I apologise for my late reply, but I can only say that at this stage we are only glad to disseminate the works at MusicaStorica as widely as possible. So thanks for your initiative. Let's keep in touch.
Hello! Thank you for your wonderful website! I found your site last year and have downloaded a few works to play with my friends.
I have a question: I have been uploading some of your works to the International Music Score Library Project (Petrucci Music Library) at imslp.org . The operators of this site asked me to confirm with you that you agree with this. Of course, I have credited MusicaStorica as the source of these files (and included link back) and I have set the copyright status to be \'Creative Commons - share alike\' - so that others must always credit your work.
For an example of what I have done, you may wish to view the page for the oboe duets of Alessandro Besozzi.