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- Hofmeisters Monatsberichte
- Wikipedia
Works with Opus Number
- Op.1 -Thème varié or Variations on a Russian theme for 2 violins
- Op.2 - Variations pour le violon avec alto et basse
- Op.3 - Variations pour le violon avec accompagnement de la guitare
- Op.4 - Thème grecque varié
- Op.4[b] - Polonaise for violin and guitar (recorded on EMEC Records, 2001)
- Op.5 - String Quartet No.1
- Op.6 - String Quartet No.2
- Op.7 - String Quartet No.3
- Op.8 - String Quartet No.4
- Op.9 - String Quartet No.5
- Op.10 - Violin Sonata.
- Op.10[b] - Vollständige Sammlung der Concert-Compositionen which contains, supposedly, a Polonaise No.1, Op.10 and a second and third Op.11 and Op.12. Posthumous attributions of op. nos. of course generally don't count. Some are accurate however- Op.12 exists in early orchestral parts in libraries, e.g. Also: Op10 published by Richault in the early 19th century anyway.
- Op.11 - Polonaise No.2 for violin, string trio
- Op.12 -possibly Polonaise No.3 (first published 1816, Artaria)
- Op.13 - also Violin Sonata No.1 (S.A. Steiner)
- Op.14 - Variations concertantes pour le pianoforte et violon
- Op.15 - Thème varié, mit Begleitung einer 2. Violine, Viola und Cello
- Op.16 - Variations on the Cavatine from Tancredi
- Op.17 - Grosse Polonaise No.4
- Op.18 - Air varié für Violine und Orchester oder Streichquartett (on a theme by Choron)
- Op.19 - Polonaise No.5 for violin and piano
- Op.20 - Variations concertantes for violin and piano sur un air favori d' "Aline, reine de Golconde". Published by Vve Dufaut & Dubois in the 1820s.
- Op.21 - Rondo (1817, pub.ca.1819)
- Op.22 - Violin Concerto No.1 (Steiner, ca.1820)
- Op.23 - Air varié für Violine und Orchester oder Streichquartett - also
- Op.23 - String Quartet No.6 - also
- Op.24 - Klavierquartette in f-moll
- Op.25 - Variationen for violin, with accompaniment of 2 violins, viola and cello
- Op.26 - Violinkonzert No.3 E moll (Schlesinger, 1821) (this could be No.2 in E minor or No.3 with the wrong Opus number. In any case, something is wrong about this.)
- Op.26 - Violin Concerto No.2 in E minor
- Op.27 - Rondeau brillant für Violine und Orchester oder Streichquartett,
- Op.28 - Violin Concerto No.3.
- Op.29 - Rondeaux brillant für Violine und Orchester oder Streichquartett
- Op.29 - Adagio et grand rondeau Violine and String quartet (Possibly the same work as the above)
- Op.29 - 6 Etudes for Violin (Cocks of London, ca. 1830)
- Op.29 - 6 Etudes for Violin (published ca.1821)
- Op.30-32 - 3 Grands duos concertans for violin and piano.
- Op.33 - Variations on a Danish theme for violin and orchestra (or strings)
- Op.34 - Piano Trio in B♭ (1820)
- Op.35 - Divertissement for violin and piano
- Op.36 - L'elegant for flute (solo?)
- Op.36 - Rondino Concertant for violin and orchestra (Joly, Paris)
- Op.37 - Concertante variations on the favorite cavatina from Rossini's opera Semiramide, 1823
- Op.38 - Polonaise No.6 for violin and piano
- Op.39 - Divertimento and Variations for violin and orchestra
- Op.40 - Variations brillantes
- Op.40 - also Violin Sonata
- Op.41 - Trio for Harp, Violin and Horn in F
- Op.42' - Violin Sonata No.2
- Op.43 - Concert Variationen
- Op.44 - Variations brillantes de Violon
- Op.45 - Variations on an Original Theme for Violin and Piano (pub.1829)
- Op.46 - Grand rondeau concertant for violin and piano
- Op.47 - Grosses Concertstück f. Violine mit Orchester in A .
- Op.47' - poss. the same work?? - Cantabile et allegro brillant. Solo de concert pour violon avec accomp.t d'orchestre, quatuor ou piano. (Richault)
- Op.48 - Bouquet musical composé des plus beaux Morceaux de l’opéra : Guillaume Tell, p. Violon et Pfte concertans. (1829-30)
- Op.49 - Rondeau du Couronnement for violin and orchestra in A.
- Op.49 - La brillante, divertimento pour le piano
- Op.50 -String Quintet No.1 (double bass ad lib.) in E♭ major
- Op.51 - String Quintet No.2 (double bass ad lib.) in A minor
- Op.51[b] - Klaviertrio in F-Dur
- Op.52 - Piano Trio No.2 in A♭
- Op.53 - Violin Concertino No.2
- Op.53 - mislabeled Piano Trio No.1
- Op.53 - actually Morceau brillant de concert (Richault)
- Op.54 - Air varié for violin and orchestra (or other accompaniment)
- Op.55 - String Quintet No.3 (with contrabass ad libitum) in D.
- Op.56 - Rondeau de concert : pour violon avec orch ou piano forte
- Op.57 - Variations Concertantes pour Pfte, Violon, Alto et Violoncelle av. Acc. de Quatuor
- Op.58 - Piano Trio No.3 in B minor (pub. by Richault, 1868.)
- Op.59 - Piano Trio No.4 in G
- Op.60 - Duo concertant for violin and piano in A.
- Op.61 - Fantaisie for violin and piano in F. (Haslinger, 1846.)
- Op.62 - String Quartet No.7 in F♯ minor. (Richault, 1846.)
- 'Op.63 - Souvenir à Baden, Guirlande musicale en Forme de Variations concertantes p. Pianoforte, Violon, Alto et Violoncelle. Diabelli/Richault, 1850.
- Op.64 - Missa (See A-Whk HK 2066.) Composed and premiered 1848. Wessely, 1866. Recorded 2020, issue 2/2020. (According to promotional materials, lost- performance materials, not vocal score, presumably- after 1940 but rediscovered more recently.
- Op.65 - String Quintet No.4 in E♭ major (2 violins, 2 violas, cello) (published 1865?)
- Op.66 - String Quartet No.8 in D major
- Op.67 - String Quintet No.5 in E minor
Works without Opus
- Variazionen über ein Thema von Mercadante
- 2 canons for 3 voices (1832, 1839; autographs @ Berlin)
- Canon for keyboard (1838, autograph @ Berlin)
- String Quintet in E♭ major, contrabass ad libitum (ca.1830. Not op.65. See D-DO Don Mus.Ms. 1296.) May be Op.50 (quite likely is?)
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