List of works by Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov

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Dates indicate the year of composition. Dates with an asterisk (1895*) may need revising.

Works by Opus number

Op.1: Yar-khmel (Spring Overture on Russian Folk Songs) [Яр-Хмель, весенняя увертюра для оркестра на темы русских народных песен] for Orchestra, unpublished (1881)
Op.2: Scherzo for large orchestra, unpublished (after 1881*)
Op.3: 10 Children's Songs, with piano (1881)
1. [Рассвет]
2. [Ласточка]
3. [Весенняя песнь]
4. [Зайчик]
5. [Колыбельная песнь]
6. [Зима]
7. [Няня]
8. [Котик]
9. [Коза]
10. [Поле]
Op.4: 7 songs (after Pushkin and Lermontov) (1881*)
Op.5: 4 Romances for voice and piano (1882)
1. [Дитя мое, останься здесь]
2. [Шелест листьев, говор чудный]
3. [О, если б ты могла]
4. [Я люблю тот тихий вечер]
Op.6: Ruth [Руфь] (opera after Tolstoy and Ostrovsky) (1883 - 1886)
Op.7: 5 Little Pieces for piano (1885)
Op.8: Violin Sonata (1895)
Op.9: Piano Quartet (1895*)
Op.10: Caucasian Sketches, Suite No. 1 [«Кавказские эскизы», оркестровая сюита № 1, соч. 10] (1894)
  1. In a Mountain Pass [В ущелье]
  2. In the Village [В ауле]
  3. In the Mosque [В мечети]
  4. Procession of the Sardar [Шествие Сардаря]
Op.11: Suite, for voice and piano (1895 (85?)
  1. [В сумерки]
  2. [Ночью]
  3. [Рассвет]
  4. [Утро]
Op.12: Coronation Welcoming Cantata [Коронационная приветственная кантата] (for the Coronation of Nicholas II), for two-part children's choir and orchestra (1895)
Op.13: String Quartet No.1 in A minor (1894)
Op.14: 6 Songs after Balmont (1896)
1. [Ландыши-лютики]
2. [Я знаю, что значит безумно рыдать...]
3. [Ты шелест нежного листка]
4. [Умер бедный цветок]
5. [Скандинавская песня]
6. [Я расстался с печальной луной]
Op.15: 3 Romances for voice and piano (1896) (aka 2 Romances, Op. 15a and Alsatian Ballade, Op.15 No. 3)
1. [От солнца лилия пугливо...]
2. [Когда б я был, красавица, царем]
3. Alsatian Ballade [Эльзасская баллада] (1895) (also for mixed, or women choir)
Op.16: 10 two-part choruses for female voices and piano (1896)
1. Mermaids [Русалки]
2. Mountain Peaks [Горные вершины]
3. Peasants' Revels [Крестьянская пирушка]
4. Elves [Эльфы]
5. Nocturne [Ноктюрн] (Н.П.)
6. Georgian Lullaby [Грузинская колыбельная песня]
7. Conspiracy [Сговор]
8. Arabian Melody [Арабская мелодия] (Bourget, tr. Danchenko)
9. Flowers [Цветы]
10. Conquest of Siberia [Покорение Сибири] (Слова народные)
Op.17: 5 Choruses, for mixed choir a cappella [Пять хоров для смешан. голосов без сопровождения] (1896)
1. [Сосна] (Из Гейне) Слова М. Лермонтова
2. [Лес]
3. [Ночь]
4. [Острою секирой...] Слова А.К. Толстого
5. [В разлуке с родиной (О, край родной!)]
Op.18: 5 Characteristic Pictures [Пять характерных картинок], for mixed or women choir and orchestra (also for piano) (1897)
1. Mermaids [Русалки]
2. Peasants' Revels [Крестьянская пирушка]
3. Arabian Melody [Арабская мелодия]
4. Nocturne [Ноктюрн]
5. Approximation of Spring [Приближение весны]
Op.19: Desire [Признанье], for cello and piano in E major (later revised as Op.57) (1897) (in Muzgiz edition of 1951 named as Romance)
Op.20: Romantic Ballad - Suite for violin and piano (1898)
Op.21: 6 Romances (after Rathaus) (1897)
1. [Догорал зимний день]
2. [Тянутся серые сумерки]
3. [Отблеск далекой зари]
