EST)

I've been working through the cello OM parts and what you outline above is almost exactly what I'm doing! I've uploaded the scripts so you can take a look.
  • To find a mask for the color logo I do this: mask = threshold(128, invert(red(image) - green(image))). Then I find the bounding box for the mask and clear that box in the image. I haven't found a page where this doesn't work yet.
  • For monochrome logos I apply the Hit&Miss Transform. For a pdf I try a few logos (the OM set has different logos and different sizes of the same logo). Most of the time these can be removed with a simple subtraction. When the logo can't be found I do what you suggested above and just use the inner portions of the logo for the HMT and XOR the full logo for removal. There are a few instances where this hasn't totally worked, but it works 99% of the time.
All of this is very fast. About 30 minute on average for a volume though I haven't done real timings. Sorry that I haven't communicated well what I've been working on. Go check it out. Horndude77 20:33, 4 February 2009 (EST)

4-point cleaning algorithm

Hi Horndude, the algorithm I use really is more sophisticated (at least I believe that). It is part of the filters offered in the PhotoLine software I always use, so I don't know how it works. It uses 4 parameters (size - that's what I call number of pixels, color-system - gray in my case of monocrome data, intensity - I use 100%, threshold - I use 90). I guess it is some 4 x 4 filter matrix used here, but I can be wrong. The calculation time is a bit long (about one minute or more for a 1200dpi page). You can get a 30 day trial of the software if you like to check the results on your scans. In my experience it works fine with 1200dpi monocrome scans. Most dust pixels disapear and missing pixels will come alive, borders get sharper, but details will disapear, of course. --Piupianissimo 20:48, 21 June 2009 (CET)

Mozart: Horn Quintet, K.407

Hello Horndude, Ssellis claimed to be the typesetter for the transposed Horn part in F (which would also make him the editor and publisher for that item). Do you have information contradicting this? Since he posted it very soon after the Mutopia parts were posted, I assumed he based his typeset upon yours in E-flat. Thanks, Carolus 00:13, 24 June 2009 (EDT)

I'm positive it is not generated from the mutopia part. It looks like a scan to me from some other edition. I've tried to figure out who the publisher is can't (I only own a very recent typesetting of the horn part and Google didn't turn up much). Since I can't place where it comes from it is possible that he is the typesetter, but it is unrelated to the mutopia pdfs. Horndude77 01:33, 24 June 2009 (EDT)

It's definitely a Sibelius creation, probably a scan thereof. The treble clef is a dead giveaway. It's a not a bad layout, but a professional engraver would have fit it into 4 pages instead of 6 - 2 of which have large bottom margins. That's why I thought Ssellis' claim of authorship was credible. Carolus 01:42, 24 June 2009 (EDT)

(Edit conflict) Ok I just looked at his haydn trumpet concerto contributions and the typesetting is the same except the trumpet concerto has identifying markings in the PDF itself. So apparently he is the typesetter. I was mostly thrown off because the horn part is made of images (without any identifying markings) while the trumpet parts are make of vector graphics. Sorry for the noise. (I'll recognize sibelius in the future :) ) Horndude77 01:46, 24 June 2009 (EDT)

More Lists

I have an ongoing discussion with Tolentino - and Tolentino has provided us with two new, updated pages: List of Compositions Featuring the Organ and List of Compositions Featuring the Harpsichord. Have fun.-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 02:28, 16 July 2009 (UTC)

Oh Oh !!

   BooBoo:  (Midsummer Night's Dream) = (Fingal's Cave) !!!!!!!!
Hi .... just browsing the *wonderful* orchestral uploads - and discovered the above - with such riches being uploaded it's inevitable that one golden nugget gets mixed up with another. I guess you uploaed Midsummer from the wrong directory.

