2 acts: [more...]
- Overture (includes "With heart and with voice", "When he is here",
"Dear friends, take pity on my lot", and "My name is John Wellington Wells")
- 1. "Ring forth ye bells" (Double Chorus)
- 2. "Constance, my daughter, why this strange depression?" (Mrs. Partlet and Constance)
- 2a. "When he is here" (Constance)
- 3. "The air is charged with amatory numbers" (Dr Daly)
- 3a. "Time was when Love and I were well acquainted" (Dr Daly)
- 4. "Sir Marmaduke, my dear young friend Alexis" (Sir Marmaduke, Dr Daly, and Alexis)
- 4a. (Dance)
- 5. "With heart and with voice" (Chorus of Girls)
- 6. "My kindly friends" (Aline)
- 6a. "Happy young heart" (Aline)
- 7. "My child, I join in these congratulations" (Lady Sangazure)
- 8. "With heart and with voice" (Chorus of Men)
- 9. "Welcome, joy!" (Lady Sangazure and Sir Marmaduke)
- 10. "All is prepared" (Aline, Alexis, Notary, and Chorus)
- 10a."With heart and with voice" (Double Chorus)
- 11. "Love feeds on many kinds of food" (Alexis)
- 12. "My name is John Wellington Wells" (Mr. Wells)
- 13. "Sprites of earth and air" (Aline, Alexis, Mr. Wells, and Chorus)
- 14. Act I Finale (Ensemble)
- "Now to the banquet we press"
- The Tea-Cup Brindisi ("Eat, drink and be gay") (Sir Marmaduke, Dr Daly and Chorus)
- "Oh love, true love" (Aline and Alexis)
- "Oh marvellous illusion"
- Tea-Cup Brindisi reprise (1877 version)
- 15. "Happy are we in our loving frivolity" (Chorus) (1877 version)
- 15. "'Tis twelve, I think" and "Why, where be Oi?... If you'll marry me"
(Aline, Alexis, Mr. Wells, and Chorus) (1884 version)
- 16. "Dear friends, take pity on my lot" (Constance, Notary, Aline, Alexis, and Chorus)
- 17. "Thou hast the pow'r thy vaunted love" (Alexis)
- 18. "I rejoice that it's decided" (Aline, Mrs. Partlet, Alexis, Dr Daly, and Sir Marmaduke)
- 19. "Oh, I have wrought much evil with my spells" (Lady Sangazure and Mr. Wells)
- 20. "Alexis! Doubt me not, my loved one" (Aline)
- 21. "Oh, my voice is sad and low" (Dr Daly)
- 22. "Oh, joyous boon! oh, mad delight" (Aline, Alexis, Dr Daly, and Chorus)
- 23. "Prepare for sad surprises" (Alexis)
- 24. Act II Finale: "Or he or I must die" (leading to a reprise of "Now to the banquet we press") (Ensemble)
[more...] Cast
- Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre, an Elderly Baronet (bass-baritone)
Alexis, of the Grenadier Guards, his son (tenor) Dr Daly, Vicar of Ploverleigh (lyric baritone) Notary (bass) John Wellington Wells, of J. W. Wells & Co., Family Sorcerers (comic baritone) Lady Sangazure, a Lady of Ancient Lineage (contralto) Aline, her Daughter, betrothed to Alexis (soprano) Mrs. Partlet, a Pew Opener (contralto) Constance, her Daughter (soprano (1877); mezzo-soprano or soprano (1884)) Hercules (speaking role)
Mixed Chorus (SATB)
- Villagers
- 2 flutes (2nd also piccolo), oboe, 2 clarinets, bassoon
2 horns, 2 cornets, 2 trombones timpani, triangle, snare drum, chimes, bass drum, cymbals, gong, strings