Improved Psalmody (Tattersall, William de Chair)

Sheet Music


Engraver T. Skillern
Publisher. Info. London: Messrs. Rivingtons; Leigh & Sotheby, 1794.


5 more: Treble I - Psalms 42-75 & appendix • Treble II - Psalms 1-41 • Treble II - Psalms 42-75 & appendix • Bass - Psalms 1-41 • Bass - Psalms 42-75 & appendix

Publisher. Info. London: H.L. Galabin, 1795.

General Information

Work Title Improved Psalmody
Alternative. Title
Composer Tattersall, William de Chair
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 218 settings in 3 parts: [more...]
  • Part 1: Psalms 1-25
  1. Harwood: Oh how blest the Man whose ear (lyrics set to Vital Spark of Heav'nly Flame) (Psalm 1)
  2. Cooke: Why thus enrag'd ye Tribes profane? (Psalm 2:1-5)
  3. Parsons: Thy Will, great Father, I obey (Psalm 2:6-9)
  4. Richard Worgan: Ye kings, from error's sleep arise (Psalm 2:10-12)
  5. Cooke: Behold My God (Psalm 3:1-5)
  6. Hayes: Defender of my rightful cause (Psalm 4:1-4)
  7. Webbe: I hear a hopeless train demand (Psalm 4:5-7)
  8. Cooke: The Words That From My Lips Proceed (Psalm 5:1-6)
  9. Webbe: Behold me by a troop enclosed (Psalm 5:7-11)
  10. Cooke: O spare me Lord nor o'er my head (Psalm 6:1-4)
  11. Hayes: O save me, Lord, and to my foes (Psalm 7:1-5)
  12. Parsons: Rise, mightiest Lord, triumphant rise (Psalm 7:6-9)
  13. Shield: To God, my soul, for help repair (Psalm 7:10-14)
  14. Webbe: Immortal King, through earth's wide frame (Psalm 8:1-5)
  15. Stevens: Lord, what is man, that in thy care (Psalm 8:5-8)
  16. Dupuis: Warmed to its inmost depth, my breast (Psalm 9:1-7)
  17. Callcott: Come, ye who in the dangerous hour (Psalm 9:8-13)
  18. Webbe: Low in the pit for others made (Psalm 9:14-19)
  19. Richard Worgan: Say, Lord, why thus thy aiding power (Psalm 10:1-6)
  20. Osborne Wight: The sinner's lips, with curses fraught (Psalm 10:7-12)
  21. Shield: What eyes like thine, eternal Sire (Psalm 10:15-20)
  22. Cooke: On God My Steadfast Hopes Rely (Psalm 11:1-3)
  23. Parsons: O help me, Lord; for none I see (Psalm 12:1-6)
  24. Callcott: Pure are thy words, almighty Lord (Psalm 12:7-9)
  25. Cooke: How long shall I, my God, in vain (Psalm 13)
  26. Callcott: Behold the fool, whose heart denies (Psalm 14:1-4)
  27. Shield: O say what ignorance could blind (Psalm 14:5-9)
  28. Cooke: Who shall tow'rd thy chosen seat (Psalm 15:1-3)
  29. Dupuis: Father of all, my soul defend (Psalm 16:1-6)
  30. Stevens: Thee let me bless, the faithful guide (Psalm 16:7-11)
  31. Cooke: To thee the judge (Psalm 17:1-5)
  32. Hayes: Rich in my spoils, with murth'rous hate (Psalm 17:6-9)
  33. Stevens: Blest object of my soul's desire (Psalm 18:1-6)
  34. Shield: My words, as grieved to God I pray (Psalm 18:6-9, 16)
  35. Stevens: God to his car the cherub joined (Psalm 18:10-15)
  36. Dupuis: God in my rescue from the skies (Psalm 18:16-22)
  37. Hayes: Thy ways to ours conform: in thee (Psalm 18:23-28)
  38. Parsons: What God but thee shall Israel know (Psalm 18:29-35)
  39. Osborne Wight: Blest Lord! 'twas thy resistless pow'r (Psalm 18:36-41)
  40. Shield: Blest be the living God, whose aid (Psalm 18:42-45)