Thanks for your wonderful works... Homer --Homerdundas 21:03, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

Midsummer Night's Dream

You kind of made a mess of this (the wind parts were the hebrides...), so I rolled back all of your edits. COuld you please reupload?-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 21:16, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

I hope I've fixed the mess now. Sorry about that. I've done that twice now. I need to be more careful. Horndude77 21:31, 24 July 2009 (UTC)
Tagged. Interesting filename - it's the overture's op.-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 21:41, 24 July 2009 (UTC)
I'm using the filenames right out of the FTP server. Should we change these since it doesn't make much sense? Horndude77 21:47, 24 July 2009 (UTC)
The filename was a mistake on my part!! I typed the opus number wrong in the re-naming script I was using. (We assign new filenames so as to not look like those of OMCDRL.) Carolus 23:42, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

Regarding IMSLP Programming

Hi Horndude! I wanted to ask how enthusiastic or willing you will be if I asked you to be an IMSLP programmer. You will have SVN access to the IMSLP Mediawiki extensions, and the changes there will be periodically uploaded to the IMSLP server proper.

The reason I ask is that I am going to be semi-away soon, and Leonard, who is currently the IMSLP programmer, is rather busy with real life stuff. And so I thought perhaps you would be interested in helping IMSLP by programming (I can tell you what needs fixing/improving if you want). In case it matters, the IMSLP code should not be shared with anyone other than Leonard and me, because there are some private data in it that should not be disclosed (not really a security issue, but will defeat the purpose of the said data).

Tell me what you think. --Feldmahler 15:14, 18 August 2009 (UTC)


Do you have any idea what's wrong? I tried to fix it, but it refuses to work.-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 21:01, 29 August 2009 (UTC)

Nope. I'll keep messing with it. Horndude77 21:04, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
Leonard seems to have fixed it. I just submitted the Berlioz Fantastique with no problems, so I'm not sure what happened.-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 21:43, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
Ugh. Figures -- a missing closing brace. Horndude77 23:42, 29 August 2009 (UTC)

Bruckner 7

Hi, Thanks for uploading these. I think that Kalmus reprinted the Gutman parts here, though I don't know that for sure. I do know that they aren't the Haas ed. parts, which is what they reprinted for most of the Bruckner symphonies. Gutman, like a number of publishers in that era, sometimes printed the parts they sold from originals prepared by a professional copyist instead of going to the expense of actually engraving plates. At any rate, I noticed that OMCDL managed to miss scanning Tenor Wagner-Tuba 2. I'll see if I can obtain one to scan. Carolus 05:04, 30 August 2009 (UTC)

The Wagner Tuba parts are also grouped with the low brass instead of with the horns (Maybe they're played on euphoniums sometimes). If you can find the part great. Horndude77 05:28, 30 August 2009 (UTC)


Thanks for kicking off the Mahler parts!-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 01:45, 25 October 2009 (UTC)

Glad to help. Though the clarinet and percussion parts should be double checked to make sure I got their descriptions somewhat correct.

Horndude77 04:41, 25 October 2009 (UTC)

It's very good to have all the parts! Thanks a lot for uploading!
Do you have any more complete scores of Mahler symphonies to upload? Thank you! Hanserblich 18:53, 2 November 2009 (UTC)
The parts were part of the OM project. Though I do have the scores to Mahler 3 and 4 that I've been thinking of scanning... Horndude77 01:13, 3 November 2009 (UTC)

Manual of Style

OP Project Manual of Style - feel free to make changes.-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 18:59, 25 October 2009 (UTC)

You have new messages
Hello, Horndude77. You have new messages at Perlnerd666's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{newmessages}} template.
- Also, could you do some of the Liszt? It's just been sitting there.-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 23:08, 23 December 2009 (UTC)

Wagner Parts

-Hi Horndude77

First of all thanks for all your time and effort to get so many orchestral parts up - I'm a horn player and finding so many parts here has been fantastic. I'm pretty new to the site but I've been trying to track down OMCDRL parts that are not currently on imslp. I'd like to remove logos but I don't have much experience editing PDF images and I'm not a programmer - so far my attempts at creating GIFs, deleting logos, and adding them to a new PDF have been resulting in significantly larger PDFs than the OM sources. I was wondering if you had any suggestions or if you would like me to drop the PDFs I have somewhere to be edited and added to imslp. I currently have files of the missing horn parts for OMCDRL 1-7, 9, 10, and 12 (I'm still tracking down the Wagner tuba 3/4 parts for vol. 12 as they are not on the horn disc). I'll also (hopefully) be getting vol. 11 (early Wagner) and 8 soon (although I am aware that Stravinsky parts cannot go on the site due to copyright issues).

