IMSLP:Community Projects/MIT archive

This project page concerns the acquirement of the MIT archive of more than 14,000 files, as first announced on the forums.



Project Members

Active: goldberg988, daphnis, emeraldimp, physicist, Carolus, horndude77, Peter, Mcroskell, Guifre, Matthew, nerd011235, jujimufu, perlnerd666

Project Status

The project is divided into 26 chunks based on the first letter of the composer. If you need a letter to do, please take the next letter not being done, and put it in the "in progress" section. You should also keep track of the last composer that you finished, either on this page (bracketed besides the letter you are doing), or on your user page.

  • To do: B,C,J,R,S, Piano Exercises (Note: Exercises mostly CDSM)
  • Done: A,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z
  • In progress:
B (Mcroskell)
C (Horndude77)
J (nerd011235)
R (Guifre)
R (from the bottom up) (jujimufu)
S (Peter talk)


The following must be checked for each score to be submitted:

  • Copyright status. Not all files from this source are public domain on IMSLP (especially since this is a private collection)!
  • Whether it is a duplicate of a file already on IMSLP - some files actually come directly from IMSLP.

Stylistic Guidelines

Since the collection itself is mostly gotten from the internet, there are no standard stylistic guidelines other than what is already in effect on IMSLP. However, to facilitate tracking of which files have been done, please add the template {{MIT project}} to the "Misc. Notes" field of the file entry.

File Naming

Some points about the file naming that was brought up by the donor:

  1. As you will see, they are simply filed by composer (or transcriber).
  3. Thus,
  5. scores/Godowsky/Schubert-Godowsky #08 Morgengrüss (alt).pdf
  7. is Leopold Godowsky's arrangement of Schubert's Morgengrüss.
  9. Generally, the file naming convention is simply
  11. Composer Number Title [key] (edition).pdf
  13. or
  15. Composer-Transcriber ...
  17. The Number is an opus number (op10n2) or a year [ (1933) ], typically.
  18. The key is in upper(major) or lower(minor) case, with a # or "b" (in c#, in Gb, etc)
  20. Thus:
  22. Bach, Johann Christian op17n2 Sonata
  23. Chopin (1839) Trois Nouvelles Etudes.pdf
  24. Chopin (1839) Trois Nouvelles Etudes.pdf
  25. Kreisler-Rachmaninoff (1925) Liebesfreud.pdf
  26. Medtner op33 Piano Concerto #1 in c.pdf
  27. Beethoven-Dohnányi Cadenza from Piano Concerto #4 in G.pdf
  28. Schubert-Dohnányi (1925) Valses Nobles.pdf
  30. In common directory listings, this means works under a composer are generally sorted chronologically,
  31. with transcriptions broken out. It's a very handy canonical nomenclature.