  41. Anonymous: God the heav'ns aloud proclaim (Psalm 19:1-7)
  42. Pleyel: Warmth and life each thankful heart (Psalm 19:8-14)
  43. Cooke: Blest Instructor, from thy ways (Psalm 19:15-19)
  44. Cooke: May he who heaven and earth obey (Psalm 20:1-5)
  45. Hayes: I see, I see th'Almighty shed (Psalm 20:6-10)
  46. Callcott: By thy unwearied strength upheld (Psalm 21:1-5)
  47. Dupuis: Thou, Lord, shalt find each latent foe (Psalm 21:6-10)
  48. Cooke: My God my God O tell me (Psalm 22:1-6)
  49. Parsons: Thine, mightiest Father, thine I am (Psalm 22:7-13)
  50. Webbe: A hostile throng, who thee despise (Psalm 22:14-19)
  51. Osborne Wight: I joy, O Lord, thy honoured name (Psalm 22:20-26)
  52. Dupuis: Maker of all! through every land (Psalm 22:27-31)
  53. Webbe: Lo! my Shepherd's hand divine (Psalm 23:1-3)
  54. Robert Broderip: Earth, big with empires, to thy reign (Psalm 24:1-6)
  55. Cooke: Lift, lift your heads, each hallowed gate (Psalm 24:7-10)
  56. Hayes: To thee, great God, my soul shall rise (Psalm 25:1-5)
  57. Callcott: Good, Lord, and just art thou; thy love (Psalm 25:6-9)
  58. Osborne Wight: Ye souls that to his fear incline (Psalm 25:10-13)
  59. Dupuis: Wrapped in the hostile snare I lie (Psalm 25:14-19)
  • Part 2: Psalms 26-50
  1. Stevens: Be thou my judge: thy searching eyes (Psalm 26:1-4)
  2. Haydn: How oft, instinct with warmth divine (Psalm 26:5-8)
  3. Webbe: Thou, Lord, my safety, thou, my light (Psalm 27:1-3)
  4. Hayes: One wish, with holy transport warm (Psalm 27:4-8)
  5. Tattersall: O hear me, Lord; on thee I call (Psalm 27:9-14)
  6. Dupuis: Instruct me, Lord, thy path to know (Psalm 27:15-18)
  7. Stevens: God, my strength, to thee I pray (Psalm 27:1-3)
  8. Cooke: Let me, (for with pitying ear) (Psalm 28:4-5)
  9. Callcott: Sing, ye sons of might, O sing (Psalm 29:1-6)
  10. Parsons: Now the bursting clouds give way (Psalm 29:7-11)
  11. Shield: To thee, great ruler of the skies (Psalm 30:1-5)
  12. Osborne Wight: O Lord, as pleased I looked around (Psalm 30:6-10)
  13. Smith: Lord, for on thee supported stand (Psalm 31:1-4)
  14. Atterbury: God of my strength, the wise, the just (Psalm 31:5-10)
  15. Shield: The guilt that in my thought revolves (Psalm 31:11-15)
  16. Arnold: O let thy presence on me beam (Psalm 31:16-20)
  17. Haydn: Blest be the name of Jacob's God (Psalm 31:21-24)
  18. Dupuis: How blest the man whose conscious grief (Psalm 32:1-6)
  19. Hayes: My humbled soul its crimes shall own (Psalm 32:7-11)
  20. Arnold: Come, from thy God instruction learn (Psalm 32:12-15)
  21. Osborne Wight: Ye saints, to you the task belongs (Psalm 33:1-2)
  22. Parsons: God's words eternal truth has sealed (Psalm 33:3-5)
  23. Webbe: Their counsels vain the heathen tribes (Psalm 33:6-7)
  24. Smith: Wide o'er the sons of earth his eye (Psalm 33:8-11)
  25. Callcott: Thee will I thank, and day by day (Psalm 34:1-4)
  26. Atterbury: Behold a heart with woes oppressed (Psalm 34:5-9)
  27. Cooke: Ye children, come; my precepts hear (Psalm 34:10-13)
  28. Parsons: With suppliant voice, in each distress (Psalm 34:14-19)
  29. Callcott: Do thou, just God, my cause defend (Psalm 35:1-2)
