List of Compositions Featuring the Harmonium

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Harmonium solo

Andlauer, Louis Marie Francois

Battmann, Jacques-Louis

Dallier, Henri

Dubois, Théodore

Franck, César

Guilmant, Alexandre

Guilmant: Mazurka for Harmonium op 35 Gu8ilmant, Alexandre 2 Morceaux pour harmonium op. 23 Karg-Elert, Sigfrid

Mangeon, Edouard

Mustel, Alphonse

Ropartz, Guy

Rousseau, Samuel Alexandre

Tombelle, Fernand de la

Tournemire, Charles

Vierne, Louis

Vilbac, Renaud de

Arrangements and Transcriptions

Sinding, Christian,_Renaud_de)

Harmonium and Piano Duet

Original Compositions

Nicholl, Horace Wadham

Saint-Saëns, Camille

Guilmant, Scherzo Caprisscioso

Arrangements and Transcriptions

Brahms, Johannes

Chopin, Frederic

Dvořák, Antonín

Elgar, Edward

Fesca, Alexander

Handel, George Frideric

Haydn, Joseph

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix

Schumann, Robert

Spohr, Louis

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr

Wagner, Richard

- Prelude, Act I (August Reinhard)
- Einzug in die Gralsburg, Act I (August Reinhard)
- Gralsfeier, Act I (August Reinhard)
- Die Blumenmädchen, Act I (August Reinhard)
- Karfreitagszauber, Act III (August Reinhard)
- Titurels Totenfeier, Act III (August Reinhard)
- Die Erlösung, Act III (August Reinhard)

Other Chamber Music

Beständig, Otto

Darr, Adam

Dvořák, Antonín

Heinisch, Victor

Lorenz, Karl Adolf

Pratella, Francesco Balilla

Reinhard, August

Weber, Carl Maria von

Harmonium and Voices

Brahms, Johannes

Cui, César

  • Ave Maria, Op.34 (Version for Soprano solo, 2-part woman's chorus, "Harmonium ou Piano")

Grieg, Edvard

Indy, Vincent d'

Reger, Max

Schubert, Franz

Tombelle, Fernand de la

Vierne, Louis

Theoretical Publications

Hall, King

Hiles, John

containing theoretical and practical information relative to the various species, and different sizes of Harmoniums, and the capabilities of each; with an explanation of their stops: also general observations upon the management, the blowing, the touch, the fingering, and the registering: followed by some particulars of the AMERICAN ORGAN, and the MUSTEL ORGAN, with a description of their stops.

Mustel, Alphonse