Fantaisie orientale (Ollone, Max d')

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Sheet Music

Scores and Parts

Publisher. Info. Paris: Evette & Schaeffer, n.d.(1921). Plate E. & S. 834.
Reprinted 15 Grand solos de concert (pp.101-15)
Cincinnati: Albert J. Andraaud, n.d.[1944].
Reissue - San Antonio: Southern Music Publishing Co., 1958.
Misc. Notes See Melos, 02.Jg. 1921, 1 September 1921 issue, page 276 Some of the items listed on this page are ©1920, so exact dating here probably unwise.
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Publisher. Info. Paris: Evette & Schaeffer, n.d.(1921). Plate E. & S. 834.
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General Information

Work Title Fantaisie orientale
Alternative. Title
Composer Ollone, Max d'
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IMO 4
Key B-flat major
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 1
First Performance. 1913
First Publication. 1921
Average DurationAvg. Duration 6 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation clarinet (Bâ™­) and piano

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Concours du Conservatoire National de Musique de Paris (1913).

Also exists in a manuscript clarinet and orchestra arrangement (by the composer?) held at the Fleisher Collection.