  30. Hayes: My foes, O Lord, with causeless hate (Psalm 35:3-4)
  31. Richard Sampson: A prey to want, oppressed with wrong (Psalm 35:5-6)
  32. Arnold: Dissolved in tears, with languor worn (Psalm 35:7-8)
  33. Dupuis: How long wilt thou, my God, how long (Psalm 35:9-10)
  34. Webbe: Lord, thou th'oppressor's rage hast seen (Psalm 35:11-13)
  35. Osborne Wight: Behold the wretch, in error lost (Psalm 36:1-3)
  36. Stevens: Thy mercy, Lord, to heav'n extends (Psalm 36:4-9)
  37. Smith: Lord, may the souls who thee have known (Psalm 36:10-12)
  38. Callcott: Let not the sinner's wealth or might (Psalm 37:1-4)
  39. Shield: See, from their dwelling torn, th'unjust (Psalm 37:5-6)
  40. Atterbury: Gnashing his teeth, the fool prepares (Psalm 37:7-11)
  41. Thomas Danvers Worgan: Who know not thee, great God, to dread (Psalm 37:12-15)
  42. Richard Cooke: From ill recede, to good incline (Psalm 37:16-19)
  43. Hayes: Wait on thy God, observe his ways (Psalm 37:20-23)
  44. Arnold: O spare me, Lord, nor o'er my head (Psalm 38:1-5)
  45. Dupuis: Behold my heart with anguish torn (Psalm 38:6-11)
  46. Parsons: Thou know'st the tenor of my prayer (Psalm 38:12-17)
  47. Osborne Wight: My steps discretion's rules shall guide (Psalm 39:1-8)
  48. Webbe: Where, Lord, shall I my refuge see? (Psalm 39:9-14)
  49. Stevens: To thee, great God, my knees I bend (Psalm 39:15-17)
  50. Callcott: With patient hope my God I sought (Psalm 40:1-3)
  51. Smith: No sacrifice thy love can win (Psaln 40:4-6)
  52. Shield: The faithful witness to thy fame (Psalm 40:7-9)
  53. Atterbury: Haste to thy servant's rescue, haste (Psalm 40:10-12)
  54. Stevens: Blest who with generous pity glows (Psalm 41:1-4)
  55. Cooke: O let me, Lord, thy mercy share (Psalm 41:5-11)
  56. Haydn: Maker of all! Be thou my guard (Psalm 41:12-16)
  57. Osborne Wight: As pants the hart for cooling springs (Psalm 42:1-8)
  58. Dupuis: When various griefs beset my soul (Psalm 42:9-12)
  59. Hayes: God of my strength, attend my cry (Psalm 42:13-16)
  60. Arnold: O weigh me, Lord, in equal scale (Psalm 43:1-7)
  61. Parsons: Taught by our sires, great God, our ear (Psalm 44:1-3)
  62. Webbe: Thee, Lord, our King, and thee alone (Psalm 44:4-6)
  63. Smith: Thy wonted aid, great God, withheld (Psalm 44:7-10)
  64. Shield: Though torn with grief, with dread oppressed (Psalm 44:11-16)
  65. Atterbury: My heart its noblest theme has found (Psalm 45:1-6)
  66. Cooke: O God, through ages lasts thy throne (Psalm 45:7-12)
  67. Richard Worgan: Imperial Tyre, that, throned on high (Psalm 45:13-19)
  68. Hayes: On thee, great ruler of the skies (Psalm 46:1-3)
  69. Arnold: Behold fair Sion's blest retreat (Psalm 46:4-8)
  70. Dupuis: O come, behold a scene of dread (Psalm 46:9-12)
  71. Robert Broderip: Arise, ye people, clap the hand (Psalm 47:1-4)
  72. Parsons: Sing to our God; in loudest strain (Psalm 47:5-9)
  73. Shield: Great is our God; with warmest zeal (Psalm 48:1-5)
  74. Callcott: Lord, what our ears long since have known (Psalm 48:6-9)
  75. Stevens: Let Sion's heav'n-devoted mount (Psalm 48:10-13)
  76. Smith: Ye nations, hear! ye sons of earth (Psalm 49:1-3)