4. [Призрак счастья]
5. [Предо мной на столе увядает букет]
6. [Мы с тобой разошлись навсегда]
Op.22: Romances (after Golenishchev-Kutusov) (1897)
1. [День отошел]
2. [В тиши раздумья]
3. [На ветхой скамье при дороге]
4. [Глаз бессонных не смыкая]
5. [Темно кругом]
6. [Чудное утро]
7. [Где жить?] (after Jean Richepin)
Op.23: 3 Moorish Melodies [3 мавританские мелодии] (after Spanish folk texts) (1897)
1. Romance [Романс ("Благословляю я того")]
2. Gypsy Song [Песнь в изгнании ("Вставайте, вожди")]
3. Romancero [Романсеро ("Уж ночи туманным покровом")]
Op.24: Legend of the White Swan of Novgorod [Новгородская былина о лебеди белой], for 4-part mixed choir a capella (1898, or 1894)
Op.24: 3 Choruses for women choir with piano (pub. 1892)
1. [Что горы потемнели] (Maikov)
2. [Стрекозы] (A. Tolstoy)
3. [Ой, честь ли то молодцу] (A. Tolstoy)
Op.25: 5 Duets for soprano (mezzo-soprano), alto and piano (after Rathaus) (1898)
1. [Тишина, благоуханье]
2. [Побледнели веселые краски]
3. [Белым пологом покрыта]
4. [В стекла бьется к нам ветер осенний]
5. [Гляди, лобзают берег волны]
Op.26: Cantata in Memory of Pushkin, for children's choir with piano (or harmonium) (1899)
Op.27: 2 Romances (after Zhukovsky) for soprano or tenor and piano (1899)
1. [Нормандская песня]
2. [Призыв]
Op.28: 5 Romances (after Maikov) for voice and piano (1899)
1. [О чем в тиши ночей]
2. [Жизнь без тревог]
3. [Люблю, если тихо]
4. [Невольник]
5. [Когда гоним тоской]
Op.29: 2 evening meal verses [Два запричастных стиха] (Psalm 132 and Psalm 133), for mixed choir with piano (1899)
1. [Се что добро]
2. [Псалом 133 : Песнь степеней: Се ныне благословите Господа]
Op.30: Asya [Ася] (opera after Manykin-Nevstruev and Turgenev) (1900)
Op.31: 4 Songs (after Amfiteatrov) for voice (baritone) and piano (1901)
1. [Прости меня]
2. [Не оставляй меня...]
3. [Сильна моя страсть]
4. [В угрюмый листопад]
Op.32: 5 Poems of Apollon Maikov, for children's or women's three-part choir with piano [Пять стихотворений Ап. Майкова для детского или женского трехголосного хора с сопровождением фортепиано] (1901)
1. [Лейся песня]
2. [Когда душа]
3. [Листья в саду шелестят]
4. [Тьма окутала]
5. [Меркнет уж день]
Op.33: 6 Romances (after Rathaus) for voice and piano (1901)
1. [Тишина]
2. [Не ищи ничего]
3. [К чему любить]
4. [Твоих изменчивых желаний]
5. [Как в бреду]
6. [Я верить не хочу]
Op.34: Sinfonietta for orchestra (arrangement for large orchestra of Violin Sonata Op. 8) (1902*)
Op.35: Cantata in Memory of Vasily Zhukovsky [Памяти В.А. Жуковского Кантата] (after Weinberg), for mixed 4-part chorus or childrens chorus with piano (1902)
Op.36: n/a (1902*)
Op.37: Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom [Литургия св. Иоанна Златоуста], for mixed chorus (1903)
Op.38: 5 Cherubic Hymns [Пять Херувимских песней], for female chorus (1903)
Op.39: Pythagorean Hymn to the Rising Sun [Гимн пифагорейцев восходящему солнцу], for mixed chorus with ten flutes, two harps and tuba (1904)
Op.40: 3 Biblical Poems [Три библейских стихотворения] for voice and piano (1904) (Слова К.Р.)
1. [Псалмопевец Давид]
2. [Царь Саул]
3. [Легенда о Мертвом море]
Op.41: 7 Psalms of King David, for voice and piano (or harp) (1905)
1. [Псалом 45: "Бог нам прибежище"]
2. [Псалом 61: "Боже! Будь милостив к нам..."]
