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- 1 Performances
- 2 Sheet Music
- 3 General Information
- 4 Navigation etc.
- 4.1 Information
- 4.1.1 General
- 4.1.2 Album 1, W277
- 4.1.3 Album 2, W278
- 4.1.4 Album 3, W279
- 4.1.5 Album 4, W280
- 4.1.6 Album 5, W281
- 4.1.7 Album 6, W282
- 4.1.8 Album 7, W283
- 4.1.9 Album 8, W358
- 4.1.10 Album 9, W359
- 4.1.11 Album 10, W284
- 4.1.12 Album 11, W473
Album 1, W277
⇒ 4 more: 2. A maré encheu • 3. A roseira • 4. Manquinha • 5. Na corda da viola
Performer Pages
José Vieira Brandão (piano)
Publisher Info.
José Vieira Brandão interpreta Villa-Lobos — Sinter, 1954.
Misc. Notes
Source: Instituto Piano Brasileiro
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Performer Pages
Homero de Magalhães (piano)
Publisher Info.
Decca, 1959.
Homero de Magalhães e a Música Brasileira - Sinter, n.d. SLP-1511.
Misc. Notes
Source: Instituto Piano Brasileiro
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Sheet Music
Edition revised by the composer
Publisher. Info.
New York: Consolidated Music Publishers, Inc., 1949.
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Album No.1, W277
Publisher. Info.
Rio de Janiero: H. Villa-Lobos, 1945.
São Paulo: Irmãos Vitale, 1976. Plate 5 V. L.
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Album No.2, W278
PDF scanned by Kenneth Gill
KGill (2010/6/26)
First edition (reprint)
Publisher. Info.
Paris: Eschig, n.d.[1957].
Boca Raton: Masters Music Publications, 1993. Catalog M 2033.
Misc. Notes
300dpi B/W Contents and information
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Album No.3, W279
PDF scanned by Kenneth Gill
KGill (2010/6/26)
First edition (reprint)
Publisher. Info.
Paris: Eschig, n.d.[1957].
Boca Raton: Masters Music Publications, 1992. Catalog M 1950.
Misc. Notes
300dpi B/W Contents and information
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Album No.6, W282
PDF scanned by Unknown
worov (2012/3/26)
First edition (reprint)
Publisher. Info.
New York: Mercury Music Corporation, 1947. Plate M. P.-P.-10.
Bryn Mawr: Theodor Presser, n.d. Plate 450-00377.
Misc. Notes
Contents and information
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Album No.7, W283
PDF scanned by Unknown
worov (2012/3/26)
First edition (reprint)
Publisher. Info.
New York: Mercury Music Corporation, 1947. Plate M. P.-P.-11.
Bryn Mawr: Theodor Presser, n.d. Plate 450-00377.
Misc. Notes
Contents and information
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Album No.9, W359
PDF scanned by Unknown
worov (2012/3/26)
First edition
Publisher. Info.
New York: Consolidated Music Publishers, 1948.
Misc. Notes
Contents and information
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General Information
Work Title
Guia prático (piano)
Alternative. Title
Estudo Folclorico Musical
Villa-Lobos, Heitor
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No.
W277 (Album 1), 278 (2), 279 (3), 280 (4), 281 (5), 282 (6), 283 (7), 284 (10), 358 (8), 359 (9), 473 (11)
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No.
None [force assignment]
11 albums (see below for listings of individual albums)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp.
1932 (Nos.1-7, 10) 1935 (Nos.8-9) 1947 (No.11)
First Performance.
See below
First Publication.
1945 (No.1) 1947 (Nos.6-7) 1948 (No.9) 1953 (No.11) 1957 (Nos.2-3) 1973 (No.8) 1987 (No.4-5, 10)
see below
- José Vieira Brandão (1911–2002)
- Julieta d'Almeida Strutt
- Arnaldo Estrela (1908–1980)
- Magda Tagliaferro (1894–1986)
- Anna Stella Schic (1925–2009)
- William Kapell (1922–1953)
- -
- -
- -
- Sônia Maria Strutt
- Mieczysław Horszowski (1892–1993)
Average DurationAvg. Duration
1. 10 minutes 2. 8 minutes 3. 6 minutes 4. 8 minutes 5. 10 minutes 6. 10 minutes 7. 10 minutes 8. 12 minutes 9. 12 minutes 10. 12 minutes 11. 10 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Early 20th century
Piece Style
Early 20th century
Navigation etc.