  77. Webbe Jr.: Why should my soul with anxious dread (Psalm 49:4-7)
  78. Atterbury: Thou seest the man, in wisdom's school (Psalm 49:8-13)
  79. Cooke: Ye just, exulting, lift your eyes (Psalm 49:14-20)
  80. Haydn: The Lord, th'almighty monarch, spake (Psalm 50:1-6)
  81. Hayes: With humblest awe, my people hear (Psalm 50:7-14)
  82. Arnold: Thou wretch, by discipline unawed (Psalm 50:15-21)
  83. Osborne Wight: Ye souls forgetful of my fear (Psalm 50:22-23)
  • Part 3: Psalms 51-75
  1. Arnold: O Lord, whose mercies' vast amount (Psalm 51:1-8)
  2. Parsons: O turn, great Ruler of the skies (Psalm 51:9-14)
  3. Cooke: No victims, Lord, in solemn rite (Psalm 51:15-19)
  4. Webbe: Why, tyrant, boasts thy heart the power (Psalm 52:1-4)
  5. Smith: The just, with thankful awe possessed (Psalm 52:5-8)
  6. Callcott: Behold the fool, whose heart denies (Psalm 53:1-4)
  7. Shield: O say what ignorance could blind (Psalm 53:5-9)
  8. Stevens: Thy name my stedfast heart avows (Psalm 54:1-3)
  9. Handel: O hear my voice, all-potent Sire (Psalm 55:1-5)
  10. Atterbury: Lord, smite my foes, divide their tongue (Psalm 55:6-11)
  11. Cooke: God, as with fervent lips I pray (Psalm 55:12-19)
  12. Smith: O reach me, Lord, thy aiding power (Psalm 56:1-4)
  13. Hayes: My grief to thine observing eye (Psalm 56:5-8)
  14. Shield: Thy mercy, Lord, amidst my woes (Psalm 57:1-4)
  15. Arnold: The lions round me roar aloud (Psalm 57:5-8)
  16. Dupuis: My heart is fixed, almighty Sire (Psalm 57:9-14)
  17. Webbe: Ye whose lips the cause decide (Psalm 58:1-4)
  18. Parsons: Smite, great God, the lions' cheek (Psalm 58:5-9)
  19. Callcott: Th'impending storm, my God, assuage (Psalm 59:1-5)
  20. Harington: Rock of my strength, to thee on high (Psalm 59:6-8)
  21. Stevens: Strike, Lord, O strike the needful blow (Psalm 59:9-11)
  22. Smith: Repulsed, dispersed, chastised by thee (Psalm 60:1-5)
  23. Atterbury: God's truth shall ne'er forget to guard (Psalm 60:6-10)
  24. Cooke: Behold us, Lord, oppressed with woe (Psalm 60:11-13)
  25. Shield: Oppressed with grief, in exile lost (Psalm 61:1-5)
  26. Haydn: Long life shall Israel's king behold (Psalm 61:6-8)
  27. Parsons: My soul in God its rest has found (Psalm 62:1-4)
  28. Hayes: Thee, Lord, my glory, thee alone (Psalm 62:5-8)
  29. Robert Broderip: Thou art my God; to thee my eyes (Psalm 63:1-4)
  30. Arnold: Thou moon, be witness if my bed (Psalm 63:5-8)
  31. Dupuis: Thine ear, thou Majesty divine (Psalm 64:1-6)
  32. Callcott: Ah! whither shall the murderers fly? (Psalm 64:7-10)
  33. Parsons: Thee Sion's praise, O Lord, attends (Psalm 65:1-3)
  34. Richard Sampson: Let Israel's tribes, their foes o'erthrown (Psalm 65:4-6)
  35. Webbe: Thou teachest, Lord, the grateful soil (Psalm 65:7-9)
  36. Dupuis: Ye sons of heav'n, in God rejoice (Psalm 66:1-4)
  37. Stevens: O come and view with reverent thought (Psalm 66:5-8)
  38. Smith: Ye nations all, of various tongue (Psalm 66:9-13)
  39. Atterbury: Lo, to thy dome, my God and King (Psalm 66:14-18)
  40. Cooke: May God His Fav'ring Ear (Psalm 67)
  41. Thomas Danvers Worgan: Let God arise, and let his foes (Psalm 68:1-3)