3. [Псалом 63: "Услыши, Боже, глас молитвы..."]
4. [Псалом 86: "Иерусалим! Как Господи возлюбил тебя..."]
5. [Псалом 99: "Воскликни вся земля..."]
6. [Псалом 125: "Господь возвратил нас из тяжелого плена..."]
7. [Псалом 147: "О, пой, Иерусалим..."]
Op.42: Caucasian Sketches, Suite No. 2 (Iveria) [«Кавказские эскизы», оркестровая сюита № 2 «Иверия», соч. 42] (1896)
  1. Introduction (Lamentation of the Princess Ketevana) [Вступление. Плачь царевны Кетеваны]
  2. Berceuse [Колыбельная песня]
  3. Lezghinka [Лезгинка]
  4. Georgian March [Грузинский марш]
Op.43: Treason [Измена] (opera after Aleksandr Sumbatov-Yuzhin) (1908 - 1909)
Op.43a: Selected prayers from the All-Night Vigil (Vespers) [Избранные молитвословия из Всенощного Бдения], for mixed choir (1909*)
- Music for the lost silent film Song About the Merchant Kalashnikov (Vasily Goncharov) (1909)
Op.44: 5 Songs (after Dmitry Tsertelev) for voice and piano (1909*)
1. [Опять зима, и птицы улетели]
2. [Туча промчалась]
3. [Мне снился сон]
4. [Море широкое, даль бесконечная]
5. ["Мы долго шли рядом одной дорогой"]
Op.45: 10 Shakespeare Sonnets [Сонеты В. Шекспира] for voice and piano (1913)
Op.46: Symphony No.1 in E minor (1907)
Op.47: Cantata for the 100th anniversary of Gogol, for two-part children's chorus with piano (1909)
Op.48: Armenian Rhapsody on National Themes, for orchestra (1895) (also arr. for piano 4 hands)
Op.49: Kontakion for the Holy Apostle Matthew, for cantor and mixed choir [Апостольский запричастный стих : (Кондакт св. апостолу Матфею): Для смеш. хора с канонархом] (1909)
Op.50: On the Volga, musical picture for orchestra (1910*)
Op.51: 15 children's choruses (after Nekrasov) (1910*)
Op.52: 4 Duets (after Maikov) for voices and piano, unpublished (1910*)
- Music for the silent film Volga and Siberia (aka Yermak Timofeyevich) (Vasily Goncharov) (1914)
Op.53: Ole from the Northland [Оле из Нордланда] (opera, libretto by Ippolitov-Ivanov after M. Jersen) (1915, fp 1916)
Op.53a: 4 Songs from Provence [Четыре провансальские песни] (after Paul Verlaine tr. Larin) for voice and piano (1916*)
1. Весной
2. Летом
3. Осенью
4. Зимой
Op.54: Mtsïri [Мцыри], symphonic poem for soprano and orchestra, (after Lermontov) (also arr. soprano and piano) (1923 - 1924)
Песня рыбки из симфонической поэмы "Мцыри"
Op.54a: Troparion to Celebrate the Phenomenon of the Icons of the Mother of God in the city of Kazan, for mixed choir and piano (1925*) [Из Юбилейного сборника : соч. 54]
Гимн-марш 1812 года Для 2-х голос. хора с сопровожд. оркестра: Op. 54, № 6
Op.55: Turkic March [Тюркский марш], for large orchestra (also for concert band and piano 4 hands) (1926)
Op.56: Songs of Ossian - 3 musical pictures for large orchestra (1925)
  1. Lake Lyano [Озеро Лано]
  2. Kolyma's Lament [Плач Кольмы]
  3. Ossian's Monologue on Contemporary Heroes [Монолог Оссиана (на смерть всех современных ему героев)]
Op.57: Desire, for cello and piano, in C major (revised from Op. 19) (1925)
Op.58: 3 Songs for voice and piano (1925*, pub.1929 in Europe)
1. [Письмо к другу] (М.С.)
2. [Пастораль] (Луначарский)
3. [Грузия] (Г. Орбелиани)
Op.59: Hymn to Labor [Гимн труду], for two-part children's chorus, concert band and orchestra (1927)
Op.60: 5 Japanese Poems (after Tomonori & anon.) for voice and piano (1928)
1. [Аллеи все осыпаны листвою...]
