List of works by Giovanni Bottesini

This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see
Category:Bottesini, Giovanni.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.



Complete Catalogue

A complete catalogue of Bottesini's works, with BOT. numbers, is included in (needs verification): Luigi Inzaghi et al.: Giovanni Bottesini: Virtuoso del contrabbasso e compositore. Milano: Nuove Edizioni, 1989. This catalog is not entirely compatible with IMSLP practices, as arrangements of the same piece (be it under a different title) are given different catalogue numbers.

Operas (complete)

  • Colón en Cuba (Cristoforo Colombo) - Opera in one act. Spanish Libretto by Ramon de Palma. Tacón Theatre Havana January 31, 1848. No known score remains.
  • L'assedio di Firenze (1856)
  • Il Diavolo della Notte (1858)
  • Marion Delorme (1862)
  • Un amour en Bavière
  • Vinciguerra il bandito (1870)
  • Alì Babà (1871)
  • Ero e Leandro (1879)
  • Cedar (1880)
  • La regina del Nepal (1880)
  • Nerina
  • La figlia dell'angelo o Azäele
  • Babele
  • Le Asher del greato

Works for solo double-bass (partial)

Sacred works

Instrumental music not including the solo double bass

  • Morceaux - Viola and piano, Autographed score, Naples
  • Rêverie - Viola and piano, Autographed score, Naples
  • Capriccio - Cello and piano, Autographed score, Milan August 25, 1863
  • Three melodies - Cello and piano, Autographed score, Milan
  • Rêverie - Cello and piano, Autographed score, Naples
  • Various String Quartets
  • Various String Quintets