  42. Hayes: Your songs for Israel's God prepare (Psalm 68:4-7)
  43. Arnold: O Lord, when o'er th'extended waste (Psalm 68:8-11)
  44. Callcott: Heav'n's mighty monarch gave the word (Psalm 68:12-16)
  45. Richard Sampson: No more, O Basan, vaunt thy height (Psalm 68:17-22)
  46. Webbe: To God, our ever-constant aid (Psalm 68:23-28)
  47. Shield: My God, my King, with joyful view (Psalm 68:29-32)
  48. Stevens: Strong in thy God, O Israel, rise (Psalm 68:33-38)
  49. Smith: God o'er the skies, in awful state (Psalm 68:39-42)
  50. Parsons: To thee I call; O haste thee near (Psalm 69:1-3)
  51. Atterbury: Behold my foes, around me spread (Psalm 69:4-6)
  52. Cooke: O let not, heav'nly Lord, thine aid (Psalm 69:7-12)
  53. Haydn: O let me in th'accepted hour (Psalm 69:13-17)
  54. Hayes: Thine ears have heard each insult keen (Psalm 69:18-24)
  55. Arnold: Let all, whose hearts no warnings bend (Psalm 69:25-28)
  56. Dupuis: Ye meek, who seek God's saving aid (Psalm 69:29-31)
  57. Callcott: Haste to my aid, my Saviour, haste (Psalm 70:1-3)
  58. Harington: On thee, O God, with steady frame (Psalm 71:1-7)
  59. Webbe: O let me not, almighty friend (Psalm 71:8-13)
  60. Shield: Thy mercies, Lord, all praise surmount (Psalm 71:14-18)
  61. Stevens: How great thy power, thy works how great (Psalm 71:19-24)
  62. Dupuis: Instruct, great God, the kingly heart (Psalm 72:1-4)
  63. Smith: Thy fear succeeding times shall own (Psalm 72:5-9)
  64. Atterbury: Before Messiah's presence meet (Psalm 72:10-14)
  65. Cooke: Lift to the mountain's height your eyes (Psalm 72:15-19)
  66. Richard Worgan: Yes, mightiest Lord, my soul has known (Psalm 73:1-4)
  67. Hayes: Forbid the general lot to share (Psalm 73:5-8)
  68. Arnold: Untaught to scan thy wise decree (Psalm 73:9-13)
  69. Parsons: My heart, awhile by grief assailed (Psalm 73:14-19)
  70. Cooke: Such woes, in error's fetters chained (Psalm 73:20-26)
  71. Callcott: O thou, whose hand has Israel led (Psalm 74:1-7)
  72. Webbe: Along the violated dome (Psalm 74:8-14)
  73. Shield: Thee from of old my King I see (Psalm 74:15-22)
  74. Stevens: Parent of nature! God supreme (Psalm 74:23-28)
  75. Smith: Thy name, immortal God, thy name (Psalm 75:1-4)
  76. Atterbury: Shall power, to east or west inclined (Psalm 75:5-9)
First Publication. 1794
Librettist predominantly James Merrick (1720–1769).
Also includes selections from the Old Version: 1, 5, 6, 8, 15, 18, 23
Language English
Dedication The King (George III)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Classical
Piece Style Classical
Instrumentation 3 voices (SSB) or mixed chorus; 2 mixed choruses (SSB)
External Links CPDL page with contents listing

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Only Vol. 1 of the work was issued. The main part of this consists of 218 settings of texts from Psalms 1-75, while the expected Vol. 2, to include Psalms 76-150, never appeared.
Includes music written especially for this publication by Joseph Haydn (6 settings), William Shield, Samuel Webbe and others.
Composers currently without IMSLP pages:

  • Richard Cooke I
  • Osborne Wight
  • Richard Worgan
  • Robert Broderip
  • Thomas Danvers Parsons