Please let me know what you think and thanks again.

Wagneraddict 22:30, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

I'm not horndude (obviously), but I'm 99% sure that we have all of the parts up to vol. 11, which is why the project is complete. Which parts did you notice missing? Milhaud and a few others are also blocked, by the way-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 22:59, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

Oh, and horndude has a wonderful script so you can add some of the wagner parts logo-free :)-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 23:00, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

Well I could have missed a couple (perhaps because of translations) but when I was looking for horn parts I created a list of the missing parts. I'll write them out here by OMCDRL volume (and try not to take up too much space):
Vol. 1: Rossini - La Scala di Seta (there are parts but they have been re-engraved, I prefer original parts but that's just me) ***UPDATE - After taking another look to compare the imslp parts with the OM parts I see that they have both been re-engraved... so I guess this can be struck from the list Wagneraddict 04:32, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
Vol. 2: Debussy - Petite Suite
[See below - under copyright in Canada]
Vol. 3: Liszt - Mephisto Waltz No. 1 ***UPDATE - KGill pointed this one out for me. Wagneraddict 17:30, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
Vol. 4: Glinka - A Life for the Tzar; Mussorgsky - Khovantchina Overture; Tchaikovsky - March Solennelle, Suite Characteristique
[Both the Glinka and Mussorgsky now available for download. Tchaikovsky Marche Solennelle is know as Jurists' March, and Suite Characteristique is actually Suite No.3 (OMCDML duplicated it under a different name).
Vol. 6: Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 17 (these are mislabeled - the file is actually oboes)
Vol. 7: Ravel - Alborada del gracioso
[It's under his Mirroirs for piano - it's a movement he orchestrated]
Vol. 8: (I realize these ones can't go up)
Vol. 9: Schoenberg - 5 Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 16; Sibelius - Lemminkainen Suite No. 2
As I said I might have overlooked something or there might be some parts but none for horn in which case I counted it as missing and some of these may also be copyright issues. Volumes 11 and 12 are all Wagner and as far as I know none of the parts are up yet. On another note I figured out a way to keep the file size down while maintaining high resolution - I finished the Parsifal parts tonight but I'm waiting to hear from the OMCDRL customer service because one page is missing from the 4th horn.
Hope this helps to eventually fill in what's missing. Wagneraddict 04:22, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
I have the same question as perlnerd. Which parts are missing? Horndude77 23:41, 28 March 2010 (UTC)
I wrote the list above. Wagneraddict 04:22, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Well, I at least know that for the Liszt, you can find all the parts at 2 Episoden aus Lenau's Faust, S.110 (Liszt, Franz) - it's No.2. (Look under 'Arrangements and Transcriptions' on the page for No.1.) KGill talk email 12:32, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Thanks very much KGill. Wagneraddict 17:30, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Hey, I uploaded the Schoenberg!

My mistake somehow on the Mozart...and the Mussorgsky and Glinka were missed. I'm pinging Carolus, who should be able to fill those in. Also, I can't find any OM mention of the Debussy, but I'll mention that too to Carolus.-- Snailey Talk to Me Email me 20:15, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for looking - obviously I missed those parts (thanks for the links). The Debussy should be there... I have the horn part from the OM cd (vol. 2) but I haven't removed the logos yet. Wagneraddict 02:12, 30 March 2010 (UTC)

I wouldn't worry about it yet. Chances are it's already done. I believe perlnerd is looking into it. Horndude77 03:16, 30 March 2010 (UTC)

