Jean White




Founded by Jean White (d.1884) in Boston in 1867 this music publisher focused on the publication of band and orchestra music. The firm published a monthly magazine entitled The Leader. After the founder's death in 1884 his widow managed the firm (at least through 1894). The business appears to have closed down sometime between 1908 and 1910.

Jean White does not appear to have been connected with the publisher White, Smith & Co. which was also founded in Boston in 1867.



Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Jean White


  • Boston
226 Washington St.

Plate Numbers

  • Plate numbers appear in the following formats: ###. Dates in italics are estimated.
Plate Composer Work Year
893 Schlepegrell Grand Potpourri (parts) 1884

All Plates

 / 5  
Plate #Full PlateComposerWorkIMSLP #Full YearYear
10621062Klosé, Hyacinthe EléonoreMéthode complète de clarinette#3448918791879
10711071, 1072, 1091, 1093, 1095, 1098, 1136-1141Jean WhiteWhite's Ballroom Orchestra#6657941879-18831879
Devienne, FrançoisNouvelle méthode théorique et pratique pour la flûte#26267618801880
10911091, 1093, 1095Jean WhiteWhite's Ballroom Orchestra#66579518801880
850850Schlepegrell, RichardExcelsior Quadrille#64303218811881
851851Schlepegrell, RichardNonpareil Quadrille#64205318811881
862862Schlepegrell, RichardVictory Quadrille#64442718821882
11261126-22Dancla, CharlesLe mélodiste, Op.86#11949818821882
11361136Jean WhiteWhite's Ballroom Orchestra#66579818821882
Total: 46 items


Sources Consulted

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