2. [Ах, в этом мире страдать я устал...]
3. [О запах померанцев...]
4. [В тумане утреннем...]
5. [Все склоны там...]
Op.61: An Episode from the Life of Franz Schubert: Symphonic Picture for Tenor (ad lib.) and large orchestra (1928)
Op.62: Turkish Fragments [Тюркские фрагменты] - Orchestral Suite No. 3 (1930)
  1. The Caravan [Караван]
  2. In the Encampment [У становища]
  3. At Night [Ночью]
  4. At the Festival [На празднике]
Op.63: 4 Romances, for voice, violin, cello and piano (after Solovyov) (1933)
  1. [Мне не забыть твоей улыбки]
  2. [Бретонская колыбельная песня]
  3. [Как ночь тиха]
  4. [В алом блеске зари]
Op.64: Village Evenings [На посиделках]: Fantasy on 2 Russian Folk themes for balalaikas and large orchestra (also for balalaikas and piano) (1934*)
  1. Величальная: ("Как по сахару река плывет, по изюму разливается")
  2. Плясовая: ("Во пиру была я, младешенька")
Op.65: On the Steppes of Turkmenistan [В степях Туркменистана] - Orchestral Suite No. 4 (1935)
  1. [На охоте]
  2. [Любовная песня]
  3. [Грезы девушки]
  4. [Походный марш]
Op.66a: 2 Bylinki (Folk Epics) [Две былинки] - songs for voice and piano (1933)
1. Belarussian [Белорусская] ("По степи родной ветер носится")
2. Russian [Русская] ("Вам поведаю правду-матушку")
Op.67: Jubilee March ded. Voroshilov [Ворошиловский марш (Юбилейный марш)] - for the 15th anniversary of the 1917 Revolution, for large orchestra (also arr. piano) (1933)
Op.68: 4 Poems by Rabindranath Tagore, for high voice, flute (or violin) and piano (or harp) (1935)
1. Arms Are Drawn to Arms [И руки льнут к рукам]
2. Little Yellow Bird [Желтенькая птичка]
3. Don't Leave Without Saying Farewell [Не уходи, не простившись со мной]
4. O My Friend, Here Is A Flower [О мой друг, вот цветок...]
Op.69: Musical Paintings from Uzbekistan [Музыкальные картинки Узбекистана] - Orchestral Suite No. 5 (1935*)
  1. [Песня ночного сторожа]
  2. [Пляски]
  3. [В саду]
  4. [Встречный марш]
Op.70: The Marriage [Женитьба] (orchestration and completion of Mussorgsky's opera after Gogol) (1931)
Op.71: The Year 1917, (Anniversary March) [Юбилейный марш] for children's and mixed choir, concert band and orchestra (also arr. piano) (1932)
Op.71a: An Evening in Georgia, for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and harp (1935)
Op.72: 5 Songs (1932) (after Yaroslav Rodionov)
1. [Чукотская]
2. [Песня моряков]
3. [Днепропеснь]
4. [Песня Нино]
5. [Песнь туристов]
Op.72: Bacchic Song [Вакхическая песня] (1925, pub. 1937 or before)
Op.73: 5 Russian Songs for voice, violin, cello and piano (1932) (pub. 1934)
1. [Эко сердце, эко бедное]
2. [Уж ты поле мое] (из сборника М.А. Балакирева)
3. [Вспомни, вспомни]
4. [Я на камушке сижу]
5. [Я вечор млада] (из сборника Н. А. Римского-Корсакова)
Op.74: The Last Barricade [Последняя баррикада] (opera after Nikolai Krasheninnikov) (1932*)
Op.74а: 2 Duets for high and low voice with piano (after Rodionov) (1932)
1. [Теснили нас...] (?)
2. [Гудок...проходная будка...] (?)
Op.75: 3 Vocal Quartets for male chorus and piano (after Rodionov) (1931); No.1 arr. for voice and piano by Д.Салиман-Владимиров
1. [Тюрьма] (Тюрьма подошла к вокзалу...)
2. [Вперед смотреть!]
3. [На страже Октября]
Op.76: (1932*)
Op.77: (1932*)
Op.78: (1932*)
Op.79: Catalan suite [Каталонская сюита] for orchestra (1934*)

