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Gustav Hille
(31 May 1850 — ca.1925?)
External links
- Detailed biography: A Biographical Dictionary of Musicians by Theodore Baker, 3rd Edition of 1919, page 400. (Gives birth year as 1851, as do Grove 6 and Bachmann in his An encyclopedia of the violin in 1925 who gives birthdate as May 21, 1851 and still lists Hille as alive.)
See also
Miscellaneous information
A work of his (violin concerto no.1, Op.40) is given in a list of compositions by composers "from or resident in America" in the Musical Yearbook of the United States, 1889, p.101 (given as performed by "M. T. N. A." -
Music Teachers National Association, July 2-6, 1889, annual meeting reported on p.100. The other works performed seem interesting- substantial by Kroeger (piano quartet), Frederick Brandeis, etc.)