List of works by Jan Ladislav Dussek

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Source: Palazzolo, Luca. Il tocco cantante: Jan Ladislav Dussek, compositore e virtuoso tra Mozart e Clementi. (Bologna: Akademos, 1992)
See also: Craw, Howard Allen: A biography and thematic catalog of the works of J.L. Dussek (1760-1812)


Works listed by opus number

Many opus numbers were used by multiple publishers. Publisher indicated in parentheses. For piano/keyboard solo unless otherwise indicated.

  • C — Catalog number from Howard Allen Craw (A biography and thematic catalog of the works of J.L. Dussek (1760-1812)"; University of Southern California, dissertation, 1964).
  • Op.1 (B. Hummel) - 3 Concertos for Piano/Harpsichord (1783)
  1. C Major
  2. E-flat Major
  3. G Major
  • Op.1 (J.J. Hummel) - 3 Sonatas for Piano/Harpsichord and Violin (1782)
  1. B-flat Major
  2. G Major
  3. D Major
  • Op.1 (Dussek) - 3 Sonatas for Piano and Violin (1787)
  1. C Major
  2. B-flat Major
  3. F Major
  • Op.1 (Dussek, in "Mercure de France") - 3 Sonatas for Piano, Violin and Basso Continuo (1787)
  • Op.2 (B. Hummel) - 3 Sonatas for Piano/Harpsichord and Violin (ca. 1786)
  1. C Major
  2. F Major
  3. D minor
  1. C major
  2. B-flat major
  3. E minor
  1. C Major
  2. F Major
  3. B-flat Major
  4. C Major
  5. D Major
  6. G Major
  1. F Major
  2. E-flat Major
  3. F minor 'L'amante disperato'
  1. G Major
  2. D Major
  3. C Major
  1. For Piano and Violin in G Major
  2. For Piano and Violin in B-flat Major
  3. For Piano [No.29] in A-flat Major
  1. L'amour est enfant tompeur
  2. Romanze de Nina
  3. Chantons l'Hymen
  4. Babet chantait
  5. O ma tendre musette
  6. Chanson du Nord
  • Op.7 - 3 Sonatas for Piano/Harpischord and Flute (1789)
  1. C Major
  2. G Major
  3. E-flat Major
  1. C major
  2. A major
  3. F major
  • Op.9 - 3 Sonatas [Nos.1-3] (ca. 1789)
  1. B-flat Major
  2. C major
  3. D major
  • Op.10 - 3 Sonatas [Nos.4-6] (ca. 1789)
  1. A Major (ca. 1789)
  2. G minor (ca. 1789)
  3. E Major (ca. 1789)
  1. B-flat major
  2. D major
  3. G minor
  1. C Major
  2. G Major
  3. F Major
  1. C major
  2. F major
  3. G major
  • Op.16 (Boosey & Hawkes, nos.1-6 only)/Op.32 (Corri, Dussek & Co) - 12 Leçons progressives (1794)
  • Op.16 (Artia) - 12 Etudes Melodiques (Fortschreitende Übungen) - this is the same work as the 12 Leçons progressives.
  • Op.17 - Concerto No.4 for Piano/Harpsichord in F Major (ca. 1792)
  • Op.18/19 (Boosey & Hawkes) - 3 Sonatas (ca. 1792)
  1. B-flat Major
  2. A minor [No.7]
  3. E-flat Major
  • Op.19 (Longman & Broderip)/20(Simrock) - 6 Sonatinas for Piano/Harpsichord (1793)
  1. G Major
  2. C Major
  3. F Major
  4. A Major
  5. G Major
  6. E-flat Major
  1. C major
  2. A major
  3. F major
  1. F major
  2. D major
  3. B-flat major
  1. F major (Also Op.25 (Balls))
  2. D major (Also Op.26 (Balls))
  3. G major (Also Op.27 (Balls))
  1. F major
  2. D major
  1. Sonata in B♭ Major, C. 132
  2. Sonata [No.10] in D major C.133
  3. Sonata in C Major, C. 134
  4. Prelude in B♭ Major, C.135
  5. Prelude in D Major, C.136
  6. Prelude in C Major, C.137
  1. E-flat major
  2. B-flat major
  1. B-flat Major [No.11]
  2. G Major [No.12]
  3. C Major [No.13]
  1. G Major [No.14]
  2. C Major [No.15]
  3. B-flat Major [No.16]
  1. B-flat Major [No.19]
  2. G Major [No.20]
  3. D Major
  1. C major
  2. F major
  3. B-flat major
  4. C major
  5. D major
  6. G major
  • Op.47 (Broderip & Wilkinson) - 2 Sonatas (1801)
  1. D Major [No.21]
  2. G Major [No.22]
  1. G Major
  2. D Major
  3. C Major
  • Op.52 - 6 Gesänge (Canzonettas) for Voice and Piano (1804)
  1. Sehnsucht der Liebe "Lass in der Wehmut" = Or che un istante, O Fille = Now while the moment I enjoy
  2. Klafe der liebe "Einsam am Ufer" = A che congiuri = Dearly I love thee
  3. Hoffnung "Süsse Hoffnung, Göttergabe" = Dolce speme del ciel dono = Hope, thou first, thou greatest blessing
  4. Das Warum "Warum verschmäht ihr, o reizende Nymphen" = Leggiadre ninfe = With nymphs who wander
  5. Dauer der Liebe 'lass uns der sel'gen Stunden" = Placa quell'ira, o cara = Dearest Anna, cease thy sheperd to reprove
  6. Eigensinn der Liebe "Eitel sind der Liebe Schmerzen" = Che vorresti, o pastorello? = Shepherd, cease thy fond reproaches
  1. G major
  2. B-flat major
  3. E-flat major
  1. D major
  2. G minor
  3. F major
  1. C major
  2. F major
  3. B-flat major
  1. B-flat Major (Also published as Op.74)
  2. E-flat Major (Arrangement of Op.72 (Boosey & Hawkes))
  3. F Major (Also published as Op.73)
  • Op.69 (Boosey & Hawkes)/Op.72 (Cianchettini & Sperati) - 3 Sonatas (1811)
  1. For Piano and Violin in B-flat major
  2. For Piano and Violin in G major
  3. For Piano in D major [No.25]
  1. Air de troubadour
  2. Air de Mr. Dottor
  3. Amusez-vous, belles
  4. Il étoit un petit homme
  5. Air vive Henry Quatre
  6. Marche from Tamerlan
  1. For Piano and Violin in B-flat Major
  2. For Piano and Violin in G Major
  3. For Piano in D major [No.25]