Works without Opus no.

  • 9 Caucasian Dances for Georgian folk instruments and performers (1883; pub. in: Труды музыкально-этнографической комиссии, т. IV: Опыты художественной обработки народных песен, т. I; М., 1913). Written in Tbilisi, Kaheti and the Georgian Military Road
  1. Dagestan Lezginka [Дагестанская лезгинка]
  2. Kazakh Lezginka [Казацкая лезгинка]
  3. Kakhetian Lezginka [Кахетинская лезгинка]
  4. Kakhetian Lezginka [Кахетинская лезгинка]
  5. Lezginka [Лезгинка]
  6. Ossetian Dance [Осетинский танец]
  7. Kakhetian Lezginka [Кахетинская лезгинка]
  8. Children's dance song [Детская плясовая песня]
  • [Песнь о Фортуне] Из музыки к поэме Я.П. Полонского "Кузнечик-Музыкант": Для баритона и хора без указания состава с сопровожд. ф.-п. СПб. Бессель ценз. 1884 (possibly by Mikhail Ivanov)
  • 7 Songs [7 песен], for Voice and Piano
  1. [Полночь немая была холодна]
  2. [Как хорошо ты, вечернее майское небо]
  3. [Придет пора весны, луга украсятся цветами]
  4. [День догорает, и тени сумрака ложатся кругом]
  5. [Все кончено, прошли все счастливые дни]
  6. [Ты мне скажи, отчего сердце томится тоской]
  7. [Ты не пой, красавица, при мне]
  • Azra [Азра] (opera after a Moorish legend and Mickiewicz) without Opus no. (destroyed by the composer, extracts pub. as Op.23) (1888 - 1890)
  • 2 Spanish Songs for voice and piano (Aleksey Maslov/Bezhetsky (1853—1922) St.Petersburg: Bernard, 1893
  • 12 Georgian Folk-Songs (1895) [in: Грузинская народная песня и ее современное состояние С прил. 12 нар. мелодий и романсов: Для пения (соло, хор) с ф.-п]
  • Music for the silent film Stenka Razin (directed by Vladimir Romashkov) (1908)
  • 2 Kirghiz Songs for oboe, clarinet, bassoon and piano, without Opus no. (1931)
  1. Seineb
  2. Moldibaj
  • 3 Kirghiz Songs for voice, flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon, without Opus no. (1931)
  • Variations, for violin, cello and piano [Вариации для скрипки, виолончели и ф.-п.] (1932, pub. 1954)
  • 4 Pieces on Armenian Themes for string quartet without Opus no. (1934)
  • A Collection of East melodies arranged for piano [Сборник восточных мелодий в обработке для фортепиано] (Баку, 1934), contains 22 pieces
  • Music for the unreleased film Kara-bugaz (Black Mouth) [Кара-Бугаз (Чёрная пасть)] (dir. Aleksandr Razumnyj) (1934)
  • Nocturne for harp (autumn 1934) - unpublished
  • Symphony No. 2 "Karelia" with chorus, without Opus no. (1934-5) - only Finale [Бой за Сампо и финал] was composed
  • 3 Karelian Songs from Kalevala [Три карельских песни из поэмы «Калевала»], piano score unpublished (dated 01 Jan 1935)
  1. [Запев Калевалы]
  2. [Свадебная]
  3. [Ковка Сампо]
  • Russian Folk Song, arr. for mixed chorus with piano (ad libitum) (pub. 1936)
  • 5 Russian Folk Songs (from Balakirev's collection) for mixed chorus - same as the previous?
  • Spanish Serenade, for viola and piano (pub. 1954?)
  • [Ах! не дари мне, милая...] (Груз. нар. песня, обраб.)
  • [Могучей отвагою полны] Романс: Для сред. голоса с ф.-п. Слова А.Н. Бежецкого: c.1-fis.2 СПб. и др. Ю. Циммерман б.г.
  • [Марш воздушного комсомола] - unpublished
  • [«Поезд № 23» (песня беспризорника)] for voice and orchestra - unpublished
  • 200 Russian Folk Songs harmonised by Ippolitov-Ivanov [Обработка 200 русских народных песен в гармонизации Ипполитова-Иванова] - unpublished
  • Cello Concerto - unfinished, only sketches
  • [Марш горняков], full score and piano score, for 2-part chorus with orchestra? - unpublished
  • [Привет Горькому], text by Е.К. Маркитан, for mixed chorus with piano (dated 15 Dec 1927) - unpublished
  • 10 Miniatures for piano trio [Десять миниатюр для скрипки, виолончели и фортепиано] - unpublished
  • Funeral march - unpublished
  • Songs, listed as unpublished in 1936 Bugoslavsky's book about Ippolitov-Ivanov:
  • Song about Stalin [Песня о Сталине]
  • In memory of Lenin [Памяти Ленина]
  • [Романс «Какая даль»]
  • Song about the horse [Песня о коне]
  • Song of the inventors (?) [Песня изобретателей]
  • [Песня про татарский полон]
  • Сербская баллада (1934)
  • Шотландская баллада (1934)
  • Казахская песня (1934)
  • Армянская песня (1934)