Hi, As I replied to Perlnerd on my talk page, the Debussy Petite Suite was orchestrated by Henri Büsser, who lived until 1973 - making the work ineligible to post at IMSLP until 2024. The Glinka and Mussorgsky are now available. Carolus 06:55, 30 March 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for adding those parts (and for the Debussy copyright info). Wagneraddict 07:20, 30 March 2010 (UTC)


On the FTP right now is a bunch of wagner in need of cleaning :)-- Snailey (_@/) Talk to Me Email me 03:16, 14 May 2010 (UTC)

I'll jump in to mention that we have both scores and parts to 16 Wagner works - including all the major operas. 10 are presently uploaded to the FTP server, with the other 6 to follow tomorrow. Also, since you seem to be the one who came up with the logo-removal program, we have a fair number of the older CD Sheet Music items on the server which would benefit from logo-removal, including vocal scores, scores from their "Digital Beethoven Edition" and "Digital Bach Edition" - a number of which are better scans than those we presently have. Carolus 03:32, 14 May 2010 (UTC)

Les Danaïdes (Salieri, Antonio)

Thank you for bringing those mistakes to my attention. They are serious enough that I want to fix them today. But other matters claim my attention today. I hope to fix it tomorrow (Sunday).
Your request for horn in D parts I would also like to fulfill tomorrow but depending on how my schedule turns out it might have to wait to a weekday.
As for the "trouble" involved, for now let me just say that what I have learned from this music far outweighs the various Finale annoyances I've had to deal with. Alonso del Arte 21:35, 21 August 2010 (UTC)

It's no rush. I do some typesetting also and I appreciate getting feedback and thought that you might also. The parts overall look pretty good. Horndude77 23:46, 21 August 2010 (UTC)

I consider correcting mistakes in stuff I have already put out to be a high priority. Regardless, I do appreciate feedback, especially if it comes from someone who can actually participate in an authentic period performance. Alonso del Arte 21:35, 22 August 2010 (UTC)

Quick horn question

So, on the natural horn crooked in D, the first really usable note is the D below middle C, then the A a fifth above, then the D just above middle C, followed by the F-sharp a third above, and so on and so forth, right? Alonso del Arte 22:04, 21 August 2010 (UTC)

Are you talking about actual pitch or F horn pitch? The open notes on the natural horn follow the harmonic series (see here). For a F horn the actual pitch is a fifth below. For a D horn the actual pitch is a minor seventh below. The fundamental on the D horn (D1) isn't practical so the first usable note is the second harmonic which is D2 (the D below the C below middle C) (In F that would be the A2). This is followed by A2, D3, F3, A3, C4, D4, etc. I think you're an octave too high in terms of actual pitch. Horndude77 23:40, 21 August 2010 (UTC)
I'm definitely getting confused about octaves and directions. Looking at the 1784 Des Lauriers edition yesterday, I mistakenly second-guessed my decision to eliminate the faulty grace notes by separating the II. Horn notes to Layer 2: instead, I decided that the two horns were supposed to be in unison because having II. Horn double II. Oboe an octave below created impossible notes for the natural horn in D; so I changed my file according to a misconception. Today I pulled Pietro Spada's modern edition and saw that he has both horns playing the same thing as the oboes, but written in C. Then I realized that in the 1784 edition, instrument names are placed below the staff.
This means that either the horn in D is supposed to sound a second up instead of a seventh down, or I have misunderstood the instrument's harmonic series by an octave.
Anyway, I have put up a file for I. Horn in D. It might be correct except that the cues might be an octave too high. Please feel free to write comments in the file and send it back to me. Alonso del Arte 21:47, 22 August 2010 (UTC)
It looks good. In fact parts written for natural horn usually leave the key signature off. Many composers continued this tradition even into the early 20th century (for example Tchaikovsky horn part rarely (maybe never) have key signatures marked).
I would be extremely surprised if D horn in this case sounded a major second up. I've never heard of that. It would also make it extremely high for the horn play. Unplayable. Horndude77 05:44, 23 August 2010 (UTC)
That means that I was wrong to second-guess myself about octaves. Still, I was wrong about the grace notes (a recent mistake I should have caught myself), and wrong about some of the Horn 2 notes (a mistake going back to 2006 which I am grateful that you caught).
Soon, if not already, II. Horn in F should reflect these corrections, and II. Horn in D part is now available.
Also, I have included the grace note issue in Advice for Finale users. Thanks again for pointing out these errors, and I look forward to any feedback you might have on other horn parts I have uploaded. Alonso del Arte 23:40, 23 August 2010 (UTC)

