Symphony No.10, HC 788 (Cowell, Henry)

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Sheet Music

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Publisher. Info. New York: Associated Music Publishers, 1955.
Misc. Notes Copyright notice not visible in scan.
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General Information

Work Title Symphony No.10
Alternative. Title
Composer Cowell, Henry
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. HC 788
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 6 movements
  1. Hymn. Largo
  2. Fuguing Tune. Allegro
  3. Comallye. Andante con moto
  4. Jig. Allegro
  5. Intermezzo. Allegretto quasi andante
  6. Fuguing Tune. Maestoso
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1953
First Performance. 1955 (studio recording)
1957/2/24 (likely first performance open to public; advertised as first American performance)
New York, N.Y.: American Museum of Natural History - City Symphony of New York, cond. Franz Bibo
First Publication. 1955
Copyright Information First published via rental in 1955, after being registered as an unpublished work the same year. Copyright renewed.
Dedication Dem Kammerorchester der Wiener Symphoniker und Herrn F. C. Adler für die 1953 Israel-Tour gewidmet
Average DurationAvg. Duration 22 minutes, 30 seconds
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Modern
Instrumentation orchestra
Extra Information The planned 1953 Israel tour of the Vienna Symphony's Chamber Orchestra, for which this piece was written, never took place.