Works by category

Film music

Music for the silent film Stenka Razin (directed by Vladimir Romashkov) (1908)
Music for the lost silent film Song About the Merchant Kalashnikov (directed by Vasily Goncharov) (1909)
Music for the silent film Volga and Siberia (aka Yermak Timofeyevich) (dir. Vasily Goncharov) (1914)
- Music for the unreleased film Kara-bugaz (Black Mouth) (dir. Aleksandr Razumnyj) (1934)


Op. 6: Ruth (opera after Tolstoy and Ostrovsky) (1883 - 1886)
- Azra (opera after a Moorish legend and Mickiewicz) without Opus no. (destroyed by the composer) (1888 - 1890)
Op. 30: Asya [Ася] (opera after Manykin-Nevstruev and Turgenev) (1900)
Op. 43: Treason [Измена] (opera after Aleksandr Sumbatov-Yuzhin) (1908 - 1909)
Op. 53: Ole from the North Country (opera, libretto by Ippolitov-Ivanov after M. Jersen) (1915, fp 1916)
Op. 70: Marriage [Женитьба] (orchestration of Mussorgsky's opera after Gogol) (1931)
Op. 74: The Last Barricade [Последняя баррикада] (opera after Nikolai Kratsyeninnikov) (1933)

Works for choir & orchestra

Op. 12: Welcoming Cantata for the Coronation of Nicholas II. for two-part children's choir and orchestra (1895)
Op. 18: Five Characteristic Pictures, for choir and orchestra (also for piano) (1897)
1. Rusalki
2. Peasant melody
3. Berber melody
4. Nocturne
5. Spring
Op. 59: Hymn to Work, for two-part children's chorus, concert band and orchestra (1927)
Op. 71: The Year 1917, (Anniversary March) for children's and mixed choir, concert band and orchestra (also arr. piano) (1932)