Page turns for strings

A long time ago you mentioned you had done some typesetting. Have you had much dealing with composers who write for the strings so constantly that it's hard to put in good page turns? Alonso del Arte 22:44, 28 September 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, some string parts are a pain for page turns. I use lilypond which includes a mechanism for automatically picking good page turns (see [1]). It's not perfect, but it does a pretty good job. Sibelius and Finale have similar mechanisms. That said, page turns in string parts aren't as critical as page turns in the winds where there is one person to a part generally. The one player can usually make the page turn while the first keeps playing. It's not great to lose half the section at a page turn, but depending on the piece it may work fine. Good luck. Horndude77 02:08, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
Something tells me that in Finale the page turn plug-in would just wind up giving me a bunch of "Volte subite" for string parts in Michael Haydn's music.
In your opinion, which is the worse page turn: one that breaks a phrase in the middle, or one in which the last bar of the page has a fermata but the first bar on the next page has notes on beat 1? Alonso del Arte 22:22, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
Apologies for my unsolicited opinion, but speaking as a string player with orchestral experience, I'd say the former is far worse (in any case I can think of, at least). Breaking a phrase in the middle is bad because the inner player has to make a carefully timed decision of when to stop playing; if there's a fermata, s/he can play the beginning of the note and then flip the page quick. Usually, this results in a less noticeable musical disruption, since a fermata represents the end of a phrase (again, in most places). Of course, if the phrase in question is quiet, then it may not matter so much. And there are a lot of places where there's no choice but to break the phrase...some editions' parts take it to the extreme by putting a couple lines on one page along with the only multi-bar rest early on in the piece, so that the otherwise constant playing is together on the following page. KGill talk email 00:40, 30 September 2010 (UTC)


Xian Xinghai

Could we not use another notational program, say, Finale? Thanks, N6 (IIb) 18:31, 15 January 2011 (UTC)

Cherubini Sonate für Horn

Hi Horndude, thank you for all your contributions!!! They are very usefull! I just had a look at the 2_Sonatas_(Cherubini,_Luigi) and saw, that page 7 and 8 of the Piano-PDF are missing.. All the best, a hornplayer --Naturnser 08:12, 9 July 2011 (UTC)

Help! Need harp part for Dvorak Othello Overture

Hello Horndude! I am wondering if you can help me - I see that you uploaded some parts for Dvorak's Othello Overture (though not all, I see that one or two other people contributed). But there is one part that no one seems to have uploaded - the HARP part! Do you have it? Could you upload it if you do? I need it for a youth orchestra rehearsal this Friday!

Many, many, many thanks -- jkbailey

It may not have been included in the original part set. I know at least one other harp part wasn't included for another piece. I could probably create from the score a part if you want. I did a quick look through the part and there isn't much harp so it would probably take about 2 hours to create a very rough part (no cues and no though to layout concerns). Let me know. Is your youth orchestra providing a part? Horndude77 15:09, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
I went ahead and created the part. There are no cues and there are some unsightly slurs, but it may be usable for what you want. Let me know about any errors and cues that would be useful and I'll take care of them. Horndude77 02:24, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
Hi horndude - you are fabulous! I was just about to do a cut and paste job myself from the full score, but you have saved me some time! I would have just ordered one from Kalmus, but it wouldn't arrive until after the first rehearsal. Much appreciation from me to you. The part you made is not viewable yet (awaiting copyright review) but likely should be ready by the time I need it. Thanks again!!

