Schmid Nachfolger

typical cover 1870s
typical cover 1890s
later cover 1900




Works published by this Munich publisher first appeared in Hofmeister's Monatsberichte in 1875 under the name Schmid. By 1893, the firm's name had changed to Schmid Nachf. or Schmid Nachfolger (successor to Schmid). Examples of the name appearing as Schmid (Hensel), Schmid (U Hensel), or Schmid (Unico Hensel) can be found after 1912.
The firm's output was mainly light music: songs and music for piano and zither, athough some serious works are found in the catalog, such as Beer-Walbrunn's String Quartet No.3, Piano Quartet, Op.8, and Cello Sonata, Op.15, and some works by Cyrill Kistler, Emanuel Moór, and Adolf Sandberger.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Schmid (ca.1875–ca.1893)
  • Schmid Nachf. or Schmid Nachfolger (ca.1893–ca.1912)
  • Schmid (Hensel), Schmid (U Hensel), or Schmid (Unico Hensel) (ca.1912–?)
  • Alfred Schmid Nachfolger

Plate Numbers

Schmid's plate numbers appear in the following format: A. ## S.

Plate Composer Work Year
36 Poebing Melancholie, Op.13 (sc&pts) 1896
39-40 Poebing Stimmungsbilder, Op.15 1896

Sources Consulted