Other works for chorus

Op. 15a: Alsatian Ballade, for mixed choir (or women) (1896)
Op. 16: Ten two-part choruses for female voices and piano (1896)
Op. 17: Five four-part choruses, for mixed choir (after Kozlov) (1896)
Op. 24: Legend of the White Swan of Novgorod, for mixed choir (1898)
Op. 26: Cantata in Memory of Pushkin, for children's choir with piano (or harmonium) (1899)
Op. 29: Two evening meal verses (Psalm 132 and Psalm 133), for mixed choir (1899)
Op. 32: Five Choruses, for three-part children's or women's choir and piano, unpublished (1901*)
Op. 35: Cantata in Memory of Vasily Zhukovsky (after Weinberg), for mixed choir and piano (1902)
Op. 37: Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, for mixed chorus (1903)
Op. 38: Five Cherubic Hymns, for female chorus (1903)
Op. 39; Pythagorean Hymn to the Rising Sun, (after Amfiteatrov) for mixed chorus, ten flutes, two harps and organ (1904)
Op. 43a: Selected prayers from the All-Night Vigil (Vespers), for mixed choir (1909*)
Op. 47: Cantata for the 100th anniversary of Gogol, for two-part children's chorus with piano (1909)
Op. 49: Kontakion for the Holy Apostle Matthew, for cantor and mixed choir (1910*)
Op. 51: Fifteen children's choruses (after Nekrasov) (1910*)
Op. 54a: Troparion to Celebrate the Phenomenon of the Icons of the Mother of God in the city of Kazan, for mixed choir and piano (1925*)
Op. 75: Three Vocal Quartets for male chorus and piano (after Rodionov) (1931)

Solo vocal music

Op. 3: Ten children's songs (1881)
Op. 4: Seven songs (after Pushkin and Lermontov) (1881*)
Op. 5: Four Romances for voice and piano (1886)
Op. 11: Suite, for voice and piano (1885)
Op. 14: Twelve Georgian Folk-Songs for voice and piano (1895)
Op. 14a: Six Songs (after Balmont) (1896)
Op. 15: Three Songs for voice and piano (1896)
Op. 21: Six Romances (after Rathaus) (1897)
Op. 22: Six Romances (after Golenishchev-Kutusov) (1897)
Op. 23: Three Moorish Melodies (after Spanish folk texts tr. Botkin) (1897)
Op. 25: Five Duets for mezzo-soprano, viola and piano (after Rathaus) (1898)
Op. 27: Two Romances (after Zhukovsky) for voice and piano (1899)
Op. 28: Five Romances (after Maikov) for voice and piano (1899)
Op. 31: Four Songs (after Amfiteatrov) for voice and piano (1901)
Op. 33: Six Romances (after Rathaus) for voice and piano (1901)
Op. 40: Five Biblical Songs for voice and piano (1904)
Op. 41: Seven Psalms of King David, for voice and piano (or harp) (1905)
Op. 44: Five Songs (after D. Zerteljew) for voice and piano, unpublished (1909*)
Op. 45: Ten Shakespeare Sonnets for voice and piano(1913)
Op. 52: Four Duets (after Maikov) for voices and piano, unpublished (1910*)
Op. 53a: Four Songs from Provence (after Paul Verlaine tr. Larin) for voice and piano (1916*)
Op. 58: Three Songs for voice and piano (1925*)
Op. 60: Five Japanese poems (after Tomonori & anon. tr. Gluskina) for voice and piano (1928)
Op. 63: Four Songs for voice, violin, cello and piano (after Solovyov) (1933)
Op. 66: Two Bylinki (Folk Epics) - songs for voice and piano (1933)
Op. 68: Four Poems (after Tagore), for high voice, flute (or violin) and piano (or harp) (1935)
Op. 72: Five Romances for voice, violin, cello and piano (1932)
Op. 73: Two Duets for high and low voice with piano (after Rodionov) (1932)
- Three Kirgiz Songs for voice, flute oboe, clarinet and bassoon, without Opus no. (1931)

Chamber music

Op. 8: Violin Sonata (1895)
Op. 9: Piano Quartet (1895*)
Op. 13: String Quartet in A minor (1894)
Op. 19: Desire, for cello and piano (later revised as Op. 57) (1897)
Op. 20: Romantic Ballad - Suite for violin and piano (1898)
Op. 57: Desire, for cello and piano, (revised from Op. 19) (1925)
- Four Pieces on Armenian Themes for string quartet without Opus no. (1934)
Op. 69a: An Evening in Georgia, for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and harp (1935)

Works for piano

Op. 7: Five Small Pieces for piano (1885)