Praeger & Meier

cover 1878
decorative cover 1885
popular work cover 1892
Scharwenka brothers list



The Bremen music publisher Praeger & Meier was founded in 1864. It published mainly light works--piano music and songs, including many by George Hendrik Witte and some by Algernon Ashton. Perhaps the most famous composer whose works the firm published was Xaver Scharwenka. Unusually, it has continued without being taken over to the present day.


Imprints, Agencies, Addresses


  • Praeger & Meier


  • Domshof 12
  • 28195 Bremen
  • Heilbronn am Markt

Plate Numbers

Praeger & Meier's plate numbers were issued in a regular chronological fashion. Plate numbers are in the format of P. & M. #### or P. #### M. Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
0130–32 Raff 3 Piano Pieces, Op.125 1865
0324 Witte Walzer, Op.7 1868
0764 Müller Wind Quintet No.3 in A major 1874
0974 Scharwenka Piano Quartet, Op.37 (sc&pts) 1878
1131 Scharwenka Serenade for orchestra, Op.19 (f.s.) 1881
1182 Sauer 4 Klavierstücke, Op.5 1893 (?)
1299b Hille Legende and Ungarische Rhapsodie, Op.4 1885
2021 Berger Piano Quartet, Op.21 (sc&pts) 1887
2238 Rasch Largo 1898
Plate #Full PlateComposerWorkIMSLP #Full YearYear


Sources Consulted