The IMSLP Orchestra: Asplmayr Symphony in C major

I am wondering if you would like to be part of the IMSLP Orchestra; I've put forth a proposal on the IMSLP Forums. I thought of you and I doublechecked that I had indeed uploaded horn in C parts, which I presume are the parts you would use if you were to agree to this. Alonso del Arte 04:45, 24 November 2011 (UTC)

That sounds like a great idea. I probably won't be able to get anything done until the Christmas holiday so if you find another horn player don't wait for me. I'll let you know if my schedule changes. I saw the thread on the forum and it mentions Eric Whitacre's online choral projects. Are you wanting just the audio or are you wanting something more fancy like the Sleep with video? Horndude77 17:10, 25 November 2011 (UTC)
I was just planning to do the audio.
Christmas is fine. The nice thing about doing it this way is that I can get the parts in whatever order is convenient for each musician. Alonso del Arte 00:05, 29 November 2011 (UTC)

UPDATE: After a comment from Matesic, I dialed down the tempo on the first movement Allegro vivace from 90 to 70. I doubt it makes the horn parts any easier or harder, but it does help with the string parts. Alonso del Arte 00:27, 21 December 2011 (UTC)

You're right about the second horn part. I guess I got caught up in the hypnotic effect of parallel thirds. I hope to correct it in the parts soon but it will stay on the score for a few weeks. In the meantime, that passage should read the same at letters B and G as it does at the very beginning. Alonso del Arte 18:39, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
I've been crazy busy and I haven't gotten around to uploading the score with the mistake you pointed out corrected. But I have corrected the part. Alonso del Arte 03:46, 17 February 2012 (UTC)
No worries. I actually tried to record it this past Saturday, but my kids weren't cooperative :). I'll have to find a neutral location and a better way to record (I was getting too much noise). In any case, I think there are a couple more wrong notes:
  • Both horns the 4 notes right before the allegro vivace, I think they're a whole step too low.
You're absolutely right on this one. If I had done the figured bass first of all I would have caught this mistake, that I transposed incorrectly. The orchestra is playing a French sixth chord and the horns of the time couldn't give the F or A at the desired range.
  • At F the notes don't seem quite right again. Could you check the 6 notes here in both horns?
On this one I'm not so sure. I looked at rehearsal letter F in the first movement and in the last movement and I didn't see anything out of place. (I also checked to see if the rehearsal letters had gotten misaligned, which sometimes happens with Finale's linked parts). Alonso del Arte 19:09, 17 February 2012 (UTC)
Sorry this is the first movement. The 4th measure after F (mm.65) the horns have a d and a b against a c major chord it appears. The rest appear ok. Also I recently purchased "Behind Bars" by Elaine Gould which is a great reference for music notation. She suggests to not restart rehearsal mark numbering/lettering at each movement to avoid confusion. Of course for larger works this isn't possible, but in this case it might help out. Horndude77 15:44, 19 February 2012 (UTC)
Oh my God, how did I miss all those? You are right on both counts. The French sixth and V chord mistakes I corrected in my file a couple of days ago. Just now I am correcting the mistake at four after F in the first movement. I will be uploading corrected horn part files tomorrow.
As for the rehearsal letters, it would have made sense for a short Symphony like this one (in the Beethoven Jena I manage to get up to T in the first movement). But since Steve and Ron have already used parts with these letters, I'm not changing them. Alonso del Arte 20:40, 19 February 2012 (UTC)
P.S. Rom asked me about using my string quartet arrangement to do a brass quintet arrangement of "The Irish Washerwoman." I hope he publishes his arrangement here to IMSLP.

Another mistake: second horn in second measure of Allegro vivace should have concert E, not D. (I am 'scrubbing' through for other mistakes). Alonso del Arte 22:52, 19 February 2012 (UTC) I just uploaded the horn parts (in F and in C) with the corrections. The next step now will be to redo the figured bass in Finale as opposed to doing it in Acrobat and hope that that process confirms there are no more mistakes. Alonso del Arte 18:04, 20 February 2012 (UTC)