List of works by Karol Józef Lipiński

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Category:Lipiński, Karol Józef.

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Works with Opus number

(Abbreviations for publishers/Abkürzungen der Verlage: Peters = Peters, Leipzig; BuH = Breitkopf und Härtel, Leipzig)
  • Op.1 - Dwa polonezy na skrzypce z tow. orkiestry [Zwei Polonaisen]; Vn + Orch; Druck Leipzig
  • Op.2 - Siciliano z wariacjami na skrzypce z tow. orkiestry [Siciliano mit Variationen]; Vn + Orch; Peters
  • Op.2 - also: 3 symphonies (manuscripts, Lviv (Ukraine), Mykola Lysenko Conservatory)
  1. Symphony No.1 in E major
  2. Symphony No.2 in C major
  3. Symphony No.3 in B major
  • Op.3 - 2 Caprices na skrzypce solo [Zwei Capricen]; Vn solo; Druck Leipzig (London NL)
  1. Tempo giusto (E major)
  2. Vivace (G minor)
  • Op.4 - Variations in G major for violin and string quartet; Druck Leipzig (Zd);
  • Op.5 - Variations in G minor on original theme, for violin with orchestra; BuH (Zd)
  • Op.5 - 3 Polonoises for piano solo; BuH - Nos.1-2 same as Op.6
  1. No tempo (E major)
  2. No tempo (A major)
  3. Moderato (B major)
  • Op.6 - 2 Polonoises for violin with orchestra; BuH - RISM 280001390 - Same as Op.5/1-2
  1. E major - RISM 301000366
  2. A major - RISM 301000367
  1. Moderato (A major)
  2. No tempo (E minor)
  3. Allegro con brio (D major)
  • Op.10 - 3 Caprices for violin solo; dedicated to Niccolò Paganini; Leipzig: Kistner; PWM
  1. Moderato (E major)
  2. Moderato (F minor)
  3. Adagio – Allegro con fuoco (E major) - RISM 464122090 (partly)
  • Op.11 - Variations sur un thème de la Cenerentola de Rossini for violin and orchestra; Peters [Vn + Klav.]
  • Op.12 - String Trio No.2 in A major; BuH
  • Op.13 - Rondo alla Polacca for violin with orchestra; dedicated to M. Wielohorski; Druck Wien
  • Op.14 - Violin Concerto No.1 in F minor; Peters
  • Op.15 - Variations on a theme from 'Il pirata' by Bellini; Vn + Klav; Wien: Hasslinger
  • Op.16 - Duo on a theme from 'Il crociato in Egitto' by Meyerbeer; Vn + Orch oder Vn + Klav; Leipzig: Hofmeister
  • Op.17 - Rondo alla Polacca (Chanson polonaise) for violin with orchestra; dedicated to Florian Rózycki; Vn + Orch; Peters
  • Op.18 - Rondeau de Concert for violin with orchestra; Peters
  • Op.19 - Souvenir de la Mer Baltique for violin with piano; gewidmet Ludwik Pietrusinski; Vn + Klav; BuH
  1. Andante (E major)
  2. Andantino (A major)
  3. Preghiera. Andantino non troppo lento (E major)
  1. Allegretto ma energico (B minor)
  2. Largo (G minor)
  3. Adagio – Andantino (G minor)
  • Op.28 - Réminiscences des 'Puritains', Grande fantaisie sur des motifs de l'opéra 'I Puritani'. for violin with orchestra; BuH (im Verlag angeblich verschollen)
  • Op.29 - 3 Caprices for violin solo; Schuberth; PWM
  1. Allegro non tanto (E minor)
  2. Allegretto (E major)
  3. Allegro vivo (D major)
  • Op.30 - Fantasy on themes from 'Ernani' by Verdi, for violin with piano; Hofmeister
  • Op.31 - Fantaisie sur des airs napolitains nationaux for violin with piano; Hofmeister
  • Op.32 - Violin Concerto No.4 in A major; dedicated to Friedrich August von Sachen; Hofmeister
  • Op.33 - Fantasy on themes from 'Krakowiacy i górale' by Stefani, for violin with orchestra; Hofmeister
  • Op.34 - 2 Impromptus for violin solo (published posthumously)
  • Op.??? - Polonez wojenny (Polonaise guerrière) na wielka orkiestre lub fortepian; Großes Orchester oder Klav; Druck Berlin

Works without Opus number

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Piano solo

Violin and piano

  • 3 mélodies de la 'Parisiana' de Bellini (3 italienische Melodien aus Bellinis 'Parisiana'); Dresden: Meser
  • 6 morceaux de salon sur les motifs de Rossini (6 Salonstücke über Motive Rossinis); Mainz: Schott [laut MGG]
  1. I Marinari
  2. La Serenata
  3. La Danza
  4. L'Orgia
  5. La Pastorella dell'Alpi
  6. La Regata Veneziana
  • Tema con Variazioni per Charles Lipinsky; in D major, violin only in the introduction - RISM 701002879

Violin solo

  • Allegro moderato in A major (Beethoven-Album 1846); Leipzig 1846
  • Impromptu in E-flat major for violin solo
  • Caprice in E minor

Violin with orchestra

  • Polonaise-Phantasie in E major (?)
  • Variationen über das Thema der Polonaise von Kosciuszko (?)
  • Variationen über ein russisches Lied
  • Variations on a Polish theme (?)
  • Variationen über polnische Volkslieder
  • Phantasy on a theme of an aria from the II act of Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti
  • Sonett for orchestra - lost
  • Favorite-mazurka for orchestra - lost
  • Overture in D major; ms Lviv, conservatory

Chamber Music

  • Trio alla Polacca for 2 violins and cello. Published, Leipzig
  • Mazur Wsrod życia i uciechy, for clarinet solo
  • Quartetto in Variationen für ausgezeichnete Violin Spieler, for 2vn va vc. Von Lipinsky. Op. 2. - RISM 530011915 - Maybe another Lipiński? Feliks?

Stage Works

  • Kłótnia przez zakład; Text: J.N. Kamiński (ca.1812)
  • Syrena z Dniestru; Text: K.F. Hensler, translated by D. Jakubowicz & J.N. Kamiński:
    • Part I: Syrena z Dniestru (staged 1813)
    • Part II: Syrena z Dniestru, czyli Terefere w Tarapacie (staged 1814)
  • Music for J. Weissenthurn's drama Oblezenie Smolenska (Die Belagerung von Smolensk / The Siege of Smolensk); staged Lviv 1814
  • Music for comic opera Szlachta czynszowa czyli Kłótnia o wiatr; between 1810–14?; staged Lviv 1825

Vocal (aside from Stage)

  • Do Niemna for voice with piano, text by A. Mickiewicz; pub. Lviv 1827 (Anlage zu Mickiewiczs Sonetten)
  • Pieśń Halbana for voice with piano, text by A. Mickiewicz
  • Rodacy na Wszechnicy Wroclawskiej (Landsleute an der Breslauer Hochschule), for 4 voices
  • Pieśni gminne ludu polskiego (Gemeindelieder des polnisches Volkes), for voice with piano
  • Pieśni polskie i ruskie ludu galicyjskiego (Polish and Russian songs of the Galician Nation), collected by Wacław Zaleski, [harmonized?] by Karol Lipiński; Lviv 1833
  • Zbior pieśni Tymka Padury z muzyką Karola Lipinskiego; Warszawa 1844