
cover 1905
cover 1915



Clayton F. Summy Co. of Chicago started in the 1890s, and had a strong connection with midwestern composers such as Adolf Weidig (1867–1931), Louis Adolphe Coerne (1870–1922), Arne Oldberg (1874–1962) and the African-American Robert Nathaniel Dett (1882–1942) . It took over Birchard in 1957. The firm is most famous for being involved in copyright lawsuits over "Happy Birthday to you".


Imprints, Agencies, Addresses

  • Clayton F. Summy Co


  • Chicago

Plate Numbers

Preceded by C.F.S.Co. ##.

Plate Composer Work Year
0200 West Melody in C major 1893
1465 Dett In the Bottoms 1913
1619a Coerne 2 Studies in Mood, Op.75 1915
1633 Burleigh Violin Concerto No.1, Op.25 1915

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