Works listed by C. number

Based on: Craw, Howard A. A Biography and Thematic Catalog of the Works of J.l. Dussek, 1760-1812. , 1964.
Here for the actual dissertation online: Craw, Howard Allen: A biography and thematic catalog of the works of J.L. Dussek (1760-1812)







  • C.250-256 - 6 Duos faciles et agréables, 2 Violins (1811) Op.58
  • C.256 - Messe solemnelle (1811)
  • C.257 - Lewie Gordon, Piano and Harp (1812)
  • C.258 - The rising of the sun, Piano and Harp (1812)
  • C.259 - Sonata [No.28] in F minor "L'invocation" (1812) Op.77 (Nadermann)
  • C.260-261 - 2 Sonatas for Piano and Violin (1812) Op.Posth.
  • C.262 - Il esorcismo della Podagra, Canon for 4 Voices
  • C.263 - The Brunswick march
  • C.264 - Harp Sonata (Concerto?) in B-flat Major (1813)
  • C.265 - Harp Concerto No.1 in E-flat Major
  • C.266 - Harp Concerto No.2 in F Major
  • C.267 - Harp Concerto No.3 in C Major
  • C.268-277 - 6 Contredances and 4 Waltzes by Mozart
  • C.278 - Fernando's Hochgesang an Clara, Voice and Piano or harp
  • C.279 - Liete e amarosi, Tenor and Orchestra
  • C.280 - La mia testa, Tenor and Orchestra
  • C.281 - Moravian waltz
  • C.282 - Piano Sonata (for six-octave piano)
  • C.283 - Turkish march
  • C.284 - Instructions on the art of playing the piano forte or harpsichord (1796)
  • C.285 - Méthode pour le pianoforte (by Pleyel and Dussek) (1799)
  • C.286 - Klavierschule (1802)
  • C.287 - Pianoforte-Schule (1802)