10 volumes
- Classic and romantic piano works.
- Modern piano compositions.
- Light piano pieces.
- Juvenile piano pieces, Selected piano duets.
- Selections from the operas.
- Selected dance music.
- Sacred music, piano solo, vocal.
- Songs from the operas.
- Sentimental songs.
All in a garden fair / Watson --
All through the night (Welsh melody) --
Beauty's eyes / Tosti --
Bedouin love song / Pinsuti --
Call me back / Denza --
Carmena / Wilson --
The dove (La Paloma) / Yradier --
Elegy / Massenet --
Embarrassment / Abt --
Fiddle and I / Goodeve --
Florian's song / Godard --
Gondolier waltz (Vocal Arr.) / Roder --
Good-bye / Tosti --
Hark! Hark! The lark / Schubert --
I love thee / Grieg --
In old Madrid / Trotere --
Love's old sweet song / Molloy --
Mandolita / Paladilhe --
A may song / Carchichael / Melody in F (Vocal arr.) / Rubinstein --
The mission of a rose / Cowen --
Mona / Adams --
My love's an arbutus / Stanford --
Non è ver / Mattei --
Obstination / Fontenailles --
Only the sad of heart / Tchaikovsky --
On Venice waters / Roeder --
Open thy blue eyes / Massenet --
La Paloma / Yradier --
Polly and I / Wakefield --
A resolve / Fontenailles --
Sans Toi / Hardelot --
Serenade / Pierne --
Serenade / Schubert --
Sing, smile, slumber / Gounod --
A song of thanksgiving / Allitsen --
Songs my mother taught me / Dvorak --
Spring song / Weil --
Still as the night / Bohm --
Thine eyes so blue / Lassen --
'Tis not true / Mattei --
Voices of the woods / Watson --
A warrior bold / Adams --
Without thee / Hardelot --
Who is Sylvia? / Schubert. Songs of simple sentiment: Afterwards / Mullen --
Ah, 'tis a dream / Lassen --
Alice where art thou? / Ascher --
Aloha oe (Hawaiian) --
Am I not fondly thine own? --
Annie Laurie / Scott --
Beautiful dreamer / Foster --
Believe me if all those endearing young charms / Moore --
Ben bolt / Kneass --
Bid me good-bye / Tosti --
The blue Alsatian mountains / Adams --
The blue bells of Scotland --
The blue juniata / Sullivan --
Bonnie doon --
The broken ring / Gluck --
Carme (Italian) --
Clochette / Molloy --
Come back to Erin / Claribel --
Comin' thro' the rye --
Come where my love lies dreaming / Foster --
Darby and Joan / Molloy --
Darling Nelly Gray / Hanby --
Douglas / Scott --
Dream faces / Hutchinson --
Drink to me only with thine eyes --
Du, du liegst mir im Herzen --
Ever of thee / Hall --
Farewell forever / Connelly --
Five o'clock in the morning / Claribel --
Flow gently, sweet Afton --
The future Mrs. Awkins --
Gaily the troubadour / Bayly --
The girl I left behind me / Lover --
Good-bye, sweetheart, good-bye / Hatton --
The hazel dell / Root --
Heidenröslein --
Her bright smile haunts me still / Wrighton --
How can I leave thee! --
If love were what the rose is / Pinsuti --
I'll sing thee songs of Araby / Clay --
In the gloaming / Harrison --
I've something sweet to tell you / Faning --
I would that my love / Mendelssohn --
John Anderson, my Jo / Reid --
Kathleen Mavourneen / Crouch --
The keel row --
The kerry dance / Molloy --
Lass of Richmond hill (English) --
Last night / Kjerulf --Listen to the mocking bird / Hawthorne --
Loch Lomond --
Long, long ago / Bayly --
The loreley / Silcher --
Love, I will love you ever / Bucalossi --
Love thoughts (Hawaiian) --
The low back'd car / Lover --
Maid of Athens / Allen --
Margherita / Gounod --
Maria, Mari / Capua --
Marie, mine (Hungarian) --
Mary of Argyle / Nelson --
My love is like a red, red rose --
My love, she's but a lassie yet (Scotch) --
My old Dutch / Ingle --
Nancy Lee / Adams --
No Sir! / Wakefield --
O Blodwen, my true love / Parry --
O, Charlie is my darling --
O fair dove, o fond dove / Gatty --
O lovely day, o happy day! / Goetze --
Once I saw a rose / Werner --
Only a face at the window / Gabriel --
O sole mio / Capua --
Over the garden wall / Fox --
Pretty girl milking her cow --
Robin adair / Keppel --
Rory O'More / Lover --
The rose of Allandale / Nelson --
Sally in our alley / Carey --
Santa Lucia --
Soldier's farewell / Kinkel --
Some day / Wellings --
Stars of the summer night --
Strangers yet / Claribel --
The swallow / Serradell --
Take back the heart / Claribel --
Tapping at the garden gate / New --
That is love / McGlennon --
Thy face / Marriott --
'Tis all that I can say / Temple --
Treue Liebe --
Twinkling stars are laughing, love / Ordway --
Under the willow she's sleeping / Foster --
Wait till the clouds roll by / Fulmer --
Weary / Gabriel --
We sat by the river, you and I / Claribel --
What will you do, love? / Lover --
When the corn is waving, Annie dear / Blamphin --
When the swallows homeward fly / Abt --
When you and I were young, Maggie / Butterfield --
Will you love me then as now? / Weiland --
Within a mile of Edinboro / Hooke --
You and I / Claribel.
- Favorite home songs.