Guia prático is a large compilation of folk songs from various parts of Brazil. It was released by Villa-Lobos as part of his plan to reform the music educational system of Brazil, which he did through his position as director of the Superindendência de Educação Musical e Artistica (which he held from 1932 to 1944). The work was intended to be "a practical guide to musical and artistic education" (Appleby 68).
In 1932, Villa-Lobos released a set of 137 folk songs arranged for chorus. This was originally to be the first part of the first volume of a six-volume series. Guia prático was the title for the entire set; the first volume was to contain popular children's songs. Unfortunately, he only ever completed the first volume. He did, however, produce five other volumes of choral music from folk, religious, and civic sources, also intended for instructional purposes for what he called 'orpheonic singing' (canto orfeônico).
The piano albums detailed on this page are arrangements Villa-Lobos made that were taken from the original 137 melodies of Volume 1.
Album 1, W277
- Nos.1, 2, 3, and 5 were premiered 11 November, 1939, in Rio de Janeiro. No.4 was premiered 13 November, 1941, in Rio de Janeiro, with José Vieira Brandão
- Dedicated to José Vieira Brandão
- Acordei de madrugada
- A maré encheu
- A roseira (2nd version)
- Manquinha
- Na corda da viola
Album 2, W278
- Nos.1, 2, 4, and 5 were premiered 27 November, 1939, in Rio de Janeiro, with José Vieira Brandão
- Dedicated to Julieta d'Almeida Strutt
- Brinquedo
- Machadinha
- Espanha
- Samba-le-le
- Senhora Dona Viúva (1st version)
Album 3, W279
- Nos.2, 4, and 5 were premiered 27 November, 1939, in Rio de Janeiro, with José Vieira Brandão
- Dedicated to Arnaldo Estrela
- O pastorzinho
- João Cambuête
- A freira
- Garibaldi foi à missa
- O pião
Album 4, W280
- Dedicated to Magdalena Tagliaferro
- O pobre e o rico
- Rosa amarela (2nd version)
- Olha o passarinho, domine
- O gato
- O sim
Album 5, W281
- Nos.1 and 2 were premiered 13 November, 1941, in Rio de Janeiro. No.3 was premiered 27 November, 1939, in Rio de Janeiro, with José Vieira Brandão
- Dedicated to Anna Stella Schic
- Os pombinhos
- Você diz que sabe tudo
- Có-có-có
- O bastião (Mia gato)
- A condessa
Album 6, W282
- Dedicated to William Kapell
- Sonho de uma criança (corresponds to original No.122)
- O corcunda (corresponds to original No.42)
- O carangueijo (1st version) (corresponds to original No.29)
- A pombinha voou (corresponds to original No.103)
- Vamos atrás da serra, Oh! Calunga! (corresponds to original No.126)
Album 7, W283
- Nos.1 and 3 were premiered 13 November, 1941, in Rio de Janeiro. No.2 was premiered 27 November, 1939, in Rio de Janeiro, with José Vieira Brandão
- No fundo do meu quintal (corresponds to original No.57)
- Vai, abóbora (corresponds to original No.125)
- Vamos Maruca (corresponds to original No.128)
- Os pombinhos (corresponds to original No.102)
- Anda à roda (corresponds to original No.7)
Album 8, W358
- O limão
- Carambola
- Pobre cega
- Pai Francisco
- Xô! Passarinho!
- Sinh 'Aninha
- Vestidinho branco
Album 9, W359
- Nos.1, 4, and 6 premiered 27 November, 1939, in Rio de Janeiro. Nos.2 and 5 premiered 13 Novemeber, 1941, in Rio de Janeiro, with José Vieira Brandão
- Laranjeira pequenina (corresponds to original No.67)
- Pombinha rolinha (corresponds to original No.100)
- O ciranda, O cirandinha (corresponds to original No.35)
- A velha que tinha nove filhos (corresponds to original No.129)
- Constante (corresponds to original No.40)
- O castelo (corresponds to original No.32)
Album 10, W284
- Nos.2 and 6 were premiered 13 November, 1941, in Rio de Janeiro, with José Vieira Brandão. No.3 was premiered 12 October, 1949, with Noemi Bittencourt
- Dedicated to Sônia Maria Strutt
- De flor em flor
- Atché
- Nésta rua
- Fui no itororó (1st version)
- Mariquita muchaca
- No jardim celestial
Album 11, W473
- Premiered 12 October, 1949, in Rio de Janeiro, with Noemi Bittencourt
- Dedicated to Mieczyslaw Horszowski
- O anel
- Nigue ninhas
- Pobre cega (1st version)
- A cotia
- Vida formosa
- Viva o carnaval