



Franciszek Klukowski (1770–1830) was known in Warsaw since ca.1805. He owned a bookshop, and in 1816 began to publish music. Initially using other printers, in 1822 (same year as Brzezina) Klukowski began to litogtaph his own scores. His publishing house went on under his son Ignacy (1804–1865) up to 1847.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies

  • Fr. Klukowski, F. Klukowski
  • Klukowski
  • Ig. Klukowski (later)


  • w Składzie Muzycznym
  • w Składzie Muzycznym Fr. Klukowskiego
  • w Składzie Muzyki Ig. Klukowskiego


  • Warsaw, przy ulicy Miodowey pod Nm 489

Plate Numbers

Klukowski didn't use plate numbers. Some early scores have instead a catalogue number in corner of the front page. They were not printed instantly, but rather put later (for instance, 3 of 4 available scores of 2 Polonaises for the 1825 Birthday of Konstantin Pavlovich by Karol Kurpiński have this number, but there is no evidence of it on the 4th).

Skład Muzyczny (same as Bureau de musique)

Cat.N. Composer Work Year
Elsner 2 Polonaises for Empress Mother 1818
Kurpiński 2 Polonaises for Maria Feodorovna and Mazurek
Stefani Polonaise melancholique
Stefani Polonaise in B-flat major
78 Kurpiński Polonaise for the 1820 Nameday of Alexander I
97 Kurpiński Polonaise and Mazurek for Genowefa Pusłowska
133 Kurpiński Polonaise for the 1822 Nameday of Alexander I
188 Kurpiński Polonaise for the 1824 Birthday of Elizabeth Alexeievna

Fr. Klukowski (F. Klukowski)

Cat.N. Composer Work Year
Kurpiński Polonaise for the 1825 Nameday of Alexander I
149 Kurpiński Polonaise on themes from 'Zelmira' and Mazurek
234 Kurpiński Polonaise and Mazurek for the last Tuesday of 1825
239 Brzowski 3 Valses from 'La gazza ladra'
245 Kurpiński 2 Polonaises for the 1825 Birthday of Konstantin Pavlovich

Ig. Klukowski

Plate Composer Work Year
Damse Podróż po Europie
Elsner Ave Maria in B-flat major
Elsner 2 Piosnki
Elsner Pastoral Mass, Op.76 1843
Elsner Polish Mass in B-flat major, Op.80 1844
Kurpiński Polonaise for the 1824 Birthday of Elizabeth Alexeievna
Kurpiński Zbiór ulubionych polonezów


Plate Composer Work Year
Kurpiński Polonaise in E-flat major for a 1830 ball (arr. Brzowski)


No imprint

Plate Composer Work Year
Chopin Mazurkas, Op.7 (No.1) 1835 and 1842

Authority Control

Sources Consulted

Sources Not Yet Consulted

(Containing information about Klukowski)