This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see Category:Ševčík, Otakar. A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page. Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.
Max Kaempfert’s Accompanied Violin Part, 1910. Leipzig: Bosworth.
L. R. Feuillard’s Transcription for the Violoncello, 1904. Leipzig: Bosworth.
Op.4, Expansion of the Fingers, 1999. (This work remained in manuscript until compiled and introduced by Prof. J. Folty ́n of the Prague Conservatoire in 1999). Prague: ARCO IRIS.
41 examples, and the stretching of the 2nd , 3rd , and 4th fingers.
Op.5, Preparation for 24 Etudes or Caprices, Op.35, by Jakob Dont (1912) (This work also remained in manuscript until it was later revised by J. Kocian.)
Op.13, School of Arpeggios and Modulations (manuscript).
Op.14, School of Chords (manuscript).
Op.15, School of Flageolets (Harmonics) and Pizzicatos (manuscript).
Op. 12 — Op. 15 together School for Virtuosos.
(The Ms. for this book was submitted in 1921 to the publishing firm of Harms in New York, but in fact was never published, even though Ševčík was paid for it.)
About Op.19, the famous violinist David Oistrakh (1908–1974) said: Otakar Ševčík is proposing studies not only for managing technical difficulties of the Concerto but also for mastering the rhythmical harmony of the performance. This is especially important while performing the Concerto with orchestral accompaniment. A lot of attention is paid to these studies, and also to the exactness and logic of dynamic nuances of performance. (1947)