Theodor Rättig




Theodor Rättig started his firm in Vienna in 1878, and led a quiet existence publishing mainly works for male chorus. However, there was one exception, Bruckner's 3rd Symphony. Bearing in mind the length of Bruckner’s symphonies, and the composer's tendency to make several revisions even after first publication, one symphony by this composer provided the publisher with as much business as five by any other composer. Later, a branch of Theodor Rättig opened in Leipzig in 1897. Bought by Robert Lienau ca. 1910.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Th. Rättig


  • Vienna/Wien
  • Leipzig

Plate Numbers

  • Theodor Rättig's plate numbers are of the format of R. #### or T.R. ####. Dates in italics are estimated.
Plate Composer Work Year
041 Bruckner Christus factus est, WAB 11 1886
223 Bruckner Träumen und Wachen, WAB 87 1891

Sources Consulted